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Texas Doctor Reverses Coronavirus Symptoms in 100% of Cases With Inexpensive Treatment

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By Natural Blaze

Texas family doctor Dr. Richard Bartlett joins Debbie Georgatos on her show American Can We Talk to discuss a potential COVID CURE!

Dr. Bartlett describes how he has been treating Covid-19 patients with 100% success rate using an inexpensive safe treatment that is commonly used for people with asthma.

The treatment is enhaling a steroid called budesonide using a nebulizer. Dr. Bartlett says many patients experience rapid relief from Covid symptoms after the first treatment.

It’s the same treatment that worked in crowded countries like Taiwan, Singapore and Japan who’ve had very few deaths compared to countries that locked down. Therefore, Bartlett questions the effectiveness of mandatory masks, social distancing or a vaccine.

He explained that a vaccine is unnecessary because the mortality rate is so low and effective treatments already exist. And he emphasized that vaccines would be ineffective because of constant mutations to the coronavirus.

“The beautiful thing about the treatment that using is that no matter how many times it mutates it’s universally going to work because it decreases the inflammation. It’s a respiratory anti-inlammatory solution to a respiratory inlammatory problem.”

Watch the full interview below:

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    Question   Razz  Sad   Evil  Exclaim  Smile  Redface  Biggrin  Surprised  Eek   Confused   Cool  LOL   Mad   Twisted  Rolleyes   Wink  Idea  Arrow  Neutral  Cry   Mr. Green

    Total 29 comments
    • residentp

      Because the Gates of hell gang plans to make billions with their vaccines and to depopulate per N W O agenda, this treatment will be smothered with lies and/or removal of the medicines from circulation as to save their evil game.
      Gates openly propagated that populations must be ‘controlled——-So why would he then try to save our lives with vaccines where by simply letting the ‘deadly’ virus go its course, and world populations will be wiped out….or is it because the vaccines will help it along where he knows the ‘virus’ will not be able to do that. Tests (laced?) and manipulated statistics it seems, had to be used to create a pandemic on paper to justify using forced vaccines. It seems that if they can get you into a hospital then your risk of dying is greater and you may get injected with dubious substances to fight the ‘virus’ or you may even be USED as an experimental guinea pig without your consent or knowledge? Could older known viruses be mixed and used as a means to make sure many sheeple get some kind of serious illness as to boost the statistics right from the places supposed to cure us? Maybe dr Bartlett must be on the advisor committee of pres Trump or the CDC.

      • MyTwoCents

        The more tests they do the more cases of Covid-19 they find. Kinda makes you wonder if the tests are tainted, doesn’t it? Dr. Fauci first tells us masks don’t work. Don’t wear them. Save them for the medical professionals. Now, you can get arrested for not wearing them in some states. Fauci and Gates stand to make a boatload of money off the vaccines. Conflict of interest anyone?

      • MyTwoCents

        The Cure for Covid-19?

        Dr. Bartlett, MD

    • Akenhaten

      Evil = blood is Ill

      Natural plant drugs are fine, smoking is fine, drinking is fine as long as they don’t contain chloromines because it weakens your spirit

    • Akenhaten

      Translations please..

      And when you weaken your soul (body) you weaken your spirit (mind) and that’s what makes you feel unwell.

      And that’s what all these nasty illnesses are about.

    • Akenhaten

      Chlorine is like a chemical that weakens d’s ability to control the forces and when you weaken d he or she loses control of the bodys elements.

      So what happens is we get an unbalanced concoction (digestion acids) in the cauldron (stomach) and as a result the food doesn’t digest properly meaning your body digests acid. This has many bad consequences such as bad eye sight, allergy symptoms, feeling sick (acid reflux), cold symptoms, tiredness, fatigue, aching limbs, stress, insomnia, bad teeth, gums, gas, ringing ears you name it, it’s a problem.

    • Akenhaten

      Some ego to boost my spirit….

      D is dome..

      Like a DJ (sound :cool: )

      Sound = frequency = energy

      I was born in 1978 – look at the train as it pulls into the station (platform).

      As a young man plats was my style (stylus).

    • Akenhaten

      This is why I think we find it very difficult to break through things it’s like this…

      Take the eminem song for example…

      The brain works on what appears to be a coded system like a computer but from a human language it can seem quite simple but if you simplify the language the more complex it gets.

      Take this eminem song for example…

      If you don’t like my shit then you can suck my dick coz I was high when I wrote this so suck my dick


      If you dont like my earth then you can eat my seed coz I was bright when I wrote this so eat my seed.

      See it sounds rude from english language but if you translate it further from say english to older languages you’ll find the meaning can be quite different and what makes even more sense is that if you think about culture and languages then culture has changed to. So then it can change even more meaning that the original unconscious communication system is technically broken down… it doesn’t work anymore! So consciously you translate things wrong!

    • unidentified

      it’s not a HOAX, when Hospitals across the country are currently at full-capacity (Intensive Care Units) and not enough nurses and doctors to meet the demand :shock: :wink: btw, hows your Insurance coverage :wink:

      • what?

        unidentified, You are a HOAX! As a registered nurse in a hospital in upstate NY, I know for a fact that the hospitals are not at full capacity and the ICU’s are not full, also, there are enough nurses and doctors to meet the demand. You are nothing more than a fear monger , Dr. Bartlett knows how to treat the virus, big pharma hates the treatment because they can’t make any money off it.

        • nikita

          Good points…but it’s about a lot,lot more than big pharma making big bucks.
          That’s part’s just the kickback.

      • Ste Gre

        Pandemic-Stricken Cities Have Empty Hospitals. #emptyhospitals

      • counselor john

        First, only a few hospitals across the country are stretched and this is because of other issues that they are still admitting. Just a few, not “all across the country”. Secondly, it is serious but the death rate and even ICU rate for this for those under 70 and for this without secondary issues is less than the flu. No need to be scared but we should be careful especially those of us who are in contact with at risk people.

    • Everette

      Oh No ! Big Pharma is not going to like this ! They will head the Medicean off at the pass and cause problems with those trying to get it . Just like they did with what President Trump suggested ! South Korea used Oxygen and vitimin C therapy . They had very good success from victims dying with that simple treatment . The third world countries are laughing at our stupidity on how we let Doctors and Big Pharma rape our funds being provided for the treatment of covid . What do doctors use on Peumonia ? Oxygen !!! Yet they force breathing machines which have very bad side effects like lungs weeping fluids from the pressure and weakening of the muscles . My mother in law had a heart attack . They gave her a breathing machine after her by pass . We were told that they did not want her on the breathing machine for more than 5 days because her muscles would become weak and she would have to stay on it the rest of her life . But yet they induce commas on the Covid patients and hook them up . The patient is unresponsive so they can not do anything . One example was a young lady that had come around on the machine saw the doctor shooting up the patients with some kind of Medicean that was killing those that got it . She quickly got her phone and texted her parents telling them of what she was witnessing . She then told them that she too had received the shot . She said if I die you will know what they are doing . She soon died . The parents then exposed the text and told the media of what had happened . Funny thing no one has heard anything from the parents again . Wonder why ? This is Obama care at work , euthanasia . This is also why Trump tried to get rid of Obama Care . Did you take note that elderly patients in nursing homes were dying of Covid . The governors forced Covid patients into the nursing homes . I pray that they all be exposed for their evil crimes against humanity . Now the bastards are using contact tracing which if someone with corona (cold ) virus has been around hundreds of people then all of these people are being claimed for Covid not corona cold virus . Now instead of one cold virus patient we have hundreds that are not even sick or have the virus . This is pure evil at work ! I pray they all hang or get their heads cut off with Obama 30,000 ordered guillotines from China . They say Obama was exicuted at Getmo last year . What you are seeing now is either his clones or look alikes . I have pulled up Obama’s pictures from of his gatherings he had and their seemed to be 5 of them . One darker than the others , one with bigger ears , one with a longer face and one drunk or on drugs . The other I guess was Obama . But facial recognition shows their face structure not matching . Hillary even has them . I understand she died in 1998 . But her look alikes still continue on . This is why Bill boy did not adher to the other Hillarys . No one of them has been exicuted ! I’m waiting to see if another shows up . If she does look at pictures from the pass and compare them . You will see they are not the same people . Remember the Hillary heading towards the van when she wobbled out of control and fell into the van ? Then all of a sudden she is at her daughters house instead of at the hospital . She had walking Peumonia they said but was kissing on the little child whom she wanted to eat . The liberal left is so wicked that nothing surprises me with them ! Something has to stop all the wickedness they are vomiting upon us ! I pray they all be exposed and then exicuted ! Lord change them that can and will change , but if they will not change and continue to push evils upon humanity then destroy them that there maybe peace on earth ! One more thing this mask thing ! At first they stated do not ware a mask because it is detramental to your health . Let me tell you why ? It restricts 20% of your oxygen supply . So now you are only 80% supply . When you get to 77 % your organs begin to take on damage . The mask also causes you to breath in your own water vapor which begins ponding in your lungs . It then is awaiting bacteria to give you bacterial Peumonia or pleurisy . You are also rebreathing your own CO2 causing dizziness . You are also heating yourself up with the hot air being recycled . Your emuine system is being compromised . One more thing the mask sliding all over your face cutting your skin and with water vapor softening your skin , you are now possibly a victim waiting mercer . With that knowledge please in areas that need not a mask get the damn thing off your face or you will soon be making a doctor visit from the problems it has brought upon you . Go back to what they first told you , waring a mask continuely is health damaging to you ! So now I ask you what the hell are they really doing to you ? For the sake of money they push evils upon you !

      • residentp

        There is so much money involved here, and no turning back for ‘them’, if they confess it has all been a scam, …. many will be prosecuted and go to jail and the claims against China or States will be enormous. Anybody that has researched the free masons cult and their fellow sinister groups, will know that with the membership ranging from all professions and especially the lawyers, we the sheeple don’t stand a chance against this onslaught. The masons and co. are protected against the virus and so even if the parents knew about the fatal injection into their daughter, they would be silenced somehow, even with money. Even the confession of DR BIRX DURING A PRESS CONFERENCE, on the podium with the president, didn’t stop this spamdemic. She confessed that the flu statistics up and disappeared and was added to the new virus statistics, obviously to boost the ‘pandemic’ statistics as to eventually get forced vaccination status against it, that may then include the “little extra” for the eugenics movement. It is also obvious that outsider help, for example the chinese aid workers and equipment that was so nicely presented to Italy just before the main slaughter, contributed to the spikes in cases. Those doctors were also not subjected then to the local laws and could get away with murder if they were prosecuted for negligence or such. Currently in South Africa, Cuban doctors are ‘aiding’ the virus situation and lately it suddenly spiked as ‘envisaged’ by authorities. Free mason leaders may also help to ‘spread’ the virus. Once army doctors are employed, the numbers may even spike even more, because they have their own regulating laws and not civil laws. The army can take in any support soldiers from other countries making it even worse. There is no escape of the future AI 5G control of the earth and the eradication of certain races with possible superior dna. The thinning to under a billion world population is going to happen. Actually it will be hell for all survivors, even the evil controllers, because they will then also be under constant supervision as to avoid ANY freedom ever again. Life after covid will NOT BE “LIFE’” at all. They will live in constant fear of being hunted for transgressing rules.

    • Akenhaten

      Last year I had an accident on my bike, the front wheel came off while I was wheelieing over some speed humps. As a result my head was lunged head first into the handlebars before being thrown on to the ground and then passing out. I woke up in a pool of blood with my lip hanging off and spat out 2 teeth of my front teeth and the rest of them were wobbled like crazy. I called an ambulance and when I arrived at the hospital i sat in A&E for about an hour. It was late so I decided to walk home so I then discharged myself until the next day because I was extreamly tired and just wanted some sleep. The ambulance had managed to get my bike back to the hospital but they couldn’t find the front wheel so I ended up walking home with my bike balanaced on one wheel for 3 miles with my lip still hanging off and i was in some very bad pain. The next day I went back to the hospital and sat for atleast an hour before I was assessed by a nurse I then waited an extra hour before I was finally seen to. I then had to wait for 2 xrays and again I was made to queue up for another 90 minutes after that I then waiting another 30 minutes for the results. They then told me everything was fine and I had no fractured bones but the bad news was that my lip needed to be seen by a specialist so I was referred to another hospital. So after a 50 mile train journey to chichester hospital I waitied another hour before I was seen by the specialist. The pain I experienced from this was to say the least the most excruciating thing I’ve ever been through even though the doctor told me it should be painless after the local anesthetic but even that was seriously painful. One thing I did learn and I thought this was quite interesting was that the local anesthetic was lidocaine I was worried at this point because I have a problem with chemicals and the doctor joked that it was basically a manufactured (STRONGER) form of cocaine and not a chemical interestingly the dentist told me the same thing. I was curious to find out more so I decided to research it a little what I found out that that this stuff can be found right off the shelves in the supermarket no questions asked what baffles me is then why is cocaine (a natural less potant drug) illegal while lidocaine is being sold in a supermarket in products such as anal lube?

      • Akenhaten

        Yeah and why is it that cocaine is so expensive to buy while anal lube is cheap as chips? And how is it that lidocaine and anal lube manufacturers can sell this stuff so cheap and still make a profit?

      • JesusSlushies

        lidocaine isnt “anal lube” it is a local pain or itch reliever for rashes and hemorrhoids etc. Cocaine isn’t natural. It is chemically processed from tge coca leaves. Coca leaves are natural. Cocaine is 1000x stronger than coca. If you go to Peru or Bolivia, coca leaves and coca gum is legal. It is used to combat altitude issues.

        • Akenhaten

          lidocaine is what they use for pain relief numbing a portion of the body commonly known as a local anesthetic drug for things like doctors surgery or dental surgery. It isn’t an anal lube no but it is an ingredient contained in the anal lube ingredients.

          See this link..

          Both my doctor and my dentist told me that it is almost identical to cocaine but it is manufactured for anesthetic purposes. If cocaine is produced from a plant then I’m sorry like it or not it is a natural grown plant I believe you can chew the leaves from a cocaine plant to reduce the symptoms of mountine sickness. It’s the same thing just that it isn’t as strong as the powderd form of cocaine. Cocaine is just another word for the same plant.

          Now if your talking about crack then I would say different because that requires a laboratory and special equipment but to be honest it’s still the same thing just a strong “form” of the same drug.

    • Zeropointenergy

      why is this not main stream :arrow: its a cure !

    • Akenhaten

      If jesus is animal then that makes you jesus so why is jesus such a big issue?

      Is it to difficult for you to understand?

    • Warrior Poet

      If you want to find out the real truth behind the coronavirus and BLM and the other stuff going on. Take your time to read agenda 21 and agenda 2030. It will all sound really good at first but when you read in further you’ll find out that they wrote about Corona and that was in 2015 and that BLM is part of their agenda to disrupt or way of life. It’s all written there. One world government no boundaries or borders. Top investors in this George Soros and Bill Gates. It’s a long read but take your time. God Help us all.

    • Akenhaten

      I support the rothchilds because I fly about in my machines…

      High rothchilds the shield of love!

      We love you…

      • Akenhaten

        You think what a brilliant machine until you realise the devastation is causes to the environment

    • Tamohara dasa

      BS right from th beggining; the author hides the so called “treatment”, means a scam to lure you in then suck on your wallets.

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