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America’s war with Russia and the communist Revolution in North America: creating a hypothesis out of connected dots that probably mean nothing at all

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In the past few days, we have posted a couple of videos of Viktor Orbán, warning about NATO setting the stage for a larger and unnecessary war, which will certainly be destructive for all of us in many ways. The interview we posted was from last week, but Gates of Vienna has posted a newer one on the same theme from this past Friday. We also posted a speech Orbán gave to a  live audience on the same theme. The theme being, the curious insistence of war with Russia by NATO.

Before I continue, a quick definition.

A hypothesis is just an idea someone may have. Could be from connecting dots in evidence, or even the unconscious collation of data in one’s own brain which leads to an insight or idea. It could turn out to be a world changer, or a steaming pile of BS. I’m really hoping this one is the latter.

Let’s put in a few more dots:

OK so that’s pretty in tight with what Orbán was saying. From the theoretical right to the factual.

I dunno who this is. Is this anybody? Still, it doesn’t seem that unlikely that if you corner a bobcat and attack it, it will strike at you with all it has even if you have a small army of bears behind you. Dead is dead. May as well go down fighting, from anyone’s perspective. No? If anyone knows who this Russian alleged diplomat is, please leave a comment. It matters of course, who it actually is.

Macgregor again:

OK so now this:

Biden prepares an order that would shut down asylum if a daily average of 2,500 migrants arrive

Ok first of all, this article is written in political language. What did Orwell say about that?

“Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.”

So if I dare translate from politics to reality, what we get out of that AP News item is:

‘Biden deliberately let in all these people with zero connection to America’s libertarian culture, past and values. We can know this because for some reason now, he is stopping’. (Yes, for Biden you can read Obama, and for Obama you can read COMINTERN)

Even Bill Mahar figured that much out

Here is the hypothesis:

If the question is:

‘How do you take a nation down from an individualist, true-liberal or libertarian nation and make it into a communist-authoritarian one when the public is armed and has a 2nd amendment to the Constitution which most people understand, and understand why it is there?’

The answer might be:

Well you bring in millions of replacements for the actual Americans, and send the Americans to get killed by Russia. And if you beat Russia, bonus, and if you don’t you send them a nice thank you note for assisting in your own revolution.

Just an idle thought. Pretty sure I am totally full of it here. But this is a blog and that means writing down a few thoughts when they may help save a few lives or reenforce and important principle of Western Civilization. We called it right on the vaxx, Islamic immigration, communism and other more local events. Hopefully wrong on this one.

But one thing is for sure. One of the reasons we lose all the time is we don’t think big enough. Our enemies think ion a massive scale. All the time.


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