Governments Preparing for Big Global Event: Putin Is Now Dismantling Russian Central Bank and Alongside Rothschild the Petrodollar. Rothschild´s Hegelian War Dialectics at Work
Abstract: Following the call of the Government of Germany for citizens to store food and water for 10 days and the announcement that it is preparing to let the military take over police tasks, it turns out that Russia, China and the US are also preparing their citizens for war. The tone between East and West is getting harsher – Putin threatens a preemptive strike, and strong US political and military forces are demanding the US to kill Russians in Syria and deploy ground troops there because their ISIS allies are losing the war.
Many analysts expect an upcoming NATO-Russia war, emanating from Syria.
This is in full compliance with the biblical end-time prophecies – which can not be surprising since the development is steered by Pharisee/ Masonic forces: Their goal is the coming of their Luciferian Israeli Ben David to rule the world. However that can happen only in the blood gush of Armageddon. But that is also the sign of the second coming of Christ.
As always, their method ist the Hegelian dialectics: West against East. Synthesis: The Communist Agenda 21 NWO.
The secular causes are, however 1) the position of US petrodollar: the backbone of the superpower status of the USA 2) the position of Rothschild´s central banks. If rogue states bypass the dollar for oil trade or do not want a Rothschild central bank, they are attacked by Rothschild/Rockefeller´s private army, NATO (Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria).
After an apparent longer strife between Rothschild (Khodorkovsky, Yukos equities) and the King of Pharisaic Jews, Putin, Putin has now made himself a new Stalin, purging his opponents , but still leading a government of many Jewish oligarchs.
Putin has now quite silently decided to drop Rothschild´s Russian central bank and print rubles independently of Rothschild´s US FED, which today is limiting Russia´s money supply ad absurdum.
This means Russia has created a cause for war with Rothschild´s NATO, as Putin is scuttling Rothschild´s dollar for which Rothschild has waged war on the US, murdered US presidents, and by which he has brought the US to the verge of economic collapse. Reason: Dollar (and all other money printing) is issuing of debt to Rothschild – and interest is now stifling the world´s economies.
But now comes the paradox: Rothschild´s Goldman Sachs founded the BRIC club of states – made a lot of money by looting them and having them trade with each other in their own currencies – dodging the dollar. Now all of a sudden, Goldman Sachs pulls the plug of the BRIC fund – finishing the BRIC, leaving these countries to be individually further looted by Rothschild´s IMF and GEF!
One more paradox: Jacob Rothschild admits the chaos created by his own central banks, sells dollars and buys gold: Rothschild is obviously scuttling the dollar of his own FED!!
The Daily Bell supposes that Rothschild is engineering Putin´s dollar War! – and thus is extending his own dollar war – in order to have the dollar as the world´s reserve currency exchanged in favor of the SDRs of his IMF. Therefore, China´s dollar competitor, the AIIB Bank, is cooperating with Rothschild´s IMF.
However, this means the end of the United States as a superpower. Strong forces in the US will not let that happen and will again go to war for their petrodollar and USA´s world domination – in a war against Russia as planned by Brzezinski.
It is based on a diabolical plan – designed by the Illuminati / Freemason Albert Pike: The NWO through 3 world wars.
I have researched in a little more detail what these striking chaos preparations by the German Government could mean, viz. to create joint military / police exercises and appeal to the population to provide for supplies (water, food, cash) for 10 days.
In June, Germany warned about war between NATO and Russia
The video below predicts a great war, stating that the USA, Russia and China are also warning their peoples of war – Russia having built enormous subterranean shelters.
Also in the west, luxury “bomb-safe” shelters are multiplying.
– The author bringing the video writes:
With the recent push to federalize state and local law enforcement agencies and create a “global police force,” controlled by the UN, we believe an “event” much larger in scope that would require citizens to depend on only themselves to survive is being prepared.
Whether that is a global economic collapse, a celestial event, an attack against the grid, or even the stronger possibility of a nuclear war , it appears governments across the globe are waiting for something big to happen.
Whatever is coming is going to be a global event. Start stockpiling food, water,medical supplies and basic necessities…. start doing so now.
Don’t expect the mainstream media to make an announcement giving people time to go to the store and gather supplies, when it happens it is going to happen fast and by the time they tell you about it, it will be too late.
Insightful Dutchsinse tells us how to do the practical things
But what could be the reason for such a drastic event – apart from it being planned by the Illuminati/Masons – Albert Pike?
The United States is waging wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Libya for 2 reasons: 1) The Petrodollar, which is the backbone of US economy and superpower status was abandoned by those countries 2) These countries were – and Syria still is – rogue states, because they don´t have Rothschild central bank. And NATO has even usurped the role as the Rockefeller /Rothschild Syndicate´s UN Army.
Why Russia is now skipping the dollar and the Rothschild central bank:
As I wrote in my latest post, the King of Jews, Vladimir Putin, is becoming the new Stalin and he is now beginning to dismantle Rothschild´s Russian central bank as suggested by his advisor, Yevgeni Fyodorow, 2 years ago. Fyodorow then said:
“Our Central Bank, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Economics, are driving us along the road to destruction of the Russian economy, because they are executing the orders of Washington and London.
We need to return to a classic economy, nationalization of the ruble and rapid de-offshoring, as Putin puts it. Comment: OK – but Putin & Co had hidden a lot of private money in Panama!!
In an interview with The Pravda 0n December 30, 2014, Fyodorow said, ” The Constitution says that the central bank is subject .. to international agreements. Administration of the Russian central bank is based outside Russia.
The entire segment of the investment is based on the dollar and euro.
The central bank has foreign currency reserves – $ 450 billion to date. This amount exceeds the cash ruble assets 2.5 times.
Below, Nikolai Starikov illustrates how Rothschild´s US Federal Reserve is stifling Russia’s money supply: Russia can print no more rubles than it has earned dollars by oil sales. With the dollars, Russia then has to buy US junk debt.
The following and China’s temporary drop of purchases of dollars have been ignored by the MSM, but will have widespread geopolitical consequences.
It is historical.
Putin leaves the Russian Dollar. This independence will make the ruble sovereign over 5 years – and replace Rothschild´s central bank by a state central bank – and Communist governmentally steered economy.
F. William Engdahl New Eastern Outlook 2 august 2016 : On July 25, Putin mandated that an economic group called the Stolypin Club prepare their proposals to spur revitalization growth to be presented to the government by the fourth quarter of this year.
Thus, Putin has rejected liberal western free market ideology.
In 1990 the first priority in Washington and the IMF was to pressure Yeltsin and the Duma to “privatize” the State Bank of Russia, under a constitutional amendment that mandated the new Central Bank of Russia, like the Federal Reserve or the European Central Bank, be a purely monetarist unit the sole task of which is to control inflation and stabilize the ruble (which was not made). In effect, money creation in Russia was removed from the sovereignty and tied to the US dollar. Stolypin proposes the sovereignty of the ruble ro be restored – and partly backed on gold.
The Daily Bell 20 August 2016: Russia leaves the dollar based monetary system and adopts a system of sovereign currency.
Considering the elite bank control over so much around the world, we would not be surprised if we are just exposed to a gigantic achievement kind of directed from the top down. Ironically, despite apparent “backlash”, London’s City is certainly leading the way.
The World Bank issues a large Chinese yuan / RMB tranche and this will be the first of many (here). Investors who wish to place funds in RMB rather than dollars will use the new yuan / RMB instruments. Thus, The United States will continue to print dollars, but those dollars can not find a home abroad so easy. Instead, they can circulate back into the US economy creating significant price inflation.
Perhaps the corrupt military-industrial complex will be forced to shrink and major social programs such as the wretched Obamacare will have more difficulty with financing as well.
BRIC, invented by Goldman Sachs is a part of it. From what we can tell, it is pre-planned.
Remember both IMF and the World Bank are controlled by the United States (Rothschild). And yet it is these two organizations facilitating the emergence of the yuan / RMB.
All of this may be the reason why Jacob Rothschild now warns the world against the failure of his central banks to manage an upcoming crash in the greatest financial experiment in history: Zero/negative interest rates and desperate “quantitative easing. Therefore, Rothschild is selling dollars and sterling, buying gold instead.
This is an outright and very dangerous declaration of war against the petrodollar. And even Rothschild is waging war on his own dollar.
In my opinion, this is a stroke of Hegelian dialectics: Rothschild steering both thesis dollar and antithesis ruble/Putin towards achieving the synthesis: the NWO Agenda 21 through Albert Pike´s 3 world wars.
Russia becoming a rogue state without a Rothschild Bank with a sovereign currency and skipping the petrodollar?
This is a usual cause of American wars. And the US Russian/US war is being prepared and here and here and here by NATO – especially by the US military industrial complex and here and here and here. Putin is under strong pressure to prepare for WWIII.
It is even weirder: China’s AIIB bank and BRIC and its international investment bank – in cooperation with Rothschild´s IMF are already at war with the petrodollar!! But wait a minute! The BRIC is finished. And why? Rothschilds — Goldman Sachs has pulled the plug on the BRIC Fund!! It was not paying.
And it means a lot: Rothschilds Goldman Sachs started BRIC for Rothschild power and profit. Now Rothschild has sucked the wealth out of Brazil and Russia, for example – and leaves the countries on their own – and that means looting by Rothschild´s IMF and GEF!
A Russian State Bank with Rothschild acceptance? If that’s the case, there is only one scary option left: An attempt to drag the United States into another war against those who scuttle the petrodollar, a long expected reason for WWIII. The unwillingness to accept the petrodollar is making the US desperate. The United States wants its dollar to be replaced with Rothschild´s SDR as the world currency.
But what is this all about? Rothschild furthermore supported BRIC whose purpose is to dodge the petrodollar by using national currencies in mutual trade, although the United States has fought so bloodily in Iraq, Libya, Syria for the petrodollar – also enforcing rogue states to have a Rothschild central bank – at least in Afghanistan, Libya and Iraq.
The petrodollar is the backbone of the US superpower status and without it the United States would collapse!
What is Rothschild up to? He is obviously destroying the New World/USA – the order of which Rothschild dictated in the Great Seal and Washington DCs Fake constitution. What is Rothschild planning with the dollar which he took over from the US by the 1st and 2nd National banks, and finally through the FED Coup d’etat in 1913, even trying/succeeding to murder opposing US presidents (Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, John F. Kennedy) in order to keep the monopoly to print and lend dollars?
Rothschild even waged a war on the US to keep the printing of dollars and thus to dominate the US:
In 1811 Nathan Rothschild said “Either the application for renewal of the National Bank charter is granted, or the United States will find itself involved in a most disastrous war. Teach those impudent Americans a lesson. Bring them back to colonial status.”
1812: Backed by Rothschild money, the British declare war on the United States.
The Daily Bell believes Rothschild is even behind the dismantling of his own Russian central bank!! That it is all planned.
Well, Putin has a very special role in Rothschild´s Freemasonry through his superlodge “Golden “Eurasia”.
This could explain the drastic measures being taken by Germany urging people to provide emergency food supplies. The war rhetoric from Putin – who is said to have been planning WWIII 10 years and the CIA is very dramatic:
I found this on the NATO website, which I find alarmimg: In July, Russia threatened a preventive attack on NATO . Putin has threatened to wipe us off the face of the earth! (Israeli News Live).
A NATO general demands faster action / war against Russia
And former CIA vice president Mike Morell wants US to kill Russians in Syria and go direkt for Assad! A sure way to trigger a clash between the USA and Russia.
“A tumultuous noise of the kingdoms of nations gathered together: the LORD of hosts mustereth the host of the battle. They come from a far, from the end of heaven… to destroy the whole land”.(Isaiah 13:4).
A combination effort on the part of elements within the United States and the UK are pushing for direct military confrontation with the Syrian military as well as the Russians. (Activist Post 22 Aug. 2016). Clintonites have launched a major campaign for this as have US State Dept. Diplomats (The New York Times 16 June 2016).
Well, well, very dramatic – and you know this could be the long awaited beginning of the moment of truth.
For my part, I know that if WWIII is coming our way it is also the final sign of the 2. Coming of Christ – in a nuclear war being so vividly described in Matth. 24, Luke 21, Jeremia 25:29-on). To me that is a huge comfort. When I see first Damascus (Isaiah 17) and then Israel being levelled with ground (Ezekiel 38,39) I will also provide food and medical supplies for 3-4 weeks. If the tribulation goes on for longer than that I want to die, knowing that my resurrection will be near – for what will there be to live for in a nuclear devastated world?
For WWIII is planned along biblical prophecy lines. The dominant Pharisees/Masons and their Jesuit/Illuminati masters must follow that plan to make good of their superior plan: World domination by Israel´s Luciferian ben David through an Armageddon blood bath.
Are you scared of dying? I have previously written about afterlife experiences.
Here is one more by Indian doctor, Rajiv Parti
The Daily Mail 22 Aug. 2016: Parti claims he had an out-of-body experience while undergoing life-saving surgery. Fifteen minutes into the surgery they inserted a catheter and he felt a surge of searing pain.
At that point he remembers floating over the scene. He could see his own body being operated on, and he could hear the surgeons talking. One made a joke.
At the same time, he could see his mother in a green sari sat at home in India, with his sister who was wearing jeans and a blue top.
From this tender moment, he remembers being catapulted into a ‘hellish realm’ with black clouds, lightning, a wild fire, and creatures with horns.
Here, everyone he had ever been rude to appeared before him, including a patient. Then his father appeared, walked him into a tunnel, which opened to ‘the light of a thousands suns that did not hurt the eyes’.
The surgeons confirmed the joke that he remembered.
He claims his mother confirmed that the scene he imagined in India did in fact happen as he was undergoing surgery.
Here is what dead but resuscitated Muslims have to tell. If this is true I do not know.
But I do know their motivation for telling this must be a very strong conviction: For they risk their lives telling this in public.
Jesus Christ, and he alone, has overcome death permanently! and promised his followers to avoid the described Hell scene (John 5:24) – also described by Dr. Eben Alexander (The Telegraph 9 Oct. 2012).
So, to Christians, death means the beginning of life with our origin.
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The core of it:
The Beatles and the Magical Mystery Tour:
Take drugs, consume Heroin, Ishtar -Easter, Inanna. And die while you tranfer everything you earned into their account.
You then a good bee turning over the nectar.
Here is the list of the most wealthy POS reptilians, just like Bill and I… we are all very bad narcissistic reptilian psychopaths and need to be put down like rabid dogs. As to do everyone a big favor, find out where we live and our underground bunkers. Please destroy us on behalf of all loving mankind.Thank you. What difference at this point does it make!
Be sure to thank obuttcrack and I when you vote in November…we destabilized the middle-east by selling arms to ISIS and have left Americas boarders wide open for terrorists! We created Isis! Ain’t we great!!! What difference at this point does it make!!!
ww3 is here!
Learn the truth about Revelation 12, it is really what is driving the Satanic NWO Agenda. God’s kingdom is coming in through the events of Revelation 12 and the Satanists are in panic mode and ready to start WW3 in order to kill the chosen.
Charlie Rose is interviewing a chronic masturbator that enjoys little boys while fantasizing about raping them.
What the hell is the matter with freaks like Mike Morell?
Does this mean we can add “The Tap Blog” to the list of Bull Sh1tters?
yeah folks buy spend shop unnecessary crap
“This is in full compliance with the biblical end-time prophecies – which can not be surprising ”
This actually is surprising. That people don’t live their own life for something that’s not even provable.
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Get rid of all the scum Putin, this was the one thing you had remaining that made me think I could not trust you completely. Happy hunting and killing if necessary.
Putin is the new Stalin? Getting rid of the Rothschild bank to replace it with a communist one? Russia is a republic. Putin is elected. It is not a communist country now. I have to give somethings to Putin like kicking out Monsanto,GMO food, and seeds. Holding their richest people by the throat(figuratively) and not letting them haul their hundreds of billion$ out of Russia. He even put one in jail, and has warrants for few. After watching him outmaneuver Obama repeatedly all over the globe it’s sadly amusing. Like the air campaign in Syria. We(U.S.) were left with a deserved black-eye. We look like idiot bullies on the world stage. Yet the U.S. keeps poking the bear. The U.S. hasn’t fought a 1st rate, modern army since WWII. I listen to what our generals/admirals have to say. Now the U.S. forces are poking the bear, and pissing off China. Those 2 countries are about to set up a full military alliance. They are already doing naval maneuvers. God does have a plan in mind, but Washington is Godless.
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