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PATCON, the FBI Crimes: Jesse Trentadue Exposes Patriot Conspiracy Targeting Americans, and Andrew McCabe Is Suspected of Serious Corruption and Interference With Numerous High Level Federal Investigations

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PATCON, The FBI crimes: Andrew McCabe is suspected of serious corruption and interference with numerous high level Federal investigations

Jesse Trentadue talks to Lew Rockwell about the torture-murder of his brother, Kenneth, the Oklahoma City Bombing, and a highly suspicious sting operation.

Read a transcript of this podcast

Kenneth Michael Trentadue: website

But then, in the course of my war with the FBI, I stumbled across reference in one of the documents they produced to an operation called PATCON, P-A-T-C-O-N. I found out that PATCON was an acronym for Patriot Conspiracy. And the FBI immediately began to back-peddle away from PATCON when I pressed them about what is PATCON. They came back and said, well, it was a small operation in Alabama designed to catch some folks who had stolen night-vision goggles from the military and were selling them. But it looked bigger than that. It looked much bigger than that. When I looked at the documents, I could see there were references to PATCON Group 1, PATCONGroup 2, and a whole bunch of PATCON operations all over the United States. And I, over the years, kept pushing and pushing on PATCON, and more and more information started to come out.

But where the PATCON story really took off was last summer. I received a call from a man who told me, he said, I’ve been reading the information on the Internet about PATCON. He said, you have all the pieces, you just haven’t put them together. And I said, what do you mean. He said, you don’t see the big picture, and I’ll come up and – I’ll come out and see you and tell you about it, so he came to see me. He had been one of the major undercover operatives for the FBI in PATCON for about 10 years. PATCON ran throughout the ’90s.

His health was bad. He said that he wanted to, I guess, set the record straight about what had happened. He had joined the FBI in filtrating about 23 groups. And he said his objective was, he felt that these groups were dangerous and a threat to the country. But looking back on it, he now sees that the real objective of the FBI was to infiltrate and then fight these groups so they could be crushed. And he said they targeted the right wing, the military movement, evangelical Christian right, and others who were out of favor perhaps with the government or were critical of the government. He said that Ruby Ridge was a PATCON operation, Waco was a PATCON operation. He told me that he believed Oklahoma City was a PATCON operation but he couldn’t say for sure because he wasn’t involved in that operation. But he thought it was a PATCON operation because the others who had worked with him on PATCONwere there.

And PATCON is an ugly, ugly story. According to this man, that PATCONwas running guns and ammunition, automatic weapons out of the same gun store in Arizona that’s now the subject of the Fast and Furious scandal, and doing it in the ’90s. So when Attorney General Holder says the government new nothing about PATCON – about Fast and Furious, that this a rogue operation run by a local ATF agent in Arizona, that’s not true. The equivalent of PATCON, the prototype of PATCON was being run by the FBI and the ATF in the mid 1990s. Only there, they were funneling weapons and ammunition to the militia movement and the right, the extreme right of this country. And that’s the real story. And if folks would get beyond Fast and Furious and look where the real story is, it will be PATCON.

I’d like to talk a little bit more about Elohim City. It’s a fascinating place because of the people who were there. McVeigh was there. The Midwest Bank Robbers were there. Guthrie was there. Strassmeir was there. And as I started to probe the FBI for information related to Elohim City, I found out the ATF had informants there. The Secret Service was involved. And recently, I discovered that the CIA was involved. Now you have to ask yourself, what in the hell is the CIA doing involved with a right wing, evangelical Christian group in eastern Oklahoma. And when I pressed the CIA for documents and records linking Strassmeir, CIA, and Elohim City to the bombing, I received a denial from the CIA. And the reason they gave for not releasing anything to me was, and I quote, “Unauthorized release of this information could cause grave damage to our national security,” unquote. For the first time in all these years I’ve been fighting the government for information under the Freedom of Information Act that is the only time that national security has ever been used as a reason not to turn over documents. And it is a bullet-proof exemption. All they have to do is say “national security,” you can’t look beyond that statement. But I think it’s telling that they raised and played that national security card when I asked for information linking Strassmeir, the CIA, Elohim City, and the bombing. Immediately, they’re back with that national security claim.


ROCKWELL: And, see, this is such a fascinating story. You know, we could have you on for a 24-hour podcast. And I’ll hope you’ll come back and tell us much more. But I thought, today, maybe if you would just finish up and talk a little bit about the case of the cameras on the Murrah Building and what happened to the videos, and you’re fight to get access to those videos.

TRENTADUE: Once the CIA had played the national security card, I began to focus on the notion that there were surveillance tapes that would have shown the actual attack on the Murrah Building. And I was given a timeline that had been prepared by the government for purposes in the McVeigh trial. And the timeline said, and I quote, “Surveillance video shows the Ryder truck pulling up to the federal building and then pausing 7 to 10 seconds before resuming into a slot in front of the building. The same surveillance tape shows a truck detonation 3 minutes and 6 seconds after the suspects exited the vehicle.”

Now “suspects” is significant because the FBI has always claimed there were only two people involved essentially, McVeigh and Nichols. Nichols was not with McVeigh that morning; that McVeigh did this all by himself. I filed a Freedom of Information Act for the surveillance camera tapes on the Murrah Building to support that. And, of course, the FBI refused to turn them over. I sue. And to support that lawsuit, I had an affidavit from a police officer in Oklahoma City who had arrived on scene within minutes of the bombing. He and others were in the rubble trying to save people. And he said to me that they were literally ordered out of the building at gun point by the FBI. And as he stood around, he watched the FBI take the surveillance cameras down off the building. Well, I sued to get those tapes. And the FBI doesn’t deny they exist but they have told the federal judge, and what they told me, is they can’t find them.

Now here you have a video tape of what was then the largest mass murder in the United States, showing the people who perpetrated it. You would have thought that it would have been “exhibit number one” in McVeigh’s criminal trial, but it wasn’t. No one has ever seen that tape. And when I pushed them for it and pushed them for it, they just keep saying we can’t find it. And we have a hearing here in Salt Lake in March over the FBI’s inability to find that video tape. To me, it’s beyond incredible that they can’t find that tape.

The reason they don’t want that tape released is I have a suspicion that one of the people getting out of that truck on the morning of April 19, 1995, was working for the FBI. The FBI had, I now know, at least five or six undercover operatives linked in with McVeigh in Elohim City. What I don’t know is the motivation behind the bombing. It is clear now that the FBI knew well in advance it was going to happen. It’s reasonably clear, if you believe Terry Nichols, and I do, that an FBI operative provided the detonators for the explosive to explode the bomb. What is not clear is whether it was a sting operation gone bad, that the plan was to stop it but the FBI failed, or else they wanted it to happen, as horrible as that sounds. And that, I don’t know. I don’t have the answer to that. But it’s clear they knew. It’s clear that they facilitated the bombing, directly or indirectly. It’s clear they didn’t stop it.

ROCKWELL: Jesse, just to clear up one small point, unlike, say, surveillance cameras in a 7-Eleven or whatever, the tapes were not inside the camera but were rather recorded at a distance, is that correct?

TRENTADUE: Why these tapes were not destroyed in the bombing itself was the cameras were mounted on the exterior of the building but the tapes themselves were recorded off-site in a central location in Oklahoma City where apparently the surveillance cameras for all the federal buildings in the area were monitored and recorded. So they couldn’t claim – the FBI couldn’t claim that the tapes has been damaged or destroyed. They clearly had the tapes, when you look at these references to the surveillance cameras and what the cameras captured that morning. They just don’t want to turn them over.

I think another point that’s important to make here is this scandal, this cover up, for lack of a better word, transcends political affiliations. It goes from Republican to Democrat, to Democrat to Republican. And the reason is that the real power in this country are the people who run the agencies, those just below the elected officials and their appointees. These are the people – they’re more or less a third party. We have Democrats and Republicans in the third party, are the people who run the agencies. The director of the FBI, for example, who stays in office from administration to administration, these are the people with the most to lose and the ones who work the hardest to keep this ugly secret a secret.

ROCKWELL: Well, Jesse Trentadue, keep doing what you’re doing. You’re an inspiring example of what one man can do even against something so vast as the federal government. It also shows that there are weaknesses in the walls surrounding the government. It is possible to get some truth out of them.

I hope you’ll come back on the show and tell us about your progress, not only of this upcoming case in Oklahoma City about the tapes, but about all the other work you’re doing.

I’d just say God bless you for what you’re doing to bring justice for your brother and, I might add, for all of us.


So thanks. Thanks for coming on. Look forward to having you back.

TRENTADUE: Well, I appreciate being here. And it has come at a terrible price. I mean, my family – lost my mother and lost my father, been harassed constantly by the FBI. My parents were harassed in their last years of their lives by the FBI. It’s just –

ROCKWELL: It’s the secret police, right? I mean, these are – this is not an agency stemming out of sort of the original vision of the American republic. This is quite a nasty operation.

TRENTADUE: What I found is it’s much like a living being. You would think that the federal government and the institutions of the federal government were established to protect and service us, the citizens, but that’s not true. Their first function is to protect themselves, much like any living thing. So they’re going to do everything in their power to preserve themselves and their power.

ROCKWELL: Well, thank you for all you’re doing to try to prevent that from happening or at least to get some of the truth out. And I know this has been horrific for you and for your family. It would have been so easy for you to just sort of try to forget it and go on with your life, but you wouldn’t allow that to happen. You put yourself on the line. You’ve had great achievements as a result.

Remind us, before we go, of your website, which, of course, we’ll link to on the podcast as well.


ROCKWELL: And you’ve got all these documents up there?

TRENTADUE: They’ll be linked to. Or you type in PATCON and Kenneth Trentadue, they’ll show up.

And again, for your audience to know that I’m not making this up. These are coming out of government records.

ROCKWELL: Jesse, my audience especially is not going to have any problem – (laughter) – believing that. Thanks for talking to them. And, as I say, I hope you’ll come back.

TRENTADUE: Thank you very much for having me, sir.

ROCKWELL: Bye-bye.


ROCKWELL: Well, thanks so much for listening to the LEW ROCKWELL SHOW today. Take a look at all the podcasts. There have been hundreds of them. There’s a link on the upper right-hand corner of the LRC front page. Thank you.

All is trauma based mind control on the people, legal abuse syndrome…. Perhaps in 2017-2018 the fraud in the system will be removed

It is time

You don’t really need to find out what’s going on
You don’t really want to know just how far it’s gone

Project Camelot

Streamed live on Dec 6, 2017
 An interview with Black Ops Whistleblower, Cody Snodgres with investigator/author Ole Dammegard Wednesday, December 6th @ 1pm PT. From Ole Dammegard: …” Dear Kerry, …”After 22 years of silence, my friend and former independent Black Ops Contractor Cody Snodgres, has decided to step forward as a whistleblower.
In 1994 he was offered 1 000 000 USD by the CIA to bomb the Alfred P. Murrah Building in Oklahoma City. When he turned it down, he went from being an asset to a liability and the agency then tried to kill him on several occasions. Two times he died, but hospital staff managed to bring him back to life. This will also cover Cody’s experience with black ops and money laundered through the Clinton and Bush crime families.”–paraphrased message from Ole Dammegard KERRY CASSIDY

OKC, Alfred P. Murrah Building, Part 1

PATCON, Oklahoma City, and Jesse Trentadue’s Lonely Crusade for …


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PATCON, Oklahoma City, and Jesse Trentadue’s … – Dan Sanchez


PATCON, Oklahoma City, and Jesse Trentadue’s Lonely Crusade for Justice →. November 17, 2014 Dan Sanchez. In Links Tags Personal Liberties & the Police State. Share. ← “Democrat” and “Republican” should be just as much a byword for evil as “Nazi”US Bases: A Permanent Infrastructure for Permanent War →.

TalkingStickTV - Jesse Trentadue - The Trentadue Case: No Time to …

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Talk and panel discussion with Jesse Trentadue on “The Trentadue Case: No Time to Mourn” held …

Jesse Trentadue, attorney and brother of Kenneth Trentadue (who was probably tortured and killed by FBI agents mistaking him for Richard Lee Guthrie – a.k.a. … planned hearing on Kenneth’s death; the foreknowledge of the Oklahoma City bombing by the FBI and DOJ; the FBI’s “Patriot Conspiracy” (PATCON) program, …

12/27/11 – Jesse Trentadue – The Scott Horton Show

Jesse Trentadue, attorney and brother of Kenneth Trentadue (who was probably tortured and killed by FBI agents mistaking him for Richard Lee Guthrie – a.k.a. … planned hearing on Kenneth’s death; the foreknowledge of the Oklahoma City bombing by the FBI and DOJ; the FBI’s “Patriot Conspiracy” (PATCON) program, …

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​​​​​​Jul 31, 2014 - Jesse Trentadue said John Matthews, whom he claimed worked as an undercover government operative in the militia movement in the 1990s, had been … known convicted bomber Timothy McVeigh and worked for the government in an operation targeting the patriot militia movement known as “PATCON.”.

“PATCON” Jesse Trentadue – Death, Lies, and Revenge by Federal … Antiwar Radio: Jeese TrentadueJesse Trentadue, attorney and brother of Kenneth Trentadue (who was probably tortured and killed by FBI agents mistaking him for Richard Lee Guthrie a.k.a. John Doe No. 2 in the wake of the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing), discusses the new book …

TalkingStickTV – Jesse Trentadue – Death, Lies, and R

I make my living off the evening news
Just give me something-something I can use
People love it when you lose,
They love dirty laundry
Well, I coulda been an actor, but I wound up here
I just have to look good, I don’t have to be clear
Come and whisper in my ear
Give us dirty laundry
Kick ‘em when they’re up
Kick ‘em when they’re down
Kick ‘em all around
We got the bubble-headed-bleach-blond
Who comes on at five
She can tell you ’bout the plane crash with a gleam in her eye
It’s interesting when people die
Give us dirty laundry
Can we film the operation?
Is the head dead yet?
You know, the boys in the newsroom got a running bet
Get the widow on the set!
We need dirty laundry
You don’t really need to find out what’s going on
You don’t really want to know just how far it’s gone
Just leave well enough alone
Eat your dirty laundry
Kick ‘em when they’re up
Kick ‘em when they’re down
Dirty little secrets
Dirty little lies
We got our dirty little fingers in everybody’s pie
We love to cut you down to size
We love dirty laundry
We can do “The Innuendo”
We can dance and sing
When it’s said and done we haven’t told you a thing
We all know that Crap is king
Give us dirty laundry!
Kick ‘em when they’re up
Kick ‘em when they’re down]

Little Shell members sentenced for liens against judge and prosecutor ……/article_817c8c3a-388f-11e0-a3b5-001cc4c002e0.html

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US v. REED –

Oct 18, 2011 - LOKEN, Circuit Judge. Gregory Allen Davis and Michael Howard Reed irrationally believe that their membership in the Little Shell Nation, an unrecognized Indian tribe, means they are not United States citizens subject to the jurisdiction of the federal courts. This belief led them into serious trouble. First …

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Type: Other Statutes › Other Statutory Actions · USA v. Reed et al. Filed: April 14, 2010 as 3:2010cv00030. Plaintiff: USA. Defendant: Michael Howard ReedGregory Davis, Unknown Persons and others. Cause Of Action: Injunction. Court: Eighth Circuit › North Dakota › North Dakota District Court. Type: Other Statutes › Other …

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Reed Date Filed: 09/24/2009. Date Terminated: 04/23/2010. Assigned to: Judge Daniel L. Hovland Appeals court case number: 10-2010. USCA8. Defendant (1) Michael Howard Reed represented by Michael Howard ReedTERMINATED: 04/23/2010 04414-048. Federal Correctional Institution CMU PO Box 33. Terre Haute …

Problems and Cases on Secured Transactions – Google Books Result

James Brook - 2016 – ‎Law

REED United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit, 2012 668 F.3d 978, 2012 U.S. App. LEXIS 2559 LOKEN, Circuit Judge. Gregory Allen Davisand Michael Howard Reed irrationally believe that their membership in the Little Shell Nation, an unrecognized Indian tribe, means they are not United States citizens …

4 09 Cr 00076 DLH All Links 2 11 18 – Internet Archive

Feb 12, 2018 - Judicial View > Federal Cases > Criminal Justice > U.S. v Reed…/89343 1. Feb 9, 2012 - Gregory Allen Davis and Michael Howard Reed irrationally believe that their membership in the Little Shell Nation, an unrecognized Indian tribe …

Eighth Circuit Affirms Convictions of Fake Indians for Abuse of Process ……/eighth-circuit-affirms-convictions-of-fake-indians-f…

Feb 10, 2012 - Here is the opinion in United States v. Reed: US v Reed CA8 Opinion An excerpt: Gregory Allen Davis and Michael Howard Reed irrationally believe that their membership in the Little Shell Nation, an unrecognized Indian tribe, means they are not United States citizens subject to the jurisdiction of the …

Little Shell Nation | Turtle Talk

Mar 9, 2011 – 2 posts – ‎1 author

Here is the opinion in United States v. Reed: US v Reed CA8 Opinion An excerpt: Gregory Allen Davis and Michael Howard Reed irrationally believe that their membership in the Little Shell Nation, an unrecognized Indian tribe, means they are not United … Continue reading →. Posted in Author: Matthew …

N.D. men sentenced for false filings | Grand Forks Herald

Feb 14, 2011 - Gregory Allen Davis, 44, was sentenced to three years and five months in prison, along with three years of supervised release. In October, a jury in Bismarck … Reed and Davis claim to be leaders of theLittle Shell Nation, a breakaway group of the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa. Both have declared …


The Pembina Nation Little Shell Band of North America is made up of lineal descendants of a nomadic, aboriginal group of Indians who in 1863 were led by its great … By Patrick Bailey, PM. We are admonished to seek out the Truth in all things. I am interested in the Truth that lies in history, especially the history of America …

Missing: pretty

Little Shell Band of Chippewa Indians – Wikipedia

The Little Shell Band of Chippewa Native Americans were the historic sub-band of the Pembina Band of Chippewa Indians led by Chief Little Shell in the nineteenth century. Based in North Dakota around the Pembina River, they were part of the large Anishinaabe (Ojibwe) tribe that occupied territory west of the Great Lakes …

Little Shell Tribe of Chippewa Indians

The Little Shell Chippewa Tribe is without a reservation or land base. and members live in various parts of Montana. There are population. concentrations in Great Falls, Havre, Lewistown, Helena, Butte, Chinook,. Hays, Wolf Point, Hamilton, and Billings, as well as numerous other. smallcommunities in the state.…/lawless-ones-sovereign-citizen-movement-2010.pdf

Aug 9, 2010 - to have had little luck in stemming the growth of this movement in prisons. • Growing …… Gregory Allen Davis were charged with filing false liens against a federal judge and a federal prosecutor in North ….. similarly-named Montana-based Little Shell Tribe, which is not a sovereign citizen group. • Sovran 



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    Total 2 comments
    • FauxScienceSlayer

      Cody Snodgres has OKC bombing motive and players….do search….

    • & Research

      Political prisoner Michael-Howard-Reed
      ,#: 04414-048 FCISafford P.O. BOX 9000 SAFFORD, AZ 85548

      To All Who See These Presents ,Greetings:
      What is happening on this? Whom is putting this into action /implementation?
      Summary: H.R.64 — 115th Congress (2017-2018)All Information(Except Text)
      There is one summary for H.R.64. Bill summaries are authored by CRS.
      Before Standing Rock there was Native American advocate…friend of we-the-people
      Michael-Howard-Reed ,#: 04414-048 FCI Safford P.O. BOX 9000 SAFFORD, AZ 85548 of whom as a prisoner his case as prosecuted is full of errors and wrongdoings, including the AGENCIES committing perjury on the witness stand at trial.
      He was not a felon… yet he was charged as a felon in possession of a firearm (SEE: Clark County Nevada) see: Letter to SEC .
      I spoke to him on Friday, Jan. 26,2018 and he let me know that the prison case managers were attempting to get him to agree to contract with them , reqesting him to sign a waiver of liability where he would not hold the warden and employees of the prison liable for any harm to him.
      A unilateral contract? A one sided contract? Why would this be requested of him?
      I feel that this has been done with duress, threats and coersion towards Michael who is in a low unit.
      He has been in Marion, Illinois and Terre Haute “CMU” CORRECTION MANAGEMENT UNITS , Michael was a balancer per Will Potters Video audio on tedtalks see

      Most of the case files are found online, many at webarchive

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