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Why You Should Buy Organic Food & Why You Should not

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Organically certified foods are mostly found in grocery stores, local supermarkets and the whole foods markets. These days, consumers are more health-conscious about the food they put into their mouths. Due to the deterioration of our public health, expect the trend of consuming organic food to stay for a while. But what is the difference between an organic and non-organic food? Let’s take a thorough look into both perspectives and you’ll be the judge.

Yes, buy organic food!

  • Less Chemicals & Pesticides 

Organic food such as fruits, vegetables, poultry and dairy products are said to have 33% less pesticide compared to conventionally-grown food in the farms. Several types of organic berries do contain more antioxidant properties that prevent cancer as well. According to, people exposed to certain pesticides have an increased risk of developing certain cancers. Whether it is the farmer or the consumer, the exposure towards pesticides are harmful towards their health.

  • Healthy 

It is considered a healthier option to consume organic products compared to non-organic ones. Why? The research studies from Davies et al. shows that one of the most frequent motives for buying organic food has been the consumer’s perception that organic food is healthy. Some organic products do contain more beneficial nutrients that are good for the mind and body. If you are purchasing organic food from your nearest grocer, don’t forget to use your credit cards to gain reward points for every purchase. To save money on groceries, search for BPI credit cards for amazing rewards and cashback discounts.

  • Taste better 

This is subjective to product types, preference and perception of the consumer. However, a study from Fillion & Arazi (2002) found that an organic orange juice tastes better than conventional orange juice sold in a supermarket. Genetically-modified (GM) foods, which are also referred to as non-organic food, have a layer of wax that preserves them from getting rotten. When we purchase these goods, we’re eating the artificial pesticides and wax as well. Meanwhile, organic food uses natural pesticides to keep them fresh for consumption, thus, making it more delicious to the taste buds.

No, don’t buy organic food!

  • Pay more for less 

The book Eating ‘Green’: Motivations Behind Organic Food Consumption in Australia by Lockie et al. mentioned that “one of the other disadvantages of going organic is that you get less quantity of a product per acre, so to speak. So we’ve got an increasing population and food shortages, and we are talking about growing less per acre of land use, so there are some issues there”. Some of the organically grown fruits usually look out of shape and below average in size. There is no point in paying more money to buy a product that is seemingly unworthy. Non-organic foods are cheaper and provide more value for money.

  • Inconvenient 

Organic food wholesalers are targeting a niche market that are into healthy living and are willing to pay for food of better quality. However, organic fruits, vegetables and poultry are scarce. The demand for it is increasing, however, the time taken to grow food and raise farm animals is doubled if not injected with hormones, preservatives and artificial fertilizers. Consumers find it difficult to purchase organic goods because most of the time it is unavailable in the market. You must be prepared to travel far and wide to purchase the product in organic farms, grocery stores and supermarkets.

  • Perception 

Other than the organic certification stamp on the product packaging, how would you know whether the food is actually organically grown? In fact, some consumers believe that it is a waste of money. There’s simply too little information to justify the expense since there is a minimal difference between organic and conventional food, although the price differences are rather significant. Find a good credit card for grocery shopping that will help keep your wallet light and bank account heavy. For example, with BPI credit cards in the Philippines you get to save up to ₱1000 in Rustan’s Supermarket each time you earn up to 12,500 points.

Going organic is a great way to improve and preserve your health. The produce are free from harmful chemicals and softer on the taste buds. But there are certain inorganic products in the market that are similar to organic ones, or even better. So choose wisely during your grocery shopping as some items are worth buying organic and some that are just a waste of money.

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