US Sixth Fleet Races Towards Black Sea! NATO Troops Land In Ukraine!
US Sixth Fleet Races Towards Black Sea! NATO Troops Land In Ukraine! Osnet Daily Reports “Remember those US warships who were so eager to “protect the Sochi Olympics” ? According to Russian sources they have now been detected moving in the black sea towards Crimea (according to their motion vector). Simultaneously, NATO troops have arrived at the Lviv region in western Ukraine, possibly in expectation for a Russian backed military coup against the NATO installed regime in Kiev.”
Crimea CHAOS Leads to Military Intervention
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Wow that should give Putin a chuckle, I suppose they are bring a heavily worded letter, and a few white doves, asking Putin to please stop making him look bad, This way it wont be intercepted by The NSA.
Admit it Yanks, you are a spent force,
There is a new kid on the block, (led by a Man) not by a cowering Poof.
Totally Agree
Obamas not above signing a new executive order for Ukraine giving him executive authority and ordering the Russians to disarm. He’ll do it too by golly!
Take your medication, your mind is playing tricks on you. By Gosh.
He’s got a pen, and he’s got a phone.
Let’s see what he can do with them now he’s playing with the big boys.
i am 120% american, but you are correct ! i hate to admit it but until we as a american movement decide we have had enough and throw the scum bags out of office, we are Scre#$@#ed, and the scums are so deeply imbedded it will be very difficult, but it can be done!!
so i have to ask does your name fit YOU??
I am 1000% Earthling. THEY just want us to pick a side, divided we will be conquered. IF, and I mean IF, The Russians are acting as a buffer to the evil NWO machine then so be it. but don’t be fooled yet again, because we all know that these bankers play both sides. GOD BLESS!
Don’t blame America for Obama we did not vote for him.
You got that right friend
Izabell, whenever I see a posting by a foreigner knocking America I get angry and leave a scathing retort. Unfortunately, the only statement you’ve made to which I can take exception
is calling the poof cowardly. Cowardice is not the issue–he’s so well protected by others that he need never fear ANYONE. He reminds me of the long-haired leftist punks I saw at the University of New Mexico around 1970. Girlie-boys with “lovely” hair, soft, girlie hands that had never thrown a punch, skinny little arms that had never shouldered a weapon, claiming they would kill Richard Nixon and overthrow the federal government, boasting of their plan to “…take this country down…”. They all carried English translations of Chairman Mao’s Little Red Book. I dismissed them for the swaggering sissies they seemed to be. Today I see one of them in the White House–taking this country down. I don’t think he’s incompetent, I think he knows EXACTLY what he’s doing. He rode in on the welfare/race-baiting vote, and by further crashing the economy signed up more welfare recipients to assure his re-election. I don’t think there will be another presidential election. His Department of Homeland Security just ordered another 700,000 rounds of ammo to add to their stockpile of 2 billion. Too, they’ve purchased 2800 MRAP armored fighting vehicles and about 1200 portable bulletproof kiosks. This agency, in it’s 11 year existence has never even been in a fistfight. I believe when he shrinks the military and disposes of all of its fighting hardware, he will crown himself dictator, and plans to stay in power for the rest of his life. Anyone opposed will be slaughtered by the Dept of Homeland Security.
Obama is bringing a war to the American people for sure. He has armed his Gestapo army to the teeth and will not hesitate to use it against us. Exactly, he has plans to stay in office as dictator and Congress won’t do a damn thing because they are all afraid of him. I would win the bet that Obama will never be impeached. We no longer have a government that will obey the Constitution. They have made this very clear to us by not vetting Obama in 2008. A large segment of the population are uneducated nitwits. They have cheered for a man who will kill them without blinking an eye.
Ahhh, no, oldfatguy. Obama didn’t crash the economy. He was elected because the economy was crashed already, and the public foolishly believed that Obama’s policies would be different from those of GWB.
But Obama re-appointed Helicopter Ben and otherwise proved that he is an instrument of the shadow government and not his own man.
What assured his election/re-election was not “welfare recipients,” but the media and corporate campaign money. The media keeps his image sterling, no matter how monstrous his performance in office.
I — like many others no doubt — thought I was voting for the lesser of two evils. Now that we know, for sure, that we’ll get the same things no matter who we vote for, there is no reason to vote for a major party candidate. So, I didn’t, last time.
Yes, the destruction of the US is on the agenda. But not for the reasons you think. One world dictatorship is the plan. It has been the plan for a long time. And David Rockefeller, in his autobiography, admitted it.
I would say that the Prez will be the last American President, on account of the scheme that Rockefeller admitted to. Except the scheme is out in the open, and is showing itself as murderous and tyrannical. And the few who benefit from it are seen as useless parasites.
And then there is nature. As the prophet Daniel predicted, of a certain leader, “He will be broken, but not by human hands.”
I hope Obama understand making war against Putin is not invading Afghanistan or Iraq.
Putin will swat Obama like a fly.
I’d pay to see that. Hopefully soon, I get tired of waiting.
the TRUE aggressors in JEWkraine
Glenn Greenwald Jeremy Scahill fans-–and-germany-in-particular–to-take-the-lead
“New” Ukraine leader is ? A jew. Wow- ya think???
On this earth, only Russia received Snowden, only Mr Putin to dare to do so. Now moves into the Ukraine, and one friend slapped the Obama’s face.
Putin’s behavior is similar to Hitler’s just prior to World War II breaking out. This is more dangerous than most people understand.
And the reason it is so dangerous is because the US has a leader who is limp of wrist and lacking courage. Our answer is to talk softly and throw away the stick. Obama will form a committee to study this problem after we withdraw our diplomats from an economic planning meeting. That surely has put the fear of God into Putin. And look-out. That Obama is a killer you know. He single handily defeated the Teleban and killed Bin Ladin.
So your answer then is to go to war. The same war that you have been warning us is coming. Seems rather counter-intuitive.
Why can’t you see that Obama is doing exactly the same thing as Hitler ???? We’re soooo screwed
yes, but, you have to admit, putin is more likeable than hitler ever was.
and, way more credible and likeable than obama is, was or ever shall me, world without end…i’ll save the ‘amen’ for whom It was derived for…
correction…that would be ‘shall “be” ‘, not ‘shall “me” ‘…1000 pardons, it must be 4 in the morning here or something…l.
jesus hates your face………..
@mariusb, “Jesus hates your face”….what a stupid thing to say. How old are you, 5?
Don’t care.. Andromedian Council is watching situation close.
Thorin, I broke out in spontaneous laughter!
US troops will be no help unless they want their people to be raped!
LOL…Gay army is ahead…
When Russia invaded Georgia on 7/8/2008, one day prior to the Beijing Olympics opening, it was noted that the Roki tunnel they used to enter Georgia by was exactly 888 miles to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. (see David Flynn who wrote a book on the subject of significant distances from Jerusalem)
Sevastopol in the Crimea where Russia has a Naval Base is exactly 888 miles to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.
The President of Ukraine flew out on 22/2/2014 (adds to 13).
From 7/8/2008 to 22/2/2014 = 2025 days = 45 x 45 days = 5x9x5x9 or 5x5x9x9 days or
5 x 5 x (3+3+3) x (3+3+3) days.
Also, if the 6th Fleet goes into the Black Sea it will be trapped (if that is actually what is happening). Now it stands to reason that Putin and his team would be just a bit more clever than me at tactics. And if the 6th Fleet does go into the Black Sea would be disastrous tactics.
All Obama can accomplish by sending ships and troops is to get them sunk and killed if they get in the way. What then? There is nothing Obama can d but call for sanctions since any other action will widen the fighting.
The Russians have long been touchy about their Western border. They’ve been attack from that direction many times by Europe and they like having a buffer space in between. Europe has been trying to expand right up to the Russian border and the US has tried to put some bases in the area. The Russians don’t like that. It’s just a good thing the Russian military is a shadow of what it once was. They do have nukes though and their strategy was not the same as that of the West. The US in particularly saw nukes as a weapon of last resort or retaliation. The Russians saw them as just another weapon in the arsenal and incorporated them and chemical weapons into many of their war plans. That’s not saying that Putin would start throwing nukes because of the Ukraine, but I don’t think the “leaders” of the West would know what to do if one detonated off NYC or Hawaii.
The Russian Military is stronger than ever
I am getting a strong signal that Obama is not going to be in office by June…
You want to bet? Obama will not be removed from office. Congress doesn’t have the gonads to do it! If anything, Obama will declare himself Dictator. He now has his own well armed Gestapo force and will use it against anyone who opposes him.
Who is Beast of the Land, Military Leader and False prophet, promising Peace and Safety when he is taking us into the most Perious Times on Earth, even since the Beginning. It is no question who Putin-Russia are – Gog-Megog – Iran-Persia – the major players are steping on stage. Israel is Israel – read Isaiah 34:1-8 – verse 8 – all over the controversy of Zion. – – The 7th Day Humbing of Mankind – The Beginning of the End of the Age – May 2012 –
Not Everyone eats Squab
Also, There are many., that play the middle..and are the worst kind that lives under rocks….So watch out for the backstabbing middle players. Are you one?
Jack van Impe’s gonna love this
Ukraina and Russia are very close, as for the language and for history. Attacking, or even weakening Russia will do no good to the West. We shall all unite against China and all other (future) trouble makers.
John F. Gille
But what about today’s trouble makers from the USA ?
We in Europe don’t want or need the american occupation force that has military bases all over Europe and it is time they went home and stopped trying to start a war in our back garden.
-I’m putting my money on the Russians.
“Once more unto the breach”
Putin faced down BO in Syria — Ukraine is more of the same. BO’s bitch-slaps are ineffective. He should step aside.
People don’t understand who the real power is here. Obama has nothing to do with it. He wasn’t even allowed into the top strategy meeting dealing with the crisis. Funny how no one found the excuse that that was his decision (yeah, right) odd.He’s just a scarecrow for all you birds, nothing more. The real power is the one that erected the scarecrow in the first place to make sure you don’t feed off the fields of your own labour.
That said, the world situation becomes far more alarming. The bankers think nothing of wars to achieve their ends, regardless of which side wins, loses or draws. If they do persist and I don’t think they can, Putin with his ally China will have no choice but to take to to them, right up to their headquarters in Brussels, Rome, Washington and London. I kid you not.
Get the picture?
It’s a trap!
Russian Soldiers were used in Chernobyl and were willingly giving their life to remove those radioactive Fuel Rods remember Chernobyl is in the Ukraine.
The Jewmericans only get involved if the can financially benefit otherwise they would have helped Japan and offered to do the same,as the American Public will be most affected by the Radiation coming to U.S.and Canadian Shores.
No Americans are only self declared Heroes,getting involved if a Country has exhausted its Military might….. in comes John Wayne…. Then if they win the War they rewrite the History Books.
And then there is this OBAMA Character…..Well that is another Story.
Why is NATO in Ukraine ?
Ukraine is not a member of NATO !
they are globalist nazis – and they know part of the reason that putin is in crimea and ukraine, is becuz of his promise to deal with the missile shield…ukraine is bankrupt – american-backed infiltrators/banker elites/etc., sweep in to fill the vacuum left by the former thugs ruling ukraine & putin coming to the rescue, of his own people in both countries.
I am sure he gets council on these matters, from patriarch kirill.
I am not a betting kind of gal – but, I see this move by putin, as a needed one and a checkmate.
I would like to take a moment to thank you for not typing in all caps.
Thank you.
Me too!
What if all of the crazy people that want to argue, fuss, fight and murder others had to do their own bidding.
What if they were the ones that had to pull the trigger or cut the throat.
What if the army’s of the world said just said no.
I wonder how long it would take real Peace to become commonplace instead of our current state of insanity.
War with Russia, not likely, BO couldn’t get enough people together to stage a pick up basketball game. Even his most hardened worshippers would run for the hills. BO ‘s supporters are there because they are paid to be there, from the Liberal pundits to the low information mob who feed off of the productive and successful of society. If BO asked his supporters to sacrifice and give up their perks for the good of the nation, they would dump him and scream bloody murder. Putin has got BO’s number and is all smiles.
well said…jay…let’s face it…Mr.B.O. couldn’t pick up, on a game of pickup sticks…let alone, basketball…
Mr.B.O. is playing with the big boys now – putin is schooled in the way of martial arts – and sir pantywaist, Mr.B.O., couldn’t fight his way out of wet paper bag, wearing an armor-plated pink tutu…golly!…
that would be ‘out of “a” wet paper bag’…zzz…l.
Looks like the Ukrainian military is divided and not all are taking orders from Kiev. America cannot put boots on the ground in the Ukraine. An all out air war and naval war would lead to Armagedon…that would be utter stupidity.
We have proven to be utterly stupid, but so far it hasn’t been fatal. This would be fatal stupidity.
This is getting ugly. WW3 quite a distinct possibility.
With NATO troops firing on Russian troops and viceversa it’s WW3.
this could be it . The animals where I live are acting strange . its like their running away from something, They since danger . but what kind ? thermonuclear ?
Suck the 6th fleet into the Black Sea close the Bosporus or Dardanelles straights(s) it will be like shooting fish in a barrel or maybe the 6th is the sacrificial lamb.
Even in the Black Sea US Naval forces are extremely vulnerable. If the US actually tries this, prepare for trouble.
Russian troops have occupied south east Ukraine, If NATO troops move into western Ukraine and Ukrainian troops do not attack the occupying Russians, there will be a stand off and the Ukraine will be split into two. If Ukrainian military tries to force Russian troops out, a hot conflict will ensue. It is doubtful that NATO troops will support the Ukrainian military in a shootout with Russia. If NATO does support Ukrainian troops, there are two possible outcomes. Either one will heighten world tension. If Putin withdraws his troops there will be a new conflict between Russia and the west. If Russian troops hold NATO and all western powers will be weakened and other nations emboldened. This situation will most likely get much worse in any event This would not be the situation had the Obama administration not weakened the US. A weak America is very bad for the world. Let’s make America strong again.
The USA can’t do the square root of F! all: over-committed worldwide and a bankruptcy waiting in the wings. If we try to move for our coup installed banker puppet in Ukraine, China and North Korea will unleash hell on our Asian allies, Iran and Russia will destroy our Saudi puppet monarchy, and Europe will choose not to throw its lot in with the US. It’s end of empire for the USA and for the pretenders in Israel. Then comes the overdue coup in America.
Praise Jesus!
Let us be clear. If the Ukraine develops into a war. Russia will clean up US forces in Europe the Atlantic and the US East coast! Chine will clean up US forces in Asia the Pacific and the US West coast. Iran will clean up Israeli and US middle East and Indian ocean forces. Job complete!
makes perfect sense….then that wil put the US in a financial collapse then Russia can introduce the New World Currency which Russia’s President, Dmitry Medvedev pulled the world’s new currency from his pocket at the meeting of G8 leaders in the Italian city of Aquila. The future of the dollar was one of several subjects debated at the G8 summit. Mr. Medvedev, who has been seeking ways to displace the dollar as the world’s dominant reserve currency, produced a sample coin of what he described as a ‘united future world currency’. “Here it is,” “You can see it and touch it.” The coin, which was minted in Belgium, was presented to all the G8 leaders attending the summit and bears the words ‘unity in diversity.’ The possibility of a supranational currency “concerns everyone now, even the mints,” Mr. Medvedev said. The test coin “means they’re getting ready. I think it’s a good sign that we understand how interdependent we are.”
Now is the time to take the blinders off.
Satan’s Earthly Agents are amongst us today, hiding in plain sight.
Wake up People!
what is happening to this site? its full of numbskulls lately.
however, I do have to agree with Izabell Adooknocker… The US Military Machine has had its day. Putin is most certainly the new kid on the block. He has given the the US government a masterclass in putting boots onto foreign soil without spilling a drop of blood. not one drone strike, not one missile strike, not even one hostile bullet fired!
whats more alarming, the Americans have never won a war they have started! lol… this one will certainly not be won by the US. fact.
Since my nations source is the BBC BIN is weeks ahead, if it gets reported at all.