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Alert: Trump, Kim, Saudi Arabia – The Game Is On

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The past days and the days ahead various world leaders are visiting each other. Putin has visited Iran.

Netanyahu has visited Britain. And president Trump is touring throughout the far east meeting with the dignitaries of Japan, South Korea, China, Vietnam and the Philippines.

It are not the secretaries of state or the ministers of foreign affairs, but the leaders themselves who meet. Something is cooking.

Meanwhile there is a major power shift in Saudi Arabia where the young crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman tightens power with a wave of arrests. He has recently presented his Vision 2030 plan which combines economic reforms with social liberalization.

The kingdom is on the brink of big changes and at the same time in enmity with Iran mostly by proxy of the rebels in Yemen.

In 1972 The Club of Rome proposed a plan (they call a master plan) to divide the world into 10 kingdoms or regions. This is a map showing how they want to divide the world:

Not by change this is fulfilling Biblical prophecy. Revelation says:

And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast. ~ Revelation 17:12-13

Also the prophet Daniel and Ezekiel write about this end times scenario.

The wars, uprisings, and other movements on the geopolitical stage have to be seen in that light.

For one we know from Ezekiel 38 and 39 that there will be an alignment between Iran, Russia and Turkey against Israel. Also other nations are specifically mentioned to be part of this alliance as well as nations that are explicitly absent.

Unfortunately many Christians are greatly unaware of these prophecies that according to the Bible would come to pass after Israel would have reunited, which happened in 1948.

It is through that lens that we have to look at events.

Saudi Arabia plays a specific role in the events described in Ezekiel. The aforementioned changes in the kingdom are not by change. Neither is the alliance between Iran and Russia; and neither are the ongoing developments in Turkey.

Don’t be deceived into thinking that Donald Trump is against the ‘Deep State’, ‘NWO’ or against the establishment.

In this world you do not become a billionaire by being a pious honest Christian, and without selling out to the powers that be. In this world you do not become the president of the US without being preselected and groomed for the task long before.

Donald Trump is not just a smart businessman who made it to president and who knows how to play a good game of poker and show some bluff. The real game is not poker, it is chess. And he is just another pawn in the game. The powers that be are many moves ahead and their strategy will soon materialize.

The reality is that Donald Trump is a war president. The US has performed more missile tests that ever and has made more foreign weapons deals than ever. The true agenda is between the lines.

War drums are beating louder than ever before.

All of this shows once again that biblical prophecies regarding the end times are being fulfilled right before our eyes. It is the proverbial writing on the wall that the ‘One World Religion’ is on the brink of materializing.

Reference article: The Trump Card, /prophecy/2017/02/the-trump-card-its-coming-we-are-being-played-revived-roman-empire-global-governance-the-antichrist-2488406.html

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    • allendaves

      123′s of the most popular & damnable heresies

      #1 “ANOTHER JESUS”:
      “ONE” not triune: Mark 12:28…Which is the first commandment of all? 29. …Hear, O Israel; THE LORD OUR GOD IS ONE LORD: 30. And ………..this is the first commandment….. 31. And the second is….. IF YOU CAN’T GET THIS “FIRST OF ALL COMMANDMENTS” RIGHT, ALL THE REST OF YOUR “FAITH” AND PREACHING ON LOVE & SIN IS MOOT….. (NOTE: And yes, the specific Greek and Hebrew words used also and only define one person contrary to the ridiculous obfuscation attempts of some!?!)
      PART 4 & 5 HOW MANY GODS ARE THERE FOR THE ONE GOD TO TALK TO?? Who was Jesus praying to??!?…. The real question should be … How does having multiple different persons keep this one God/being/entity from praying to himself?! (The trinitarian “schizophrenic” “god-head”) The Trinitarians want to have their cake and eat it too as the saying goes. On the one hand they need to say they only worship one indivisible God being/ entity but on the other hand they feel the need for some reason to keep Jesus or God from praying and talking to himself by dividing him up into different persons!?! It never occurs to them that that since there is only one indivisible God to pray too and Jesus is that indivisible God come in the flesh that he would need to talk to himself as to show us how to live, suffer, pray and die for our/ flesh) benefit not his!?!….. So while Trinitarians are quick to complain that God was not talking to himself at Christ baptism or in Gen “let us” they ignore the logical demands of their own theology! If Jesus is the ONE GOD in flesh and the Father is the SAME ONE GOD in heaven then Trinitarianism demands THE ONE GOD is talking to HIMSELF! Claiming that God is multiple different persons as the reason for why God is not talking to himself (because God is three different “selfs”) only demonstrates that what they really worship is in fact not a ONE GOD who talks to himself but three different god “selfs”/ and they all talk to each other! When they speak about who God was talking and praying to, they are quick to say “the other person, NOT HIMSELF!” But if you ask them how many gods do they pray to then they will say “ONLY ONE”!?! They expect you to believe that those three different persons are THE ONE GOD-BEING” which is like calling three different cars “THE ONE VEHICLE” (text book examples of prov 26:12)

      PART 6: THE ANTI CHRIST….WHERE? WHERE?….EVERYWHERE!!! …..IT”S YOU O TRINITARIAN! “WHO” it was (what person) that came “IN THE FLESH”, IS THE DETERMINING FACTOR IN WHAT IT MEANS TO BE “ANT-CHRIST”! Even Islam claims Jesus was the Jewish messiah/Christ who was to come in the flesh) they all deny “WHO” it was (what person) that came (to be the Christ) in the flesh!?!…….To deny the father is to deny the son because they are one and the same person that came in the flesh! Trinitarians confess & preach literally …”ANOTHER JESUS” 2 Cor 11:4

      JOHN 14: 8-20 ….[Note Isaiah 9:6. For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: …: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counseller, … the everlasting Father] ….The son, father/Holy Spirit are all the same person, NOT like two different persons working together even as “one flesh” ….The “oneness” between Christ and the father is not comparable to a man & his wife, for only a fool would say “When you have seen me you have seen my wife, how sayest thou then, Shew us your wife?” Notice they asked to see THE FATHER and the response was Jn 14:9 ..“HAVE I BEEN SO LONG time with you, and yet hast THOU NOT KNOW ME, Philip…..Now image some fool trying to claim that statement if you asked to see his wife!?!!? You want to see the FATHER but have I been with you but you don’t know me!?!?!
      Jn 14 continued….…………..17. Even THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH; (Jn 14:6 I AM the way, THE TRUTH,) whom the world cannot receive, .. for HE DEWLLETH WITH YOU, (present tense/standing next to them in the flesh) and SHALL BE IN YOU… (future tense “In them”) 18. I will not leave you comfortless: I WILL COME TO YOU (future tense “In them”) Jesus himself here makes the point that the same person who was the HOLY SPIRIT that would come was standing next to them but lets them know “I will come to you again to be Inside of you”

      The whole point to Gal 3:20.a mediator is NOT A MEDIATOR OF ONE, (HEIS) but GOD IS ONE. (HEIS) again, point blank, identifies the number of persons of God! The “but” points out the contrast between multiple persons in a mediation party v the “one” of God. God is not like a mediation party with multiple different persons. …..”the express image of his person” ( the person of God; singular not plural) Any attempt to lay claim otherwise is willful ignorance and delusional nonsense

      Like a thief in your house caught stealing your things insisting he was not there stealing “I CONFESS I am NOT stealing”. You just do not “properly understand” what he is doing/saying. Further, since you never had a “proper understanding” of what he is doing/saying you have no business accusing him since you do not even know what you are talking about in the first place. It is with and in your own ignorance that you base your “false accusations” & “ad homonym attacks” against him…… Ridiculous of course it is ……2Thess 2:11; Titus 1:16; 2Tim 3:5; TRINITARIANS CONFESS JESUS /THEY ARE NOT POLYTHEIST BUT ARE MONOTHEIST LIKE A LIAR & THIEF WHO “CONFESS” THEY DO NOT LIE OR STEAL The simple fact is that just because you confess or deny that you are in an adulterous relationship and denounce all forms of adultery has nothing to do with whether or not it is in fact adulterous! .. …A rose by any other name is still just a rose AND calling it a water lily does not change the definition of what a water Lilly or a rose is either!…

      This should have given you a hint, harking back to Satan in The garden…God said you will die…Satan comes along and states no you will be more WISE……Today .God said He is one; but Satan’s children come along and say no three is more WISE and humble in the face of God’s grandeur only “a mystery” that can be understood “in faith”. God uses head and right arm to explain the distinctions between father and son.. However, the Trinitarian heretics say to the effect: “NO, that is just a figure of speech, or that is not what God really means. What God is really saying is that God is three different persons”. Fools, hypocrites and blind guides, God said he was One and by your traditions have taken the words of God and made them of no effect, refashioning God into the image of your vain imaginations!
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      #2 “ANOTHER GOSPEL”:
      If you ask most people what the Good news or Gospel is they will probably tell you about the virgin birth or Christ death burial and resurrection. This would be rather humorous if it was not so sad considering that for the three and half years of Christ ministry he does not mention hardly ever. However, Christ does spend a lot of time preaching out of the OT scriptures. Now imagine given a report or manual to read and understand, that makes reference to and even quotes other source material and then ignoring that source material when it comes to defining the context and meanings of words in the report or manual you are trying to make sense of. If that seems dysfunctional that is because it is. This is, however, what most people are doing when it comes to understanding sound NT doctrine and or even what the Gospel message of Jesus was. The mystery of the gospel was not the death, burial and resurrection although it is part of it. In fact, death, burial and resurrection was the sign, the only sign, that Jesus gave to validate that the gospel message he was preaching all that time was true……and yet most deny it!?!?!
      The “2nd coming”… “I come quickly” so “Hold fast till i come”… NOT …“in another 2000 years I might be coming soon any time now, so hold fast”!?! …those that deny the second coming of Christ in the war of AD70 (in their lifetime) are practicing a damnable heresy in denying the Lord that bought them ( 2Peter 2:1-2 ;2Tim 4:8/ you cant love an appearing you deny& the context is the 2nd coming not the first)… Mat 7:23..”I NEVER KNEW YOU” …..Mat 10:33. But whosoever shall deny me before men……..sound familiar?…. If I said I am coming to your house in this generation when these things happen but no one knows the day or hour what fool would think I might be coming in 2000 years latter!?!? ..2 Tim 4: 4. And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be TURNED UNTO FABLES. The “idea”/ doctrine that Jesus has not yet returned but “soon any day now soon” does not just make God out a liar; it is not just ridiculous but makes Christianity a mockery, A pathetic “ship of fools”!?!
      The following example excerpt from Bertrand Russell: sometimes quoted by atheist et al and from his published work “Why I Am Not A Christian”

      Defects in Christ’s Teaching

      Having granted the excellence of these maxims, I come to certain points in which I do not believe that one can grant either the superlative wisdom or the superlative goodness of Christ as depicted in the Gospels; …. I am concerned with Christ as He appears in the Gospels, taking the Gospel narrative as it stands, and there one does find some things that do not seem to be very wise. For one thing, he certainly thought that His second coming would occur in clouds of glory before the death of all the people who were living at that time. There are a great many texts that prove that. He says, for instance, “Ye shall not have gone over the cities of Israel till the Son of Man be come.” Then he says, “There are some standing here which shall not taste death till the Son of Man comes into His kingdom”; and there are a lot of places where it is quite clear that He believed that His second coming would happen during the lifetime of many then living. That was the belief of His earlier followers, and it was the basis of a good deal of His moral teaching. When He said, “Take no thought for the morrow,” and things of that sort, it was very largely because He thought that the second coming was going to be very soon, and that all ordinary mundane affairs did not count. I have, as a matter of fact, known some Christians who did believe that the second coming was imminent. I knew a parson who frightened his congregation terribly by telling them that the second coming was very imminent indeed, but they were much consoled when they found that he was planting trees in his garden. The early Christians did really believe it, and they did abstain from such things as planting trees in their gardens, because they did accept from Christ the belief that the second coming was imminent. In that respect, clearly He was not so wise as some other people have been, and He was certainly not superlatively wise.
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      #3 GOD LOVES EVERYONE; Jesus Died for “you”…… Just “come as you are”
      Does God love you?….”Probably” NOT!….and NO Jesus did not die for everyone!?!……There is a sharp contrast between THREE groups : A. The predestined damned B. the “many” called C. The “Few” Chosen
      Predestination….its true..its all true… God does NOT love everyone:
      Prov 8: 17. I LOVE THEM THAT LOVE ME …………
      1John 5:3. For THIS IS THE LOVE OF GOD, that we keep his commandments:
      (1) “PREDESTINED DAMNED” who were NEVER written in the book of life ………..Rev 17: 8 WHOSE NAMES WERE NOT WRITTEN IN THE BOOK OF LIFE FROM THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD, …as contrasted …EPH 1: 4. According as he hath CHOSEN US in him BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD
      (2) “MANY CALLED”= ONLY and ALL SAINTS (those who come to Christ) are written in the book of life … Philippians 4:3… ……Rev 21:27; (Only saints are Called and elect; Rom 1:6-7 et al) This is THE CHRUCH and ONLY these can have their names blotted out of the book of life ….….Heb 12:23 to the general assembly and CHURCH of the firstborn … WHICH ………are WRITTEN in heaven,
      (3) THE FEW CHOSEN: Those saints who were alive in group #2 who are now physically dead. They died “faithful” these are the FEW that were chosen faithful…….Rev 3:5. ……; and I
      will not BLOT OUT HIS NAME OUT OF THE BOOK OF LIFE, (Ps 69:28) …. These are the FEW that are CHOSEN and now that they have died and are saved then “once saved THEY CAN NEVER BE LOST”
      PS: “The world” that God so loved was not the Roman world nor the world of the Maya nor the world you imagined in your head that God specifically told them NOT TO LOVE!?!

      Col 2:12 “……though the operation(work) of God” CAN ANY MAN BE SAVED WITHOUT WORK?

      The thief-baptism-grace& the name-Lord & LT

      “whosoever shall call on THE NAME OF THE LORD shall be saved”
      ………So WHAT “NAME” did you “CALL UPON”?……
      Rev 19:13. .. and HIS NAME IS called THE WORD OF GOD
      Ps 138:2. praise THY NAME … for thou hast magnified THY WORD ABOVE ALL THY NAME -
      NOTE: God placed His “THE WORD” ABOVE all of God’s various NAMEs – and Jesus NAME IS called “THE WORD” no other name saves. The MOST important name we should KNOW and CALL UPON is “THE WORD”; Not letters that spell “word” but the sayings/ doctrine/commands. It does NOT say “thy word is given a name above other names because here THY WORD is identified as the name that is placed above all other names.
      Isaiah 52:1. . 6. Therefore MY PEOPLE SHALL KNOW MY NAME: ..What NAME do you “KNOW”.?
      1Jn 2:3. And HEREBY WE DO KNOW that we KNOW HIM, if we KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS./ Titus 1: 16. They profess that THEY KNOW God; but IN WORKS THEY DENY him…
      “AT the name OF JESUS”…..Jesus has a name that belongs to Jesus…just like the name OF GOD means a name that belongs to GOD but it is ridiculous to suggest that the letters G-O-D is that name…likewise the name OF JESUS is NOT the letters J-E-S-U-S. Why would anyone think that you could pronounce THE HIGHEST NAME OF GOD letter by letter…. (ie Judges 13:18; 2Cor 12:4 but God’s name is not as great and or “unspeakable )
      Rev 3:8 kept MY WORD, and hast not DENIED MY NAME; …
      .Jn 17:6. I have MANIFESTED THY NAME And they have KEPT THY WORD.;
      THE WORD is THE NAME above every name that saves us 1Pt 3:21 The ONE baptism(Eph 4:5) is into THE WORD ( which is also baptism in the Holy spirit Jn 6:63the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit ) ..ALL the sayings doctrines and commands….what did THE WORD that became flesh command? (Mat 28:19)…..what did THE WORD exemplify? (Mat 3:15/ Jn 4:1)………among other things…..YES .water baptism is just as essential and necessary for much a part of salvation (1Pt 3:21) as is keeping one self away from works of the flesh (Gal 5:21)….In fact obedience to the command of water baptism is specifically identified as the act of calling on the name of the Lord (Col 2:12 “……though the operation[work] of God” CAN ANY MAN BE SAVED WITHOUT GOD WORKING ON HIM?) …..THE WORD OF GOD is the name of God that men call upon OR…OR ..they DENY with their disobedience
      The scriptures tell us almost nothing about the thief’s life. However, the scriptures tell us a great deal about Christ life……Jesus had been around for 3.5 years before the cross and was Baptizing (Jn 4:1-2 in fact He instructed his disciples to do so and did many more then John the Baptist ever did) …..Those who try to appeal to the thief on the cross assume the thief had never heard of Jesus preaching and had never ever been baptized….The burden of Proof is on those who say baptism is not essential! ………..You can’t claim a logically valid “non-essentiality” doctrinal argument on ANYTHING based on what the scriptures do not say and in spite of the things it clearly does state to the opposite effect!…That is like looking at the constitutional law and then basing a argument against a constitutional principle in law based on the fact that history did not record for us what some unknown cattle thief did or did not do a 150 years ago?!?! What??..Who cares?? We know what the constitution did say 150 years ago. I don’t know of any Law school that bases its teaching on constitutional law based on what history does not tell us about unknown cattle thieves!?! ..Jesus command, preached & practiced Baptism so did the apostles ….To build one’s theology on the fact that the scriptures do not tell us ANY detail(s) of the thief’s life before the cross (we know almost absolutely nothing about the thief!!) it is quite foolish and willfully ignorant of what the scriptures do say about baptism…….so those who try to use the thief are in effect building their house on the sand of what scriptures do not say about a thief in spite of what the scriptures do specifically tell us about baptism!?!… “Their damnation is just” comes to mind… OR

      ………………..For the love of God if you truly have any love for God
      Assertions and descriptions no matter how vivid and or emphatically employed demonstrate nothing.

      • Muad\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'Dib

        Piss off

      • Muad\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'Dib

        F#cking copy paste jerk off…..

      • b4

        your all delusional–if god was reading your bullshit he would be laughing his ass off at all your childish nonsense–the bible is the book of wrath and judgement—god has no wrath nor judgement–only stupid,petty,immature humans have wrath and judgement because they are agents of satan–god does not read the bible–never has–never will–was not written by god either–some insane homeless dudes in a cave wrote it,inspired by satan,not god–the word of men,not god–god is way above the petty nonsense of humans–god is never like us–god loves all his stupid,foolish humans,even evil hateful bible thumpers,christians–jesus in his day told us salvation is gurrrraaannnteed for all,no hail marys or forgiveness needed–the bible thumpers did not like hearing that so they killed him–the bible thumpers of today would do the same,given half a chance–all you insane bastards keep talking your shit like you know god–all you know is slogans,phrases out of the book of satan–complete bullshit,but keep spouting your nonsense if it makes your ego,self righteousness swell like a giant dead pig–god doesn’t care about your bullshit

      • Aeneas

        Could you provide us with some more information……

    • ElOregonian


      You defeat your own purpose by droning on. Nobody wants an epic sermon within the comments section. Make it simple. Christ crucified for the sins of man- past- Present- and Future.

      Keep it simple.

      • Andy

        agreed – keep it simple

        jesus never lived
        the bible is a man-made fiction
        there are no gods
        the universe was not created

    • Anonymous

      What are you talking about? The age of the Bible is over.
      Jubilee Bible 2000
      And he said unto them, Behold, when ye are entered into the city, there ye shall find a man bearing a pitcher of water; follow him into the house where he enters in.

      • Anonymous

        Not really some 250 – 300 years left. Go and fuck yourselves in the mean time. Become nothing.

    • unidentified

      that must have made sense a hundred years ago

    • patann

      -I read this title, and I’m reminded of the authentic beginning to the end as of Daniel. 7, of Rev. 17, as of seeing four continents to nations in a block, 2002, Asia, America, Japan and Russia, and first ever warning, as of Trump’s inauguration, so 2002-2017, that fifty million will die, get ye to repentant altars, God is avenging martyred blood, no flesh will stand, (

      Prophecy Links

      -Seen to be seeing, 2003, Americans awarded an 11 O’clock shopping lunch hour, just as their military loved ones went under the worse tortures ever, jhis line upon line of torture vehicles a US General described to his men as a dirty Mede beware, Apb

      -Only Kneel and pledged thyself to Jesus, the only good shepherd, blessed death (resurrection), God is reaping martyred blood, meaning only Holy Spirits, those Jesus’ blood redeemed, seen reigning in heaven, will, well are right now, standing! Beware, Apb!

      -Seem To Be Seeing Written On The Back Window Of A Utility Vehicle, In Big, Bold Letters, The Single, Word, ESCAPE!

      -What else can Apostle say? America is an exodus, been seeing it these 31 springs, Asia is an invasion US soil, since 1996, as so did Guam go on the attack, beware most of all those US West Pacific burning mightily into the mid-Atlantic, into forewarning all those continuing in the American dream, Get It, Get Jesus and get out of it! Apb, The RAM, see more here,

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