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By Tom Fairbanks (ISA)
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Mocking God & the Constitution – Barbie & Ken vs Goliath IRS

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The deception displayed by the Court and Prosecution in the Federal Case against Ken Cromar exposes just how serious the battle between Barbie & Ken vs Goliath IRS actually is. While the desperation of the IRS and DOJ to convict Barbie & Ken demonstrates the vulnerability of the IRS and its orchestrated scheme to defraud and fleece the American public (We the People).

Despite Ken Cromar’s filing asking the court for a delay so he could subpoena witnesses for the hearing on Cromar’s Motion to Dismiss, the 5:30 am wake-up call on February 8, 2024, “Cromar, you have court today,“ was a clear indication that Judge Nielson had already made up his mind.  At one o’clock, Judge Nielson told Ken Cromar that he had read all of Cromar’s arguments carefully about why the court lacked jurisdiction (authority to hear this case as presented by the government prosecutor) but Judge Nielson said he was not persuaded.  He then explained his thinking and even provided Supreme Court sites to support his analysis, and then said, “Therefore, Defendant Cromar’s motion to dismiss is denied.”  

Cromar stated, “It should have been unnerving and stressful, but today it was not.  I felt amazing peace and had great faith that our motion to dismiss could kill the case and drop all the charges, but equally as much faith to trust God’s will and His timing.  Either way, I was at complete peace.”

Conspicuously absent from the hearing was Prosecutor Mark Woolf, who had previously stated he was quitting the case, yet continued to prosecute Cromar even after the addition of a Special Prosecutor from Washington DC. – This radical change in direction makes me wonder if this is evidence that the prosecution is monitoring the articles and comments about Barbie & Ken in an effort to subvert Ken Cromar’s defenses?  It is certainly an interesting observation.

Mr. Woolf’s attempt to get Ken Cromar to plead to “submitting false documents to the IRS” exposed just how serious the IRS’s ruling that the Cromars DID NOT and NEVER DID OWE ANY TAXES is to the prosecution.  This is the smoking gun and everyone now knows it. The IRS and DOJ’s posture of “Win At All Costs” mandates that IRS’s ruling must be destroyed as though it never happened. This is a “no holds barred” moment for the IRS and DOJ because they cannot allow the public to see Barbie & Ken prevail or else everyone will finally know the truth about the fraudulent IRS.

The evidence shows the orchestrated collusion of those who have perpetrated this Crime Against Barbie & Ken, which began in the Utah Federal Court under Chief Judge Robert J. Shelby who, without a single hearing, ordered the sale of the Cromar Home. Then after Judge Shelby refused to continue to protect the fraudulent buyer, “Bishop” Bellinston, the case was moved to a lower court, the Fourth District Court in Provo Utah under Judge Christine Johnson, without the approval of Judge Shelby. The Cromars filed numerous lawsuits in an attempt to protect themselves, their life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, which each of the courts claimed were frivolous filings. (Denial of Constitution Rights)

Barbie & Ken filed Petitions in the US Tax Court demanding Copies of the Notices of Deficiency and Notices of Determination that were required to be sent to the Cromar before any legal action could be made against them. Following a thorough search of the IRS records the IRS filed a Motion to Dismiss the Petitions with the US Tax Court on the grounds that No Notices of Deficiency or Notices of Determination existed in the IRS records. Then the US Tax Court Ordered the Petitions to be Dismissed and Acknowledged that Barbie & Ken DID NOT and NEVER DID OWN ANY TAXES for the tax years 1990 through 2020.   

Over joyed with the News of their Victory over the IRS, Barbie & Ken made an appointment to meet with their LDS Bishop and Stake President so they could share the news of their victory with them. At the appointment, however, Barbie & Ken were not allowed to speak, but instead they were presented with a Notice of Trespass informing them that they would be arrested if they stepped foot on any Church  Property.  What a startling reaction from the Christian Brothers who had been called to be Shepherds over Barbie & Ken. Condemned and ostracized without accusation or witnesses and literally removed from the Church without excommunication.  Not everything is as it Appears!

Now, I have been informed that Ken Cromar’s Bishop is being subpoenaed to testify against Ken. WOW – the Prosecution must be desperate to figure out a way to get rid of the IRS ruling. First of all, what do they think Ken’s Bishop knows about their legal problems with the IRS? Is this an attempt to create an illusion that Barbie & Ken have made a confession to their Bishop, which the Bishop is willing expose? This should scare the daylight out of every latter-day saint. Every conversation with an ecclesiastical leader, whether by confession or not, can be used against you. This completely violates Clergy-Confidentiality (Scott vs Hammock 870 P.2d 947 (1994) No. 910112 Supreme Court of Utah). “A clergyman or priest cannot, without the consent of the person making the confession, be examined as to any confession made to him in his professional character in the course of discipline enjoined by the church to which he belongs”. More importantly, if there is no confession involved the clergyman is still acting in the protected capacity of a clergyman and is required to keep any confidences they may have.

What an awkward position for the LDS Church to be in! At a time that the LDS Church is under scrutiny for the way it handles allegations of Sexual Assault with religious leaders being instructed to call the Abuse Hot Line, which is managed by the LDS Church’s Legal Representatives, Kirton McConkie, and then claiming Clergy-Confidentiality to avoid making the leader testify in court; the prosecution against Ken Cromar pulls this?

To subpoena Ken Cromar’ Bishop to testify against him is not only another unconstitutional act, but it also creates a very dangerous and slippery slope for the LDS Church. If they do not step in to intervene on Ken Cromar’s behalf and prevent the Bishop from testifying against Ken, their entire practice for defending their leaders, who are involved with cases of Sexual Abuse, will be utterly destroyed.

More Delays to Hide the Truth? – Barbie & Ken vs Goliath IRS

Goliath IRS’s Royal Decree Regarding Barbie & Ken’s Victory

The Real Barbie & Ken Story

Where there is smoke, there is fire!

Tom Fairbanks
Intelligence Support Activity (ISA)
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