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MAJOR News! Scientists Discover a Brand New Ocean and Your Jaw Will Hit The Floor When You Find Out Where! Does This Prove Noah's Flood?

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(Image: Fragments of the blue-colored mineral called ringwoodite, synthesized in the laboratory.)


If the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Arctic, and the recent addition of the South Antarctic Ocean weren’t enough for you, how about adding another? One that is hidden hundreds of miles beneath out planet’s surface…


A recent study reveals that a hidden “ocean” lies in the Earth’s mantle some 400 miles beneath North America. This reservoir contains blue crystalline mineral called ringwoodite and likely holds three times as much water than all the oceans combined.  


Does this fulfill the Bible Scripture about Noah’s Flood and the great deep’s breaking forth? 


“In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up.” Genesis 7:11


“For this they willfully forget: that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of water and in the water,” 2 Peter 3:5


I do believe it does….




paper describing the research was published in the journal Science on June 13, 2014.


For More Information See:


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    Total 64 comments
    • JoeDaddy

      Oh wow! What major news! You mean all the water on our planet didn’t come from comets like my HIGHLY educated teachers taught in school?! Wait a second, there is this book that has been around for thousands of years that details there being vast oceans under the surface of the Earth! Too bad its the Bible and its just a bunch of lies, myths, and fairy tales. Guess the “scientist” just had it wrong with the whole comet theory and now will have to come up with a new idea to justify their made up evolutionary “theory”. I wonder how they will explain how all that water got here and under the surface of the Earth! WEIRD!!!! (EXTREME SARCASM) :lol: God:1 Evolution(lies):0

      • HereAmI

        Your ironic comment is entirely appropriate.
        However, be advised that the earth is not a planet; this is something else which is rubbished by the clever people you refer to.
        Earth stands stationary at the centre of the universe, exactly as the Word of God tells us. As such therefore, it is not a planet, a word which derives from the Greek verb “to wander”.

        • Skip

          Are you speaking of the book “the Earth is not moving”? I have not read the book but have seen his web page explaining that. When I was killed in 1950 after falling 30 feet out of a tree, I got the feeling that is exactly the case, when I flew past the stars, and then straight “down” past more stars and was slammed into my body when I was returned to my body and it came back to life. It looked as if the stars are fine electrical filaments that revolve around the earth each day. People will be shocked when the stars fall and are found all over the ground just as Christ said they will in Matthew 24. That will be a real wake up call for the entire unbelieving world when THAT happens. Then everybody will learn THE EARTH IS NOT MOVING and great fear will come upon the entire earth. I tried to tell my wife this is the case, but she just laughed me to scorn.

        • Remnant of YHWH

          We that seek truth are the ones receiving it because we seek. All others are left in the darkness from which little light has entered because they seek not. It’s the seeking that’s the key to unlock the treasure of knowledge, but all to often laziness strips it from our will to do so.

          Slothfulness is the weapon Satan uses against his enemies and yet his enemies are just to lazy to even see that and open their tired poor blind eyes.

          Oh well, not much one can do to anyone in that condition. Pray for His Remnant, those that truly seek after Him, His Ways, His Order!

 where you don’t have to be Jewish to be ISRAEL! Shalom in Y’shua our Messiah and our Father YHWH.

        • WhatMeWorry?

          +Skip – The earth is stationary?? And you know it because you died and flew past stars? Tell me how the sun rotates around the earth again – and somehow avoids hitting the other planets?

      • Arte Vespule

        Go away. Troll…

      • Jiliane

        Yes God 1 everything else 0


        Old story. Discovered back in 1996.
        Gee you Americans are so gullible.

        • Bonzo

          Jesus is The Designer of the Universe;

          All things were made by Him; and without Him was not any thing made that was made.

        • craig

          Is BIN all that you do every day. I always see your stupid post on here about us stupid Americans. Why don’t you go and try to find a life. Better yet, FIND GOD!!!!

        • rabidjackrussell

          Americans? :eek: gullible?? “Feeding the fire we are? You must unlearn what you have learned young padawan. Clear your mind must be if you are to discover the real villains behind this plot“

        • BooBoo


          and your so stupid!

    • IMC

      Next they’ll be telling us it’s also teaming with life.

    • HereAmI

      This discovery supports the thesis long since promoted by Dr Walt Brown at his Center for Creation Science w/s.
      As Lisa indicates with her reference to 2 Peter 3 v 5-8; the earth stands out of the water and in the water; upon giant pillars.
      The waters beneath burst forth during the Flood; the scars which show where this occurred are the Mid-Ocean Ridges, which may be seen in mid-Atlanic and elsewhere.
      Cometary periodicity studies suggest that the Flood occurred in 2390 BC +/- 100 years; the Book of Jasher is more precise; it gives a date of 2348 BC.
      Yea, let God be true, and every man a liar.

      • am123

        “Yea, let God be true, and every man a liar.”


        • Mr Lightbeam

          Whatever yo call the ONE
          Maker, God, designer.—————–It Is True
          That makes me a liar and so Is reilgion ,because it Is man made!!


    • steven

      GARCIUM com is under investigation as a internet scam.

    • Tommy

      I think its crap. To flood the surface of the earth in this way. You would need a sufficient amount of matter to displace this (so called) underground “ocean”. The volume of matter needed would be massive and probably do more damage than the flood its self in my opinion.

      More quasi religious PSYOP fud…

      • Tommy

        Please stop trying to scare people unnecessarily. It just sucks.

      • Tommy


      • Ozzie_Thinker

        Actually, the article does nothing to substantiate “Noah’s flood”; which was a surface event caused by the Earth’s crust briefly, but drastically, detaching from the core c.10,400BC. This event was triggered by the Atlantis disaster c.12,800BC which saw the creation of the Arctic Circle from [then] ice moon Falla.

        Interestingly, if correct the article puts questions on the existence of an inner Earth topology with continents and oceans and even an “inner sun” (as theorised by Edmond Halley amongst other great scientists). Mythical lands, such as Agartha or the famous and intriguing city of Shambahla may exist. However, as the ancient Rainbow City is meant to be located near the surface at Antarctica, I don’t see any credible search parties going out soon. The “powers that be” closed off that option years ago.


        • John

          now there’s an oxy-moron…ozzie thinker lol

        • rabidjackrussell

          >>Mike Rotchurts<< sorry to hear about your bad luck Mike. Get a handle on that and play safer next time! :grin:

    • am123

      Good stuff Lisa!

      • Tommy

        Why? I’m not Christian but I’m sure half the stuff some “reporters” post completely contradict the bible anyway. Doesnt the bible say “it rained for 40 days and 40 nights”?. Obviously Lisa’s theory that an “ocean” rising from the earths crust is in complete contradiction with gods word.

        • am123

          You are correct about many articles here contradicting the bible, and yes it rained for 40 days and 40 nights, but Lisa’s theory of water coming rising from the earth actually does line up with the bible. The earth was flooded from above AND from below:

          “In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.”

          —Genesis 7:11

        • Tommy

          That’s more like it!

          But it doesn’t address my previous comment about the actual mechanics of it happening in the way Lisa is suggesting.

          I could understand however. If Lisa explained the floods happening as a miracle. Even though I am not a Christian. I would respect that.

          Science and religion, for the most part. Just dont mix.

    • CosmicKiwiPerth

      The great flood was cause by a planetary near miss. All the oceans from the Southern Hemisphere was pulled to the Northern Hemisphere. The Earth was so close to being pulled apart. Now we have a 23 degree tilt to show for it & hence our seasons.

      • Tommy

        Plausible theory but not reflected in the fossil records.

        • Cleareyes

          You my friend need some education which will impart knowledge which in turn make one wise and Gods wisdom is wiser than man. Fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction! Until you fear him you have neither, knowledge nor wisdom! Proverbs 10:27

        • Tommy

          If you could give me an example of what schooling i need maybe i could enlighten myself…

        • John

          lol @ fossils…that proves nothing except that something lived a long time ago and carbon dating is not as accurate as they would have you believe

      • WarpLover

        There were three sources of water:
        fountains of the deep
        and from the heavens (cometary tail?)

        also, the topography of the earth changed during and after the flood event. Those who think Mt Everest had to be covered are missing this point. It was probably a hill or missing completely before the flood.


      Most have known since Admiral Byrd’s flight, they taught that in school, and how he said he flew into the center of the earth the earth. No secret. What seminary or School did you go to, to further your biblical knowledge. Just curious. End the charade already. And say these are my thoughts and they are backed up by))))). As a matter of fact I have never seen you back up any of your work. You read things and draw your own conclusions. You are 1 brick short of a load, I sandwich short of a picnic.

      Did You go to school at all most of this was taught in school. Either and I don’t want to consider the second par that that you can be so dumb.

      The amazing thing is that over 7,000 people slept through school. Or didn’t go or failed out.

    • Decleated

      Lisa this is the second story on BIN this week that caused my jaw to drop and hit the floor – you guys are killing me! Is this fresh water or salt water

      • bknowl13

        According to the second video it’s HO not H2O. Major detail that gets simply ignored.

    • canelonelsa

      All those liars talking about water coming from comets must be hiding.
      This new discovery explains why we have the salty water all around us since day one.
      The more we discover the more we realize that we know nothing at all…!!

      • Sunshine

        Oceans are salty because a whale ejaculates about 150,000 gallons of sperm at each orgasm. How many whales do u think are in the ocean? :idea:

      • friends2you

        You got it right, no water on comets, snowball THEORY is wrong, yet they do have HO and can generate another O for water vapors expelling from the comet into the debri trail.

    • tnc420

      I love it when Christians take full credit of stories originating from the Mesopotamia era. Tell me why the ancient civilizations did not believe in Yahweh, but instead were polytheistic. Where was Yahweh for the first 200,000 years of humans, if he did create the first man and women, why didn’t they spread the word of Yahweh? Why did the Christians steal easter and Christmas, the story of the Virgin birth, and so on. LMAO you claim things are works of God, yet you have no understanding, no research into history. Christians, such a waste of time.

      • carsonking

        Plus 1

      • John

        do you deny the existence of God?

        If no then whats your point and if yes then who cares what your point is :) ?

      • CrowPie

        Just so you know….I have been a life long member of a Christian church that teaches that Christmas and the Easter bunny are pagan traditions. The Lords Supper is taken EVERY week and Jesus’ birth…..irrelevant.

        • CrowPie

          Correction= Jesus’ birthday is irrelevant…Not to detract from his birth.

      • FantaLemon

        I love your brain…..

    • truekabbalah

      Wow… You guys are really advancing quick.
      This is mentioned in a number of kabbalistic text written over 2800 years ago
      If you would like references let me know :cool:

      • bknowl13

        References, please.

    • Remnant of YHWH

      The HAND of YHWH is about to be seen again and those that deny will surly be awakened to His Power and Might.

    • Mariano

      Wow! That will prove then that Noah cursed his grandson Canaan and all his descendants forever just because his father Cam saw him naked and drunk.

      Gee, I wish all those things are true!!

    • vic_ious

      The book “Deep Hot Biosphere” predicted this (well, not the oceans below but how hydrogen is released from the hydrocarbons and meeting with stray oxygen molecules in the rocks of the mantle to create steam which rises and creates water.

      Dr. Gold also explains how oil is created in the mantle. Recently Lawrence Livermore Lab stated that methane is probably created in the mantle. Natural Gas is 95.2% methane (propane and ethane are the majority of the rest). Liquid NG is Petrolium and solid is Coal.

    • Nancy636

      I found it interesting, but dont need this or any evidence to back up Gods Word. I can’t share some of these interesting finds because the titles are just a bit dramatic. My Jaw wiill drop, please stop with these dramatic titles. The stories dont need this. I look at them but, dont have to sensationalize. The other girl does this, once in a while I find one I would like to share but can’t with titles like this. Try it and watch the better responces you can get. When I see Christ comeback then my jaw will drop. I will pick it up and go to my home…

    • Alpha

      So how long before it’s bottled and sold? You know there are some thirsty people on this ball

    • Alpha

      Lizard People Inner Earth natural spring water. Pre-order now or become a celestial distributor. Hurry this is a limited time offer. Call 1-666-333-0000 and if you call in the next 6 decades receive a free bottle of Deep Sea Jelly as our special gift to you. :twisted:

    • mybesr

      Perhaps the great flood was the result ot the that hidden ocean and interacted with the gravity of nibiru/planet x

    • Anonymous

      Somewhere along the way, translators must have substituted “years” for “moons.” Noah was six hundred years old? No way. But 600 moons is 50 years – that’s more reasonable.

      • Carole65

        People lived much longer way back in time, it`s recorded in God`s word the Bible!

    • WhatMeWorry?

      There have been underground aquifers all over the world. This is nothing new. It’s not surprising that many of them are connected. We can tap into these with wells. The atheists know about these and just say that is how the earth is – a collection of underground aquifers, oceans, and seas. I do admire your enthusiasm, however.

    • TruthBeTold

      And the Bible says that in end times KNOWLEDGE WILL INCREASE.

    • TombRaider

      Lets see………There’s an ocean hundreds of miles beneath the surface of the earth. Let’s assume for a moment the closer we get to the earths core things begin to warm up slightly….Do the words boil and steam come to mind?…… :roll:

    • David Montaigne

      Assuming that a real, major flood led to the Noah story, there is not enough water in our atmosphere to rain several inches per minute to cover the tallest mountains in 40 days. Genesis tells us that water came up from the fountains of the deep as well. And is has been known for many years (this theory isn’t new, just this mineral’s role in “soggy rock”) that much water would have had to rise from below…

      During a pole shift event, when the surface layer (crust) of the planet moves over the interior, this rock (with water and hydroxide molecules absorbed in it) heats up from the incredible friction and releases some water. Keep in mind, if it releases even 1% upwards, of a water volume equal to 3 times the volume of all surface oceans, then all coastal regions would be submerged.

    • mikesavage

      Sounds correct to me. But, what difference does it make? God’s purposes have always been, and will always be fulfilled. This present wicked system is coming to a rapid close and all those not following Jehovah God are doomed to permanent destruction, along with all Earthly governments and false religion. It will be very sad to watch everyone die and be eaten (cleansed) by the birds of the heavens. But afterward it will begin to return to Edenic paradise.

    • Anonymous

      Faith does not need ‘proof’. Otherwise it is not faith, but a pharisee-like demand for ‘evidence’. Science and faith are opposed to each other.

    • greenghost

      Almost every culture had a flood myth not just Christians.

      • CrowPie

        This fact does not detract from the belief…….

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