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CNN Presidential Debate Rigs The Whole Thing In Favor Of Joe Biden, Why Would Donald Trump Ever Agree To These Ridiculous And Restrictive Rules?

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The CNN Presidential Debate has rules demanded and set by the Joe Biden team, with moderators who have relentlessly and openly attacked Donald Trump, the whole thing is rigged.

One has to wonder why Donald Trump would agree to participate in a debate like this, the whole thing is 100% setup to favor Joe Biden, hide his flaws and weaknesses, and provide cover for his rapidly-spreading dementia. While at the same time it diminishes all the things that make Donald Trump an effective public speaker. CNN is giving Biden so much cover, he has had to do nothing for the past 7 days but prepare and be prepared for this debate. Regardless of the outcome, it will be one of the fakest things you will see all year, except for maybe what you’ll see on November 5th.

“And judgment is turned away backward, and justice standeth afar off: for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter.” Isaiah 59:14 (KJB)

The diehard MAGA supporters are very happy that Trump has agreed to wade so deeply into enemy territory, to them it shows he’s not afraid. But in life, you find that there are somethings to be afraid of, some things that should absolutely be avoided, and this is one of them as far as Donald Trump is concerned. Hitler was very brave to invade Russia, but it was about the stupidest thing he could have done. Trump will have to compete without his superpower, a live audience, and that might well be what brings the whole thing down. With a live audience Trump is energized and does his best work, the Biden team made sure he couldn’t have that. On top of all the other things working against Trump, the moderators are hardcore Socialists who, in the past, have attacked Trump openly and relentlessly while carrying water for Joe Biden. Is this bravery or is it rank foolhardiness? I guess we shall see at 9 tonight, livestream at the bottom of this article.


CNN Touts Debate Rules; Muted Mics at Biden’s Request

FROM BREITBART NEWS: CNN is touting the rules for Thursday night’s debate between former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden, showing how the microphones will work, with one candidate’s mic muted as the other is speaking, per Biden’s direct request.

CNN had a segment on Wednesday showcasing how the microphones will work during the debate. Each candidate has two green lights, and when they are on, it signals to the candidate that his microphone is on and ready to go. When they are off, the microphone is off. CNN demonstrated what it will look like when one candidate tries to talk over the other, making the interruptions of the other “difficult to understand.”

That is not the only Biden request. As was previously reported, there will be no live audience at this debate. This is also a request from the Biden campaign, as it made it clear the 81-year-old is not interested in dealing with reactions from a live audience.

The campaign detailed this demand in a letter to the Commission on Presidential Debates, in which it provided notice that it would not participate in commission debates. However, it explained its reasoning behind no audiences in that letter.

It read in part:

Indeed, the Times also confirmed that the Biden campaign demanded no audience for this network debate as well.

This further feeds into the suspicion that the cards are already stacked against Trump, coming in addition to the fact that the co-moderators are known Trump critics. Both Jake Tapper and Dana Bash have shown open bias toward Trump in the past.

Breitbart News provided examples for both Tapper and Bash:

That coincides with the fact that CNN’s Kasie Hunt this week cut off the mic of Trump campaign national secretary Karoline Leavitt for highlighting the bias of Tapper ahead of the debate. The debate kicks off at 9 p.m. Eastern. According to reports, Biden will appear on the right side of the screen after winning a coin toss, but Trump will get the final closing remarks. READ MORE

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The post CNN Presidential Debate Rigs The Whole Thing In Favor Of Joe Biden, Why Would Donald Trump Ever Agree To These Ridiculous And Restrictive Rules? appeared first on Now The End Begins.


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