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The Fiscal Cliff - The Logical Result Of The Rothschild-Owned Private U.S. Central Bank (The Fed)

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THE NEWS Live: The Fiscal Cliff – The logical result of the Rothschild-owned U.S. Central Bank (The Fed)

The Federal Reserve is a private central bank designed to provide debt-based currency to the United States of America, and create a perpetual fiscal cliff for the USA.

The banks that own the Federal Reserve System are beneficially owned by the Rothschild-led City of London bloodline bankers according to a 1976 U.S. Senate committee report.

THE NEWS Live for Dec. 14, 2012 with Alfred Lambremont Webre. THE NEWS Live with Alfred Lambremont Webre is streamed live every Friday at 6 pm Pacific, 7 pm Mountain, 8 pm Central, 9:00 pm Eastern, 1:00 AM GMT

at Each live broadcast is accessible immediately afterwards on archive at ExopoliticsTV.

In the United States, the fiscal cliff is a term used to refer to the economic effects that could result from tax increases, spending cuts and a corresponding reduction in the US budget deficit beginning in 2013 if existing laws are not changed by the end of 2012. The deficit—the difference between what the government takes in and what it spends—is expected to be reduced by roughly half beginning in the first days of 2013. This sharp decrease in the deficit in such a short period of time is known as the fiscal cliff. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimates the sudden reduction will probably lead to a recession in early 2013 with the pace of economic activity picking up by late 2013.

The laws leading to the fiscal cliff include the expiration of the Bush tax cuts and planned spending cuts under the Budget Control Act of 2011. The Budget Control Act was a compromise intended to resolve a dispute concerning the public debt ceiling. Some major programs, like Social Security, Medicaid, federal pay (including military pay and pensions), and veterans’ benefits, are exempted from the spending cuts. Spending for defense, federal agencies and cabinet departments would be reduced through broad, shallow cuts referred to as budget sequestration.

From fiscal year 2012 to 2013, federal tax revenue is expected to increase by 19.63%, while spending outlays are expected to decline by 0.25%. Relative to the size of the economy, these changes would raise 2013 tax revenue to 18.4% GDP, above its historical average of 18.0% GDP, while reducing spending to approximately 22.4% GDP, still above the 21.0% GDP historical spending average.

The United States public debt would continue to grow even if no mitigating actions are taken to avoid the fiscal cliff. However, over the next ten years projected increases in the debt would be lowered by as much as $7.1 trillion or about 70%, resulting in a considerably lower ratio of debt relative to the size of the economy. Because of the short-term impact on the economy, including a possible recession, the fiscal cliff has stirred intense commentary both inside and outside of Congress and has led to calls to extend some or all of the tax cuts, and to replace the across-the-board reductions with more targeted cutbacks. Nearly all proposals to avoid the fiscal cliff involve extending certain parts of the 2010 Tax Relief Act or changing the 2011 Budget Control Act or both, thus making the deficit larger by reducing taxes or increasing spending. The protracted negotiations over this has also generated heightened policy uncertainty over the eventual tax and spending landscape in the US.

The US debt-ceiling became involved in the fiscal cliff debate when Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner introduced the President’s authority to raise the country’s borrowing limit as a part of his first formal proposal. Although not strictly part of the fiscal cliff, the current debt-ceiling will also expire around the end of the year, unless “extraordinary measures” are used.

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    • anonymous

      The fiscal cliff is the term used to mollify dummy american households that bring in 300k a year and haven’t the foggiest, that they pay around 60% taxes already. However you have a decent chunk left and we want at least another 20% and maybe more later. Don’t worry you can apply for foodstamps shortly, dummy american foodstamp getter. And about those semi-autos, great news,,you can keep them just pay 5k a year tax on them. Come on infowars and dummy americans thats a great deal. HAR! HAR!

    • YellowRoseTx51

      The Financial Crime you are witnessing is called “Covet Means”. They have removed a great deal of our history and our laws of commerce from books.

      “Covet Means” is the known Method of Warfare by the Covens of Azazel, on the civilian slave Populations. The Covens that “Azazel” created are the “Papal, Royal & Federal” whom are the lesser nobility. They are given claims of divine rights & powers, and are allowed to charge their own fees on the slave populations. “Azazel” is a Coven Name. By sumerian law which is Hebrew law, all Priest Kings must have a Title Name, a Common Name, and all Covens and Followers/’faithful lay’… must have a Coven Name in each language for each Coven Created.

      “Azazel/Wicca” (hebrew) “Massawa/Freemason” (babylon) “Baphomet/Caesar” (egyptian). His Saxon Name was ‘Alexander’ and he was first married to ‘Selene’ in babylon, (“Arsinoe” greek, “Isis” egyptian, “Cleopatra” roman) and whose Saxon name is ‘Elizabeth’ and her hebrew Coven name is “Lilith”. “Ptolemy” was called “Syn” in babylon, and ‘Sin Tax’ was his specific Fee due. His name in greece was “Bacchus”, “Osiris” in egypt, “Caesar” in Rome. They have altered the dates of rule, etc. Placing the main characters under their ‘greek’, ‘roman’, ‘egyptian’ names as their own ‘offspring’.

      In COMMERCE and Latin Law it was stated like this:
      “The Pharaohs Statues lead with the Left Foot to denote the Left Hand Path of SET. The Left Hand Path is Service to Self. The highest service to self is “Murder of Self or Other”; a “Sociopath.”

      “Selene created the Five day work week, where all Fruits of Labor were seized or Taxed; the CORPORATIONS & Banks (“Merchants & Moneylenders” at the ‘Temple’ (of SET) in Babylon) and the money system (for the lesser nobility to gain their ‘fee due’ from the Slave population, and for this she is revered) ; COMMERCE; all as a specific form of slavery. Bills of Exchange were created by Rothschild & the EAST INDIA COMPANY which formed the first ‘COMPANY STORE SYSTEM.’ ”

      The Latin law that created the CORPORATIONS is: “AL, IL, EL are latin suffixes for GOD El(oheim)” (babylonian ‘Illi/illu, or Illumi’) “All names of GOD must be in all capital Letters”; “All COVENS of GODS must be in all capital Letters preceded by ‘of’ to denote ‘possessed by GOD’ and must display their Registered COVEN Symbol” which became the Corporate logo. Chase Bank is the “Melchizedek Order of Lilith” and this is the ‘whore of babylon’ Nannar who was ‘Horus’. This is owned by Elizabeth today. CORPORATIONS were created for the specific entrainment for the Left Hand Path of the Lesser Nobility who were the Followers of SET and this is done by placing Profit Concerns over Life Concerns”. This was taught as when they renamed the ‘Covens’ as CORPORATIONS and CHURCHES, and why ‘CHURCH’ names and ‘CORPORATION’ names must be in all capital letters for Legal documents. I.E. “UNION CHURCH”, “PACIFIC RAILROAD”.

      And this is why we taxed CORPORATIONS and COMMERCE and made them return to the people directly the money taken at the Expense of Life.

      This was not thousands of years ago it was around 1613 to 1914-1917. And you have to take into account that the Hebrew calendar and our current calendar are around 300 years difference in date. We were moved from one to the other, around ’1914′. The beginning of the year, for the hebrew calendar is September, which is why schools start in September. Schools were only created in 1933, by the Luciferian Coven under Blavatsky and its follower Albert Pike.

      They believe that the are fighting the War in Heaven for their ‘god’ “Satan” who is Lord Abyth Sol of the Underworld. He is called “SET” in Egypt, ‘An’ in Sumerian, and the hebrew called him “Sol-O-Mon” the wise Serpent. All of this was in Books, and taught in Commerce Class.

      By altering definitions, dates, terms, etc. they discredited the whole, while not informing the public they were the ‘other’ side of the War and the enemy of mankind. For instance are ‘in the Creation’. Today, few people remember the definition of ‘The Creation’, and so this puzzles them. Its definition is “A Construct.” In easier terms “Heaven” is the ‘Outside World.’ That is why you can ‘wake to shame’, you leave here and return to the ‘outside world’ and everyone knows what you did in the simulation “Construct”.

      Covet Means is punishable by the Death penalty under Common Law for being a known method of Premeditated Mass Murder of the Society by removal of Necessary to Life commodities, services, goods, food, fuel, water… etc.

      It is done by first removing Legal Tender; “Commodity Money” is their Law that they created on us.

      Then they remove, refuse, or disregard the rights of Acceptance and Tender of Payment and discharge of Debts under the Bills of Exchange (BECA 1950) which are Bills that Rothschild created and placed an ACT on the people. (An “Act” is a ‘removal of a Right’) This allowed for the creation of records claiming a ‘Debt’ on people, while hiding the profits already received. They control all records of debt records and people are not allowed to view their accounts or question them; they may alter the records at will which is “High Service to Selene.”

      Then they do what in modern times is called a “Pump & Dump”. This allowed the Merchant Corporations to inflate the commodities and goods and this extracted the last of the cash reserves within the population and placed the price above most peoples ability to purchase food, electricity, etc. This is what the ‘QE’s’ are designed to do, many have already noticed.

      The CORPORATIONS would then terminate Services such as water and electric, under claims of ‘no profit received’. This is still commerce law. This caused the collapse of the society and left the CORPORATION’s in complete control of all the Services such as electricity, the commodities, foods, goods, etc. And they let people starve and die, enmass.

      This is the origin of the term ‘Slavery’ which is defined as a ‘theft of Labor’ and ‘fruits of our labor’. The commodities, goods, food…all are the labor of a man not a corporation.

      We put a number of laws in place for protection, not the least is separation of Church and State, and all of these laws have not just been removed and overwritten, they are being ignored as a matter of policy while each of the covens fight for their share of the stolen funds.

      We are removing the Money system. Mankind is returning to freedom after decades of slavery. We were never so crude as to use ‘barter systems’ and we had nations that traded, then as now. We are returning to Acceptance for Value which allows for the exchange of good will, credit, etc. to each other and this allows people to get what they need in way of commodities, goods, food, without being based on how much paper you have in your pocket. It sets free all sole proprietorships, and the people will flourish again.

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