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By Joachim Hagopian
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International Crime Cabal’s Covid-19 Disaster: Let the Nuremberg 2.0 Trials Begin

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This was an intentional bio-weaponization of spike proteins to inject into people to get them addicted to a ‘pancoronavirus’ vaccine. This has nothing to do with a pathogen that was released… This is about getting people injected with a known to be harmful S1 spike protein… The tragedy is we are in a world where we have hundreds of millions of people being injected with a pathogen-stimulating computer sequence, which is being sold under what the patent office, what the medical profession, and what the FDA and its own Clinical Standards would not suggest is a vaccine, but by using the term we actually are now subjecting hundreds of millions of people to what was known to be by 2005 a biological weapon.

                                                                                    Dr. David Martin, July 12, 2021


A November 17, 2021 article from The Conversation states:


People opposing vaccine mandates, or COVID vaccines more broadly, have claimed the vaccines violate the Nuremberg Code. They say COVID vaccines are experimental and people have been coerced into vaccination. They say this breaches the ethical code drawn up after the second world war to guide medical research and human clinical trials. But this argument is flawed. Here’s why the Nuremberg Code doesn’t apply, and how to correct this misunderstanding.

Yet directly on the foremost US federal public health agency’s own website comes the National Institute of Health’s January 12, 2021 headline:


Experimental Coronavirus Vaccine Highly Effective [Emboldened for emphasis]


And considering that the Pfizer and Moderna non-vaccines as messenger RNA substances that permanently alter human DNA and have never before been marketed for mass injection into the human body, the pharmaceutical Covid-19 jab most certainly qualifies in every criteria as an experimental drug discovered to contain highly toxic ingredients that by design were guardedly concealed – never revealed to not one of the unsuspecting human guinea pigs injected. Plus, given the “Warp Speed” rollout that circumvented the standard legal requirements governing the administration of any and all new FDA monitored drugs, bypassing the extensive clinical testing trial protocol, first on animals and then on humans that in the past always took years to complete. So to say these shots aren’t experimental is a boldface lie, among the countless in this global campaign to conceal the ultimate crime of the ages – human genocide. America’s Frontline Doctors’ June 2021 white paper classifies the kill shot as experimental because:


Vaccine safety requires proper animal trials and peer-reviewed data, neither of which has occurred during Operation Warp Speed.


Additionally, when an imposter president in September 2021 threatens to fire 80 million US private sector workers unless they submit to his imposed deadly bioweapon deadline, that fully meets every legal and ethical definition of coercion and duress. Yet The Conversation’s three authors as New South Wales University researchers funded directly by Australia’s NIH equivalent, the National Health and Medical Research Council, errantly insist:


COVID-19 vaccines do not violate the Nuremberg Code.


The article penned by this illustrious trio of self-appointed NSW University “experts,” condescendingly intends to serve as the pushback primer for “informed and educated” laypeople on how to win the argument setting the record properly straight in answering antivaxxer “deplorables”’ claims, ignorantly “mislabeling” the Covid-19 bioweapon as a clear violation of the Nuremberg Code. In response to the never-ending MSM narrative lies, this presentation intends to obliterate the fallacy of their lockstep insular argument implicitly defending Australia’s Nazi government stormtroopers perpetrating a draconian vaccine holocaust as their nation-state’s “benevolent” public health policy. Police shooting its own citizens in the back with rubber bullets for exercising their right to peaceful assembly and protest and brutally slamming their heads into concrete pavement for not wearing masks, and forcibly, violently separating parents trying to desperately protect their children from forced vaccination, hardly seem a public state policy worth defending.


But then the WWII Nazis’ systematic torture and savage human experimentation in concentration camps using as their feeble defense that they were simply following orders failed to save their asses from execution at their 1945 to 1949 Nuremberg trials. Nor will it save today’s genocidal killers aggressively pushing and defending the inhumane and criminally forced death jab. Deniers of human rights violations of the Nuremberg Code are really no different from those who deny the Jewish holocaust. If the PC fixation under the guise of hate speech enforcing national laws in multiple countries today are landing the WWII deniers in prison, perhaps the same fate awaits those denying the highly egregious, unlawful breaches of the ten human rights principles stipulated in the Nuremberg Code. 


The Bill Gates’ bought and paid for World Health Organization (WHO), US National Institute of Health (NIH), its Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) are dictating global policies that constitute genocide against the entire human species. And with growing, irrefutable evidence that hundreds of thousands, or more likely millions of jabbed humans, have already been killed by the Big Pharma manufactured gain-of-function bioweapon, purposely mislabeled as Covid-19 vaccines, lawsuits charging the principle guilty parties with premeditated crimes against humanity have already been cropping up as history’s next round of Nuremberg military tribunals appear preeminent.


That said, the nano-kill shots have been found to include not only deadly spike proteins and graphene oxide, but other newly discovered, gnarly nano-parasites, ushering in the elites’ “Great Reset” in today’s digital age vis-à-vis the smart phone/smart city/smart global network with nightmarishly invasive result, nanotechnological brain mapping, and biometric ID surveillance intended to track and control every vaccinated transhuman still surviving on the planet. Our human window to stop this postapocalyptic hell on earth is narrowing by the day with virtually no time left. The epic war between good and evil is here.


So let’s take a look at the 10 principles up close and personal that make up the Nuremberg Code, and demonstrate explicitly how each one is being illegally trampled on with the worldwide enforcement of vaccine mandates and passports under the increasing grip of globalized medical tyranny and death.

  1. The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion, and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision. This latter element requires that before the acceptance of an affirmative decision by the experimental subject there should be made known to him the nature, duration, and purpose of the experiment; the method and means by which it is to be conducted; all inconveniences and hazards reasonably to be expected; and the effects upon his health or person which may possibly come from his participation in the experiment.

The only way that the international crime cabal mafia has been able to bring us to the current breaking point is through “force, fraud, deceit, duress, and over-reaching” as well as “coercion” by a massive interlocking consortium of global, national, state and local corporate, political, medical, Big Pharma and Big Media conspiratorial authorities. But when owned and controlled by the same planetary controllers, it can more readily be done. Think BlackRock and Vanguard’s monopoly game, and their controlling shareholder owners – all the usual suspect bloodlinesRothschilds, Rockefellers and black nobility royal families.


First of all, falsely advertised by the crime cabal to be something it isn’t, Covid-19 kill shots can never accurately be called vaccines. They were developed and deployed strictly as a bioweapon. At virtually no vaccine site location on the planet does the person administrating the injection ever properly inform the person about to be given the lifechanging poison that he or she essentially has the right to refuse. The Nuremberg Code explicitly grants humans the right to informed consent, emphasizing the importance of the fundamental human right to be able to voluntarily refuse any medical intervention, by inoculation or otherwise.


In addition, by medical definition, a vaccine must provide immunity from the virus, protecting recipients from contracting the virus in the future, and reduce the number of deaths, infections and spread of the disease. Instead, the CDC deceitfully twisted to redefine the bioweapon as vaccines, which they’re clearly not. It’s been unequivocally proven that the bioweapon injection fails on every single account. It fails in providing near zero immunity, far worse than God-given naturally acquired immunity, one Johns Hopkins medical professor claiming 27 times stronger.


The brainwash from the outset of the death jab rollout was that it would “flatten the curve” and return life back to so-called normal (i.e., no more lockdowns, social distancing, face mask mandates, lengthy quarantines). But it’s never held up even one thing it’s supposed to do. Instead as superspreaders and shedders, the vaccinated are far more susceptible to reinfection and prematurely dying from a compromised, destroyed immune system.


The original SARS-CoV-2 that somehow morphed into the “novel” Covid-19 plandemic doesn’t even exist beyond a manipulated computer model sequence. Plus, the diagnostic test was faulty from the get-go, admitted so by its 1993 Nobel prize winning inventor Kary Mullis, who warned that it was never intended for diagnosis. Dr. Mullis exposed Fauci’s criminality prior to his sudden suspicious death in August 2019. With Kary Mullis out of the way, just weeks ahead of Bill Gates and the World Economic Forum’s live action coronavirus Event 201 hosted at Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, what are the odds that their viral beta test run happened to be co-timed with another Coronavirus live action drill going on in Wuhan at the exact same time the October outbreak in Wuhan began? And of course, by design, Kary’s misused, wrongly calibrated PCR test was then free to malevolently give nothing but millions of false positive results the world over, creating the mass hysteria and panic needed to sell the death jab by the end of last year.


This beyond coincidence trifecta launching their invented hoax of a nonexistent Covid-19 virus was then followed in Warp Speed by their Trojan horse bioweapon, secretly gearing up with their long in advance vaccine patents, following the Rockefeller Operation Lockstep playbook. Even Fauci himself admitted recently that his vaccines have failed, using it to urge getting the next booster shot. And just as intended by its design, the fake vaccine has been failing miserably, filling up hospitals and funeral parlors with the vaccinated, even reported by MSM newswire spreader AP, proving that the pandemic is really all about depopulation control and never about health. By its very nature alone, a bioweapon is meant to degrade health and kill living organisms, never enhance or preserve either health or life.

  1. The experiment should be such as to yield fruitful results for the good of society, unprocurable by other methods or means of study, and not random and unnecessary in nature.

With a 99+ percent cure rate, the age old best proven antidote against Covid-19 or any virus is a strong natural immune system supplemented by zinc, Vitamins C and D. The vaccine misnomer is nothing but a Trojan horse bioweapon designed to kill. The premeditated murder of millions of victims, recently driven home by young athletes from amateur to pros dropping dead like flies on and off their playing fields all over the world is hardly yielding “fruitful results for the good of society.” Enter hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, and chlorine dioxide as cheap, highly effective, far safer drugs that the criminal cabal murderers have virtually outlawed, killing thousands by willfully rendering these lifesavers “unprocurable,” cruelly withheld in order to destroy as many lives as possible from the ravages of both the elites’ bioweapon and manmade (or truer said elites’ created) Covid-19 virus.

  1. The experiment should be so designed and based on the results of animal experimentation and a knowledge of the natural history of the disease or other problem under study that the anticipated results will justify the performance of the experiment.

As far back as 2004, a Canadian research study found that the SARS-CoV-1 vaccines (that suspiciously morphed into SARS-CoV-2, otherwise known as Covid-19) were linked to ferrets’ liver damage in the experimental animal trials. This little-known factoid foretold the future of all subsequent Coronavirus studies that have scientifically been connected to vital organ damage by all the SARS vaccines. Yet 16 years later in March 2020, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) prematurely granted Big Pharma giants their infamous Emergency Use Authorization (EAU) status for full speed ahead greenlight to all Covid-19 death jabs.

Moreover, a federal law prohibits forced vaccination of any drug not fully approved by the FDA. Not enforcing this law renders all emergency use only drugs available solely on a voluntary informed consent basis, making it illegal apartheid discrimination to impose vaccine mandates and vaccine passports on citizens choosing to not receive shots granted only EAU status.

For the crime cabal to run roughshod over this legislated legal precedent only provides further empirical confirmation that not just the FDA but all the federal agencies in our government (i.e., DHHS, NIH, CDC, NIAID, including the DOJ, FBI and DHS) are all owned and controlled by the Big Pharma industry through the revolving door of open bribery and kickbacks, corrupt lobbyism and corrosive cronyism. In the 20 years prior to 2019 pandemic outbreak, Big Pharma lobbyists paid politicians $6 billion. To pull off the genocidal global scam, imagine how many payoffs are made to keep the criminal lies going. Moreover, that fateful March 2020 FDA decision was issued in spite of Pfizer failing to even complete its initial clinical testing trials on animals. This never happened before. Former naval surgeon and astute pandemic critic Dr. Lee Merritt reported in an interview:

This vaccine was rolled out to distribution centers before they even made a show of caring about the FDA approving it [for EAU only].

That fact alone shows who’s really the boss calling the shots. The FDA is a Big Pharma whore that simply does what it’s told by the planetary bloodline controllers who own the controlling shares of BlackRock and Vanguard that in turn own Big Pharma and virtually everything there is to own and monopolize on earth.

During that same month of March 2020, Pfizer also began quietly testing its first experimental clinical trials of its so called Covid-19 mRNA vaccine on human subjects. Unprecedented, both the FDA and Pfizer opted to violate the lengthy standard protocol process that normally takes about 10 years in drug development just to come up with a safe product marketed for human consumption, and that’s according to its own websites. Thus, the covered up abysmal animal study outcomes prompted the cabal to have to rush straight into using humans as guinea pigs in its diabolical, grand scale experimentation scheme, ultimately designed to depopulate the planet. According to Dr. Merritt:

What happened is all animals died… but they didn’t die of the ‘vaccine.’ What they died from used to be called ‘immune enhancement’ and now they call it ‘antibody dependent enhancement’ (ADE). Here’s what happens: They make the RNA and you get the ‘vaccine’ and you do fine. Now, you challenge the animal with the virus that you are supposed to be immunizing against. So when they challenged those cats with SARS [a.k.a. SARS-CoV-1, a coronavirus species], instead of killing the virus or weakening it, the immune response that they built into your system when out, coded the virus, so the virus came into the cat’s body like a Trojan Horse, unseen by the cat’s own immune system, and then it replicated without checking and killed the cat with overwhelming sepsis and cardiac failure. And that [also] happened in ferrets, that happened every time they tried this… We have never made it through an animal study successfully for this type of virus.

So now you know why the animal studies were cut short before the decision to start jabbing Pfizer and Moderna mRNA poisons into humans with the same devastating result. Once injected, upon dealing with a cold or any viral pathogen, the body’s natural immune system is mRNA programmed to replicate spike proteins that ultimately turn against the vital organs with antibody dependent enhancement that is the bio-weaponized terminator of life. That’s why from now on Biden’s promised Dark Winter during this year’s flu season is already beginning to kill off untold millions of the vaccinated, especially those obediently receiving their booster jabs. This tragic news can no longer be buried or covered up. With cameras rolling, now even young, very fit pro athletes are keeling over in droves from heart attacks with a phenomenal 60 times more adverse events since the vaccine rollout, and when 5-year old kids are reported dying, their deaths will not go ignored as the shocked and appalled world is fast waking up from this demonically driven nightmare. The international crime cabal’s reckoning with Nuremberg 2.0 trials is fast approaching.

When experimental test trials commenced on humans in March 2020 while preliminary animal trials were still ongoing, despite biomedical ethicists at the time expressing concern, alarm and criticism against Pfizer’s mRNA-1273 blatant protocol breach, it quickly passed under the radar and injecting an experimental bioweapon into humans sneakily proceeded under the radar. Yet just six months earlier, two back-to-back critical developments occurred that allowed this genocide to unfold as planned. On September 19, 2019, President Trump was unwittingly tricked into signing an extremely controversial executive order that enabled Big Pharma to do the unthinkable, cutting all ethical corners bigtime is putting it mildly, and so is sacrificing public safety for Operation Warp Speed expediency. The sticky part for Donald Trump that he clearly didn’t write but still signed off on is:

These platform technologies include DNA, messenger RNA (mRNA), virus-like S particles, vector-based, and self-assembling nanoparticle vaccines

So, Trump essentially authorized the poisoning of millions of American citizens with spike proteins and graphene oxide nanoparticles. What makes this a monumental cabal stealth-bomb (or stink-bomb) victory is the president, so hated and falsely denied his second term in office, unknowingly signed his own White House death warrant, endorsing the very plan that would lead to his own presidential undoing. What cements the cunning cloak and dagger treachery here is that the very day before on September 18, 2019, all of Trump’s enemies – the CCP, the WHO, Fauci’s NIAID, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation all officially declared war on the world with their creation of a global simulation exercise that would go live releasing the SARS-CoV-2 respiratory pathogen, starting in Wuhan and rapidly advancing globally according to their plan.

But during the four years leading up to their October 2019 Covid-19 Wuhan launch, along with coffers from Gates and WHO, Fauci had heavily invested $3.7 million in US taxpayer dollars to covertly finance and create their lethal upgraded bioweapon in China’s Wuhan Virology Institute lab, and other than their wicked human intervention partnering with their Chinese Bat Woman to tinker releasing Coronavirus particles into her local bat population, the manmade virus had no natural history at all, but only unnatural, evil Frankensteinian architects treasonously making deals with America’s foremost enemy, all parties subsequently caught committing bioterrorism warfare against all humans after having developed and deployed their long coveted, gain-of-function bioweapon against the global population.

This brutal fact trumps both Trump as well as Big Pharma’s 1986 protection clause within the Reagan signed National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act that frees drug companies from all future product liability damages inflicted on all victims. When state courts sought settlements from the pharmaceuticals in 2011, the Supreme Court upheld the 1986 federal law, allowing vaccine murder with impunity to only continue. The Coronavirus cabal’s five more recent, most evil felonious crimes including funding and conspiring acts of terror, lethal acts of domestic terrorism, conspiring to criminal commercial activity, market manipulation and allocation, and lying to Congress, except the latter, each carry up to 99 years in prison, a fine per felony of $100 million, up to death by execution. According to David Martin, the get-out-of-jail card would automatically be revoked once any of the Big Pharma giants are found guilty of any of their felony crimes against humanity. While Nuremberg and justice still await the guilty parties, nothing can justify Nuremberg rule #3’s “anticipated results” when “performance of the experiment” all along is premeditated human genocide.

  1. The experiment should be so conducted as to avoid all unnecessary physical and mental suffering and injury.

Obviously with horrifying deaths from equally horrifying causes and permanent debilitating injuries leading to early death that millions, perhaps even billions are or will soon be suffering at the hands of a murderous elite’s diabolical depopulation plan, the crime cabal’s human experiment is in fact being conducted premeditatedly to bring about the most Satanically driven mass human blood sacrifice and extermination of the human species in history. #4 constitutes the most egregious violation of them all.

  1. No experiment should be conducted where there is an a priori reason to believe that death or disabling injury will occur; except, perhaps, in those experiments where the experimental physicians also serve as subjects.

Knowing beforehand the unconscionable consequences of the controllers’ global inoculation agenda makes their methodical planning and coldblooded execution of this never before done experiment meant as a human extinction event, where up to 7.4 billion die, their endgame objective is to replace the human race with a small class of about a half million transhuman, AI robotically mind and behavior controlled feudal slaves left to service the murderous elite class. Depopulation is a long time objective.

  1. The degree of risk to be taken should never exceed that determined by the humanitarian importance of the problem to be solved by the experiment.

With the elites’ long identified and obsessed “problem” the Malthusian myth and lie of earth overpopulation of human beings, their genocide plan is intended to be the puppet masters’ permanent, endgame “final solution.” It’s the late Queen Elizabeth consort’s reincarnated “killer virus” wet dream.

  1. Proper preparations should be made and adequate facilities provided to protect the experimental subject against even remote possibilities of injury disability or death.

“Proper preparations” have only been made to do the exact opposite of protecting “the experimental subject against even remote possibilities of injury disability or death.”

  1. The experiment should be conducted only by scientifically qualified persons. The highest degree of skill and care should be required through all stages of the experiment of those who conduct or engage in the experiment.

Unfortunately in today’s world, far too many “scientifically qualified persons” have been captured by the Luciferian power complex, and the lowest, most debased, psychopathic evil completely devoid of all humanitarian “skill and care” is required to carry out “all stages of this [most heinous ever human] experiment.”

  1. During the course of the experiment the human subject should be at liberty to bring the experiment to an end if he has reached the physical or mental state where continuation of the experiment seems to him to be impossible.

Oh contraire, once this poison has been inserted into the human body, its gain-of-function properties allow the bioweapon to access and permeate cellular membranes into the nucleic cells of all the human body’s most vital organs, including the blood-brain barrier. That’s why multiple organ failure and pervasive blood clotting throughout the vital organs is so common, until upon death the human experiment is brought to an end.

  1. During the course of the experiment the scientist in charge must be prepared to terminate the experiment at any stage, if he has probable cause to believe, in the exercise of the good faith, superior skill and careful judgement required by him that a continuation of the experiment is likely to result in injury, disability, or death to the experimental subject.

This pre-planned, diabolical endgame experiment is terminated only when the genocidal elites responsible get terminated. Brought to justice after their full prosecution at their Nuremberg 2.0 trials, the perpetrators will be duly punished to death for their unfathomable, ungodly crimes against humanity, the depths of pure evil and depravity never before witnessed in all of human history.

A distinct separation of nations and their political parties where genocide historically occurred was carefully examined by the two primary Nuremberg prosecutors, who took great pains to clearly distinguish responsibility between the Nazi death cult and its individual leaders carrying out the genocidal practice. Holding them accountable was the prosecutors’ utmost task in the years following World War II, which found the commonly presented war criminal defense that they were simply following orders from above completely indefensible. The same principle under the Nuremberg Code still holds today for all the key players that knowingly are doing the criminal bidding of their puppet masters. Ultimately, cyber-forensics and truth and reconciliation commissions will collect the evidence to be presented in military tribunals in the next round of the Nuremberg trials.

To recap the shoddy, unprofessional, even criminal protocol used without informed consent and without peer reviewed results, the death jab preliminary trials were rushed through to kill as many human suckers as possible before the dark, diabolically grotesque reality gets fully exposed, after all, depopulation is their “final solution” for us useless, still human eaters. Since preliminary clinical test trials of these non-vaccines on animals were aborted after only a limited two-month follow-up, specifically in order to avoid having to report extremely high rates of animal deaths from antibody dependent enhancement (ADE) that experimenters induced, the drug companies thereby criminally abandoned its own robust safety standard protocols prior to even the FDA granting them the criminal greenlight to experimentally start using humans as their next guinea pigs for clinical trials without establishing clear voluntary informed consent that would include forewarning of explicit risks and dangers. That in and of itself constitutes gross violation of the Nuremberg Code. Pfizer was also caught lying about reporting far fewer deaths than was actually the case. On top of all this gross lack of transparency and deception, and empty promises to be more open and honest in the future, the FDA is so terrified that the public will find out its sinfully ungodly depth of their crimes that it requested that Pfizer’s submitted experimental testing records used by the FDA to grant its Emergency Authorization Use not be made public until 2076. You think the criminals have something they’re determined to hide?

Subsequently, a criminal conspiracy has been irrevocably propagated against millions of “human subjects” around the globe, resultantly now all at high risk of incurring serious injury leading to premature early death. Human victims currently participating in the crime cabal’s massive illicit clinical experimentation, now including even kids as young as five, along with those who already received their Coronavirus bioweapon shots, at the time of injection are never made aware of the hidden, yet now increasingly known medical dangers and hazards inherent in poisonous non-vaccines, yet in premeditated collusion previously known by both the Big Pharma manufacturers as well as government health agencies to be perilously harmful and lethal to humans.

In summary, multiple legal cases around the world are currently making their way through the high courts in a number of countries with charges of genocide and calls for Nuremberg trials against those perps responsible. In India withholding the supply of oxygen to hospital patients that died as a result is allegedly tantamount to genocide, according to high court judges reported in May 2021. India ultimately took a different, far less sinister path than most Western nations, choosing to widely disburse the drug Ivermectin that virtually ended the nation’s pandemic crisis. Also last May the Indian Bar Association charged Indian WHO Dr. Soumya Swaminathan with crimes against humanity for her efforts to prohibit use of Ivermectin, influencing at least one state to withdraw it from its protocol resulting in a tenfold increase in deaths. Recall also that India’s Supreme Court in January 2015 charged Bill and Melinda Gates with high crimes for their vaccines causing thousands of children’s injuries and deaths.

By far the most significant case has been filed by German-American attorney Reiner Fuellmich, as part of a four member German Corona Investigative Committee in an effort to charge known guilty players with crimes against humanity, regulated by section 7 of the International Criminal Code. After almost a year interviewing over 100 expert witnesses and gathering incontrovertible testimonial evidence, among them the articulate patent pursuer Dr. David Martin, PhD, the investigative committee determined that the Covid-19 virus is a complete fraud, that politicians and complicit corporate media deliberately drove the global population to full-blown panic with nonstop lies to this day, using fake science, draconian lockdown measures, based unconstitutionally on criminal conspiracy of fraud, that no mortality surplus actually occurred during 2020’s fake pandemic rollout, yet in 2021 non-vaccines as the lethal bioweapon have delivered immeasurable harm and death to a significant rising portion of humanity. Additionally, the irreparably heavy costs to the floundering, near flatlined global economy, and demolishing of small and mid-size businesses in particular, also need to be redressed by the elite criminal conspirators at The Hague in the latest Nuremberg trial. Reiner Fuellmich’s team of 1,000 lawyers and 10,000 doctors filed in May 2021 their colossal class action lawsuit for starters against the WHO, the CDC and the World Economic Forum.

Reiner Fuellmich has said:

We have the evidence… these are the worst crimes against humanity ever, ever committed. It’s happening globally, but in the end, it may very well turn out that we’re going to have to have a special court because, there’s a lot pointing in that direction, maybe the national courts will not really be able to deal with this. Because this is such a, this is on such a magnitude, it’s so, it’s so big that it is very possible that we’re gonna eventually need to have something like Nuremberg 2. [Boldface for emphasis]

Another important rational voice amidst all the madness is former British general practitioner, truth activist and novelist Dr. Vernon Coleman, who, with his characteristic wry sense of humor, stated on no uncertain terms:

Now, let me tell you something else, and this should strike terror into every doctor, nurse or boy scout currently involved in giving, or promoting, these vaccines. The Nuremberg Code on medical experimentation, written in 1947, for reasons which I hope I don’t have to explain, even to [MP] David Lammy, stated that explicit voluntary consent from patients is required for human experimentation. That means that patients MUST be told they’re taking part in a trial and they must be warned of all the possible adverse events. That’s what informed consent means… So legally, all those people giving vaccinations are war criminals. [Boldface for emphasis]

With the medical system and Hippocratic Oath turned upside down, guided by the same inverted forces as the upside-down cross, many from the “do as you’re told” crowd will not have a worthy defense for their criminal part in the bloodbath that they too must answer for.

With the international crime cabal’s tyranny encountering growing resistance and starting to lose on numerous fronts, the caged Beast is increasingly lashing out in desperate retaliation. The state propaganda machine is in full swing reporting another engineered wave of Covid-19 currently sweeping across Europe, pushing ever more oppressive control measures. Angela Merkel is calling it a “dreaded fourth wave of the virus” as a November 11, 2021 New York Times headline antagonistically blasts “Germany’s Fourth Wave: ‘A Pandemic of the Unvaccinated.’”

With only 64.8% of its citizens fully jabbed, among the lowest in Europe, as punishment, the onetime Nazi enclave Austria becomes the first country in the world to order a lockdown for the unvaccinated, aged 12 and up. As more vaccine mandates and immunity passports get imposed around the globe, as of the first of February 2022, Austria is mandating death jabs for every citizen.


In actuality, with each Darkening Winter death wave, the vaccinated are succumbing to one too many kill shots, ending up sicker and dying in the hospitals, while fork-tongued liars like CNN keep pretending it’s yet another delta-schmelta variant, caused by those selfish “evil” ones refusing inoculation. As predicted, the full blame for this latest gloom and doom round goes to the cabal’s enemy – the holdouts refusing the Big Pharma bioweapon.


The 24/7 mass media mind control game is highly effective, spewing out the latest scare tactics to the masses, desperate to recruit and exploit more frightened and controlled spike protein, nano-particled transhuman robots deeper into enemy camps – the obedient vs. the “evil selfish” still unvaccinated. Another wrinkle to this crunch-time Dark Winter push, admits that those holding out from their third or fourth shots, the forever boosters, have lost their waning “immunity” and, as a result, by default, they are joining the evil enemy camp. So, if you wish to avoid being branded with the invisible star on your forehead, increasingly becoming objects of apartheid scorn and hate, you’d best run out and get your latest jab. The forced yellow arm band as a precursor of the Jewish holocaust is alive and well eight decades later, just in time for the vaccine holocaust. It’s one more sign of history repeating itself. Stay tuned for Nuremberg 2.0.


But despite the cabal’s desperation tactics, the evil is being strongly opposed by growing segments of the world population in both the streets and the courts mounting legal challenges. In the US at least a dozen state attorney generals are suing dictator Biden over his forced vaccination agenda as well as more states banning vaccine mandates. On November 12, 2021, the US Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals blocked imposter-in-chief Biden’s unconstitutional bioweapon mandate and five days later Biden’s designated attack dog OSHA threw in the towel, giving up on enforcing all US private companies with 100 or more employees to get the jab or lose their jobs. This major court decision marks a crucial pivotal legal victory for medical freedom and human rights everywhere, and strikes a jugular blow against the Satanic elite’s declared war against humanity. We the People, armed in solidarity with the truth, practicing civil disobedience, will resist, fight and win this epic war between good and evil. In the end, God always defeats Lucifer and truth, justice and freedom will prevail and reign supreme.




Joachim Hagopian is a West Point graduate, former Army officer and author of “Don’t Let the Bastards Getcha Down,” exposing a faulty US military leadership system based on ticket punching up the seniority ladder, invariably weeding out the best and brightest, leaving mediocrity and order followers rising to the top as politician-bureaucrat generals designated to lose every modern US war by elite design. After the military, Joachim earned a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and worked as a licensed therapist in the mental health field with abused youth and adolescents for more than a quarter century. In Los Angeles he found himself battling the largest county child protective services in the nation within America’s thoroughly broken and corrupt child welfare system. The experience in both the military and child welfare system prepared him well as a researcher and independent journalist, exposing the evils of Big Pharma and how the Rockefeller controlled medical and psychiatric system inflict more harm than good, case in point the current diabolically lethal pandemic hoax and genocide. As an independent journalist for the last 8 years, Joachim has written hundreds of articles for many news sites, particularly Global Research and As a published author of a 5-book volume series entitled Pedophilia& Empire: Satan, Sodomy & the Deep State, Joachim’s books and chapters are Amazon bestsellers in child advocacy and human rights categories. His A-Z sourcebook series fully documents and exposes the global pedophilia scourge and remains available for free at Joachim’s blogsite at and

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Try Our Lion’s Mane WHOLE MIND Nootropic Blend 60 Capsules

Mushrooms are having a moment. One fabulous fungus in particular, lion’s mane, may help improve memory, depression and anxiety symptoms. They are also an excellent source of nutrients that show promise as a therapy for dementia, and other neurodegenerative diseases. If you’re living with anxiety or depression, you may be curious about all the therapy options out there — including the natural ones.Our Lion’s Mane WHOLE MIND Nootropic Blend has been formulated to utilize the potency of Lion’s mane but also include the benefits of four other Highly Beneficial Mushrooms. Synergistically, they work together to Build your health through improving cognitive function and immunity regardless of your age. Our Nootropic not only improves your Cognitive Function and Activates your Immune System, but it benefits growth of Essential Gut Flora, further enhancing your Vitality.

Our Formula includes: Lion’s Mane Mushrooms which Increase Brain Power through nerve growth, lessen anxiety, reduce depression, and improve concentration. Its an excellent adaptogen, promotes sleep and improves immunity. Shiitake Mushrooms which Fight cancer cells and infectious disease, boost the immune system, promotes brain function, and serves as a source of B vitamins. Maitake Mushrooms which regulate blood sugar levels of diabetics, reduce hypertension and boosts the immune system. Reishi Mushrooms which Fight inflammation, liver disease, fatigue, tumor growth and cancer. They Improve skin disorders and soothes digestive problems, stomach ulcers and leaky gut syndrome. Chaga Mushrooms which have anti-aging effects, boost immune function, improve stamina and athletic performance, even act as a natural aphrodisiac, fighting diabetes and improving liver function. Try Our Lion’s Mane WHOLE MIND Nootropic Blend 60 Capsules Today. Be 100% Satisfied or Receive a Full Money Back Guarantee. Order Yours Today by Following This Link.

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    Total 2 comments
    • TonyDartford

      Yes, I agree they have been broke the Nuremberg Code but when will justice be served? No good if two thirds of the people die.

    • Anonymous

      Every town, every city, every village. The new Nuremberg should be conducted by the citizens since the last one was a proven fraud.

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