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Appearances, Disappearances, AI camels, Horse sense, mutiny in the ranks, and the risky downsides of the genocides

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I’ll probably be seen to break ranks here, but what seems to be buzzing right now is not just the release of Julian Assange, but also the “Why now?” angle. Nobody in the neolithic media this morning will go anywhere near answering the question. I’m fairly certain the one word summary is “distraction”. This is being done as a preparation for something far more significant. There are only about 200 possibilities, so fear not.

I do not question Assange’s courage, but I have never liked his ‘Lawrence of Arabia looking into the distant horizon philosophically’ pose. There’s an air of self-importance about the bloke, and more than a whiff of narcissism.

As for the continuing saga of Schwab the invisible man, the question is not “Why now?” so much as “Why not yet?”Do you want to know the reason why it’s now four months since Klaus Schwab became media-invisible, and so “decided” to step out of the limelight, and still hasn’t made any public appearance to say, “Un’ so, mein kleinern Schnitzel Poppas, this is not auf weidersehen but ze end titles, hoho,” if nothing else.

Ask Kate Middleton: she tried to get herself a photoshop makeover using AI (twice) and got caught (twice). Santa Klaus Schwab therefore remains oudda-sight man, yo! It’s now safer to think, “The best way to “prove” my existence generally is to remain hidden and make sure the Establishment media are briefed to assert that there is nothing to see here, I am just fine, Gott in Himmel.”

So, it’s time for the inestimable forces of Slog Paparazzi – having gained secret access to Klaus ‘Garbo’ von DavoSchwab’s love nest here in African Ecowas – to reveal this exclusive, unique, one-off snap of liddle Klausi legging it to safety by using his secret lover as the escape vehicle:

Well there you are, Klaus was always a sucker for a pretty face. Of course, we can’t see his face – but that’s the game, innit? Surely this shot must be incontrovertible proof that Herr Schlaphead von Davos is alive and well, but being pursued by those of malign intent. It represents classic post empirical New Normalism, settled science, on messageness – but with the added advantage of being -59.7% AI manipulation free…and we here in the exalted halls of principled Slog journalism wish the Clara-Klaus Union a long and happy life free from tabloid Nobslobs like – to take an example at random – Smears Pogrom, and his best mates Alan Rustybridges and Paul McCuntry – none of whom had the cojones to stand up to the Guardian/New York Times/Washington Post Trident of Reality killers.

However, the chances of that coming to pass are less than Gareth Southgate having a torrid affair with Christine Lagarde based on their shared love of the soccer offside rule….and the pro’s and con’s of penalty shoot-outs.

We have to ask ourselves [I rather think] now that Klaus Schwab is disappearing from view [perhaps forever] what his ‘stakeholder’ model of capitalism really was all about. Old Chinese saying has it that “Steakholder with sharp eating utensils way ahead of game if opponent only has a stake promised in delivery with chopsticks as only weapon”.

Schwab was never a key player in the era of massive power shifts from Nationality to globalist business curency wars – and thence onward to the insane idea of World Government. But if what he had created could be taken over by the less naive nasties and used as an apparently Gentle Giant…..well: I sense that this is what’s being going on since last March.

Things are no longer what they seem in any situation. Digital manipulation, image technology, great wealth and the power to exert deadly threats have killed reality.

But probably the thing to remember at all times is that only seven per cent or so of First World populations have skin in the Distortionist Power Game. US polls now, for instance, show the Swingometer heading back towards Biden since the conviction of Trump for the crime of being blackmailed by a hooker. In a research situation, respondents will feel the need to show disapproval; such is not often turned into polling booth private action.

The kick in the balls that the French electorate recently gave to Emannuel Macron is seen by many (including myself) as instructive. The mark of good market research is that which discerns defensive social lies.

Further, very few quantitative studies take into account the exact vehicle for translating the popular vote into power. In the US, some States are using a form of ranked choice voting ( RCV, a sort of pr) for the primaries, most aren’t – and for the POTUS election itself, to win, a candidate needs a simple majority of vote in 270 States. If you’re confused at all about this, here’s a visual guide issued by the organisation keen on RCV becoming universal:

Well, as we can see here, one picture is worth a million words, and as exemplary proof of that contention, this diagram goes one further. For it could confidently offer Albecht Einstein a million years to crack it and still leave the enigma intact – primarily because Einstein died seventy years ago, but equally because the illustration could be anything from the Faroe Islands making their bid for freedom from the Earth’s* pull to Gennifer Flowers’ latest wall-art attempt to save our civilisation**

*In my opinion, an excellent call….and well worth the risk.

** Did you know she’s 74? No, neither did I.

More complexity from the House of Windsor: Princess Anne has apparently been injured after “contact with a horse”. That’s what the PR release says: far from being a wiseass here [the Princess Royal is by far my favourite family member] I wonder why idiots continue to raise eyebrows due to their inability to construct simple sentences with an air of credibility? Anyway, the press pack says ‘The Princess Royal has been admitted to hospital with a minor head injury and concussion thought to have been caused by a horse….Her medical team suggested the head injury is consistent with the type of impact from a horse’s legs or head.’

Extrapolating from this, as she was walking in the grounds of her home at the time, she was not what we equestrian experts call “in the saddle”. In short, was she attacked by the horse? Bear in mind, Anne is a long-standing eventer of Olympic standard who has been horsey since 1954. One assumes she is on first-name terms with her horses.

So why the contretemps?

Although Princess Anne’s politics are not unknown to me, I’ve never met her. But it’s remarkable how streetwise, sharp and commonsensical everything emanating from her and those around her is. She has exactly the sort of honesty, informed enquiry and steely “naff off” attitude required to challenge those she sees as fakes: she rejects royalty and pomp for her children and despises those who want to live off the State without putting anything back.

She is, let’s face it, an example to all of us. To avoid indiscretion here, suffice to say that it’s not her dynasty she especially wants to protect, but the Nation and its culture she was born into. Trickle-down information from that genuine past of yesteryear, is far, far more reliable than trickle down wealth.

Memo to those who wish deserved equality of free speech to be more protected: take the protection of the Princess Royal and her values far more seriously.

In that penultimate context, let’s – for a few paragraphs here – explore why those whose instinctive wisdom gathered over seven decades is vastly more valuable [with far less downside] than the soi-disant élites who embrace what they see as the triumph of IQ. Given that these same somewhat confused people spend much of their time pushing transhuman AI as The Answer, one is bound to wonder about the purity of their motives…or indeed, the logic they applied to get there in the first place.

They are no right and wrong answers to these questions, because the quintessential questioning of science is [for our brains at least] never ending. To lose the gene that demands further scientific exploration ad infinitum is to end species evolution and wind up being eaten by crocodiles.

So I shall end this ramble in the bramble with three points doubting whether our wannabe 0.03% have really thought through their “theory” that the only solution to Earthly problems is a genocidal attack on 93% of the rest of us.

1. Earth population 2024 – Human population, 8,117,500,357 reduced by 93% = 75,492.753….in words, seventy-five million four hundred ninety-two thousand seven hundred and fifty-three. That’s roughly the population of the United Kingdom. This is a scale of mass-murder never before applied in our solar system. Do any of these greediots have the faintest notion what the effect would be on (a) our atmosphere’s volume (b) massive expansion of tree coverage thanks to CO2 (c) reduction in arable land [see Gates’s cunning investment in such cereal potential] (d) huge change in human diet balance between 4-legged meat and fish or (e) ditch clearance allowing for drain-off of deadly salt water?

2. Unipolar power base for NWO government – Are they expecting the losers in this fight to go quietly into the everlasting darkness without unleashing a single nuclear response? Do they know that the average battlefield nuclear weapon is now 13 times the size of the Hiroshima Bomb?

3. Smash-&-Grab raid on ‘Enemy’ infrastructure & raw/rare energy materials – how much do they think will be left of that after a nuclear exchange? Ergo, surely they will be reduced to releasing more unstable bioweapons and then pathetically disguised “vaccines” to wipe out the human enemy. Do they imagine that – thanks in particular to the idiocy of Fauci & Co at the CDC – and the opportunists of Beijing-sur-Wuhan – the new Sino-Russian détante – won’t see this coming?

We have to ask ourselves – in a spirit of common sense rather than fear, superiority complex or hate – whatTF they think they’re about, and why they think their Apprenticed Sorcerers might know more than (a) those of us who have been researching what’s coming down the road at accelerating speed for over twenty years and (b) just as important – why every taxi driver, cleaning lady, small business entrepreneur and barman – knows perfectly well how, yet again, they’re going to get screwed.

The main “mutiny” has begun in France, but the pre and after-shocks will be felt in Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Greece, Cyprus and – at long last – my overcrowded homeland in the UK. Spain is also heading this way, as indeed is Italy.

But we have to keep raising our eyes higher to the Heavens….even if the mainstream media won’t. Everthing has changed: the Dollar monopoly, currency valuations, the forced arrival of the Brics and their Third World appeal, the inrepayable First World World sovereign debts, and the ever-tighter control of the big-six investment houses over fascist levels of disgracefully false accuration and childish hate in the media….it’s impossible to miss.

To read the New York Times writing about Trump these days is akin to scanning copies of the Volkisher Beobachter or Der Sturmer in the mid 1930s on the subject of Jews.

And the United Nations response to all this? Staggeringly, it is one of “wiping out all hate speech across the World”….unless it’s being dished out by Ukrainians, the US media, the Europress or the Poles and Finns against Russia or the Chinese against the Japaness and on and on and on and on.

But what if State actions and their lies are hateful? What if Sunak’s ignorant remarks about Russia generate hate rallies? What if Zelenskyy tells hateful lies about Putin?

We will never put this simplistic BS behind us until we take full command of our senses – and just how much is at stake.


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