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No Wisdom In War

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The end-times scenario playing out in the Holy Land will ultimately benefit those staying out of the fray, particularly China. 

As far as international relations go, especially in this volatile region, China is the only adult in the room. It is the only power capable of bringing warring sides to the negotiating table to make peace. America no longer commands that type of diplomatic respect and when it did it abused its position by favouring only one side in any war.

In a fair and well-struck deal, neither side should be satisfied at the end of talks. Any Israeli-Palestinian settlement will leave both sides unhappy and demanding more concessions.

Thus far, compromised American leaders have proven they can’t say no to any of Israeli demands. But when the final ask is genocide and complete erasure of the other, the answer cannot be yes. Compromise is the aid of peace. There has to be a give and take. 

Can a fair settlement even be achieved? Under the current circumstances it is impossible. Unforgivable crimes have been committed since last October. Israel’s massacres of innocents in Gaza shows no signs of stopping. Hamas is equally hell-bent on staying the course.

What has to be remembered is these aren’t big, self-sustaining powers. Israel is a small country with few friends in the region and Hamas is a stateless group dependent on outside help for money and arms. 

If America and Iran were to turn away from the scene and commit to neutrality the war in Palestine would resolve itself less painfully. But as it stands, the grand struggle of “empire vs resistance” has overshadowed what is basically an age-old turf war. The introduction of nuclear weapons by the Israelis and religion by the Palestinians turned a cut and dry territorial conflict into a crazy war of global consequence.

But without the enormous amounts of weapons, military equipment, and money being poured into the Holy Land, not to mention the political aid, the warring parties would not be able to carry on indefinitely. They would face material and psychological exhaustion, come to their collective senses, and initiate pragmatic steps to resolving the conflict.

It wouldn’t be a neat and tidy conclusion by any means. In the aftermath of a war there’s always a loser. And after being without a state and a home for two millenia the Jews are determined not to be amongst history’s losers ever again. They are completely capable of using the nuclear and biological weapons in their disposal against their enemies should their national situation get so desperate. 

Should its enemies come true on their word and pursue its complete destruction they will themselves be destroyed too. And in this mad men stand off, neither America nor any nation in Europe possess the credibility to pull any side back from the brink. 

But maybe China does. At least I hope so. Chinese wisdom needs to be relied upon to save the day as the West, the Jews, and the Muslims have proven they have none. They are ruled by sick and perverted leaders, lacking moral conscience. 

China’s leaders are focusing on development, growth, infrastructure, industry, science, technology, the things America and the West were interested in once but not any longer. Now they are only interested in war.


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