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Canada and UK benchmarks for the revolutionary replacement of individual rights, reason and law with communism, dialectics and irrational state power: Links 1 for August 11, 2024

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Before this morning’s items, I gotta say. Listening to some of teh speeches people recorded at the Palestinian-Communist anti-Israel march yesterday on Parliament Hill and up and down the town square, there are two basic take aways.

One, is that the Muslims, like the left, go with the idea that the louder and angrier you make a ludicrous claim, the more true it must be. And two, the idea that Palestinian terrorists are being raped in Israeli jails is flat out risible, no matter how loud and angry they say it. I learned from a Twitter space this morning that this particular narrative-attack came from a Hamas propagandist. But to hear people say it out loud put the reporters in danger. After all, if they laughed out loud in that crowd it could make them targets. And it’s extremely difficult not to laugh at the idea of Israeli prison guards raping Arab terrorist men in jails. They just don’t make condoms thick enough or all encompassing enough for a job like that. I doubt very many would do it even in a full Scuba suit.

On to the list:

1. Crown wants harsh sentence for Sask father who abducted his young daughter to prevent COVID vaccination

The Crown wants more jail time for a Saskatchewan father who went into hiding with his seven-year-old daughter to keep her from receiving a COVID-19 vaccine.

Michael Gordon Jackson was convicted in April of abducting his daughter in contravention of a custody order. As reported by the Leader Post, the Crown wants a two-year sentence followed by three years on probation, and 200 hours of community service. The request was submitted Friday by prosecutor Zoey Kim-Zeggelaar at the Court of King’s Bench.

Credit for time served on remand would leave Jackson with another 199 days of jail time ahead.

So who is the prosecuting attorney? What might their views be? Individual rights? Nuremberg Code? Parental rights? Let’s see if we can figure that out from this video:

2. I don’t think even Chairman Mao thought of charging people for their own struggle sessions. It is interesting that like Mao, Peterson’s struggle session is indefinitely long though.

It’s laughable that the great Dr. Jordan Peterson was ordered to pay to attend compulsory and “indefinite” re-education camp or risk losing his licence for views expressed on social media.

The Supreme Court of Canada dismissed Peterson’s appeal of the order. He said he’ll comply.

Peterson posted on X that he’s “bereft of options on the legal front in Canada.”

“This is a hill that’s worth not so much dying on as retaking and now boys and girls the gloves are off,” said Peterson.

He’s certainly right. This hill needs to be retaken.

3. Another example of the dialectical application of force in the UK

I remember when that accent meant, “All you need is love” and “Let it be”. Now it’s’ all “Helter Skelter”.

4. Anyone have any thoughts on this? USSS tapes over security camera at Salon after telling the owner to close it during an event, then uses it as a public toilet.

It’s almost like the state has no belief in the existence of private property or something.

5. “So, Welcome to North Korea” – UK:

Thank you all for checking out this site.

There is one surprise though from the Olympics. One of the winners of Women’s boxing is actually a woman. I think. Maybe.

  • Imane Khelif (Algeria) won the gold medal in the welterweight (66kg) division, defeating Anna Hamori (Hungary) in the quarterfinals and advancing to the medal podium.
  • Lin Yu-ting (Taiwan) also won a medal, specifically a gold medal, in the lightweight (57kg) division. Although the exact details of her matches are not provided, it is mentioned that she was disqualified from the 2023 Women’s World Boxing Championships along with Imane Khelif, and both boxers went on to win medals at the 2024 Paris Olympics.
  • Chang Yuan (China) won the gold medal in the flyweight (51kg) division, defeating Hatice Akbas (Turkey) in the final.

Also, please read the auto generated FaceBook Fact check warning with a Soviet era accent in your head. It will help to understand it.

Speaking personally, I am so old I remember when all you needed to do to save the world, was change your underarm deodorant.


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