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Friend Diagnosed with Colon Cancer: Sent Him This List of Alternative Treatments

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Author’s Preface:   A close friend of mine who had battled Male Breast Cancer at 32 was recently diagnosed with Colon Cancer at age 33.  Frustrated at the pain he has already endured, coupled with the general, long-term ineffectiveness against cancer the treatments modern medicine provides, I wrote my friend an email detailing an alternative way of combatting his cancer using techniques that many are finding effective, in spite of the FDA not certifying them.  After I sent the email I thought that perhaps this information could also be published on BIN to add to the discussion about alternative cancer treatments.  I hope that he reads what I’ve recommended and gives it a shot.  Ideally I’d be posting a follow up article about his improved status having embraced these methods, but I have no idea what route he’ll choose to take.  I hope you all find this email useful or at least thought provoking.


Hey “Friend”,


First of all I want to say that we love you and you and your family are in our nightly prayers.  We absolutely want to see you happy, healthy and around for many years to come.  I’m sure many other friends and family feel the same way but I personally cannot stand by and let the doctors be the “experts” when I believe that the way our nation approaches cancer treatment often times is less in the interest of the patient and more in the interest of the companies profiting from the billions spent on cancer “management”. I’ve lost 2 family members to it, my Dad lost a kidney and you’ve battled it too.  I’m just tired of cancer trying to kill everyone, I’m tired of having to accept that I’ll probably die from it and I’m tired of the fact that cancer rates in this nation are exploding in spite of having such a “great” medical system.  There have to be other ways of dealing with this that are better than poisoning our bodies.  I’ve watched two family members deteriorate physically trying to fight cancer and I’m just tired of that being the only option. I’ve done a lot of research into alternative treatments and this is what I have found.


Something like 90%+ of cancer is curable using means that are outside of surgery, chemo and radiation therapy.  I know that’s shocking to hear but know this, if the general public was aware of alternative methods of cancer treatment that are 10X, 100X, even infinitely more effective than what the medical industry offers, you would see hundreds of billions of dollars evaporate.  That conflict of interest leads them to militantly assert that ONLY their methods are proven effective against cancer.  Fortunately with the power of the internet, people are discovering and REDISCOVERING ways of treating cancer AND cancer’s CAUSE without being able to be censored by the medical industry.  People are trying the treatments I’ll discuss and finding miraculous results that far surpassed anything they got from chemo or radiation.


I apologize but this email, while lengthy contains a lot of information derived from my research.  I encourage you to read it and at least consider what I’m proposing.  Technically you could do these things while concurrently pursuing “conventional” means of treatment.  I hope that the success the Modifilan I suggested to you prior to your last round has gained me a bit of credibility.


(Note to the BIN reader:  I suggested a product called Modifilan the last time he dealt with cancer (male breast cancer at 32!).  They did radiation therapy at an accelerated rate.  This product was discovered by the Russians as a way of leaching harmful radiation out of Chernobyl victims’ bodies.  I suggested it believing that it would help protect him from the excessive radiation that would be negatively affecting the rest of his body.  After 4 weeks of aggressive treatment the doctor asked “What are you doing?”  To which he replied “I don’t understand, what do you mean?”  The doctor then said “You must be doing something because at this point in the treatment, anyone taking the doses you’re taking, 100 out of 100 people will have lost all their hair.  You have not.  So what are you doing differently?”   It was without a doubt a function of the Modifilan mitigating one of the most pronounced side effects of his cancer treatment.  His hair had thinned but he never went bald.  Pretty impressive!  I wonder if that doctor ever considered recommending Modifilan to his patients after seeing the obvious results my buddy experienced?)


To start I will say this:  Should I ever contract a cancer type that is one of the many kinds that these treatments work against, I will absolutely pursue this method first and I will pursue it aggressively.  Any conventional options would be an absolute last resort … if I were to do them at all.  So I am not suggesting something to you that I would not myself also follow.  In fact, I’m building this catalog of information for me to have as a game plan in the event that I too must battle cancer.


Today, the medical industry attempts to save your life by attacking the cancer itself through various methods, the collateral damage being your body and your immune system.  They don’t however, address the cause of cancer.  They are effectively replacing a car’s engine every time it seizes up rather than changing the oil to keep it from seizing up.  Of course your mechanic would LOVE to sell you a new engine every 20-30K miles for $8,000 rather than 6, $40 oil changes in the same period.  Imagine how pissed you’d be if he promoted a scenario that replacing engines when they seize is “normal” and that changing oil is “unproven” and “risky”.  That’s what’s going on with the medical industry now.  They are making heaps of cash off of people’s ignorance.  I hope that I can shed some light on this issue.


First off you must understand that EVERY person carries cells with them that may one day become cancerous or cause cancer.  When given a healthy environment / nutrition, the body’s own immune system keeps these cells at bay.  However, when the body’s environment becomes “toxic” to good health and / or the immune system is compromised, these cells begin their cancerous explosion.  So the key to staying “cancer fee” (and becoming “cancer free”) is to promote favorable conditions within the body’s chemistry and also doing things that strengthen the immune system.  This is why people who take chemo / radiation may seem temporary relief from the cancer but there often times are a resurgence down the road.  Your immune system is compromised by the treatment so even though the treatment beat back the cancer your immune system is not strong enough to pick up the slack one the treatment stops.  Often times these treatments are a race to see if they can kill the cancer before the treatments kill the patient.   What I’m proposing as an option will not cause anyone to die, where as conventional methods actually have a hand in a person’s physical deterioration (beyond what the cancer does alone). I personally would rather have the cancer alone kill me rather than intentionally poisoning myself and have that AND the cancer do the job.  Not to mention, if my end did come early, the quality of life during those weeks / months would be way better than in a chemo weakened state.  (Understand that these are my personal opinions and reflect the attitude I’ll approach cancer in my body. You are responsible for your own life and must make your own decisions as to what route you’ll take. I’m just trying to give you an alternative perspective.)


This doctor has spent a lifetime building up the most effective alternative ways to treat cancer without resorting to chemo / radiation.  Much of what I’m basing this off of is mentioned in his book and many others are finding success using some variation of what he recommends.


The FIRST thing you must do is test your body’s PH level.  Based on the types of foods I believe you consume I would bet money that your body PH is skewed to the Acidic side.  You can test your saliva and urine yourself with some testing strips. Your blood probably would have to be tested by a medical professional. Most people just test and chart their spit and pee PH from the beginning to end without recording blood PH.


The primary thing to know is that cancer is most often a function of clinical “Acidosis”.


All that means is that the types of food and drinks you consume have caused your body’s chemistry to shift from a PH neutral of 7 to something less than that like 5 to 6 range. When your body becomes acidic, the cancer cells we have, begin to thrive and the immune system begins to weaken.  It’s a double wammy.  Then to add insult to injury, the types of food and drink that promote acidic environments also tend to be the types of food that cancer most readily feeds on.  Sugar is the number 1 favorite food source of cancer and consumes it at a rate of 15X faster than the rest of the body.  So the two WORST things you can do when you have cancer is to 1. Eat Carbs and 2. Eat / Drink Acidic Foods.



People have found that by simply altering body chemistry, you can create an environment where the cancer cannot survive.  This is done simply.  1. Consume Baking Soda (In fact, the treatment for Acidosis in the link above is Baking Soda therapy)   2. Consume foods / drink that are highly alkaline.  I have attached a graphic spreadsheet showing where various foods fall on the PH scale.


Baking soda is about the cheapest thing you can buy at the grocery store but it has the potential to save your life for literally pennies a day.  Changing your diet will certainly be the much harder thing to do.  Understand this though, there is a light at the end of the tunnel.  If you make drastic changes now and stick with them until you see improvement, down the road, you will be able to return to consuming some “prohibited items” with moderation.  So while it will be hard and even not enjoyable, know that you’re doing this for your family and that it’s still better than chemo / radiation any day.



Clinical Evidence for the Efficacy of Baking Soda in Cancer Therapy

Two Studies

A 2009 study published in the journal, Cancer Research, is among the first to confirm that the alkalizing effect of sodium bicarbonate can indeed stop cancer.


By injecting sodium bicarbonate into a group of mice, the authors of the study were able to determine how the growth and spread of cancer tumors were effected by raising the pH of the organ affected by the cancer.


The study results showed that baking soda indeed raised the pH and reduced spontaneous metastases in mice induced with breast cancer.


The researchers also determined that sodium bicarbonate works by raising the pH outside cells and not within cells. This is an important finding because it suggests that sodium bicarbonate does not interfere with cellular metabolism even as it makes the microenvironment unconducive for tumor growth.


Other findings from this study show that baking soda:


  • Reduced the involvement of the lymph node on the transport of cancer cells
  • Does not lower the levels of circulating tumor cells
  • Reduced the involvement of the liver and, therefore, the spread of tumor cells to other organs
  • Inhibit the colonization of other organs by circulating tumor cells


The researchers noted that the injection of sodium bicarbonate in other animal models for cancer showed that the compound can also inhibit the spread of prostate cancer but not melanoma.


Building on these results, researchers are trying to determine whether better results can be obtained by combining sodium carbonate with cancer drugs.


In a 2011 study published in the journal, BMC Cancer, a group of researchers investigated the effects of dichloroacetate and the combination of dichloroacetate and a bicarbonate salt on a mouse model for metastatic breast cancer.


Dichloroacetate is a selective cancer drug that works similarly to sodium bicarbonate. It raises pH levels around cancer cells by inhibiting the breakdown of sugars and the production of acidic intermediates in these cells.


The study results showed that the combination of the synthetic cancer drug, dichloroacetate, and the simple, proven household remedy, oral bicarbonate, did not reduce metastasis or tumor size.


This study showed that sodium bicarbonate is not only a safer, cheaper cancer remedy, it is more effective than dichloroacetate.



Until  you beat this you have to stop drinking Monsters (of any kind), alcohol, soda and pretty much anything but distilled or reverse osmosed water which is preferably an Alkaline Water with a PH between 8.5-9.5.  You have to have fluoride free water because the consumption of fluoride has been proven to raise one’s risk of cancer by a good amount so it’s counterproductive.  You MUST stop drinking these other things and start drinking this water.  Sodas and alcohol are at the most acidic side of the spectrum and any carbs that are associated with that only serve to feed the cancer.  Any artificial sweeteners besides Stevia are also not helping the situation even if they don’t contribute carbs.


You need to alter your diet to include as much organic, raw fruits and vegetables from alkaline side of the attached list as possible.  You need to do some searches on recipes that are designed for the “Alkaline Diet”.  You need to eat these things raw and organic for one main reason.   They contain within them is a compound that plants naturally have to fight off fungal growth in the wild.  It is nature’s defense.  If they are not organic, they are sprayed with something that does this artificially.  Since the plants don’t have to defend themselves, they don’t produce much of their own fungicide.  Beyond just being alkaline, you want this compound in your body because the characteristics of cancer most closely mirror those of a fungal infection.  They have found that cancer has fungus like properties so it important to consume food that provides fungicidal qualities.   You must cut out all of the foods that fall on the acid side of the spectrum for the time being because you need to raise your body’s PH ASAP.


I am going to give you an extra bottle of this Oregano Oil I have.  It has fungicidal, antibacterial and anti-viral properties.  It is used to fight off sickness and support the immune system.  This will help your body get a boost in supporting your fight against cancer.  You should take a couple drops in water in the morning and again in the evening.


The following two techniques people are finding real success with.


1.       You can Mix 1-2 tsp of Baking soda into 12-16 oz water and drink it two times a day.  This is of course in addition to the changes in diet.  I’ve tried this and it just tastes like salt water without the harshness.  It’s super easy to do.  People are also “supercharging” this by combining fresh squeezed, organic lemon juice with the baking soda and water.  Lemons, while technically acidic have a reaction on the body that is incredibly alkaline.  Very interesting.  I would also add 2 drops of the Oregano Oil to this mixture as well.  Here are articles on this.


2.       People are also combining Baking soda with maple syrup or molasses, warming it for about 5 min to make a kind of candy.  I did this with molasses and it tastes salty and sweet.  Not too bad.  They will then substitute drinking the second glass of baking soda water for eating this “candy” in an amount that is about 1-2 tsp worth of the soda.  I think the molasses is probably the better choice because it’s cheaper and more alkaline of the two.  NOW, the reason for doing this is because cancer thrives off of sugar.  Your diet should be changed to restrict the intake of carbs.  When this limited amount of sugar comes into the body the cancer tries to suck it up since its starving.  By heating it with the baking soda you’ve bound the two together and like a Trojan horse, the molasses will carry the baking soda into the cancer and kill it.  A man with stage 4 prostate cancer that had spread to the bones used this method and in only a few months the cancer was gone and his PSA numbers were almost zero.  He was given months to live and only a few months were needed to beat it.   Here is an article on this.


Finally, I would add the following two products to this regiment to help out.


1.       Beyond Tangy Tangerine and as well as their Essential Fatty Acid Pills or their Ultimate Classic liquid vitamin mix to provide you will all the vitamins, minerals and fatty acids the body needs to function.  This will make sure that you’re not deficient in any category for optimal body function.  Also, know this, a recent University Study was done on this specific product and they determined that consuming this alone resulted in the following


·         When Beyond Tangy Tangerine® and Ultimate Classic® were administered to healthy human colon cells; there was no significant death of healthy human cells compared to cancerous colon cells. Ultimate Classic® killed 95% of cancerous colon cells, 65% of cancerous liver cells, 65% of cancerous stomach cells, and 30% of cancerous breast cells. Beyond Tangy Tangerine® killed 60% of cancerous colon cells, 65% of cancerous liver and stomach cells, and 30% of cancerous breast cells.


2.       I also think this product, Oxy Powder, would be potentially beneficial as well.  These pills provide an antioxidant boost directly to the colon for the purpose of “cleaning out” your digestive system.  This should help remove any build of toxic sludge that is from all the junk food we eat as part of the “American Diet”. This should accelerate the rate at which your system transitions over to the new diet.  It will also improve absorption of nutrients by your digestive tract.


The final possible thing that could be added if these items aren’t as effective as we’d hope would be the use of a special form of Cannabis Oil.  There have been several studies as well as people’s physical experiences that indicate this oil has the ability to inhibit cancer growth and to possibly cure it.  So this is something else that could also be looked at, but it would be the secondary route if the Alkaline route isn’t as effective as we would like it to be.



I hope you’ve been able to read all of this and have realized that there are some very powerful and very simple alternatives you have to putting yourself through chemo / radiation again.  As you said, your doctors don’t really know what’s going on or what to do.  I’m sure they’ll just go with one of the standard treatments and hope it works.  To me that’s quite concerning.  So while they scratch their heads I encourage you to immediately start pursuing these alternative treatments because I sincerely think that they could do some amazing things for you.


Please let me know if you have any questions or would like to discuss anything.


Again, we’re praying for you and just want you to be happy and healthy.


Take care buddy.  We can do this!!!




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    Total 7 comments
    • Elva Thompson

      fantastic advice…the ph miracle.

    • becomingme

      Thank you!

    • Jiliane

      Yes it does work and once you get the hang of it, it’s really easy to maintain and continue.
      The body reacts harshly when you drink a soda after not having one for a year! Or anything processed really.
      You have to give the body time to heal to feel and see the difference.

    • InCeNdIa_DrAcOnIs

      The above chart is completely ass-inine!! Anybody know knows anything, will tell you that citrus products are ACIDIC and not ALKALINE!!
      Also, as someone who grows blueberries, I can tell you that they are extremely ALKALINE. You even have to “sour / alkaline” the soil with aluminum phosphate, just to get the damn things to grow.

      I would say that a majority of the things in the chart are totally mis-categorized. I would recommend research, instead of relying on the chart.

      • #WakeUpPeople1776

        First of all I must state that the two charts of Acidic / Alkaline foods included in this article were created by others. I included the one to which you refer as the primary one because it is simple to read. Others have much more detail and I would recommend that people search those out.

        Secondly, Lemons taste acidic, have citric acid, but the reaction your body has upon ingestion is highly alkalizing. There are many articles detailing this effect.

        Third, I have researched blueberries because you specifically called them out and I will agree with you that the chart included should not have listed them as highly acidic. There are varying reports of their PH level and I find that they range from 6.5 to 7.5. Therefore they are close to neutral. I believe they too have an effect like lemons where their natural acids generate an alkaline reaction in the body. In fact the second chart included with this article lists them as mildly alkaline. Because of this I have photoshopped the first chard (that I didn’t make) to put blueberries under mildly acidic. Between the two charts this will reflect the varying accounts I have of their PH level.

        As for growing blueberries, everything I see described as to what soil PH they prefer is that they need ACIDIC soil in the 4.5-5.5 range. I found nothing indicating that they prefer Alkaline soil. I believe you are mistaken and perhaps that is why you’re having a hard time getting “the damn things to grow.” I would recommend ammonium sulfate as your fertilizer.

        Thank you for reading the article

    • ianathawthorns

      Dangerous idiocy !

      “Your blood probably would have to be tested by a medical professional.”

      Any medical professional will tell you that normal blood pH is very close to 7.4. Less than 7 is immediately life threatening. A blood pH of 5-6 is totally incompatible with life

    • James Smith

      Read up on DCA (dichloroacetate) here’s the real deal, period.

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