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American Relinquish IMPLIED U.S. Citizenship to Save Lives

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Note: All implied agreements associated with the Ex. Relation, Deondrea D. Brothers, Deondrea Brothers Boulange, Deondrea BROTHERS BOULANGE, Deondrea Boulange, DEONDREA BOULANGE, DEONDREA B. BOULANGE, (or any other variation) Any created agreement(s), government document(s), have been declared null and void, terminated From Beginningless Time.  Passport  was returned June 27, 2011 via the American Embassy in Oslo, Norway.

All Affiliation with the above name has been relinquished From Beginningless Time.

I AM, Denderah-Cherokee-Washitaw-Brothers:El 

[UPDATE: OSLO, NORWAY 03 JANUARY 2014: Alliance can only be expressed and rendered with those of like mind, and substance. These beings inhabiting the land known as Norway are neither, as their social structure (policies, memberships, etc.)  are actively used to subjugate those Original Policies, and Treaties that were initiated by the Forefathers of the region (Those that Brought Civility to the Region).


*It is not known the original name of the region commonly referred to as Norway, as this early pre-history has largely been hidden from the general public by the germanic tribes which colonized it. Taken from Scotland records, as Norroway,  in the Complaynt of Scotland, 1548.  Perhaps one day, these current occupiers will tell the truth of what really happened in this region, and its original people.]

OSLO, NORWAY 27 June 2011 – Citing compassion and humanity efforts, Oslo resident Deondrea Brothers Boulange announced today she voluntarily relinquish her United States citizenship and become a stateless person as a means to create harmony in the world.

Why your allegiance to Norwegian society? “I was looking for a place I could learn from. One that was an exemplar of compassion and caring. Through careful research I discovered the many wonderful things Norway has done in many parts of the world relating to peace. After these findings, I had to come to see if such a magnificent, harmonious and compassionate place truly existed, and indeed I was not disappointed. By relinquishing my U.S. Citizenship, it is a means of achieving this goal of bringing harmony to the world and divorcing myself from an institution that does not support these efforts, as illustrated in the country’s history and present actions.”

Boulange, will surrender her passport at the American Embassy in Oslo, and await a Certificate of Loss of Nationality (CLN) of the United States confirming her loss of American citizenship. As Boulange states, she has no intention of traveling until she receives her CLN and can apply for a Travel Document – similar to a passport – under the 1954 Convention on the Status of Stateless Persons, which Norway is an Original Signatory.

Deondrea Brothers Boulange can be reached on her website, or on Youtube channel, Do More Good Deeds.

All implied agreements associated with the above name and government documents have been declared null and void, terminated, and returned June 27, 2011 and December 22, 2011 via the American Embassy in Oslo, Norway.

All Affliation with the above name has been relinquished From Beginningless Time.

I AM, Denderah-Cherokee-Washitaw-Brothers : El


[UPDATE: JULY 6, 2011]

Individual Declaration as Independent

When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for an individual to dissolve of self and state, it is all together fitting and proper that the causes which impel them to separation be stated in an open declaration.

In accordance with my principles and vows, I recognize my right to abolish my association with this government/ corporation and to institute direct control of my own life in such form to secure my safety, health, wellbeing and happiness.

I refuse to accept as my government actions by the institution which indentifies itself as, United States of America, or UNITED STATES Corporation. Actions which include, but are not limited to:

  • infliction of a forced military occupation on a nation against the desires of its people and enabling that occupation to use illegal weapons of war contrary to the Geneva Conventions thus implicating its citizens in acts against humanity;
  • acts of torture and imprisonment without due process;
  • testing on its own citizens without their knowledge, or consent;
  • spying on its own citizens without their knowledge, or consent;
  • elimination of personal privacy through the Patriot Act, an action that presumes culpability, not innocence until proven guilty;
  • deliberate sabotage of communication by individuals or groups, resulting in illegal interruption and destruction of mail, and emails, sent and received;
  • acts of extra-judicial execution and the abandonment of rule by law thereby making the President, in effect, judge, jury and executioner;

While I did not give my consent to be subjected to experiments, toxic chemicals, biological weapons, abusive law enforcement  and laws by the UNITED STATES, it is generally assumed, that consent is granted by living within the geographical confines of the United States. I reject such an assertion, and am compelled to state my intent clearly. I hereby formally withdraw my consent to be governed by agents of the United States government, corporation or its international trades; and will henceforth seek to sever all ties to this institution. I declare myself a free and sovereign sentient being.

As a sovereign sentient being I am committed to living in peace, harmony and compassion with my fellow sentient beings, and will renounce and expose force or fraud to be in accordance with my principles and vows. I, therefore, solemnly publish and declare, I voluntarily relinquish U.S. (IMPIED) Citizenship and reclaim my identity (name, image, flesh, blood, energy and property) to use and operate solely as an individual sovereign sentient being.

I hold these truths to be self-evident, that all people are created equal, that they are endowed by creation with certain unalienable Rights; namely the right to life, human potential, and discovering their purpose without hindrance.

This individual Declaration of Independence is Declared and Executed on this 4  day of July in the year 2011  by Deondrea Brothers Boulange.

Former-Passport number: 112743799 (expired in 2012)

All implied agreements associated with the above name and government documents have been declared null and void, terminated, and returned June 27, 2011 and December 22, 2011 via the American Embassy in Oslo, Norway.

All Affliation with the above name has been relinquished From Beginningless Time.

I AM, Denderah-Cherokee-Washitaw-Brothers : El





[UPLOADED: December 22, 2011] [STYLE AMENDED: JUNE 2012] [REVISED: January 2013 with attached Original Documents] 

Affidavit of Fact

December 22, 2011

Natural Divine Being

Ex. Relation Deondrea D. Brothers, Deondrea Brothers Boulange, DEONDREA BROTHERS BOULANGE, DEONDREA B. BOULANGE

Sent via Fax: Dec. 23, 2011 and via email: Jan. 2, 2012

U.S. EMBASSY (in Norway)
Office of the Clerk
Ibsens gate 48
0244 Oslo Norway

Enclosed are documents attesting to my “Nationality”, “Citizenship”, Revoke Power of Attorney, Affidavit of Truth, and Affidavit of Travel, submitted In Lieu of “Application to Renounce/ Relinquish Citizenship” (submitted via email on June 30, 2011)  without prepayment of fees.   As the accompanying Affidavits will attest, I was never a citizen of the UNITED STATES (US), UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA), or its enclaves.
I order this office accept and honor the documentation that has been submitted in good faith and process them accordingly.

I, Denderah-Cherokee-Washitaw-Brothers:EL, do not, under any condition or circumstance, by threat, duress, or coercion, waive any rights Inalienable and  hereby order this office fulfill their obligation to the indigenous land owners and carry out their Judicial Duty in ‘Good Faith’.

Notice to the Agent is Notice to the Principal – Notice to the Principal is notice to the Agent.

Thank you,
I Am:   Denderah-Cherokee-Washitaw-Brothers:EL
Natural Divine Being Manifest In Human Flesh,


Affidavit of Truth (Royal Nobility)
(Exercise of Universal Laws, Law of Ma’at)

I AM, Denderah-Cherokee-Washitaw-Brothers:El , do hereby declare the following facts pertaining to my  natural SELF:

1. I AM a Sovereign Autochthon Being. I announced, proclaimed and declared sovereignty on July 4, 2011 and relinquished under the name Deondrea Brothers Boulange the Implied U.S. Citizenship (implied by use of a social security number, voter registration, passport, etc.) on June 27, 2011.

2. I came into BEing in the landmass commonly known as, “Cocoa-Brevard-County-Florida”, in the Northern Amexem (North America), as a Sovereign Divine Being. 

3. I AM of Cherokee Iroquois Washitaw Scoti Eire (Muir) Heritage. My land has been commandeered by the United States, (U.S., USA, and their international partners). Both, the individuals residing there and the land, have been placed under the authority of the United States government and their International Partners.

4. I AM a Stateless BEing as I do not belong/nor participate in any Nation, State, Government. I AM, in the landmass known as “Oslo-Norway” since April 2, 2011 (Norway is an original signatures of the United Nations Conventions to Statelessness, treaty to protect Stateless individuals). Prior to the aforementioned date, I AM, in the land mass known as “New-York” in the Northern Amexem (North America).

5. I AM Not a 14th Amendment artificial person/ or U.S citizen. My birthright is contrary to the fraudulent imposition of U.S. citizen, which results in an unlawful arrest-of rights, immunities liberties and natural rights.

6. I AM Autochthon American; and I AM a foreign state, with respect to the United States Federal Government (and their International Partners). Thus, I AM, the True Sovereign Crown Immunity; not bound by the limitations of man, mankind, human, humankind, or other species/variant. (Note: Although I do not operation as a state, I AM Foreign to their Jurisdiction.)

Therefore, I am NOT a Citizen or Resident of any State, Nation or Governmental body.
In accordance with and homage to, the elders, ancestors and the ancient one, I, Denderah-Cherokee-Washitaw-Brothers:El, Publicly announce and proclaim my sovereignty which is inherit by Bloodline, Heritage, and Lineage and publicly decree my Crown Sovereign Immunity. (I AM) The Autochthon, Indigenous, Original People of the Lands with Natural, Creator rights.


Affidavit of Truth (Royal Nobility) |Page 2

Explanation of Nationality by Governmental Bodies:

Nationality – to establish one’s nationality, a connection to an actual nation and/or landmass.
According to United Nations Declaration of Indigenous Rights, indigenous people are those who embody historical continuity with societies which existed prior to the conquest and settlement of their territories by Europeans. Documentation in The National Archives in Washington, D.C, and elsewhere, confirms the Washitaw (Olmec) presence in North American lands, thousands of years prior to the arrival of the first European(s) explorers.

The Washitaw were direct descendants of the Olmecs. The Olmecs left large artifacts (thousands of years old) of tribal heads throughout the Americas. The tribe was officially named “Wichita” by the US Government in the Camp Holmes Treaty of 1835.

The Washitaw Empire which is listed with the United Nations under the Indigenous People Organization Number 21593. This became effective in 1993. The seat number for the Washitaw at the United Nations is 215. According to International Law, the Washitaw has established itself as a Sovereign Independent Nation (United Nations, NIS-21/593). According to Federal Law, the land of the Washitaw has been defined as “Indian Country,” and the people regarded as Indians.

Iroquois Indian Influence on the United States Constitution
Historians, including Donald Grinde of the University at Buffalo, The State University of New York, have claimed that the democratic ideals of the Gayanashagowa provided a significant inspiration to Benjamin Franklin, James Madison and other framers of the United States Constitution. Franklin circulated copies of the proceedings of the 1744 Treaty of Lancaster among his fellow colonists; at the close of this document, the Iroquois leaders offer to impart instruction in their democratic methods of government to the English. John Rutledge of South Carolina, delegate to the Constitutional Convention, is said to have read lengthy tracts of Iroquoian law to the other framers, beginning with the words “We, the people, to form a union, to establish peace, equity, and order…” In October 1988, the US Congress passed Concurrent Resolution 331 to recognize the influence of the Iroquois Constitution upon the US Constitution and Bill of Rights.

Explanation of Nationality from the Viewpoint of Original/ People:
We are a global people and have existed on all seven land masses (continents) during various times of our near 3 billion year existence on planet Earth. We are the Original BEing.

Public Decree on Treaties:
Be It Noted, I do not recognize nor uphold any treaties that have supposedly been agreed upon by my forbearers. Thus, let it be known, I, Denderah-Cherokee-Washitaw-Brothers:El, Publicly TERMINATE ALL TREATIES.
I Am: Denderah-Cherokee-Washitaw-Brothers:El Natural Divine BEing Manifest in Wo(man) Flesh



Be it known to all who call themselves “government,” their “courts,” “agents” and other parties, that:
I, Denderah-Cherokee-Washitaw-Brothers:El, am a natural, sovereign, autochthon, indigenous BEing without subjects. I am neither subject to any entity anywhere, nor is any entity subject to me. I neither dominate anyone, nor am I dominated.

I AM not a “person” as defined in “statutes” when such definition includes “artificial entities.” I refuse to be treated as a “federally” or “state” created entity which is only capable of exercising certain rights, privileges, or immunities as specifically “granted” by “federal” or “state” “governments.”

I may voluntarily choose to fulfill “requirements”, as a courtesy, to the “laws”, but no such “laws,” nor their “enforcers,” “agents” or “contractors” have any authority over me. I AM not in any “jurisdiction,” for I AM not of subject status. (Defined by Black’s Law dictionary, Citizen, citizen, or person, etc.)

I AM a True Autochthon Sovereign Crown with Immunity not bound by the limitations of man, mankind, human, humankind or other variants/ species. Therefore not subject to any penalties under the laws of land, or sea.
Thus, be it known to all, that I Proclaim Divine Law (Law of MA’AT) and Declare I will not to be compelled to perform under any “contract” that I did not enter into knowingly, voluntarily, and intentionally, with full disclosure and no misrepresentation of truths. Furthermore, I do not accept the “liability” associated with the compelled and pretended “benefit” of any hidden or unrevealed “contract” or “commercial agreement.”

As such, the hidden or unrevealed “contracts” that supposedly create “obligations” to perform, for persons of subject status, are inapplicable to me, and are null and void. If I have participated in any of the supposed “benefits” associated with these hidden “contracts,” I have done so under duress, for lack of any other practical alternative. I may have received such “benefits” but I have not accepted them in a manner that binds me to anything.

Any participation does not constitute “acceptance,” because of the absence of full disclosure of any valid offer, and voluntary consent without misrepresentation or coercion. Without a valid voluntary offer and acceptance, knowingly entered into by both parties, there is no “meeting of the minds,” and therefore no valid contract. Any supposed “contract” is therefore void, From Beginningless Time.

From my age of consent to any future date, I have never signed a contract knowingly, willingly, intelligently, voluntarily, and intentionally whereby I have waived any of my inheritance or heritage rights, and, as such, take notice that I revoke, cancel, and declare void From Beginningless Time my signature on any and all “contracts,” “agreements,” “forms,” or any “instrument” which may be construed in any way to give any corporation, company, agency, agent for, or department of any “government” any “authority,” “venue,” or “jurisdiction” over me.

1. I Do Not have a “Birth Certificate”: if something of was created using similar letters to the aforementioned Ex. Relation, it does not represent Me, a Living, Flesh and Blood Being. How I came into BEing, is irrelevant. No status, high or low, can be assigned to a Divine BEing through a piece of paper; which was issued for an artificial character, i.e. corporation. Thus any said creation is declared Null and Void from Beginningless Time. 
The only documents that can have any significance, as it concerns my status, are those that I openly declare and/ or create myself.

2. The use of currencies:I have and will continue to used these circulatory monetary items until another widely recognized agreement is established.

3. The use of a “bank account”: I Do Not Have A Bank Account. If there are any hidden “contract” behind an account, a signature, therewith, I give no validity to it. Thus I do not participate in any banking system. Further I can not be obligated to fulfill any hidden or unrevealed “contract” whatsoever, due to the absence of full disclosure, voluntary consent, and immunity status.

4. The use of a “passport”: There is no real need for me to have a “passport” (or other associated “permits,” “visas,” etc.) to travel. I have the right to travel without hindrance, wherever, however, and whenever I wish, so long as I do not encroach upon others Free Will.

5. Past “filing” of “tax returns”: Because such “tax returns” were “filed” under threat, duress, and coercion, and no two-way contract was ever signed with full disclosure, there is nothing in any past “filing” of “tax returns” or payments that created any valid contract. Therefore, no obligation on my part was ever created.



Typical examples of such compelled and pretended “benefits” are:

6. Past “enrollment” and “voting”: I Do Not Vote. Since no obligation to perform in any manner was ever revealed in print, as part of the “requirements” for the supposed “privilege” to “enroll” and “vote,” any such “enrollment” or “voting” does not oblige me to do anything, nor grant any “jurisdiction” over mySELF to anyone.

7. “Citizenship”: Any document signed under the Ex. Relation, in which it was IMPLIED “yes” to the question, “Are you a “United States citizen?” – cannot be used to compromise my status as an Autochthon Indigenous BEing, Land rights and /or inheritance, nor obligation to perform in any manner. This is because without full written disclosure of the definition and consequences of such supposed “citizenship,” provided in a document bearing my signature given freely without misrepresentation or coercion, there can be no binding contract.
I AM not a “United States citizen (Citizen), or citizen of any Nation, State or government.” I am not a “resident of,”  an “addressee”, nor do I have a “Zip code”. I am not an “inhabitant of,” a “franchise of,” a “subject of,” a “ward of,” the “property of,” the “chattel of,” or “subject to the jurisdiction of” any “monarch” or any corporate “commonwealth,” “federal,” “state,” “territory,” “county,” “council,” “city,” “municipal body politic,” or other “government” allegedly “created” under the “authority” of a “constitution” or other “enactment.” I am not subject to any “legislation,” department, or agency created by such “authorities,” nor to the “jurisdiction” of any employees, officers, or agents deriving their “authority” therefrom.

Nor do any of the “statutes” or “regulations” of such “authorities” apply to me or have any “jurisdiction” over me.
Further, I am not a subject of any “courts” or bound by “precedents” of any “courts,” deriving their “jurisdiction” from said “authorities.”

Take notice that I hereby cancel and declare void From Beginningless Time any such “instrument” or any presumed “election” made by any “government” or any agency or department thereof, that I am or ever have voluntarily elected to be treated as a subject of any “monarch” or a “United States citizen,” or a “resident” of any “commonwealth,” “state,” “territory,” “possession,” “instrumentality,” “enclave,” “division,” “district,” or “province,” subject to their “jurisdiction(s).”

“Constitution”: The document supposedly setting forth the foundations of a “country” and “its” “government,” has no inherent authority or obligation. A “constitution” has no authority or obligation at all, unless as a contract between two or more individuals, and then it is limited only to those individuals who have specifically entered into it. At most, such a document could be a contract between the existing people at the time of its creation, but no-one has the right, authority, or power to bind their posterity. I have not knowingly, voluntarily and intentionally entered into any such “constitution” contract to oblige mySELF, therefore such a document is inapplicable to me, and anyone claiming to derive their “authority” from such a document has no “jurisdiction” over me.

Use of semantics: There are great differences between the common usage of language and the “legal” use in governments. Some governments, and their agents, have used these Black Law meanings, opposed to the common language, in order to be easily confuted and/or as a cover for questionable transactions to serve their advantage.

The fact that they define the words “person,” “address,” “mail,” “resident,” “motor vehicle,” “driving,” “passenger,” “employee,” “income,” and many others, in ways different from the common usage, so as to be associated with a subject or slave status, means nothing in real life.

Because the “courts” have become entangled in the game of semantics, be it known to all “courts” and all parties, that if I have ever signed any document or spoken any words on record, using words defined by twists in any “law” books different from the common usage, there can be no effect whatsoever on my sovereign status in society thereby, nor can there be created any “obligation” to perform in any manner, by the mere use of such words. Where the definition in the common dictionary differs from the definition in the “law” dictionary, it is the definition in the common dictionary that prevails, because it is more trustworthy and widely used.

I AM: Denderah-Cherokee-Washitaw-Brothers:El Natural Divine Being Manifest in Wo(man) Flesh



I hereby revoke, rescind, cancel, and declare void From Beginningless Time, all powers of attorney, in fact or otherwise, implied in “law” or otherwise, signed either by me or anyone else, as it pertains to Deondrea D. Brothers, , DEONDREA D. BROTHERS,  Deondrea Brothers Boulange, Deondrea BROTHERS BOULANGE, Deondrea Boulange (or any attempt to create a contract (adhesion/) agreement under the title Denderah Cherokee Washitaw Brothers El).  

Any “tax file/identification number” and/or “social security number” assigned to me, as it pertains to my “birth certificate,” and as it pertains to any and all other numbers, “licenses,” “certificates,” and other “instruments” issued by any and all “government” and quasi-“governmental” departments or agencies, due to the use of various elements of fraud by said agencies to attempt to deprive me of my sovereignty and/or property.
I hereby cancel, repudiate, and refuse to accept any alleged “benefit” or “gratuity” associated with the Ex. Relation. 

I do hereby revoke and rescind all powers of attorney, in fact or otherwise, signed by me or otherwise, implied in “law” or otherwise, with or without my consent or knowledge, as it pertains to any and all property, real or personal, corporeal or incorporeal, obtained in the past, present, or future. I am the sole and absolute owner and possess allodial title to any and all such property.

Take notice that I also revoke, cancel, and declare void From Beginningless Time all powers of attorney, in fact, in presumption, or otherwise, signed either by me or anyone else, claiming to act on my behalf, with or without my consent, as such power of attorney pertains to me or any property owned by me, by, but not limited to, any and all quasi/colorable, public, “governmental” departments, agencies or corporations on the grounds of constructive fraud, concealment, and nondisclosure of pertinent facts.

I affirm that all of the foregoing is true and correct. I affirm that I am competent to make this Affidavit. I hereby affix my title and style to all of the affirmations in this entire document with explicit reservation of all my rights inalienable and autochthonous  and my specific right not to be bound by any “contract” or “obligation” which I have not entered into knowingly, voluntarily, intentionally, and without misrepresentation, duress, threat or coercion.

Note to State Registrars:

You cannot assume beneficiary or wardship status over the trust DEONDREA D. BROTHERS, DEONDREA BROTHERS BOULANGE (or any other trust or adhesion which may have been created from a “birth certificate” or “social security number”). I, Denderah-Cherokee-Washitaw-Brothers:EL, order the return of All Land* due to the Autochthonous Original People by their lineage, birthright, and  heritage.

I Am: Denderah-Cherokee-Washitaw-Brothers:El Natural Divine Being Manifest in Wo(man) Flesh



BE IT KNOWN TO ALL MEN, WOMEN MANKIND, HUMANKIND, SPECIES OR VARIANT OF, that I, Denderah-Cherokee-Washitaw-Brothers: El, have traveled, and will continue to travel unimpeded upon walkways, highways, airways and public transportation to transport my personal and allodial property, duly conveyed, unhindered by ANY private, corporate or statutory law, Act or Ministry of Transportation regulation or so-called requirement. This is an inalienable Right and is guaranteed as an Original BEing, People of the Lands; which are the Natural Rights and Laws of the Universe (Omniverse).

I now explicitly RESERVE, ASSERT and DEFEND that right. This AFFIDAVIT is submitted upon demand of a passport, driver’s license, registration or “federal” proof of identity as part of ANY official record of ANY ensuing action and must be introduced as evidenced in said action. That, I, Denderah-Cherokee-Washitaw-Brothers: EL, do NOT under any circumstances utilize the public highways or airways for commercial purposes.

I am NOT a legal “person” engaged in interstate commerce, nor do I derive income from the travel and transport of goods. I am NOT a “driver,” nor am I an “operator” of a “motor vehicle.” I do NOT Drive, nor have I ever had a DRIVERS LICENSE, or NON-DRIVER’S LICENSE. ”

I, cannot in good faith apply for and accept a passport or driver’s license, as I would be committing PERJURY. I would have to SWEAR under OATH that I am a member of, citizen (Citizen) of, franchise of, or resident agent) of [fiduciary, surety for] the United States Corporation or its International Partners, when the already established facts by affidavit have evidenced that I am NOT a member of, a citizen of, franchise of or resident (agent) of the corporate UNITED STATES or United States of America, or its International Partners, and have a Natural Right to travel and I AM not a privileged driver.

I, Denderah-Cherokee-Washitaw-Brothers: El, am not connected with a trade or business in the corporate monopoly of the De facto United States government or its International Partners, whether Federal, State, County or Municipal.

Therefore I, Denderah-Cherokee-Washitaw-Brothers: El, have determined and hereby affirm by affidavit and by virtue of my declared Sovereign Autochthon, Original, indigenous heritage, that I am NOT required to have government permission to travel, NOT required to have a driver’s license, NOT required to have a passport. ANY administrative rule, regulation or statutory act of ANY State legislature or judicial tribunal to the contrary is unlawful and a violation of rights INALIENABLE  thus NULL and VOID.

ANY action by a police (executive) officer, officer of the court, public servant or government official to assert unlawful authority under the “color of law”, or any other laws made under man, mankind, or any other variant, will be construed as a direct and willful violation of my Inalienable Natural Rights and Divine Law (Law of MA’AT). A demand to prosecution the offender(s) to the U.N. State Party; and the International Court of Justice will be pursued with explicit instructions to prosecute to the fullest extent of the law.

I Am: Denderah-Cherokee-Washitaw-Brothers:EL
Natural Divine Being Manifest in Wo(man) Flesh

Click here to see Court Order Noting Status as Stateless. Thus, returning me to my Natural and Indigenous Status. 

[END NOTE: The material presented above is largely antiquated, as of 2011. For current information relating to my indigenous status and standing, see Press Release-Public Notice-Public Record. at Thank you!]


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