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Humic & Fulvic Liquid Trace Mineral Complex

HerbAnomic’s Humic and Fulvic Liquid Trace Mineral Complex is a revolutionary new Humic and Fulvic Acid Complex designed to support your body at the cellular level. Our product has been thoroughly tested by an ISO/IEC Certified Lab for toxins and Heavy metals as well as for trace mineral content. We KNOW we have NO lead, arsenic, mercury, aluminum etc. in our Formula.

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    Total 15 comments
    • JamesinNM

      Can anyone confirm this is true?

      • beLIEve

        WARNING……… :idea: ………..WARNING……. :mad: ………..WARNING……… :lol: :lol:

        :oops: UPDATE :oops: ……the VIDEO above is “apparently” UNTRUE :!: …FOR………today’$ DATE :!: :idea:

        The VIDEO :?: WILL be RELEASED at a TIME IN the FUTURE………WHEN the “government” I$ REMOVED :!: :lol:

        fAR$E = = = VACCINE$ ….WILL….BE……HALTED……..ju$t…………NOT YET……..THEY need to GENOCIDE a “few” more first :!: :!: :mad:


        Take alook at the COMMENT POSTED on the Bitchute VIDEO :!: ……….. :idea:


        This is a SIMULATION EXERCISE as evidenced by the word exercise on the BOARD BEHIND HIM.

        It’s not a hoax, it’s AN EXERCISE to prepare FOR A PLAN OF ACTION…WHEN… the current government resigns or is removed.

        Just like Agenda 21 was an exercise TO PREPARE FOR Covid :!:
        This is NOT HAPPENING IN REAL TIME. :idea:
        This exercise lasted several days and if the uploader had watched the whole symposium he would have been aware of this 🙄
        [show less]

        Edited 2 hours ago

    • Rickenbocher

      I don’t know. Kind of looks fake too me

    • Hsaive


      • pohknee

        Might be you that has been fooled and you are afraid to realize reality. Maybe Germany sees Nuremberg 2.0 on the horizon.

    • BearKat77

      Basiscamp is just a simulation game event with the hypothesis that the German Govt has resigned and a new leadership emerges, addressing the coronavirus from their perspective. Unless the Tap Blog is like Babylon Bee, only a troll would headline this video as a shocking news event that Germany has halted the vax

    • buffaloman

      but but but, how will the cabal take over germany?

    • allendaves

      #1  “ONE” not triune: ……Satan in The garden…God said you will die…Satan comes along and states no you will be more WISE……today .God said He is one; but Satan’s children come along and say no “three in one” is more WISE and humble in the face of God’s grandeur OR or THE TRINITY HERESY

      #2 SECOND COMING Thou Fool! “I come quickly” so “Hold fast till i come”… NOT …“in another 2000 yrs I might be coming soon any time now, so hold fast”!?! … DOWNLOAD FREE 480pg textbook or Revelation The First Gospel of The Kingdom or 

      #3 There is a sharp contrast between THREE groups : (A) “PREDESTINED DAMNED” who were NEVER written in the book of life …..Rev 17: 8 NAMES …NOT WRITTEN …FROM THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD, …as contrasted …EPH 1: 4. According as he hath CHOSEN US in him BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD 

      (B) “MANY CALLED”= ONLY and ALL SAINTS (those who come to Christ) are written in the book of life … Philippians 4:3… ……Rev 21:27; (Only saints are Called and elect; Rom 1:6-7 et al)

      (C) THE FEW CHOSEN: Those saints who were alive in group #2 who are now physically dead. They died “faithful” these are the FEW that were chosen faithful…….Rev 3:5. ……; and I will not BLOT OUT HIS NAME OUT OF THE BOOK OF LIFE, (Ps 69:28) ….  Predestination….its true..its all true Most true Christians go to hell

      #4 Water babtisim?  HTTPS://WWW.SCRIBD.COM/DOCUMENT/326686356/THIEF-CROSS-3D

    • TruckerCarl

      This was a mock exercise the Govt did. It even has it printed on the video itself.


      This is click bait.

    • Erica

      All I can find is that Germany restricts use of the AstraZeneca vaccine

    • Larry Hewitt

      Read the Statement at the Bottom people…. it says, A Global Pandemic Exit Exercise

      I live in Switzerland, and in Germany there has been no such Public Announcement made.

      Even though it high time some European Doctors and Virologists would finally step up and raise their desenting voices against the expirimental gene therapy – which I would name Expiremental Genocide Push.

      Peace & Health

    • Arse

      F@#k, at last, someone is waking up.

    • Barry

      Bull fuckin’ shit asshole:

      Weiterer Meilenstein: Mehr als 100 Mio Corona-Impfungen in 🇩🇪 in 6 Monaten, das ist eine der größten logistischen Leistungen in der Geschichte unseres Landes. Damit sind 64,4 % (53,5 Mio) mind. einmal geimpft. 59,4 % (49,4 Mio) haben vollen Schutz. Danke an alle, die mithelfen!

      — Jens Spahn (@jensspahn) August 25, 2021

      I should point out that he announced this 3 days AFTER the Stephan Kohn video was released on Instagram.

      So there is no doubt – Germany has not stopped vaccinating its citizens.

      Fucking LIAR! Go tap another one out motherfucker.

      :lol: :lol:

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