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It’s not hypocrisy, it is strategic weighting of one side of the game field: Links 1 for June 29, 2024

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Adapting the thinking of Stephen Coughlin somewhat, one of the most important things to understand is that when a person points out the hypocrisy of the left, they are in fact missing the target in exactly the way the left wishes you to do.

The left operates on a different system of thought than those of us from a more Socratic culture do. Their semantic math if you like, is different from ours. What is hypocrisy in our semantic reality, is strategic selective enforcement in theirs. But much more than that. One can hear it with every narrative attack. None of it adds up in the world of real meaning because the purpose of leftist narrative attacks are to destroy meaning. What Stephen might call a “liquified reality”.

Many people cannot or don’t want to believe the left is this complex.

Let me say that complexity is often just alienness which requires the unlearning of how you think and the reabsorption of another system of thought, that once understood is actually another kind of simplicity. The Buddhist concept of Enlightenment may be an example of this. Years of meditation and specific guided practice to unlearn your way of filtering and interpreting your perceptions, and once opened up to the wider data set of all you can perceive, you have achieved a new way of thinking which manifests itself in a new kind of thinking and a great deal of insight in the case of Buddhism.

Indian Classical music is another example. If you try and understand it through the lens of Western musical systems of rhythm, you will abandon its pursuit as impossibly complex. If you abandon your Western education on counting musical time and accept that most of the world’s music (if we count cultures as opposed to what is produced) is based on a series of accented pulses, then it becomes something manageable.  (Indian Classical is still the most complex even of these systems.) The point being, it is another system of thought which is no more complex, but is alien and appears complex through the lens of our own way of seeing things. This is because of the effort required to understand it through your own lens, which has to end with the abandonment of that lens for the purpose of understanding, or incorporating it into one’s own thought process.

Stephen often explains that dialectics is the epistemology of the Left. Epistomology is the branch of philosophy that concerns itself with the theory of knowledge altogether. It’s the branch of philosophy most often represented in cartoons, if you like, of philosophy where you might see philosophers rapidly talk each other into believing nothing exists because you can’t really prove anything does.

Buddhism takes the position that suffering is real, and to be avoided, and then bases everything from that.

Which is actually a pretty decent premise. Especially if you come from India several thousand years ago.

Socrates demonstrated that with his system of reason and logic, you can predict future events, and describe reality by the attributes of things to a degree by understanding past and present behaviours of things. Models, in other words, can be built which reflect reality often well enough that you can build things which utilize the attributes as described by natural-science (Socratic philosophy) that will actually do what you want them to do. Nothing metaphysical at all. A always does this and B always does the other. So put them together and you have something which utilizes the attributes of A and B to create C.

So a Socratic world observes reality, then develops a taxonomy, or series of formal classifications of the observable world, and moves forward with that.

Taxonomy in fact may be one of the most powerful inventions Humans have ever created.

It can be used for tremendous harm or tremendous benefit.

The Nazi use of taxonomy is the clear example of evil uses of the science. But  the Nazis are just a branch office of the Left. Communists are the greatest weaponizers of taxonomy of all. The entire basis for commuinist thought is the imputation of attributes to its taxa as it created them. The Proletariat and Bourgeoisie.  And with this taxonomy, they have incorporated the metaphysical.

How might that look?

Western thought looks at humans and says: There are appear to be two basic kinds. Men and Women. And when they interact in a certain way, they make children. Nature overall appears to work that way across a wide variety of animals. So the basic taxa are males and females. And as nature is not a perfect copying machine, there are errors in translation of this genetic information from time to time which leads to subtaxa. Hermaphroditism and its sub branches for example.

Nothing metaphysical about any of this.

The Left though, as part of its narrative attacks against this very thing at all levels, gives us the ‘Trans-movement’.

The idea that a person can be “born in the wrong body” is very much a metaphysical idea. The ego of a thing and its physical container must be separate entities. It is, as Steven Pinker explains in his excellent book, The Blank Slate, one of the three concepts at the roots of modern leftist thought. And one of the concepts is from the book, The Ghost in the Machine.

(The other two are, The Blank Slate as per John Locke, and The Noble Savage by Jean Jacques Rousseau)

Mark Steyn in his post linked here the other day on the debate come massacre between Trump and Biden, described the leftist ambition as not so much convincing us of the lie, but forcing us to live with the lie. This would be the tactical use of the narrative as it is used against us with the idea of trans-people. But the inner logic is metaphysical and there are people who truly and genuinely believe it. In some cases, you can identify them because they cut some of their bits off trying to achieve a sort of Silence of the Lambs effect with less killing of other people. Some of them though, know exactly what they are doing. You can identify them because they do kill often a lot of people. A more and more noticeable trend despite media and state security apparatus attempts to hide those killings by ‘Trans-people’ as they do of Muslims in the name of Islam.

Theodore Dalrymple put it most excellently though…

The only improvement would be to explain that “political correctness” is in fact dialectics in the form of Discourse Theory cancelation of all who oppose narrative attacks.

Put much more simply, the left makes up something by committee which the committee all agree on. This will be called a “consensus”.

The “consensus” will be near total bullshit, or as Stephen explains in another video, the truthfulness of it will be as real as it needs to be, to get the effect they want.

The committee, usually a COMINTERN think tank, will then launch critical theory attacks on anyone who points out that the narrative attack is bullsh*t.

In other words, they call you names.

They call you names which the left made sure has such power, that your basic life as you know it can be, and often is destroyed.

One of those insults is the word, ‘Racist’.

At this late stage of the revolution, pretty much everyone recognizes how that being a racist is a concept that is never allowed to be spoken or thought. Much like uttering the word which starts with a letter between M and O. That everyone has to make sure to demonstrate in every action and word that they are not a ‘racist’. So being called on generally destroys a person’s reputation pretty severly, and results in job losses and even ostracism from their communities and even cities. Yet no one stops to realize that except in Western nations, not only does no one give a crap aboout racism,. but it is actually policy in most of the world.

Don’t believe me? Ask anyone who is not Han Chinese living in the PRC. Or any white person near British Gianna or the Atlantic coast of Costa Rica. Or any African who is the wrong kind of African in most of Africa.

And our favorite example of all of the above, is how the Left, turned Islam into a race somehow, even though Indonesia is the most populous Muslim Country and are East Asians ethnically, and accuse anyone who doesn’t like Islam as a doctrine as being “racist” and Islamophobic, and forbidding anyone from speaking the obvious truth from within islamic scripture, history and contemporary sermons that Islam is almost nothing more than a system of war.

A perfect killing machine against all who will not accept Islam as their total authority in all things.

The precise same model is used to push Global Warming.

There is never a mention allowed that China and India produce most of the world’s CO2. We should actually be grateful to them as that is why we have better and better crop yields recently, but the COMINTERN push it as an existential threat. So we cannot point out that the extremely destructive and pointless measures imposed only on Western nations in the name of Climate Justice, are never expected of the people who do most of the Carbon production. Just like racism. You will be called “A holocaust Climate denier” and worse.

For those interested in the science of climate and the facts on it, search for any videos of lectures by Tom Harris. 

We argue that while yes, it is important to understand the true workings of the climate to inform better policy, there is nearly no point in understanding the reality of it until at least you understand that these narrative attacks on us to force us to accept that which isn’t real, or at least live with it, is intended to make everything worse, and worse for Western Civilization until there is nothing whatsoever left of it.

This morning walking around this little part Ontario one couldn’t help but notice the unseasonably cool and wet weather we have despite the dialectic bomber of the CBC letting everyone know all the time that this is the hottest summer ever in human history etc.

(Yes, I know the difference between climate and weather but the CBC makes damn sure to claim hot weather is reflective of the climate at every opportunity)

So I got to thinking. Maybe the CBC could launch a new narrative attack. It could go like this:

Humans exhale so much moisture in their breaths that they are causing Global wetting. And the only way to solve this problem is a massive tax on your breath, which would apply even more harshly on people involved in one of the few industries not already being destroyed by the Carbon tax. Farmers of course would pay the most if they keep animals. And none of this would apply to China, India or Africa.

The reason they probably wouldn’t do this narrative, which is no less ludicrous than the ones they do use, is because they don’t want to appear pivot back to overpopulation. That was a narrative attack they used to stop people of European extraction and even of European culture, Western civ in other words, to stop having children. We see now with all Western nations claiming they face an existential threat unless they import millions of hostiles to their countries that those nations will cease to be. Suddenly, the problem is underpopulation, even though the Earth’s population is  more than double what it was when they launched the overpopulation dialectic through the Club of Rome report in 1972. About 3.85 billion people then, and about 8 billion in 2023.

So Islam and Leftism use very similar methods of destroying who we are in every sense of our identities. eventually to replace our personal self identification with whatever they want.

In a sense I suppose you could say the plan is:

Where B = Brain,

  1. Format B,
  2. install OS Comuslam.

And now a few current examples:

1. ANTIFA ‘Trans’ person on trial for extremely violent behaviour

Recently a person in the US went on trial for leaking the manifesto of a trans mass school killer because it exposed the trans-motives for the murder of children at a Christian school. To be frank, that fact alone should tell us all we need to know about the current state of the machinery of government.

2. Hot summer days in Arizona is proof that there is climate change which is also proof that Donald Trump lied in the debate for failing to accept that particular narrative attack and instead, spoke about real climate issues.

3. Gassy cows and pigs will face a carbon tax in Denmark, the first country to do so 

4. This one speaks to the narrative attack, ‘Safe and Effective’

5. This is arguably a pure example of the simplest aspect of tilting the game table. The lack of reporting on ANTIFA attacks of the debate, and the encouragement of the rioting taking place in 2020

The subjects and ideas in this post are complex and some are subtle. I can say with some certainly right now that I probably did not do a very good job of expressing them well, and certainly not as well as they should be.

Please do post any questions or criticisms and factual corrections to the comments and thank you in advance for doing so.


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