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Catastrophic Destruction of the West Coast of Canada and the United States-Pre Pole Shift

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Total Destruction of the West Coast of Canda and the United States

Update to Oct. 18th by Joshua Taylor

     “These are the original transcripts of the 7 open visions of the Total Destruction of the West Coast of Canada and the United States put into written form in the spring of 1991-5 years after having been revealled by the Spirit of God.

     It was not until this past spring of 2015 while studing the events leading up to the Pole Shift, that the final key puzzle piece fell into place where I cleary remember the sun coming up on the West standing on the shores of the Pacific.

    I would also add, that while I lived in Bangs, Tx., I met an elderly lady who formally was part of the United States Navy.  She said that she was personally shown the original NAVY MAPS of what America would look like after the Pole Shift event.  This was shown to this either in the late 1950′s or early 1960′s. She said that an old gentelmen who had white hair showed her these maps then told her not to reveal it to no one.

   Also is the fact that 1,400 D.U.M.B.S have been build over the past 50 years thoughtout many nations of the world, with the majority existing in the United States.”


VISION # 1 - In the vision, I had returned to Texas to fellowship with the brethren I had previously become acquainted with. For no apparent reason, God cut my visit short and opened up a door to return back to my own country. It was imperative to leave immediately! The next morning I remember boarding the ferry in Port Angeles just outside of Seattle for Victoria, British Columbia. I remember being very solemn as if I already knew beforehand what was to take place on this particular mission. The passage itself seemed to be in the cool of the year where a light jacket had to be worn. There was no indication of snow being on the ground or in the air. In my spirit it seemed to be about five a.m. The sun had not yet come up above the horizon. As to what season it was, it could have been early spring or late fall.

VISION # 2 – As the Spirit of the Lord came in for a second time, the force of it pushed me yet into another vision. Turning over on my left side, I could see myself leaving the ferry terminal. There was quickness in my walk. After what seemed to be five minutes or so, I remember entering the front doors of a newspaper office in the downtown part of the city. To the right of the counter in front of me, the wall clock showed the time to be twenty-five minutes past eight in the morning. The office staff seemed to be half asleep as if they just returned after having the weekend off. Two or three of the staff still had cups of coffee in their hands. Standing to the left side of the front counter, with my back to the street entrance, I remember being dressed in black with a large staff in my right hand. In the spirit, I could perceive them mocking me, as God had me to speak forth a warning to evacuate the west side of Vancouver Island. An earthquake measuring approximately 7.4 would hit twenty miles west of Victoria, causing a six foot tidal wave to come inland. I said that God’s mercy would be in it, and that minimal damage would occur if the news media would warn the public to take the necessary precautions. The Lord had me to make it very clear that this particular earthquake, was a final warning in that the next quake would destroy all life along the west coast of North America! Later that afternoon, I found myself back in the same office. Standing there in silence, I simply waited for the hand of God to move. It was a few minutes before two-thirty when I glanced up at the wall clock. Suddenly everything became quiet and deathly still! Even the birds stopped singing, sensing what was about to happen. Within moments, the silence was broken when every phone in the office began to ring off the hook. A six foot tidal wave had been sighted heading eastward towards the city resulting from a 7.4 earthquake twenty miles out in the Pacific. It was not until recently that I realized that severe damage must have occurred knocking out transportation on the west side of the island.

VISION # 3 – Again the vision ended as suddenly as it began. Panic had already begun to sweep over the island as people prepared to evacuate their homes for the safety of the mainland. The roads leading to the east side of the island were rapidly being jammed with traffic. It was somewhere during this time, that I met a fellow believer in the Lord who helped me get to the Nanaimo ferry terminal. Hundreds were in the process of leaving for the mainland heading for Vancouver. I remember telling this brother to transfer all his financial assets ‘off the island,’ in and around the Hope area.. Otherwise he would lose everything to destruction. This man was extremely wealthy, and believed the word of the Lord. In the Spirit, I was lifted high above the Nanaimo terminal, and could see two and three lines of traffic had already backed up for what looked to be two or three miles in length. Extra ferries had to be called in to handle the enormous increase in both vehicle and foot traffic.

VISION # 4 – For the fourth time, the Spirit of the Lord came in like a wave and forced my body onto the opposite side. The scene of the vision changed, and I was once again back in my body. This time I found myself on the top rear deck of a ferry preparing to leave port. As I stood with many others on the rear of the passenger deck, I could see the boarding ramp, ‘the walk ramp,’ being raised up for departure. It was at this very moment that I instinctively turned to the south side of the ferry. The water in the harbor began to boil with much activity, as a huge forty-five to fifty-foot dinosaur suddenly stood up out of the water!!! The front claws of this huge prehistoric creature was no more that ten feet off the rear of the deck. His gigantic head was as big as a medium-sized car, with teeth that looked to be nearly two feet in length. I was close enough to feel the heat of its breath as it looked down at the people on the rear of the deck. Many on board the back part of the vessel were killed by massive heart attacks due to the fear of the creature that apparently was pushed up from the quake. Everyone except for myself was stunned and severely in shock at what was taking place. Walking up to this flesh eater, I began to communicate with it. Almost able to touch its claws, I told him that he had done a good job, and to turn around and to go back into the water. This giant could have easily damaged the ferry. Its great size was almost beyond belief!

VISION # 5 - For the fifth time the scene of the vision changed, and I found myself at the Horseshoe Bay terminal. The ferry was just pulling into port. It was apparent that news had already reached the mainland as there was much activity in and around the area. As the ferry backed up into the docking zone, I could see that many major news networks had jammed around the pre-boarding gates. ABC, NBC, CTC, all the big ones. For some strange reason, they were looking to me for answers. As I began to say something, the Spirit of the lord took me over. Still dressed in black and with a staff in my right hand, a major prophetic warning went out of my mouth for all people to evacuate the West Coast. Those who refused to heed this warning would not be spared. This was God’s mercy not only to His own, but to all who would listen to His voice. This destruction that was foretold, was God’s judgment upon the evil and unrighteousness not only in the Vancouver area, but south to Portland, San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego, Mexico, and on down to the southern tip of Argentina. God was angry, and was about to shake all the west coast beginning in Alaska. It was at this point in the vision, that the arc-angel Gabriel suddenly appeared on my right-hand side, and asked me: “Where can my people go?” In answer to His question, I pointed up North to a remote area outside the Prince George area. In the vision, I handed the Angel of the Lord a long white tube that held the blueprints for survival. At the time of the visions, the Holy Spirit had just begun to reveal these plans for the survival of God’s people. It was not until the spring of 1993, that the first phase of these survival plans were completed.

VISION # 6 – For the sixth time, the scene of the vision changed, and I found myself lifted up in the Spirit on the west side of Hope. From this vantage point high above the earth, I could see many cars, trucks, trailers, etc., loaded down with all that they could carry, heading for the northern part of the province. It looked as if 10,000 vehicles or 10, 000 people had heeded this warning to flee the Vancouver area, that they might escape the judgment of God. In the Spirit, it felt as if seven to ten days had elapsed since the warning had been carried by the major news networks. At this point in the vision, I found myself back in by body, standing on the west side of Hope near the highway heading towards Vancouver. For the second time during these visions, the Angel of the Lord appeared on my right hand. Still dressed in black, Gabriel commanded me to take my staff, and to speak forth a major destructive earthquake out in the Pacific. As I did, and as my staff hit the ground, this awesome earthquake immediately took place. Although I did not see the earthquake, I did see the catastrophic tidal wave that stood up out of the water and began making its way towards the mainland. In the Spirit, I knew it was to be a quarter mile high. It washed over the mountains on Vancouver Island as if they were not even there. Within minutes, I watched as this gigantic wave of destruction hit Vancouver and the lower mainland. I saw the faces of three million men, women, and children perish with nowhere to run!!! There were no survivors within 40 miles of the coast. Burnaby, Port Moody, and the other surrounding districts of the lower mainland along with the city of Vancouver no longer existed. Even 90 miles inland, as I stood alongside the highway, water from the tidal wave forced its way up the Fraser River and touched my feet!!

VISION # 7 – For the last time the scene of the vision changed, as the wave of the Spirit of God forced me on my opposite side. God allowed me to feel what it was like if Canada was a living person. It was as if a leg or and arm had been cut off, leaving that person severely crippled. God had brought Canada to her knees in a matter of moments. No longer was she whole!! Judgment had come swiftly, and without mercy for those who disobeyed Hs warning to flee to safety. In my spirit I knew that much of the Alaskan and Californian coast had also been destroyed. Shortly thereafter, word had got out about me speaking this judgment against the west coast. In the vision, I was being blamed for all the destruction and forced to flee my own country. The brother whom I had told to transfer his assets inland, flew me across the border in his private jet. In the Spirit, I could feel the persecution and the hatred towards God’s people. The denominational church was in shock as the so-called rapture teaching had not happened to save His people from the wrath of God!! Persecution began to rise up within the cities, forcing many of God’s people into the country for survival. In my spirit, I felt as if the ‘Great and Terrible Day of the Lord’ had finally come upon the world, and the church people who called themselves born-again believers were caught in a snare!!! As fast as the visitation came upon me, it left. Looking at the clock on the sill of the window, it was approximately 6:45 a.m.


Seasonal Indicators

1. As I boarded ferry in Port Angeles to go to Victoria, I intuitively knew it “to be 5:00 A.M.”

2. As the ferry was pulling into port in Vancouver, the sun was setting upon the city in and around 9 o’clock. This would indicate that we were “shortly before the longest day of the year,” and that there was “but a short space of time to leave the lower mainland!”

3. The water in Port Angeles was cold enough to have ice crystals upon it wherein a fall type jacket or sweater had to be worn. Although the rising of the sun indicated late spring or early summer, the mornings were abnormally cold, while daytime temperatures were quite mild. These two indicators would suggest a “climate change’ wherein extreme temperature differences between night and day.

4. A third seasonal indicator while speaking for the warning in the newspaper office in Victoria, was that the “birds were singing and the trees were full of fresh leaves.”

Economic Indicators

1. It was apparent that “those who had money or the rich and middle class,” were not spending! Money was tight and nobody was selling their homes hoping that conditions would improve. The nation was in a time of recession about “to be thrown into a global depression!”

2. In the visions, I was carrying cash, in particular US currency. “Cash was still king!”

3. Just as the evacuation of Vancouver Island was under way, while still in Victoria, I suggested by the Word of the Lord for a particular Believer who was extremely wealthy, “to immediately transfer his assets to the mainland.” This would indicate, that “banks were still operational” and had not closed their doors pending a national and global depression.

4. Upon entering into Canada, “the National Identification Card had not yet been forced upon the citizenship of this country.”

5. Canada was “severely crippled economically” by the destruction, bringing the nation into a state of “emergency and economic collapse!” “World-wide depression had come upon North America!

Prophetic Indicators

1. As the visions ended, it was strongly evident in my spirit, that “the Great and notable Day or the Lord” was “fully ushered in!”

2. After the tidal wave hit and destroyed the West Coast, in particular Vancouver and Vancouver Island, word was out that I was “to blame for the destruction” and God had to make a way for my escape.

3. Within 24 hours of the destruction upon the West Coast, “I knew that a decree was given against all true believers, and that great persecution had begun.”

4. This above declaration, I knew was made by the so-called “Antichrist” fore spoken in the Book of Revelations.

5. “While in the Spirit” high above Departure Bay in Naniamo, I looked upon the hearts of the people, and if there was a “revival,” there was no longer any trace of one.

6. With the ushering in of “the Kingdom of God”, also came the ushering in of the “Kingdom of Darkness” as foretold in Mathew 24!

7. “The 10, 000 fleeing into the wilderness”, fully prepared in advance to start anew, strongly infers that “a remnant was spared and went into a place prepared by the Lord”

8. This “Great exodus of Souls,” could not have happened if there was not “sufficient warning for them to get ready.”

9. The “beast rising out of the ocean” indicated that the “Beast of Revelations was about to rise up out of the sea of humanity!”

10. Because God did not remove the Christian out of this great judgment, “the Christians themselves were greatly perplexed, and knew that they had been caught in a snare!”

11. Immediately after the destruction of the West Coast of North America, “great persecution arose against the true Believers in Jesus Christ!

12. From all the above indicators, “we were yet in the time of the four horsemen!” where the Day of God’s wrath is being ushered! The time of the Antichrist is at the same time “being ushered in at this time,” just prior to the Man of Sin revealing himself “in name and number!” If so, “we are only years away from the time of great persecution against both believing Jews and Christians world wide!”

Personal indicators

1. Prior to returning back to my own country, “the Lord commissioned me with a prophetic mantle” by the hands of an older prophet in Texas, to carry out His commission of warning and judgment.

2. This “man of God, gave me a set of his clothes, and a large staff to speak God’s word. He laid his hands upon me, and spoke God’s blessings upon my life, and sent me forth in the name of the Lord.”

3. In the visions, I was “walking in an unction of the fullness of the Holy Ghost. All spiritual senses were no longer in part, and the fear of the Lord was strong upon me.”

4. In the visions, “the plans concerning the survival of God’s people were fully complete, and handed to the Angel of the Lord!”

Physical indicators

1. As the first vision begun to unfold, I knew that “a major volcanic eruption was in the process” or “had just happened!” Maybe Mt. Rainer!

2. In the newspaper office in Victoria, great fear gripped the hearts of the women working there when I appeared in the front office. “It was apparent that I was not a stranger,” that the media had been “previously aware” of my personal endeavors “in bringing forth earthquake awareness!”

3. By the expression on the faces of the office workers, it seemed that an “major earthquake had already occurred on the Island in excess of seven points.”

4. In bringing forth the warning, the word of the Lord indicated that the earthquake would result in “a six foot tidal wave,” and that “all vessels on the West Side were to be evacuated!”

5. The warning quake would “be a mercy quake,” before a total destructive quake to follow!

6. The ferry that I was standing on in the vision, had both a “walk deck” that allowed passengers to cross over to the opposite side without having to go inside of the vessel. This particular ferry was different from the ones now in operation in Naniamo, and may be one of the super-class ferries used between Victoria and the mainland. Where I was standing in the vision, I could see the “bridge of the ship,” and the fact that it “backed into Horseshoe Bay,” would indicate this particular ferry class. In the Spirit, I knew that the Victoria ferry terminal was no longer operational!

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    Total 2 comments
    • Uncle Nobby

      At first you had me with the dinosaur popping up behind a BC ferry, seems a bit far fetched I thought….
      But you really got me with the “Extra ferries had to be called in to handle the enormous increase in both vehicle and foot traffic.” Now that really is crazy talk, anyone who uses BC ferries knows full well that they can barely run the ferries they have now, let alone bringing in extra ferries to handle a disaster. Get a grip Joshua, really……….extra :lol:

    • Alan

      Influence Joshua, its about influence.

      Personal direction with a personal connection (Gods influence), an, what’s been, feeds what is’ (Mans influence, ‘religion’).

      A falsehood of said mystery wus not hidden, an what’s special of mystery, the mysterious steering its veiled direction, through ‘the infinite amount of connections’, as is’ the signal, mystery likes surprises, mystery likes the hidden.

      None can know, other than those with a personal connection to know, that connection, is outside, but in the framework of mans equasion, I.e you might talk English an use algebra to work the magic of the mystery, all in all, the connections upon a personal connection are endless, thus one takes ones place in the knowledge of the mysterious.

      One acts the transceiver as God in nature. ~ being of the infinite.

      God of gods is an atheist.

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