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The Best Guide To Insulating Your Home

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Whether you own an apartment or a home, a large part of your income will be spent on bills. The money spent on heating bills increases with the poor home isolation and if you want to save money, you need to be smart about your home insulation.

Statistics show that about 30% of heat escapes if your home is not properly insulated. So, get insulated instead of turning up the thermostat!

Given you are on this blog, you are probably not an expert in either heating or insulation. Well, fear no more, this guide will show you how to insulate your home best, saving you hundreds on your energy bills.

The doors

The first step to stopping energy loss is via the doors. There are a few DIY tricks to implement and end that energy loss for good.

Fit draught excluders around all exterior doors, and interior if needs be. Sealant strips are very easy to fit and are cheaply available at DIY stores. They are also very easy to work with, it’s like applying sticky tape. Don’t forget to get a brush trim – you’ll need it for for the bottom of doors, letter boxes and bigger gaps generally.


Make sure the windows are well insulated. A popular escape point for warm air have long been cracks and crevices around window frames and unfortunately still are. Good news is that there is an easy way to inspect your windows for cracks and to make them disappear. Run the palm of your hand around the edge of the frame – If you feel a breeze, even the smallest one, you’ve got a hole. Use a putty or sealer to patch the weak points.

This whole patching the hole process doesn’t have to be a headache – just use a sealer that comes in a tube, squirt it on, smooth it over and voila – job done!

Double glazing

Double glazing isn’t just an awesome solution on donuts, you see! Double glazing is worth an investment, for sure. Double glazing could save you hundreds of dollars on your annual heating bill.

Window dressing

To enhance insulation, use window dressings to assist. The warm air will be trapped inside the house if you make a habit of closing curtains or blinds after dark. This way you are preventing draughts. For added warmth retention, we advise using curtains and blinds with thermal backing.

Loft or attic

Investing in loft or attic insulation can make a major dent in you bills and save a whopping 1 tonne of carbon dioxide a year. This is one of the most efficient energy savings options. On top of that, it is affordable and simple, any you don’t even need to have the experience to do it.

All it takes is fiberglass wool that you’ll use for covering all places under your ruff you have access to. Also, fill all gaps in your home around your rooms with it.


Concrete walls with no or with bad insulation tend to be a major energy drain. This is why, we recommend building a drywall over it. Build one 10–15 centimeter (3.9–5.9 in) thick to the base wall. Choose between plasterboard wall and Ytong wall. Plasterboard wall is the most common choice as it is very simple to build. Plus, you can add very good and very cheap Glass wool into it. Both kind of walls are Fire-resistant.


Floor gaps can also be a robber of warmth in your home. If your have floorboards (most homes do) there’s likely to be a few gaps between them. To fill in the holes/gaps, use a silicone sealer. If you want to insulate thoroughly, consider hiring professionals to fit floor insulation beneath the boards.

After that’s done, throw a carpet or a rug over for further insulation. Rugs can be a good permanent and temporary solution. If money is light right now and you can’t invest in re-doing of your wooden floors, consider wall to wall rug that will surely cover even the tiniest of holes in your floor. Sydney floor rugs will for sure keep the warm air from leaking through those little cracks in the floor.

We hope our little 5 step guide has given you an idea of how insulation works. All these things can be done single-handedly and pretty quickly, yet if you feel like you would be more comfortable with a professional around, go for it!

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