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By John Rolls (Reporter)
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Bill Gates Vows To Pump mRNA Into Food Supply To ‘Force-Jab’ the Unvaccinated! - The People's Voice

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As the globalist elite continue finding it harder and harder to convince humanity to submit to Covid jabs and endless boosters, they are having to find cunning new ways to force their jabs on us.

Rather than admitting that humanity has woken up to the truth about the disastrous experimental Covid-19 jabs, Bill Gates, who is not a doctor, is doubling down and taking it upon himself to vaccinate the world by stealth.

The DEPOP JUICE is WORKING LIKE it was DESIGNED TO DO! we hear about it every day!

We have to stop this dangerous psychopath!


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    Total 10 comments
    • spiritualClay

      How about a few spec ops types do the world a favor and remove this one and 100 + key end of world operators!

    • metalbladeFan

      Jesus’ finished work on the cross DEFEATED the devil. Hey globalists, you have been deceived! NOBODY is interested in your stupid trifling crap, your trickery is discovered. And we’re not having it! You know who the true God is, your father the devil is defeated by Him. when God throws you and Satan into the Lake of Fire, you will not be rewarded for your work. You’ll burn just like everyone else there and could be the devil will punish you further for your failure. Plausible deniability is now removed from you. This information being revealed, as I’m sure you already know, destroys any remaining viability of your stupid plans. If, in your arrogance and vanity you continue pursuing it, you will only make things worse. Now is the time to turn from your wicked ways. Now is the only opportunity you will have for damage control.

    • ArizonaSun

      Why is this dead man still in the news? :evil:

    • Nobodys Fool

      UC Berkeley already has genetically engineered lettuce that can deliver any mRNA vaccine. The only problem was they couldn’t figure out how to dose people correctly.



    • g77enn

      Rerun! Long time ago they doused our food and air with bots, graphene oxide, etc.

      • SnakeEyes40

        The people who are “dying suddenly” every single day now were VACCINATED.


      🚨Must Watch! Den of Vipers Control Both Sides of the American Government

    • truck driver

      EDTA dissolve’s the synthetic hydra in the vaccine and Humanic Fulvic acid sweeps it away . The blood clots are synthetic

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