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By John Rolls (Reporter)
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Dr. David Martin - This Is Not a Vaccine! Watch to See What They're Giving You! - Must Video

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My advice to you is simple; watch it with an open mind and then mull it over. Take as much time as you need. Ignore what you have been told by your mainstream media. Just see how it FEELS in your heart of heart and make up your OWN mind. Peace! If interested, look at more stuff from me or other like-minded folks.

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Humic & Fulvic Liquid Trace Mineral Complex

HerbAnomic’s Humic and Fulvic Liquid Trace Mineral Complex is a revolutionary new Humic and Fulvic Acid Complex designed to support your body at the cellular level. Our product has been thoroughly tested by an ISO/IEC Certified Lab for toxins and Heavy metals as well as for trace mineral content. We KNOW we have NO lead, arsenic, mercury, aluminum etc. in our Formula.

This Humic & Fulvic Liquid Trace Mineral complex has high trace levels of naturally occurring Humic and Fulvic Acids as well as high trace levels of Zinc, Iron, Magnesium, Molybdenum, Potassium and more. There is a wide range of up to 70 trace minerals which occur naturally in our Complex at varying levels. We Choose to list the 8 substances which occur in higher trace levels on our supplement panel. We don’t claim a high number of minerals as other Humic and Fulvic Supplements do and leave you to guess which elements you’ll be getting.

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Our Humic and Fulvic Liquid Trace Mineral Complex has Minerals, Amino Acids, Poly Electrolytes, Phytochemicals, Polyphenols, Bioflavonoids and Trace Vitamins included with the Humic and Fulvic Acid. Our Source material is high in these constituents, where other manufacturers use inferior materials.

Try Our Humic and Fulvic Liquid Trace Mineral Complex today. Be 100% Satisfied or Receive a Full Money Back Guarantee. Order Yours Today by Following This Link.

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    Total 6 comments
    • Slimey

      People would take you more seriously if you didn’t wear a bowtie. Honestly, it’s something you wear to a kid’s party or something. :roll:

    • No time

      COPIED & PASTED from A “front line” NURSE PRACTITIONER.. Speaking out on Facebook
      … Basically you would have to be brain dead already to submit – but judging from the number of people willingly restricting their oxygen intake, I’d say there are already MANY who will and are offering themselves up for this invasive PROCEDURE – because it’s NOT a test for Covid.

      IT doesn’t exist! We are “testing” for 2 things, – your submission to willingly have your body violated and for the pretence of finding fragments of previous cold remnants. NOT for Covid 19. This assault is dangerous! This information comes from my colleague doctors.

      Brain access, is through the nose. The test has another purpose than what the drug pushers say! Inserting a test bar deeply into the nose, causes haematoencephal barrier damage and can also damage endocrine glands (e.g. hypophysis).

      That’s why testing hurts so much! The purpose of this deep violation, is to break the barrier and create an entry into the brain for every infection. When wearing a mouth and nose mask, bacteria and CO2 mask are collected and transported to the brain through the nose channel.

      Barrier’s task is to protect from brain neurotoxins, heavy metals, bacteria and other toxins. If endocrine glands are damaged, symptoms such as muscle weakness, blood circulation, visual disturbances etc. may develop.

      There is no legal basis for this physical intervention and it is a mass violation of physical immunity! Wake up to the assault. YOU are being violated along with your rights, No wonder so many “covid survivors” have long term issues.

      Anyone would after being subjected to this most sensitive body violation! Anyone who would submit to this needs to wake UP!

    • g77enn

      Excellent expose’ by Dr. David Martin. He is the voice of truth and a hero.

    • beLIEve

      YOU CAN “sue”…….INDIVIDUAL$………Doctors, Nurses, Health Care INDIVIDUALS, BIG PHARMA individual CEOs……..etc :idea: :idea:



      Version 1.0

      The Commercial Lien STRATEGY – Background

      Faced with corrupt lawyers and judges, no litigant can expect to win in court by simply playing defense.
      To BEAT THEM, you must be able to SCARE THEM.
      You must be able to make them respect you, and that means you must be able to take the offense — ATTACK THEM PER$ONALLY. :idea:

      Unfortunately, judges, lawyers, and other GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL$ enjoy various levels of personal immunity provided by both law and “professional courtesy.” How do you sue a lawyer for malpractice? You hire another lawyer — if you can find one who’ll take the case. HOW DO YOU SUE an IR$ AGENT FOR VIOLATING YOUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS :?: Only with great difficulty. How you sue a judge for railroading you in court? You don’t.

      As a practical matter, private citizens can’t sue the President of the United States, a Governor, judge, or even an IRS agent for failing to obey or enforce the laws. If we try to sue in court to COMPEL our GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS TO OBEY the LAW and perform their lawful duties, the judges routinely ignore our petitions and laugh us out of court.

      Because legal and de facto immunities shield government personnel from being SUED FOR COMMMITTING CRIMES AGAINST the PEOPLE, :idea: the public is legally…

      • beLIEve


        Because legal and de facto immunities shield government personnel from being SUED FOR COMMMITTING CRIMES AGAINST the PEOPLE, :idea: the public is legally disarmed, UNABLE TO AGGRESSIVELY SUE the GOVERNMENT or its AGENT$ and compel them to obey the Law. As a result, the public’s legal posture is fundamentally defensive: we try to duck, dodge, and hide in legal loopholes to defend ourselves against the government and the courts. We try to escape, evade, and avoid, but WE SELDOM COUNTER-ATTACK against OUR ANTAGONISTS, largely because we think there are no lawful weapons to do so.
        However, it appears that A POWERFUL OFFEN$IVE LEGAL WEAPON MAY NOW HAVE BEEN DISCOVERED, tested, and proven for common Citizens — the COMMERCIAL LIEN. :idea:

        We don’t try to sue a government official for failing to perform his lawful duties.
        Instead, WE SIMPLY FILE A LIEN THAT ENCUMBERS THE OFFICIAL’$ PER$ONAL :idea: PROPERTY and credit rating like a ton of bricks UNTIL he voluntarily satisfies our demand to perform his lawful duty, and WE, in turn, VOLUNTARILY AGREE TO EXCISE the LIEN. :idea:

        CLICK on LINK for full article :idea:

        * :idea: *

        IF the above LINK is BLOCKED…….here is another :idea: :idea:


    • SubversiveToTheNWO

      This is a slow-acting
      Immune System Destroying
      mRNA lethal Injection
      That Therefore
      Renders you
      No Longer
      Genetically Human
      And is the Devil’s
      Master Plan
      To Send The Whole World
      To Hell with Bill Gates

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