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Let the dust settle

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The Slog argues that last weekend’s close call for Donald Trump was a straightforward reflection of New Normal America: a disastrous rise in arrogant cultural division alongside a continuing fall-off in competence by those who run the covert unelected State.

A senior local official – asked why the Trump wannabe assassin was able to climb to a high position above Trump and then left unimpeded by FBI, CIA and local police officers – replied:

“That’s an excellent question and something we’ll be asking with a degree of anger in the coming days. Candidate Trump was a sitting duck who had the sense to dive and accept the Secret Service’s protective bodies upon his person.

“All we have – as usual – is a dead shooter, a dead supporter, a live candidate….and yet another mystery”.

I would imagine that the official’s view is fairly typical. But it doesn’t fly for me. While this will make me sound more than a little morbid, when the present is unclear, the future is riddled with dead ends, rabbit holes and dark trails.

In this job I’ve awarded to myself as an observer and examiner of motives, causes, events, and hidden truths, the who and what of assassination is by far the most fascinating. Not because of the drama per se, but because visual, social, recorded and photographed, technical and altogether empirical data is there to examine the past that occasioned the present, and speculate about what it means for the future.


Let’s start at the modus operandi here and apply a flurry of knock-out punches that must surely rule out conspiracy theories in this instance.

1. The now definitively dead suspect Thomas Matthew Crooks* was on a rooftop north-east of the former POTUS. He pinged out eight rounds. For the first one, he had a clear shot at the side of Trump’s head, missed completely then took part of the candidate’s ear off with the second bullet. On the one hand, to miss from that range completely and then only miss his cranium by 3 millimetres suggests an amateur who was not a paid assassin, but did try to kill The Donald. This was not a pro-hit or “let’s just scare the fucker”. The mafia and their mates in the Secret State don’t miss. Also they don’t just keep on shooting to ensure the world and his mother know exactly where they are.

* In the best traditions of assassination history, Crooks has now become Thomas Matthew Crooks, and you can bet your bottom Dollar he’s never before been called anything other than Tom. Exactly same rule applies to Lee Harvey Oswald, John Wilkes Booth, and Charles Julius Guiteau (1881).

2. By climbing onto the roof of a police HQ slap bang in the middle of a MAGA rally meant the wannabe assassin had no means of escape. Again, pros go to meticulous lengths to hide from view and live to tell the tale.

3. The loony wing of online investigators put much emphasis on the fact that once more, the suspect is dead. Such people have never been under live fire in their lives: a nut fires two shots more (one more person in the crowd has since succumbed) and then continues to pump more lead while doing a whirling dervish act. The trained Secet Service agent can either ask the guy politely what his problem is, or go bang-bang, you’re dead.

Tom Crooks was out to make a point. A loner at school, he was bullied pretty much every day, largely because he was as bright as a button [boys can be horribly cruel] and probably something of a Nerd. I can’t help feeling – as I read his saddo history now – that Crooks wanted his day in the sun: “Right you Dumbos, I’ll show you”.

4. Even the most simple ‘Consequences brainstorming’ in Langley would very quickly have concluded that if Trump survived, he would milk it politically. He did exactly that within just 2 minutes and 4 seconds of the gunfire ending. With blood streaming from his ear, the former President rose above the level of his protectors and showed the entire planet a fist saying, “I’m prepared to die for MAGA, and nothing and nobody is going to stop me”.

Bravery in the face of the enemy is 24-carat political gold. For weaselly inappropriate Shower-happy Joe Biden, this outcome was the worst possible thing that could’ve happened.

So perhaps this is the moment to travel backwards in that illusory thing called Time, and ask, “WHY did this young man specifically single out [Thomas was a Republican] the GOP candidate Donald Trump?”


I think he was probably manipulated and influenced by three things:

a. A media set determined, from Day 1 of the 2024 POTUS choice process, to Satanise Donald Trump as the very quintessence of anti-democratic evil…a man risibly described as in the pocket of Putin, a rapist and a man who covered up a brief affair with a woman who blackmailed him and yet – she was, er, never charged with, um, blackmail.

The US judiciary connived in this disgraceful demonisation – much to the delight of the Democrat Left who remain far too up their own rigid ideology to grasp that the real threat to the US lies elsewhere in its own State.

b. The giant investment houses who now effectively own the legacy media and pour billions of Dollars into hammering home media narratives that aim to brand anyone with a balanced political outlook as ‘Far Right’.

c. The White House itself – and the psychopaths who in turn tell Biden what to say, think and do. I offer the following from the mealy mouth of the old pervert himself:

What we need is a dart-board using Trump’s head as a target”

Ten days ago, Wandering Sleepy Joe was reported as using the above parallel of throwing razor-sharp arrows at Trump.

Just two days prior to the assassination attempt, Biden had this to say…and got a predictable crowd-wisdom reaction:

President Biden on Friday strove to turn the nation’s attention back to former President Donald J. Trump, delivering a fiery and energetic speech in battleground Michigan that painted his Republican rival as a convict, a rapist and a cheater while simultaneously attacking the news media for an insufficient focus on such misdeeds.

Even as Mr. Biden faces mounting pressure from congressional Democrats and major donors, he largely ignored the brewing Democratic revolt over his refusal to drop out of the race, beyond an emphatic statement that “I am running, and we’re going to win.”

The President’s defiance, and the crowd’s enthusiastic response, helped give the Biden event at a Detroit high school gym the flavour of a Trump rally at times. When Mr. Biden referred to his political opponent, there were chants of “Lock him up” — which the president did not discourage. When he criticised news media coverage, big cheers followed, with his supporters turning to boo and point fingers at reporters.”

Biden thundered that his rival was a “convicted criminal” and a “business fraud,” and said that he had “raped” the writer E. Jean Carroll, whom Mr. Trump was found liable of sexually abusing by a civil court.”

I’d offer you a lot more than that of the spitting hate that has poured forth, but over the last thirty six hours, pretty much all of Biden’s inflammatory accusations have been expunged. This is what Stalin meant when in 1932 he declared, “Those who control the past control the future”.

And over the last 24 hours, of course, Jealous Joe has changed his tune from the Josef Goebbels Jew-bait cacophony in E Major to Ulli Windelschnurd’s genteel ode to social unity for violin.

President Joe Biden on Sunday urged Americans to reject political violence and recommit themselves to resolving their differences peacefully, saying the upcoming presidential election will be a “time of testing” in the aftermath of the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump.

This is a summary of what the little shit said last Sunday:

Biden said political passions can run high but “we must never descend into violence.” The President said his party and the Republicans can compete forcefully over different policy visions — but must do it in a civil fashion.

“All of us now face a time of testing as the election approaches,” Biden said. “There is no place in America for this kind of violence — for any violence. Ever. Period. No exception. We can’t allow this violence to be normalized.”

But as my Great Aunt Lizzie was fond of saying, “Principles go flying out the window the minute that power becomes the reward”.

Pardon me while I vomit.

I’m afraid I must conclude that – if there is any one major culprit to be blamed here – it is the heinous little man in the White House.

He is not just a hypocrite, he is – newly minted word coming here – a gigacrite.

The next bit is a tricky step for me, because it reflects a view that goes something like this:

Is this the end of divisionism in the US, or the beginning of a new Civil War?


I’ve been in conversation with ordinary US citizens for some time now about the what the chances of a new US Civil War are. Increasing numbers take the issue very seriously. It’s a lot more than just macho toting of a gun: primarily, it’s about having the right to defend yourself against civil police who have been politicised by ideologues, where the assumption is that you are guilty until proven innocent….because the passing fashions of the day say you are.

It’s far too early to be definitive. However, what I can say with a degree of certainty is this: if, last weekend, President Biden had been clowning around with an FBI Glock 27 handgun that went off and blew what was left of his brain halfway to Wesley Heights, both my nasal orifices would be twitching with suspicion. Equally, the Secret State would be opening bottles of 2010 Krug Champagne in celebration of the event and quaffing 2016 Bouchard Pere et Fils in the extravaganza to follow.

But none of these is the case: so we’re back to the oldest rule in the book: cui bono?

The Truth is that the bloke the State wants to be very dead right now is Joe Biden.

He is the liability that surpasses all understanding….the very last man whom the Democrats would want to be clinging on to power by his long Nosforatu finger nails.

The last thing the US Demleft ideologues and their Unelected State chums in Langley and the Pentagon want is Trump displaying guts under fire.

And yet, the incredible reality we still find ourselves having to deal with is the loathing of Trump by the Globalist US establishment, as misrepresented for example by the site Business Standard:

“…of course, the Trump-instigated insurrection of the Capitol during the counting of electoral votes in the 2020 presidential election gives millions of Americans good reason to believe that Trump and his supporters remain a threat to democratic processes…..”

Apart from the fact that “instigated” is an accusation with no basis, “insurrection” has been shown in detail to be utter nonsense,“during counting” is another lie out by at least 36 hours – and there is no mention in the BS [appropriate initials] post of constitutionally radioactive judicial interference far more injurious to the Founding Fathers’ vision of a Land of the Free – everything here seems to be tickerty-boo….so let’s stop worrying, and re-elect a man whose male progeny is a crook with large bits of his nose-breathing equipment absent…..and whose daughter is totally SNAFU thanks to her Dad’s weird addiction to sharing familial fluids.


So where are we, therefore, on the conspiracy issue – yes or no? Well, to be kind to the conspiratorial, there is just one other rabbit hole to peer down: a minute chance that Trump set this up himself to get the macho vote. If that be true, then clearly, he is NOT fit to be President….because he’s off his trolley. Imagine the conversation if you will:

“So what about this guy Crooks, Newt? He couldn’t hit a haystack barn from twenty feet away….”

“Well Don, his incompetence is his strength, right?”

“Even if you’re sure he’d miss miss me Ging, everyone gets lucky now and then. What’s this about him suffering from self-loathing…..”

“Nobody’s perfect, Donald….”

“OK, let’s put him in the slush pile and keep looking…”.

In conclusion, what I observe in this case is an analytical swing away from carefully orchestrated plots towards complete and utter incompetence on the part of most parties of the first part, right across the spectrum to the parties all represented by the second, third and fourth parts….and probably even the private parts which – it seems to me [if it was a conspiracy) – did most of the thinking involved in this incident.

Over nearly thirty five years, I’ve decided never to underestimate the ability of the Secret Service [when faced with the obvious] to do nothing. This is a direct video-recorded convo between several Trump supporters on-site and a security official just before the shooting started taken from a smartphone video minutes prior to the

Tsupporter1: See, look – there he is!

Tsupporter2: Oh my God, he has a gun!

Security1: Whaddya think [inaudible]?

Security2: Duurrr, hard ter say [Jim??]….he’s on the police HQ roof…is he one of our guys?

Security1: Maybe we should check this out…’

Tsupporter: Maybe? Are you guys nuts?

[Sound of security blokes running towards CopHQ]

In short: not only is the Secret State [and its crewcut Rayban sunglasses uniform soi-disantélite] the real enemy faced by the American People, even worse is that it’s operational systemics have not moved on much since the Bay of Pigs fiasco. The CIA in particular is [to quote a Congressional cliché from 2003] “completely unfit for purpose”.

Should we feel good about this? I suppose we’ve arrived at the winding up of this Op ed, where one tries to dole out all the dysfunctional systemics of the US unelected State that contributed to what remains a tragedy more than any other single thing. We are not looking at a political failure here, but rather a psycho-cultural one.

*Bullying in school does untold harm. If you never saw the movie Lord of the Flies, then watch it now: the lone, tortured life of the kid sporting National Health glasses is profoundly moving.

*Thomas Crooks was not only a victim of the same anti-jerk bullying of the lonely obsessive, his teachers failed him by providing zero extra-curricular lessons in social intercourse. Maximising every child’s potential for good should, after all, be the calling of every educationalist.

* The vacuum that became his lack of normal cultural bonding was exacerbated by the at times insane bias of a chattering class media pack at the New York Times and the Washington Post depicting Trump not as an American patriot, but rather as a sex-pest powered by the drives of Beelzebub.

* Slavish media Obedience to the orders of the Big Six investment houses was probably the biggest single propagandisation of “news” that convinced Crooks he was “on the right track” in wanting Donald Trump out of the mainstream of US history.

* Secret State incompetence gave this kid a clear shot at the former POTUS Trump from – oh, such irony – a police HQ rooftop.

Education, ganging up on the loner, gutless media owners, the giga-wealthy’s malign power and a concentration of unimaginable wealth on the neoliberal bourses : all of those factors came within a whisker of killing Homo Maga last Saturday.

One can’t help feeling that some serious training reform alongside radical depoliticisation and greater investment in social mutuality is called for in the version of capitalism that seems to have taken over the national psyche in the US.


In later additions [editions?] I hear as follows……

+ Trump has gained little or nothing in election polls following his narrow escape from death. This may well reflect the root-and-branch depth of division between the contemporary BLM-leaning pc Left in Democrat America and the MAGA tendency that is ever-present beyond the major chattering-class urban centres. It doesn’t bode well.

+ A relatively unknown investment house, Austin Private Wealth, began shorting Trump’s company just before the assassination attempt, and some observers see the two events as connected. I don’t: rather, I see it as evidence that Austin didn’t know Trump might be about to die, and hoped to use a disastrous share value drop to embarrass the candidate.

Stay tuned……


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