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Fukushima and the Japan earthquake, LOUD AND CLEAR

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3/11 was Japan’s 911. The Japan earthquake was man made and had a peak seismic intensity of 6.67 Richter and happened 100 km inland at seismic station MYGOO4. The tsunami was caused by nuclear weapons, a total of six of them, set off in sequence in the Japan trench to trigger an enormous tsunami.

The fact that there was no major earthquake in Japan is easily proven – just look at all the youtube videos of the approaching tsunami and look for earthquake damage. There is NONE, NADA, ZERO, ZIP, ZILCH, and even the Sendai damage report showed that there were absolutely NO collapsed structures and zero leaning structures. Sendai, a city of over a million people, was less than 30 miles from the reported epicenter and suffered no significant damage of any sort at all

A 9.0 is such a huge quake that China, Korea, and Russia should have seen significant earthquake damage from one happening in Japan and everything in Sendai should have been leveled. Yet no nation outside of Japan could even feel it. To shake Tokyo, a second fake earthquake was triggered near seismic station IBR003. All of this is in the official Japanese seismic record.

Erol Kalkan, a former Turkish Persian now working for the USGS, fabricated phony USGS ground accelerations to support a 9.0 scenario, and the U.S. government is still unfortunately trusted with this type of work. So Europe and the rest of the world are looking at the phony USGS reports while the Japanese seismologists spin in their graves (I am assuming most of them have been killed by now to silence them). Erol Kalkan’s charts in no way match the Japanese seismic records, and to prove it, JUST WATCH THE TSUNAMI VIDEOS ON YOUTUBE. All of the Japanese seismic records, and Erol Kalkan’s scam, are in the Fukushima report.

Additionally, to see what happens to Japan in only a 6.9 earthquake, just use Google images and look at what happened in the Kobe earthquake. There is a limit to how well things can be built, and even Japan suffers from only a 6.9. Seismic energy increases by 37X for every magnitude increase, so the 3/11 quake was 37X37 times as strong as the Kobe quake. Why did nothing collapse?

Fukushima was destroyed by the Stuxnet virus and nuclear weapons, while it’s staff was confused by the mayhem caused by the tsunami

Contrary to what scammers out there are saying, Fukushima Diiachi was an extremely well run nuclear facility with everything in top notch condition. This facility contracted with Israeli security firm Magna BSP to provide security for the entire facility. Magna BSP was in fact operating as a front company for the Israeli defense forces.

Magna BSP managed to plant the Stuxnet virus in the controllers for reactors 1-3. They also managed to install a totally unauthorized data connection to the inner containment at reactor 3, where they installed a nuclear weapon under reactor 3 that was thinly disguised as a security camera. They had already installed similar looking cameras that were real cameras around the perimeter of the Fukushima Diiachi grounds. These outdoor cameras were functioning stereoscopic units that could see for miles, and were remarkable in their performance. But they were the precursor for a deception – a fake nuke camera that was placed deep underground, in the area which contained the suppression tank directly under reactor 3. The functioning version of this camera is pictured on the left.

The EXACT nuke camera that was used to destroy reactor 3 is pictured below, along with diagrams for gun type nuclear weapons. Michu Kaku was right in saying nuclear weapons destroyed Fukushima, but he got the precedent wrong. It was not a joint defense pact, it was Magna BSP and the IDF acting alone. And I got my hands on a photograph of the EXACT WEAPON USED.


The generators never swamped, and external power to Fukushima was never lost

After doing the final asessment after the disaster, it was proven that outside power to Fukushima was never lost, and that the diesel generators would therefore have never been needed. But the power switched off, all by itself, and no one can figure out why. Except those aware of the Stuxnet virus. For a detailed report on the Stuxnet virus, go to the Fukushima report and scroll down the page until you get to the portion of that report that describes in detail exactly what happened during the virus attack.

In addition to this, of the 17 diesel generators out at Fukushima, 4 got significant water, and the rest never flooded at all. Yet 12 of the 13 generators that never got an ounce of water switched off all by themselves, and the one that remained running was the only one not connected to a Siemens Scada controller, which the Stuxnet virus infects. One generator remained running throughout the entire disaster, the only one not controlled by a Siemens Scada controller, but the IDF had a handle on that one because the electrical transfer switch that managed it’s output between it and reactors 1-4 was controlled by a virus infected controller, which prevented this switch from activating. This generator however had no siemens scada controlled switch between it and reactors 5 and 6, which had no problems because this last lone generator kept their pumps running.

Additionally, after having all generators “fail”, Tepco had flat bed semi truck mounted generators brought in, generators that would have easily prevented any problems and they were there in less than 8 hours, all hooked up and ready to go, but the same Stuxnet infected transfer switches that prevented the generator supporting reactors 5 and 6 from saving reactors 1-3 would not allow them to have the flat bed mounted generators provide power to reactors 1-3 as well, so the disaster could unfold by the script.

For all the details, read the Fukushima report, it is a massive report without an ounce of fluff and it put me on the run and cost me my well being. You cannot dig the facts about an act of war to that level of detail and get away unscathed.

The big question is WHY would Israel trigger a tsunami and destroy a nuclear facility

The answer is simple

The world banks, Goldman Sachs, and other financial scammers had gotten into a routine of bankrupting nations via massive “banker bailouts”, and Japan was having none of it. When they approached Japan for their “bailout”, which was in NO WAY OWED, the same way America’s bailout was in NO WAY OWED, and exceeded loan defaults by over 10X, loans which when defaulted on still resulted in the loss of homes (the U.S. “bailout” was a total fraud, used as a cover story for Nuclear Blackmail READ THAT ONE, IT IS A CORNERSTONE TO UNDERSTANDING ALL OF THIS,

Anyway, the Japanese had a strong economy with no debt and they got approached the same way with the threat of destruction and said NO. As a result, the global scamming elite delivered a fake man made earthquake and nuclear tsunami, and topped it off with a disaster at Fukushima.

Now the Japanese are now donating TRILLIONS to the world bank, “willfully” to “end world poverty”. This means that certain poor impoverished boys will receive solid gold kippas as bar mitzvot gifts.

Other nations are now blackmailed READ THAT LINK ALSO, it is important,

And if things do not go EXACTLY the way the zionist bankers/sachs/ and other “elite” criminals want, other nations will now suffer nuclear armageddons the same way Japan did.

Scammers like ENE news and Rense are being used to cover up the reality of NUCLEAR BLACKMAIL

If you wonder why I am so pissed off about dead starfish stories, West Coast is frying stories, and all the times ENE published spurious B.S. to blame it all on Tepco, it is because I know full well that these web sites are psy ops serving ONE PURPOSE – to cover up the realities in the Fukushima report and shift the blame away from Israel and others in the U.S. who were involved in this attack on Japan, so the threat of nuclear blackmail can still be used to keep nations subservient to a zionist elite.

The threat of nuclear blackmail only works if the only people who know about it are key people in national governments. If the public at large knew what was really going on behind the scenes, Israel would be TOAST TOAST TOAST, average people would pressure their governments to nuke Israel off the face of the earth, regardless of what it cost them in the form of virus attacks and exploded nuclear facilities as well as having nuclear weapons go off. The article nuclear blackmail explains how Helium 3 is now missing for no reason, other than to disable neutrino detectors which has allowed the IDF to get nuclear weapons smuggled into nations. Israel does not need a nuclear missile delivery system if the nukes are already planted in key places in the victim nations. Pay up, or BOOM.

By sounding too shrill for reality, sites like ENE news are causing moderate thinking people to turn a blind eye toward the entire topic of the Japan disaster, and thereby a blind eye to the reality of nuclear blackmail.

It is true that Japan is for the most part wrecked by reactor 3, but it really is Japan’s problem. The Pacific ocean will survive this no problem. There won’t be any problems with radioactive beaches, if you hear this “west coast is frying” crap, run from whoever posts it as fast as possible. Many police cars have well calibrated geiger counters in them, and they still pull over radiotherapy patients. If Fukushima radiation was that bad in the U.S., a radiotherapy patient would not show up on a police geiger counter while speeding 70 mph in the opposite direction because radiotherapy patients are barely radioactive at all. That one key indicator can call B.S. on a lot of the mania with regard to the West Coast frying. Fat chance any of these police car mounted geiger counters would be useful in much of Japan though, huge portions of Japan are totally screwed. And that is EXACTLY how the nuclear blackmailers want it

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    • Maxwell

      thank you TSI for a long awaited truth bomb and thank you to Before Its News for having the courage to put it out in the public eye. There was not a word about this in the MSM but all of the Eastern people new what had happened. Time to deal with the people in the MSN and put them on trial. Also time to deal with the Israeli Zionists and the Mossad in a very definite manner. And for Gawd sakes Mr. trump drag those Neocome Maniacs out of their hidey holes and let the people of the world deal with them.


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