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SHTFplan: This World Bank Insider Will Blow You Away: “There Is A Huge Global Conspiracy”

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Former Senior Counselor at the World Bank Karen Hudes has spent the last several years of her life working closely with whistle blowers from around the world to shed light on what she calls a “global conspiracy.”

While working for the World Bank as a member of their legal team Hudes uncovered so much corruption that she could no longer keep quiet. She followed the proper channels to report her findings, going first to the organization’s Evaluation Department and country directors, and then to the U.S. Treasury Department and even the United States Congress. All of her requests were ignored, and in some cases, completely covered up. So she did what any honest person would do. She went public. Suffice it to say, she received the typical treatment you’d expect for a whistle blower.

Hudes is no longer with the World Bank, but that didn’t stop her from continuing her investigation by joining an organization of other whistle blowers.

What she found once she started connecting the dots will blow you away. The corruption, as most of us know, isn’t just at the World Bank, but is woven throughout the fabric of the entirety of the global financial and political systems.

Her interview with Future Money Trends will absolutely blow you away.

We have solved the mystery as to why humanity has had nothing but wars and terrible problems… why we’re always at each other’s throats.

This group is part of a huge conspiracy…

We suggest you buckle up for this one:

(Watch at Youtube)

Covering everything from the current economic crisis all the way back to the reasons behind the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln, Hudes will leave you with a totally different view of how the upper echelons of the global power structure work and how far the elite will go to maintain total control.

Interweaving through topics that include financial collapse, high level banking machinations, Snowden, false flags, JFK, Lincoln, and even the Vatican, Karen Hudes is no holds barred.

I have gone to something called the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions and I have been collaborating with all the whistle blowers of the world… and we’re bound and determined that we’re going to get this corruption taken care of.

A very accurate… it’s called the power transition model… it uses political science and computer modelings… that model is 90% to 95% accurate… and it is predicting that the corruption that has been plaguing the world, it turns out for millennia, is coming down… a lot of people call that the Matrix, a lot of people call that the banksters… it’s actually much, much more.

Here are just some of the topics covered – listen to the entire interview for a better understanding of how it all fits together:

The fact that he [NSA Whistle Blower Edward Snowden] is getting coverage on the mainstream media should be letting people know that he is part of the Matrix, because the mainstream media is owned and controlled by the same group that are the owners of the Bank for International Settlement… that is a scam.

People are supposed to have currency that’s issued by their governments directly which doesn’t carry interest. That is what John F. Kennedy was trying to do and the reason why he was assassinated. That’s what Lincoln was doing with the Greenbacks… that’s why Lincoln was assassinated…

The banks that are Too-Big-To-Fail… that’s really one banking cartel… and that group is going around buying up politicians… there are secret societies like the Knights of Malta and they’re promoting people and making sure that those people become the gatekeepers.

Many people do not know, for example, that in Charleston, South Carolina there was supposed to be a nuclear device detonated… instead two heroes made sure that the nuclear device went off off the coast… The Russians told people about that because they intercepted the Naval communications.

If that [a loss of confidence in the US dollar] is allowed to happen we will enter something very similar to the dark ages. We won’t be able to pay for international trade… We will have pestilence… We will have mass starvation.

What we have found out, and this sounds implausible, but it is absolutely correct… the fact that is has been held in secret doesn’t mean that it’s not true… it is truethere’s a second species on this planet… they’re not extraterrestrials… remnants of their civilizations are all over the place… this group has large brains… they’re very distinct from homo sapiens… We know this because their DNA was just tested… they have skulls all over the place, because they have been on earth with us.

Just because this group likes to hide and likes to accuse people of having conspiracy theories doesn’t make these facts wrong. They’re facts.

Many of us have long suspected there are cartels that include leading financiers, politicians, business conglomerates, and secret societies working together to achieve their goals of maintaining power, control and stability over the citizens of every country in the world. They will do so by whatever means necessary.

The investigations conducted by Karen Hudes and her colleagues have shed a lot more light on the conspiracy. It turns out that it’s not just theory. It’s fact.


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    Total 23 comments
    • Before It Was All Pop Ups


    • WeBeDoomed

      “This World Bank Insider Will Blow You Away” Not unless I blow him away first and I’ve got a 45 Magnum that says I just might do that :mad:

      • Mike Rotchurts

        I got an almond magnum and its yummy

      • Krispy Critter

        Oh look, it’s bug eyed fish breath again. How sweet.

      • Arrow

        44… 45… whatever it takes.

    • Apollo is the A/C

      Can I address a GREAT POINT Karen Hudes made? EDWARD SNOWDEN is part of the Cartel. Bravo!!! For those of you who missed this, you better re-review. Do you think ANYTHING makes the Mainstream News that is not planned years ahead of time? And I mean YEARS!!!!!!! If you think Snowden is not on the payroll you are really really really really really naive. :lol:

      • Warren

        I see the question not so much ‘which side is Snowden on?’, but rather ‘does Snowden actually exist?’ And if not, why the charade?

        Sure, there’s a guy who occasionally goes in front of a camera. But is that an actor playing a part? Remember early on, when there were no pictures that actually placed Snowden in Hong Kong? How he supposedly managed to elude the best spies on the planet for several weeks? How easily he supposedly got on a plane for Russia? And then spent several more weeks supposedly in the Moscow airport during which time no two eyeballs saw him there?

        It’s very possible that Snowden is yet another grand fabrication. If so, what’s the purpose?

    • nooh

      nice work. God bless you in this life and in the hereafter ameen.

    • shanchen

      What’s the matter? Said is true?

    • hungry4food

      Its all about controlling the rate of Population growth worldwide through Financial Oppressive means , its been this way for 40 plus years and even before that whenever societies start to fight over resources , but in the past so far we have seen Tech advances relieve the shortages and population growth expansion .
      Read what this elitist says at the end of this article , They are oppressing our use of resources through financial oppression to achieve a less than 2 % rate of GDP growth , and they are going to cause a ” Great Disruption ” to accomplish this goal ,

    • becomingme

      There is a book “Vatican Assasins” by Eric Jon Phelps, free online. However, the book is very repetitive and redundant, it’s better to read some reviews, or condensed versions, such as on (Hint: do a search on the website). That said, Phelps does a pretty good job of exposing the Jesuits and the Vatican for what they really are.

    • Unicorn

      The Lady is talking about elitist Jews in the world bank.

    • DocNo

      She’s talking about the “Red Shield”

    • GBCIR

      “People are supposed to have currency that’s issued by their governments”

      WRONG! and WRONG!!

      WE REJECT ‘currency’. Free Energy = NO MONEY REQUIRED.

      911 is yOUR proof Free Energy exists.

      WE REJECT government.

      Govern-ment = control mind.

      Govern yourself and EXTERNAL government NOT REQUIRED.

      Volunteerism = REMEDY

    • raven1

      This woman knows her economics, but she’s off the wall where Archaeology is concerned…Aknhaten was NOT Moses… Moses and he are separated by hundreds of years, and Aknaten’s bloodlines are recorded in stone. Moses challenged either the Pharaoh Ramses or Merneptah, several hundreds of years LATER than the heretic pharaoh, lived and died. This is written in the hall of Seti 1…graven in granite. There is a space where the heretic’s name has been chiseled out, but the timeline is the timeline. The Egyptians kept records of everything.
      Akhnaten’s philosophy was influenced by Joseph as far as monotheism was concerned, but her theory about him being Moses is nonsense… nonsense. There is also no record anywhere of ANY papyrus of ANY sort in the pyramids, which were built 1200-1500 years prior to his reign and were SEALED. She lost me right then and there. I seriously doubt her motives and possibly her sanity. :razz:

    • TRUTH

      Karen you mention All of your requests were ignored, and in some cases, completely covered up.

      This is exactly what has been and still is going on.

      Altough we complained to every agency worldwide, to every government, to all organizations, everywhere, no one delivered us from the fraud executed on us.

      They were stealing each week trillions and trillions in transactions from each of us and no one stopped them even the ones that it was their responsibility to arrest them.

      They bought the world with the finds they made from robbing our clients, our transactions and if you see the skull of LARS HUBINETTE (Learsi Ahlen) who is with them, he looks like an alien and has a large skull and looking at him you see he is not human.

      They took all from us and our children, ruined our lives and today we need to arret them and take back what they stole.

      Since it is huge, the whole world can live well and in peace. Everyone would have equal.

    • treehead

      I agree – PLEASE remove ROLLING LINKS!!

      • Linuxmaster

        Change is good :grin:

    • willhart

      If you haven’t not figured this out by now…you ain’t gonna survive when the goo hits the fan….

    • Michael Carrigan

      Unfortunately for the usurers, they only think they control the money supply. They do not control GOD’S money supply

      So I wrote the Fed and the Dept. of Treasury stating that I had paid ALL of the world’s debts with my heavenly bank account — a tender offer if you will. (And if a tender offer is rejected, it is tantamount to relief of the debt). I said that I was paying with eternal gold. Those who accept shall obtain mercy. And those that don’t — may God have mercy on their souls.

      All I have to do is point to so many scriptures. Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors; Matthew 18; Luke 16; Deuteronomy 15:1; Nehemiah 5; Jeremiah 34; Revelation 3:18.

      But they think this world is all there is. These bankers are poor, wretched and blind, thinking they are masters of the universe when they are in reality the most despised. The first shall be last, and the last first.

      So the debts are paid. We are now just making gifts to those that state they believe they are owed debt. We do it out of mercy as can be seen in Psalm 37. For the comforts of this world are all that the wealthy debt holders and their enforcers may have.

    • lindalou

      i have to wonder now about her mention of KPMG, and the missing MH370 flight carrying 20 Freescale Semiconductor employees, what are we not being told, KPMG is a shareholder for FS??? ………….

    • letsalllovelife

      WHAT AMERICANS TRULY DO NOT KNOW IS HOW TO CARE FOR THEMSELVES…. 99% OF AMERICANS RELY ON OUR BROKEN MEDICAL SYSTEM TO LIVE…. The ebook “Surviving with Nature- Natural Treatments” by Melissa Bull (found on is a very easy guide/ how-to on over 1200 natural treatments to 79 different ailments (what would you do without a hospital- pharmacies etc.). Your natural instincts give you the basics in survival (food, water, shelter etc.)….. but only through knowledge can we preserve life. Perfect to print and put in your GO bag….. You can get more info at

    • Kidlightnin

      It is a fact that “Jesuits” were establised as the military arm of the Catholic Church. In their oath or vows that all Jesuits take, it states that they will “kill all infidels and enemies of the Catholic Church”. In Germany in the 1600′s, the Jesuit Inquisition killed 44,000 Baptists of men women and children. The Medichy Family of Rome controlled the Catholic Church and the World Financial System from the 15th Century to the present. The Knights of Malta is a Jesuit order and is implanted into every military unit in the world. The Swiss Guard that guards the Vatican and their gold were formed from Jesuit soilders. The Jesuits are the primary order of the Catholic Church in the Phillipines and South America. The current Pope is the 1st Jesuit to become Pope. Brazil is a member of BRICS. The Jesuits are not sworn to poverty or abstinence like the Franciscan Order. Jesuits used slave labor in Peru & Mexico to mine Gold. It retained 50% of the Gold sent to Spain in the 17th & 18th Century. The Vatican is the World Bank and IMF managers. The German Pope resigned due to pressure from within and a “Military Jesuit” was elected because of the pending world economic collapse. Snowden is a CIA plant to distract Russia and China from the real way the US is gathering information on other nations. The real method of tracking is “Money”.Who, where, how, what and why it is spent. Money is tracked daily through bank & Federal Reserve scanners telling the US everything about any transaction. Think about it!

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