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Phase 1: Demoralization – Links 1 for August 10, 2024

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1. As is the new normal for every day, more and more information is released or confirmed or evidence of massive issues appears and nothing gets done about any of it. Gotta say, if I was looking for a way to do phase one of Yuri Bezmenov’s stages of subversion, I can’t think of a better way to demoralize the population than screw them over, accuse them of thought crimes when they point out the obvious lies they are being told, then slowly leak all the information showing they were right all along and do absolutely nothing about it while more crap is hurled at the population. The state gaslights us, tells us they are gaslighting us, make us suffer the consequences of not believing the lies, and they suffer no consequence for manufacturing those lies.

So why does YouTube and other platforms suddenly allow counter-narrative vaxx materials? They went out of their way to censor and punish peer reviewed science showing the vaxx was flawed. Why is it now all over YT that they caused massive problems? When John Campbell first started making videos suggesting that the vaxx in fact was a bad idea, he used samizdat masterfully. He was very careful in his use of language and quasi-secretive in his delivery. Now it’s pretty much right out there.

Here is a German TV segment about unredacted reveals on Covid measures. Check out the article at RAIR as well. Lots of red meat there.

2. Speaking of demoralizing with reveals about … well all that stuff I said in item 1.

3. This was published just a few hours ago. All cause mortality rates during Covid years, higher in the millions. Vaxx directly accounts for most of them.

…AAaaaaaaand nothing will happen. So is that phase 1 or phase 2?

How many people still even watch big reveals on Covid data? The CDC, FDA and other top agencies for health and science around the world, like the Robert Koch institute could come out and admit that the vaxx did, was, is, and will, kill people in vastly larger numbers than Covid did along with other dangers like cause “turbo cancer” and one might think the population is so demoralized that they wouldn’t bother to watch these materials.

Various freedom communities that formed after the covid measures where pushed on us, wouldn’t celebrate. They already knew it was all a bad idea and about control. Besides, there is nothing to celebrate. But I bet most of them have stopped bothering to keep up with this sort of information. It’s exhausting. Demoralizing even.

4. Singapore releases birth and death reports that indicate a serious issue with fertility and all cause mortality pointing at the vaxx

One problematic issue with this video is he calls Singapore the most vaxxed place on Earth. At this point it’s like global warming. Everywhere is warming faster than everywhere else. And everywhere is the most vaxxed place on Earth. Israel. The Saychelles, I can’t remember all the places listed that way, but lots and lots have been.
So why think it’s true at all?

Because in the demoralization and destabilization phase, giving us some truth that proves the worst and nothing is done about it is probably the plan. It is probably why YouTube blocked all real scientists from posting about the Vaxx during the roll out, and now allows so much factual criticism of them now that nothing can be done about it, and that no one is taking the damn stuff anymore. Or, more accurately, the people still taking the shots, and I even know a few, won’t change their minds even if you walked them into a shower and showed them people inhaling Zyklon B and dropping dead literally made them wait at an injection site and people dropped dead in front of them, or friends of theirs explained that they got freakish rapidly growing cancers shortly after the shots. But I get ahead of myself. That is the end game of Bezmenov’s stages of ideological subversion. The complete destruction of people’s ability to discern what is true.

Full text:

DISTURBING: The most vaxxed country on earth is now facing a population crisis.

Singapore officials have tried to gaslight the public, but the numbers don’t lie.

Not only are excess deaths skyrocketing, but birth rates are also plummeting.

The cause of this appears to be the infamous COVID-19 “vaccines.”

In 2021, Singapore’s natural population increase (births minus deaths) fell by 13%. By 2022, it plunged even further to 39.4%.

This decline is unprecedented, especially when you consider that the total COVID-19 deaths during this time were relatively low.

But here’s where it gets even more disturbing: Singapore ranked number one globally for excess deaths in mid-2022. Yet, as the numbers began to raise eyebrows, Singapore was suddenly removed from a global mortality database.

To make matters worse, a law requiring investigations into deaths linked to medical treatment was quietly removed in 2023—right when people started asking if the vaccines were to blame.

The Ministry of Health claims Singapore has one of the lowest excess death rates globally, but the data shows the exact opposite. Singapore is in trouble, and the government’s narrative doesn’t match reality.

With births in freefall and deaths surging, how much longer can the truth be hidden?

Clearly all of society does not arrive at the same place at the same time. its about the mean, or the RMS of the population. I leave it to statisticians to determine what % is required to reach that stage before the next one is pushed.


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