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New Documentary on The PCR Test Deception is Banned on YouTube – Share this Film with Skeptics

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by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

Film producer Rai Gbrym reached out to me last week about a new documentary he had just produced that exposes the fraud of the PCR test.

He had just posted it on YouTube and it already had thousands of views. I immediately downloaded the video so that I could view it when I had some time.

When I went to watch it, it was already banned on YouTube, and no longer available.

After viewing it now, I can see why Big Tech doesn’t want you to watch this, and why Google banned it on YouTube. If one can prove that the PCR Test used to detect COVID-19 is a fraud, then the entire “pandemic” is a fraud as well.

Rai does a very good job of exposing the fraud behind the PCR test, and he has excellent interviews with people like Dr. Stephan Lanka from Germany, and Dr. Malcolm Kendrick from the U.K.

We have featured the work of both these men over the years here at Health Impact News, as both of these men have been exposing the corruption in science and medicine for many years now, unlike the many doctors and scientists that have only recently begun to speak out against crimes in Big Pharma due to the COVID-19 scam.

Dr. Lanka made headlines in 2017 when he issued a challenge in Germany where he agreed to pay 100,000 euros to anyone who could prove that the measles “virus” actually existed.

Wanting to categorize him as a “quack” for not following the mainstream dogma, he had some people take him up on his challenge, but in the end, the German Federal Supreme Court confirmed that there was not enough evidence to prove the existence of the measles virus. See:

German Supreme Court Upholds Biologist’s Claim that Measles Virus Does Not Exist

Dr. Malcolm Kendrick is the author of several books, including The Great Cholesterol Con,  A Statin Nation: Damaging Millions in a Brave Post-health World, and Doctoring Data, among others.

Rai Gbrym has done a wonderful job in this documentary, and he is offering it to the public for free, even though it was self-funded, so important does he consider this information.

Please support this work at his website, and share this film with as many people as you can. We have it on our Bitchute channel, and we will have it on our Telegram channel soon as well.


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    Total 4 comments
    • LonePatriot3

      The ongoing COVID-19 nonsense here in the United States exists solely and exclusively because our governments have failed to use the correct treatment. They used so-called “vaccines” when Japan has just proven, in less than ONE MONTH, that Ivermectin can wipe out the disease. IVM was awarded the Nobel prize for medicine in 2015. One of the 3 most important drugs in human history: Aspirin, Penicillin, and Ivermectin. Get your Ivermectin today while you still can!

    • HTLIII

      I was kicked off Youtube a year ago for recommending Faucifraud be dragged by a pick-up truck through the Mojave Desert until he was turned into buzzard and ant food. Reason? Faucifraud genocide CONTINUOUSLY over the past 35 years. Apparently the obsession the previous administrations and congress had with cocaine and young orphans led to brain damage in congress and the White House.

    • residentp

      PCR can also stand for “Political Criminalization Reactor ” where statistics are created as to criminalize the uninformed by labeling them as diseased where they are in fact not diseased, to a dangerous level, that poses a threat to other that cannot be handled. The agenda was to end up with a health certificate to give the beast control over humans that will control their ability to trade or to buy and sell as to survive. They created a deadly strategy to ensure depopulation,…. doesn’t matter if you take or don’t take the poisons of the communist terrorists. Countries are experiencing coups and the defense services of the countries have a sworn duty to remove all governments being a deadly threat to citizens. The defense service men and women are also citizens and the same deadly outcome will befall them after they have served their purpose for the for the political criminals.

    • Arse

      It’s time for Fuckie to go to jail with boom Gate and the rest.

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