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MH370 Pilot's Simulator Had Diego Garcia Landing Programmed In!

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I’ve believed the US/UK military has been involved in this all along, and that the plane was 

flown to Diego Garcia. Now, it seems all evidence is pointing that way..

KUALA LUMPUR: The airport runway of Diego Garcia is among the top five locations the investigative team discovered on the simulator programme in Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah’sresidence in Shah Alamlast Saturday, as reported by Berita Harian.

Now, the news is showing a circle of how far the plane went before it uploaded the engine data when it landed, that is how they know how far it went.
Now, if you put Diego Garcia on that map, you get the location at the exact point where the flight time would have taken it.
What’s really interesting is where the Maersk Alabama unloaded the two dead SEALS when they supposedly
OD’d on heroin.
The British Idian Ocean Territory is Diego Garcia. The UK owns the island, and leases it to the US military.
Interesting is the current position of the Maersk Alabama, as I believe is somehow aiding in this mystery.
Last location was uploaded March 11th. Where has the Maersk Alabama been for the last 7 days. 
On March 11th, it was coming from the port of Jebel Ali and was last located just off the coast of Oman. In the 11 days it’s been missing, it could have easily delivered a cargo to Diego Garcia, say like and EMP, that was picked up in Dubai.
If one connects the dots, it seems obvious this was a military operation using US/UK assets to hide the aircraft.
I’ve been glued to CNN, as this story is fascinating. Not once has that propaganda news channel mentioned that Diego Garcia is within the range of the flight the plane took. Yet it’s all over the internet.  Hmm.
Edit to add: After missing for 9 days, the Maersk Alabama is now docked in Dar Es Salam
I’ve drawn a what I believe was the flight path of flight MH370
Immarsat, who originally reported they had received 7 pings from the aircraft, reported immediatly to SITA, before they even reported it to Malaysian Airlines.
Notice the 7 locations of the aircraft, corresponding with the 7 pings, INCLUDING…the landing.

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    Total 30 comments
    • nihilismo

      Superb work as usual Stompk! I also appreciate the work you put in over on the Icke forum; You’re a voice of reason amongst all the disinfo over there. This incident bears all the hallmarks of a joint US/UK ZOG operation, right down to the feigned ‘Confusion’ and poor acting by the MSM. Keep up the good work dude! :cool:

      • stompk

        Thanks! Hope we can crack this can of worms wide open. I would like for the international community to demand an investigation into Diego Garcia.

        • M19G00D13BAG

          I completely agree. However the chances of any truth surfacing regarding Diego Garcia are very slim, get ready for a complete media smear. I do however think some sort of formal protest needs to be actioned to demand an investigation.

          Other than the clues and facts that are leading towards Diego Garcia what do you think would be the motive for the US to carry this out?

        • times2come

          :idea: Maybe the muslim in the white house is getting a second chance at detonating a nuclear or EMP device over the U.S. by a “Terrorist Hijacked” plane ??? :twisted:

    • Anonymous

      Great thinking Sherlock.
      Now, what about the rest of the iceberg?

    • Jimstonefreelance

      This is PERFECT. Good one. Watch this shoot to the top, I am going to use my web site to put it there.

      Thanks for this bit of work,

      Jim Stone

      • stompk

        Hey Jim, thanks for that. I also noticed that residents of the Maldives are reporting seeing a large commercial airliner flying low by their islands headed towards the South. South of the Maldives is of course, Diego Garcia.

    • Anonymous

      There are other “bases” at which this aircraft could have landed within that “circle”. India/US maintains at least one “base” on the Andaman Islands. In any case, nothing that CNN reports is credible with respect to this “event”, NOTHING. Why? They maintain the lie of the “events” of 9/11 to this day, as does FOX, and many other msm news outlets, as do some of the so-called “Alternative News Networks”. Many of these news outlets continue to support the lies concerning what has gone with the war in Iraq, the war in Afghanistan, the war in Egypt, the war in Libya, the war in Lebanon, the war in Sudan, the war in Somalia, and now, the war in Ukraine. They consistently proclaim that what happened on 9/11 was an “attack” yet, overwhelming evidence proves this to be an orchestrated “event” used to justify attacks on 7 nations in 5 years, which Wesley Clark, former NATO commander, has openly stated on YouTube! I rest my case.

    • Anonymous

      NO ONE is talking about THIS!

      “Andaman and Nicobar islands are significant for increasing surveillance in the Indonesian Strait and the Bay of Bengal. It would also help India extend its maritime power in South China Sea before the Chinese foreclose the option.”

      Car Nicobar Ab is a military airfield with a runway nearly 9000 ft. long! It was recently “upgraded” in a cooperative US/India deal to allow large military cargo planes and fighter planes to operated out of.

    • HairyHenry

      Erm, except the satellite that picked up the last “ping” from the aircraft at a 40′ angle. Diego Garcia is almost below the satellite at that time (i.e. 90′), so the plane couldn’t be there. Plus the theory is insane!

      • Anonymous

        Of course this “theory” is “insane”. That’s the way the media portrays “conspiracy theorists”, just like you’re doing! Either you’re deceived, or a deceiver. This whole “event” is part of a larger plan. Freemason Albert Pike basically described how this plan was to come about in a letter written in 1887. Of course, the RSV of the Holy Bible gives even more details as to this plan, however, the plans of Man are all in VAIN!

    • Anonymous

      “To shore up its Andaman and Nicobar Command, India has given control of the command to the Navy alone rather than continuing the current practice of rotating control among the Air Force, Army and Navy. The Indian Ministry of Defence decided that giving control to the Navy would help strengthen the command, a Navy official said. The command was created to observe Chinese activity in the Indian Ocean and to function as a base for future littoral warfare. The command is functioning at a low level and includes troops and officers from all three services, the Navy official said. Russian-made Su-30MKI fighter aircraft have been placed in the command, and there are plans to increase the number of operational airfields on the island, as well as stationing an unspecified number of submarines.”

      Why would Russian Su-30MKI fighter aircraft be stationed on this base which was built in cooperation with US and India’s militaries?

      • HereAmI

        Probably because these are planes bought from Russia for use by the IAF? You surely aren’t suggestinmg that these are Russian-crewed Sukhois?

        • Anonymous

          Someone has to train the IDF pilots how to fly these Russian made fighters, don’t they? Surely, they wouldn’t be trainers from the US/NATO command, now, would they?

    • yardfarmer

      never has so much been spoken by so many who know so little.

      • Anonymous

        So tell us, WHAT DO YOU KNOW?

    • Anonymous

      Not coincidentally, Israel, specifically Jerusalem, is on “HIGH ALERT” concerning any incoming aircraft according to the “news”. Dome of the Rock was showing behind the reporter in the video which was supposedly “live”.

    • zanaelf

      Knew it was industrial military complex……

      • Anonymous

        The global military industrial complex is far more powerful than the MIC was after WW1 and WW2. The global industry in weaponry of all kinds and types is a multi-TRILLION dollar industry. Billions are spent on purchasing weapons and the support systems that go with them, which is part of the reason that so many nations are in such financial disarray. The world’s nations are more armed now than at any other time in human history! What do you think will eventually happen? Without WAR the corporations and companies that are developing the weapons and security “systems”, as well as the support “systems”, to make their profits would cease to exist!

    • Alan

      Can take over planes signal, by hack bypass, rerouting signal to third plane, then stealth fly the jet {777} south whilst performing third plane journey, northeast, and ending{cutting} the signal. :roll:

      • CrowPie

        Debunked. This image was taken in daylight. The flight in question disappeared at night. Nice try.

    • Anon_Online

      Me landing a 777 Malaysian Aircraft at Diego Garcia @

      If I can do it, a qualified Pilot can.

    • Truthgivesfreedom

      Have you guys even mentioned the people that live at Maldives Islands?
      SEE FACT 5! QUICK! This is a HUGE DEAL.

      1.You have a plane that diverted in the middle of cruise with no distress signals.
      2.ACARS and all communications shut off intentionally.
      3.The last radar bleep from satellite puts the plane right next to Diego Garcia.
      4.The flight simulator at the Captains house had found practice runways for maldives and diego garcia.
      5.THE BIGGEST DEAL! The people of Maldives saw a plane that matched the description of the Malaysian Airlines jet flying so low it was creating a tremendous sound and they could actually see the doors.
      6.Maldives is VERY VERY close to Diego Garcia.
      7.The plane is actually part of a covert mission. Please someone tell me? Why else would a commercial airliner end up in a military base in the middle of no where? Now speculate all you

      • stompk

        Yes, I mentioned it and even posted a link to it here in the comment section (see above).

        Now, I guess everthing was made up. Even the details about the several landing locations in the Indian Ocean. Rollseyes.

      • Skydiver

        The twin of MH370 (Boeing manufacturers all airliners in pairs) has been found stored in a hangar in Tel Aviv, owned by companies with ties to George Soros. To use that plane in the next terrorist attack, it would be nice if you had the nameplates, crew uniforms, etc. from a missing commercial plane to install in the twin, yeah? Oh yeah,……and two dead Iranians who boarded the MH370 flight with fake passports to blame it on

    • Anonymous

      Can any of you see where this is headed? Just now on duh news an interviewee was talking about how they need to have a way to locate, not just planes that crash or are hijacked, but the PEOPLE who’re on them! One way would be to mandate that everyone have an electronic “device” put “on” them in order to determine their exact location “anytime, anywhere”. The device would allow wireless monitoring of “vital signals”, such as EEG, ECG, EKG, etc., in order to determine location as well as the physiological condition, i.e., whether or not the person was sick, injured, unconscious, or dead.

    • Anonymous

      And now, for the next act. Right now they’re talking about having video cameras put in the cockpit of every airliner in order to monitor pilots. Any of you own stock in one of the corporations hoping to get in on this? What’s next? How soon until they start suggesting that every pilot have an electronic device placed “on” them that can monitor psycho-physiological “signals”? You see now where this is going?

      • Anonymous

        And so, now you begin to understand why the stock market is going up instead of down?

    • cryptkeeper

      Suspicious cargo from the Maersk Alabama was on that plane.China found out that we were sending them a”gift”,then we found out that they found out,well you know what I mean.The plane had to be diverted to retrieve the cargo.I use the term “we” loosely(probably CIA).The dead seals will never be able to tell us what it was that they were guarding on board the Maersk.I just hope the CIA don’t have to sacrifice the passengers and crew to keep their secret.Anyway, thats one of my theories.The recent satellite photos look simular to the sucky NASA photos of Ison they gave us.MSM says the debris is in over a mile deep part of the ocean.It will be hard to find if it slips beneath the waves before rescu parties can get there.But it has been floating around for how many days now?I’m sure they will still make a positive ID though and that will be that.

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