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By Jimstonefreelance (Reporter)
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Fukushima Sabotage!

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Fukushima and the Japan earthquake, LOUD AND CLEAR

3/11 was Japan’s 911. The Japan earthquake was man made and had a peak seismic intensity of 6.67 Richter and happened 100 km inland at seismic station MYGOO4. The tsunami was caused by nuclear weapons, a total of six of them, set off in sequence in the Japan trench to trigger an enormous tsunami.

The fact that there was no major earthquake in Japan is easily proven – just look at all the youtube videos of the approaching tsunami and look for earthquake damage. There is NONE, NADA, ZERO before the tsunami hit and even the Sendai damage report showed that there were absolutely NO collapsed structures and zero leaning structures. Sendai, a city of over a million people, was less than 30 miles from the reported epicenter and suffered no significant damage of any sort at all.

A 9.0 is such a huge quake that China, Korea, and Russia should have seen significant earthquake damage from one happening in Japan and everything in Sendai should have been leveled. Yet no nation outside of Japan could even feel it. To shake Tokyo, a second fake earthquake was triggered near seismic station IBR003. All of this is in the official Japanese seismic record.

Fukushima was destroyed by the Stuxnet virus and nuclear weapons, while it’s staff was confused by the mayhem caused by the tsunami

Contrary to what many out there are saying, Fukushima Diiachi was an extremely well run nuclear facility with everything in top notch condition. This facility contracted with Israeli security firm Magna BSP to provide security for the entire facility. Magna BSP was in fact operating as a front company for the Israeli defense forces.


Magna BSP managed to plant the Stuxnet virus in the controllers for reactors 1-3. They also managed to install a totally unauthorized data connection to the inner containment at reactor 3, where they installed a nuclear weapon under reactor 3 that was thinly disguised as a security camera. They had already installed similar looking cameras that were real cameras around the perimeter of the Fukushima Diiachi grounds. These outdoor cameras were functioning stereoscopic units that could see for miles, and were remarkable in their performance. But they were the precursor for a deception – a fake nuke camera that was placed deep underground, in the area which contained the suppression tank directly under reactor 3. The functioning version of this camera is pictured on the left.

The EXACT nuke camera that was used to destroy reactor 3 is pictured below, along with diagrams for gun type nuclear weapons. Michu Kaku was right in saying nuclear weapons destroyed Fukushima, but he got the precedent wrong. It was not a joint defense pact, it was Magna BSP and the IDF acting alone. And I got my hands on a photograph of the EXACT WEAPON USED.  It is pictured below, under the heading Magna BSP’s “owl”.


The generators never swamped, and external power to Fukushima was never lost

After doing the final asessment after the disaster, it was proven that outside power to Fukushima was never lost, and that the diesel generators would therefore have never been needed. But the power switched off, all by itself, and no one can figure out why. Except those aware of the Stuxnet virus. For a detailed report on the Stuxnet virus, go to the Fukushima report and scroll down the page until you get to the portion of that report that describes in detail exactly what happened during the virus attack.


In addition to this, of the 17 diesel generators out at Fukushima, 4 got significant water, and the rest never flooded at all. Yet 12 of the 13 generators that never got an ounce of water switched off all by themselves, and the one that remained running was the only one not connected to a Siemens Scada controller, which the Stuxnet virus infects. One generator remained running throughout the entire disaster, the only one not controlled by a Siemens Scada controller, but the IDF had a handle on that one because the electrical transfer switch that managed it’s output between it and reactors 1-4 was controlled by a virus infected controller, which prevented this switch from activating. This generator however had no siemens scada controlled switch between it and reactors 5 and 6, which had no problems because this last lone generator kept their pumps running.

Additionally, after having all generators “fail”, Tepco had flat bed semi truck mounted generators brought in, generators that would have easily prevented any problems and they were there in less than 8 hours, all hooked up and ready to go, but the same Stuxnet infected transfer switches that prevented the generator supporting reactors 5 and 6 from saving reactors 1-3 would not allow them to have the flat bed mounted generators provide power to reactors 1-3 as well, so the disaster could unfold by the script.

For all the details, read the Fukushima report, it is a massive report without an ounce of fluff and it put me on the run and cost me my well being. You cannot dig the facts about an act of war to that level of detail and get away unscathed.

The big question is WHY would Israel trigger a tsunami and destroy a nuclear facility

The answer is simple

The world banks, Goldman Sachs, and other financial tyrants had gotten into a routine of bankrupting nations via massive “banker bailouts”, and Japan was having none of it. When they approached Japan for their “bailout”, which was in NO WAY OWED, the same way America’s bailout was in NO WAY OWED, and exceeded loan defaults by over 10X, loans which when defaulted on still resulted in the loss of homes (the U.S. “bailout” was a total fraud, used as a cover story for Nuclear Blackmail READ THAT ONE, IT IS A CORNERSTONE TO UNDERSTANDING ALL OF THIS,


Anyway, the Japanese had a strong economy with no debt and they got approached the same way with the threat of destruction and said NO. As a result, the global scamming elite delivered a fake man made earthquake and nuclear tsunami, and topped it off with a disaster at Fukushima.

Now the Japanese are now donating TRILLIONS to the world bank, “willfully” to “end world poverty”. This means that certain poor impoverished boys will receive solid gold kippas as bar mitzvot gifts.

Other nations are now blackmailed READ THAT LINK ALSO, it is important,

And if things do not go EXACTLY the way the zionist bankers/sachs/ and other “elite” criminals want, other nations will now suffer nuclear armageddons the same way Japan did.

Sites ENE news and Rense are being used to cover up the reality of NUCLEAR BLACKMAIL with eye catching stories about dead starfish and diseased salmon.

I know full well that  stories like these are serving ONE PURPOSE – to cover up the reality that the Japan earthquake and subsequent nuclear disaster were both acts of war and shift the blame away from Israel and others in the U.S. who were involved in this attack on Japan so the threat of nuclear blackmail can still be used to keep nations subservient to a chosen elite.

The threat of nuclear blackmail only works if the only people who know about it are key people in national governments. If the public at large knew what was really going on behind the scenes, Israel would be TOAST TOAST TOAST, average people would pressure their governments to nuke Israel off the face of the earth, regardless of what it cost them in the form of virus attacks and exploded nuclear facilities as well as having nuclear weapons go off. The article nuclear blackmail explains how Helium 3 is now missing for no reason, other than to disable neutrino detectors which has allowed the IDF to get nuclear weapons smuggled into nations. Israel does not need a nuclear missile delivery system if the nukes are already planted in key places in the victim nations. Pay up, or BOOM.

By sounding too shrill for reality, sites like ENE news are causing moderate thinking people to turn a blind eye toward the entire topic of the Japan disaster, and thereby a blind eye to the reality of nuclear blackmail.

It is true that Japan is for the most part wrecked by reactor 3, but it really is Japan’s problem. The Pacific ocean will survive this no problem. There won’t be any problems with radioactive beaches, if you hear this “west coast is frying” crap, run from whoever posts it as fast as possible. Many police cars have well calibrated geiger counters in them, and they still pull over radiotherapy patients. If Fukushima radiation was that bad in the U.S., a radiotherapy patient would not show up on a police geiger counter while speeding 70 mph in the opposite direction because radiotherapy patients are barely radioactive at all. That one key indicator can call B.S. on a lot of the mania with regard to the West Coast frying. Fat chance any of these police car mounted geiger counters would be useful in much of Japan though, huge portions of Japan are totally screwed. And that is EXACTLY how the nuclear blackmailers want it

Erol Kalkan, a former Turkish Persian now working for the USGS, fabricated phony USGS ground accelerations to support a 9.0 scenario, and the U.S. government is still unfortunately trusted with this type of work. So Europe and the rest of the world are looking at the phony USGS reports while the Japanese seismologists spin in their graves (I am assuming most of them have been killed by now to silence them). Erol Kalkan’s charts in no way match the Japanese seismic records, and to prove it, JUST WATCH THE TSUNAMI VIDEOS ON YOUTUBE. All of the Japanese seismic records, and Erol Kalkan’s scam, are in the Fukushima report.

Additionally, to see what happens to Japan in only a 6.9 earthquake, just use Google images and look at what happened in the Kobe earthquake. There is a limit to how well things can be built, and even Japan suffers from only a 6.9. Seismic energy increases by 37X for every magnitude increase, so the 3/11 quake was supposed to be 37X37 times as strong as the Kobe quake. Where is the massive inland damage from it then?

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    Total 49 comments
    • Anonymous

      Great to see this article on B4IN, been reading Jim Stone for a while now, he got this one nailed down I reckon. He got some genuine deep dirt on many things, the article he carries about SSRI brain damage was fascinating to me, on a personal level. His article on time spent in the 4×2 community is very interesting.
      Cue Zio-shills, 3……2…….1…….

      • Merkin

        “Great to see this article on B4IN,”

        Think it will stay up?

        • Anonymous

          I wait with baited breath, gonna keep an eye on it. If it does a ‘Poof’ and is gone, that will say it all, really. I get the impression CK is a genuine guy, he runs a pretty free site here.

        • Merkin

          “I get the impression CK is a genuine guy, he runs a pretty free site here.”

          For sure Brother. Not many sites would even carry this story at all. Right or wrong we should at least get the chance to see the evidence and decide.

          The Rense / HenryMakow “break-up” over this “story” was epic.

      • Chief

        Fukushima is a complete hoax … there have been no published, peer-reviewed, studies showing increase in cancer and congenital malformations, in a highly developed country, in nearly 3 years!! it’s all a TELENOVELLA from Japan.

        So, why would this be faked?

        Because many powerful people think we need One World Government.

        • Anonymous

          Yes I have been saying the same thing…..why because IF it really happened to the extent of what was circulating, then you really think the Government and elite would be sitting back?…heck NO. They eat, breath and bathe the same air, water and food as we do! If this were true I bet EVERY elite and government personnel would be doing EVERYTHING in their power to stop it….why? because even though they might not care about us, they sure as heck care about themselves.
          I say the same thing about chem-trails….because there are many ways they could kill us without killing themselves in the process.
          Always watch the government close, that is the biggest clue as to what is real.
          As they say… keep your friends close but keep your enemies even closer LOL

    • Anonymous

      I think the internet frightens the globalist 1%, I read yesterday that israel is calling for a kind of UN of the internet, naturally with them in control. It was much easier when the printed media Zio-press had total control of all information available to the plebs, but now we can dissect their outpourings and compare them to our personal experience, and discuss it peer to peer, and notice the glaring inconsistencies.
      We need some anthems. Lots of anthems. I propose:-
      It must be good, it has a volvo amazon on the cover.

      • Chief

        The ‘globalist 1%’ CREATED the internet … they are also completely in control of ALL media, including BIN.

    • Poisoned Water

      Finally some truth! Good job. The only thing you didn’t mention was that the Japs had offered to enrich uranium for the Iranians. Never trust an Israeli!

    • Alan

      Gosh so much i could pick from, tehe

      Reasonable report..

      The chambers flooded due to cooling going down, and pressure build up…

      Vessel was cracked, built up un boom…

      Bomb at plant, hmm, its possible, but not really needed after everything going haywire, due to critical mass explosion..

      But varied report all the same..

    • Alan

      Goes to read report whilst listening to jackie brown muse :wink:

      • Chief


    • Alan

      Reactor 4 was being used to store crap in… hence explosion… and shoddy running people are discussing..

    • Alan

      Of course, they offer no reading from MYG011, which was closest to the 9.0 “epicenter” by a long shot, because it only got a 5.63′s worth of shaking.

      ^sea level reading, none ground level, plus newscasters could of been using their own

      Earthquakes ripple and dissipate, the NB/quake was at sea…

      Fault lines also spread along the ridges like veins..

      So you might get a little rumble but your neighouring village might get shaken etc

    • Lee

      Great article
      Fortunately there are people who can fit the pieces of this jig saw together
      Great linked articles as well

    • liberty

      ACTUALLY …I heard from another source that the sabotage came from CHINA, because there were “murmurings” from China BEFORE it hit concerning Fukushima ( and other pertinent info) so perhaps , China was working WITH Israel in this , but yes I definitely heard ‘MAN MADE ‘ and SABOTAGE.

    • back_up_for_the_boys

      tptb are the only ones I can think of that are inbred enough to make their own world uninhabitable. The ultimate in cutting off your nose to spite your face.
      I think we may have read the same rather extensive scientific paper and heard the same confession from a worker on site placing the devises……….yes. very reprehensible
      Bored,inbred, sociopathic, serial killers…………..who needs to be culled?

    • Well Pat

      Yeah :) In a China we get it. Jim stone is light on the money with this. He put the issue down on the China prate. Whu is Jim Stone? Is Jim Stone Whu? Whu knows? Whu cares? Whu thinks Jim Stone is a funny guy?

    • Factory Farms FEAR the MooCow

      Illegal immigrants from Mexico are flooding Israel for racism.
      Pass the law to deport illegals in the US directly to Israel on a free all paid expense plane trip one way ticket.

      • Bronson

        Well Pat:
        The Chinese very scared, and have many Superstitions..They realize now have much bad luck…you are fine example of this, and bring much bad luck on the Chinese people.
        You #1 Chinese bad luck….do not let them catch you.
        You very toooo fooooo foooo you cause many Chinese to become possesed, they looky for you, it the only way…..
        Oh you say in your own words? Ahhhhh yes, you must seeky out the old gypsies clan, and seek special helpy, maybe they can give you the special magical stone, it only weighs 10 lbs, you must carry it around all times.
        I would not advice go swimming with it.
        You bring so much bad lucky on your people……..they looky for you biggy time….
        Also you must go to the top of the mountain, and stay for one year.

        • Well Pat

          Okay boys! Get him! Get a Chalres Blonson! He make a thleat on a rife of a WerrPat! Hey Blonson you stupid inside the beanie ricking punk… You you you … Okay okay yeah yeah I’m a solly and a sorely to brame for to make a Chalres Blonson feer bad. I don’t want to make a feer bad anyone. You good pelson Blonson but maybe wise not to thleaten a rife of a WerrPat on a net. There is a leason why we carr it a Net.

    • crabby

      thanks Jim..

    • neonon

      Great technical info , although I’m not sure about the ene news bit , also I guess that reports coming out from nat geographic and wall street journal about increases in dead sea life off the west coast of u.s , being up to 95% of snot as they call it in scientific terms found dead on the ocean floor seems to be noticeably up from a couple of years ago could be propaganda . In sayin that some reports from independent researchers about seals, polar bears, birds and such in unusually unexplainably bad shape from the south all the way up to Alaska holds some credibility , with me anyway, but alas <government funded scientists $$ assure us its global warming ! the NOAA, IPCC , CRU etc just seem so consistent , especially knowing how accurate their climate models have been over the last 15 years or so , again great article ,and remember NATI rhymes with NAZI

    • Sean

      read this quite sometime ago on jim stone the guy is very sharp and is now on the run, again..they don’t want him posting articles and keep shutting him down, the rest of the so called alternative outlets will not post this article..he also is questioning some art work in DC, that is a giant spider all encased to where you can not see whats in it, just the it a Nuke ? who knows

    • Mohsen Samii

      In fact I posted a comment immediately after this incident by blaming the Japanese nuclear disaster on the same virus that was used on the Iranian nuclear reactor some days before. Your article has supplied more information and I hope that the so called Christian Evangelists come across this and stop tooting for Israel, but I don’t think they will because they too are part and parcel of Israeli crimes against humanity.

    • Anonymous

      VERY well done! I’m impressed! So – we knew Israel was a mad dog in the M.E., but THIS is far beyond toleration! The rest of the planet needs to get together and REMOVE Israel before they actually DO manage to commit ecocide! They’re so entrenched in America’s imitation “government” I don’t know if we could get it to participate, but they clearly ARE a danger to everyone and everything. War-addicted, false-flag addicted psychopaths are being ordered by sociopathic psychopaths, and DAMMIT! They’re ARMED WITH NUKES! As long as they’ve got access to OUR nuclear arsenal they can – and likely WOULD – wipe out all of civilization if they decided it was “justified” somehow!

      THIS is going to be hard to solve.


    • Journey to the West

      I might be called non-aligned, at least in the political sense.

      I mean no disrespect, whether to well-meaning Japanese people, or to their high culture.

      And, without giving undue credit to secular Israel (which is culturally Marxist), or a religious Israel (which does not abide by the law of Moses), I’ll bite.

      The virus was allegedly released in Iran, whose intentions are plain to see in the public pronouncements of their administration and 100+ surahs of their religious texts, whether you prefer to hear “off the map,” or “from the pages of history.”

      Assuming this is the case, why should the same virus find it’s way around the eastern bloc of Communists and left-leaning nations of Europe and so on.

      This is like a bank robber complaining about the dye pack… and then all his friends.

      In my study of Biblical dispensations, I could not help but notice that Israel profaned God’s name among the heathen. They were not worthy, in and of themselves, but would be redeemed for His namesake. (Ezekiel 36-37.) Every Stuxnet infected ‘friend with benefits’ is an ostenisble principality of Ezekiel 38-39.

    • caribbean critic

      This story is nearly three years too late. I laid out the very same scenario on an internet radio station a program hosted by Bob Tuskin in April of 2011?.

      • Big Craig

        Perhaps proof is requested here? Links, anything that backs you up here?

    • holistic

      I wonder if HAARP had anything to do with it? It seems like these earthquakes know exactly where to hit for maximum damage at the worst time. A little to convenient if you ask me. It is a catastrophic nightmare for the whole world, particularly Fukushima Japan. I feel for their population getting irradiated like that and our whole oceans getting blasted with toxic radioactive residue. Time to clean up around you the best you can!

    • Common Sense


      The Japan earthquake was man made…”

      Japan is the earthquake capital of the world – it just happens!

      • WeBeDoomed

        Oh, Common Sense stop talking so much… common sense. Don’t you know all those historical earthquakes were caused by underground nuclear explosions carried out by the Nephilim reptile people of planet Nibiru :roll:

    • Esther

      Very good article and good site! Keep up the good work!

    • scatchleyii

      Well, looks like “they” took down Jim’s site. I wonder if it will be able to go back up. Looks like “some netan yahoo” got pissed off. I hope Jim’s site gets back up soon. He has a tendency for scathing truth.
      Remember the USS Liberty!!!

    • Nicole Morgan (Investigative Reporter)

      :grin: Great article, Jim and great to see you! :grin:

    • Back off

      ENEnews just goes around in circles, I check it every now and again. There are some good people on it, but one just gets tired of the same articles re-hashed and posted again and again.

    • xdrfox

      BS there was LOTS of earthquake damage, LOTS, I look for days at the damage until the # 3 Blew .. Lots of videos on it and liquidation videos .. Many hyways and roads were destroyed .. keep many fire trucks from responding to fuku because the roads had been destryed

      • Idiot Proof

        Yeah, ok…There was no earthquake damage to speak of on that day, AND, earthquakes do not last 3 to 5 minutes…the only damage I ever found, and I looked for earthquake damage on that day, was TSUNAMI damage, period…show us some EQ damage and evidence that it is from that same day…

        • Alan

          I only see b00m damage at fuku, no tsunami, not much quake damage, {on site}.

    • Sean

      Didn’t check who posted this first, since i had read the Article at your site Jim, you should be doing more in the connection You made to HAARP and the Gwen Towers so close together and being way Over Powered, add the Fiber Optics these Chemtrails along with killing people are adding to our Brains and Bodies and what do you have

      I never forgot an Article i read by someone and the Mayans ( who never built the Pyramids, but neither did the Egyptians, Chinese, Japanese, Incas, etc. ) Millions disappeared almost overnight, with only some bones ever found and those showed the bones must have been torn from the sockets, what happened to the Mayans they Cannibalized each other, anyway check Apollo 20 and the Spaceman carving on the Mayan Pyramid and Mayan statues

    • LifeIs

      For Big Craig:

      There is information and analysis to be found here:

      and here:

      Ha’aretz March 20, 2011– << notice the workers putting their lives on the line are Japanese.



      And I posted facts in the context of a debate in the comments section here:


      And there are some links included there.

      To Common Sense:

      The many pictures of the tidal wave sweeping into places not harmed by any earthquake require explanation. And compare those pictures with say, Kobe.

      Also, the fact that Magna BSP pulled out its Israeli personnel less than 3 weeks before,
      after they had been there less than a year, requires explanation.

      • Alan

        As it initially ripples along the coast, the surge, goes with the heading tide, like an arrow, going straight forward, growing in intensity and by force, dragging of the side material, lowering the actual body of water at sides of the coast as it pulls inwards, till reaching its coastal break point, with large current, rushing forward…

        Thats why some places got deluge that seems to go on for miles, and others get a mild residual soak of a few small but larger than average waves, being further north of the break point tidal current.

        fuku was more north to the deluge wave.., it got mild swell.

    • John A. Iaria

      how many geologists are there in the world? how many seismographs picked up the earthquake? a nuclear blast gives a certain signature to it on a seismograph…. if SIX nukes went off….it would have been detected by anyone that knows how to read a seismograph…. funny… no one ever said anything about abnormal seismograph data?

      • Buck

        @Jim Stone,maybe your hard work is finally getting the attention it deserves,Than-you BIN for your courage,Be Strong and True! Believer!!,as always Was.

    • LifeIs

      Using bombs to make tsunamis is an old idea. Tested with conventional weapons during world war two.

      The idea that nuclear bombs could trigger earthquakes is an old idea, too.

      “Underground nuclear explosions trigger significant earthquake activity for at least 32 hours afterward and to distances up to at least 860 kilometers. The proposed Amchitka test may be used to study the feasibility of employing high-yield underground nuclear explosions to release stresses accumulating in the lithosphere. “

    • Anonymous

      It’s hard to imagine the amount of retards who believe this article is true. :eek:

      • Anonymous

        Indeed. Retards don’t usually actually read the article, they just leave snide, anonymous comments.

      • Anonymous

        Thanks, mods. I will repeat. Indeed, Anonymous, retards don’t usually read the article, they just leave snide, anonymous comments.
        (pause for screenshot)
        So whose toes did I tread on exactly?

      • LifeIs

        Anonymous, the only not true part is the “gun type bomb” part. That’s a primitive bomb design.

        The bombs were in the bases of the cameras.

        What is hard to imagine is the determined ignorance of some people. There’s no way to explain the explosions in those buildings, and the explosion of reactor 3, without bombs.

        Which by the way, Zionists have been dreaming of, in writing, since the early 20th century. In those days, they spoke of planting conventional explosives in public buildings, to blackmail the nations.

        And while we’re at it, there’s no way to explain the collapses of steel-framed skyscrapers in New York without demolition charges. Many skyscrapers have burned…in regular fires and in nuclear-bomb fires…and the siding comes off, the concrete floors collapse, and the steel frame remains.

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