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If we do Not audit the Federal Reserve , How do we Not Know if Obama's 2008 campaign foreign donations did not come from Federal Reserve foreign bail outs ?????

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  Please read through these Links and you will start to see why these Technocrats, Bureaucrats and Congress are willing to blow right around our US Constitutional rule of Law , and throw patriots   under the Bus , they are on a Mission and the Buildup of the Environmentalist Marxists Organizations over the years have consolidated all the control of the various Institutions , educational , financial , and the Houses of Government to bring control to the progression of mankind .

If we do Not audit the Federal Reserve , How do we Not Know if Obama’s 2008 campaign foreign donations did not come from Federal Reserve foreign bail outs ?????

 Obama was Hand Picked for a Reason , these Globalists thought he could hypnotise the American People into giving him and the DEMOCRATIC controlled Government full control of the FREE Markets use of the Resources we the people in the world and the USA use to create Vitality of Life with , because they see Man kind as the biggest Threat to Humanity , see these quotes with references ;      - Greenspan says the FEDERAL RESERVE answers to NO ONE , so consider this Organization has the same views about overpopulation as all the Czars in Obama’s administration and the Kissinger POPULATION control policy NSSM 200  , and is trying to establish a method to bring the UN Agenda 21 Policy into action ,  and  so this means they could have bailed out foreigners as is said in this video ;   ,
 that then donated those bailout funds to entities that donated to Obama campaign in 2007-8 , This Possibility needs to be blocked and the only way to do this is to abolish the FED and put the Power and control of the Monetary Policy in the hands of the US Congress , Article 1 Section 10 of the US Constitution .   

 Without an audit we will never know this is why the Federal Reserve has become obsolete in its way of Representing the Needs of America and Europe First , this was the way it was first designed with the
Brettonwoods Accords in 1948. Its become to Internationally Influenced and
Politically Influenced and for the lack of an Audit we can’t trust with
verification that its not doing something like what this report or the video
below represents to we the people here about how our money is used and then we
get stuck with the debt .I bet the Obama untraceable donations came from this
Federal Reserve action in the Video link at Bottom it talks about the Federal
Reserve starting the foreign investor bailouts as early as 2007,
without having an audit there is no way to no that a orchestrated event like getting Money into the hands of foreigners that then donated to Obama in 2007-8 campaign   
 ,Take Control of the USA by Abolishing and put an  END to the FEDERAL RESERVE act with Nullification in 2011 , by passing HR 833   ,  with the Nullification process
  The Case for USA Monetary Policy to be placed back in the Hands of the American People under Article 1 Section 10 of the US Constitution . The Current system that was put in place almost 100 years ago , with the 1913 Federal Reserve Act , was done at a time when developing the 3rd world to lift the economic structures and functions up in these societies as a way to elevate human equality has reached its goal overall , and the way the Federal Reserve is Now a Constant Conflict of Interest to the American people with Its ability to place the American people in Debt to benefit the trade Partners of other Nations has become such a burden on USA Economic and Foreign Policies over the years that a New direction in Monetary Policy that should be determined by the Majority of American people is what needs to be brought back into action with the HR 833 Bill thats Now in Committee in Congress
 If you watch these videos you will see how Conflicts that have great economic consequences too the American people have now reached a Point of saturation ;         , GREENSPAN says bank fraud was everywhere       

     None of this makes any Financial sense at all !!!! Unless you factor into the scheme the idea that if this is a strategic financial collapse of the US dollar as world trade currency  , it then becomes clear as to why all the debt build up over the years of bad monetary policy means to the state of our union and the threat a collapse means to the idea of a nations sovereignty being maintained  ,     , and this Trade Policy which did not enforce free floating currency laws with Asia  , as is taked about in these next 2 links which would add to the creation of debt leverage on the Dollar , and when this was warned by Independent think tanks that this was to be what would happen  ,      ,  And       .

It has also taken Mexico\’s Jobs away over the years too. Europe\’s Jobs too. This is all because of a Simple Currency manipulation that does nothing to promote quality in our products.

Remember what Ross Perot said , we would Hear a Giant Sucking Sound with this Trade Policy , he was right .        .

  We the People NEED to GET READY to take Control of Our Countries Constitution and grip it tight and Maintain our FREEDOM at whatever cost , depression , struggle it all will work if we Have this Understanding of what Is going on . And once we rally together we find and Try in our courts of Law for Treason against Our Land of LIBERTY  all those who put this together and caused this Mighty Collapse of our FREE nation under God !!!!!

 These Czars around Obama are  Eugenics Freaks , and  are so head strong in their belief of OVERPOPULATION then we the people must push back with debate on this so they do not over whelm liberty in the USA this is the first order of Business . Google the world  OVERPOPULATION , and see the Marxists calling for action , instead of solutions we see restrictions and regulation that restricts progress , think about it …. This is why we must take the control of the Money AWAY from the FEDERAL RESERVE and Restroe Article 1 Section 10 , placing the decision making of the Money/Monetary Policy back in the Hands of We the People , and change the path these Globalists are on in blending the USA into what they are trying to Create , a New World Order . Watch this Video and Read this Link and Learn  , don’t discard this as Conspireicy Theroy because the Fear of OVERPOPULATION and the Marxists that are Czars today advising our Presidetn have been writing about this time coming for 40 Years ;   

Pay Attention to this New World Order trying to gain Control of the USA resources Water being the main resource ,

USA will be so vulnerable too the economic coup that could transform the USA from its state of World Resource Dependency  into a State heavily dependent on UN Rationing rules Under the Law of the Sea Convention with our Water use , see here ;  OBAMA pursuing Sec.2 Policy(B-iii) accession 2 Law of Sea Convention gives away our Great lakes to the UN , WHY ?   

 Here is Bill Gates shedding some light on what he thinks … Powerful people like this if not publicly challenged to Public Debate on this will overwhelm the System and Force this agenda , We the people need to End the FEDERAL RESERVE with HR 833 , fully Restoring our Sound Money Decision Making Process back into the Hands of We the people Article 1 Section 10 and put WE the People back in charge of what we want to fund . Like first renegotiate the WTO FREE Trade Agreement , its what Ross perot said 17 years ago would create the Giant Sucking Sound thats consolidated the wealth into all the people like Gates that are now designing ways to reverse all the progress of the last 70 plus years , that will in turn reduce overall life expectancy !!!!! This is why the Government wants control over everything so they can restrict our access to Resources that we create our Vitality with !!!!!          , and then couple what Gates is plans are with this …….                                          

 reason we see confusing actions coming out of Government  ; Google the word OVERPOPULATION  and you will see  its merging of the UN Agenda 21 ,     .
 This GUY has BEEN writing all the Legislation Congress has been voting on without READING . Check out this Link its Marxist Paul Ehrlich’s book on How to control the US Population go to page 2 of this PDF , Paul R. Ehrlich says we in USA have to be forced into the idea of population control for them to then be able to be a good model for the rest of the world ” ,  Paul R. Ehrlich , adviser to Obama and the Co Author of Eugenics with Obama’s Science Czar John Holdren , in this PDF called How to Control the American Population Bomb ;*2YAwbJKNA0ynjqNMPkAWc364um0hFryXrnCiwz7Aj0us0lz6nMDxpOErKkoOFI1yQyJxaBvmUtOCg37l0c/14211548HowtoControltheAMERICANPopulationbyPaulEhrlichThePopulationBombBrentJessop.pdf   
Take a Look at these sites you can start to see the Trend in Technocrats mindsets ; This excerpt from this months National Geographic ;   
I have understood the population explosion intellectually for a long time. I came to understand it emotionally one stinking hot night in Delhi a couple of years ago… The temperature was well over 100, and the air was a haze of dust and smoke. The streets seemed alive with people. People eating, people washing, people sleeping. People visiting, arguing, and screaming. People thrusting their hands through the taxi window, begging. People defecating and urinating. People clinging to buses. People herding animals. People, people, people, people.—Paul Ehrlich   

 So you can see this Financial collapse was happened because they planned it , see these links again to reference the Plan and why ;   - Kissinger Agenda         

This guy is a Ideologue with an agenda that he feels is Important , but Public debate needs to be had as to Why we the people have to lose our Liberty as a FREE people in order for the Kissinger Agenda to be fulfilled ???
Heres a List of Quotes by the Population control expert thats still actively advising Governments and our current President ;      , Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world. “Wherever a lessening of population pressures through reduced birth rates can increase the prospects for such stability, population policy becomes relevant to resource supplies and to the economic interests of the United States.

 The Ideology that makes up the advisory list in the Whitehouse is clear with an Agenda ,  Obama Returns to End-of-Life Plan That Caused Stir
….and is so connected too the FEDERAL RESERVE !!!!  The Double Talking that Greenspan did in the Video above link you tube is Proof  They have Control of the Money by having the Federal Reserve Independent from the Congress that way We the People can’t Interfere with their Agenda to devalue and collapse the economy  to then control economic production of supply of resources the way we create our quality of life through an abundance of supply that keeps costs low . The Earth First GREEN Marxists have evolved into the bankers , and encompass our Congress too , so if we the people do not realize this soon and demand to abolish the FEDERAL RESERVE and take back control of the MONEY/MONETARY POLICY so we can be the deciding majority of what we the people do with our money creation we are going to be merged into the New World Order by default .        ,  here is Kissinger , the architect of this NSSM200 study,       ,      that has been planning this for 40 years man , do you think they are going to turn back now after all this time and planning , they think they are carrying out Gods will man  , but here he is  saying Obama is ready for New World Order     Tell Me they are Not bring about the transformation Obama talked about in the Campaign by Controlling the MONEY , through the Monetary Policy with the Federal Reserve ????
By creating a Financial Crisis these Elites who believe the world has reached its Human carrying capacity are collapsing the world economies  so a New World Order can be what Controls the World Resources so rationing can be implemented because the Elites think the Earth has reached its Human carrying capacity , then all this lack of resource supply expansion and financial collapse because of the lack of supply expansion , which is how the Intrinsic Worth is created to back up the expansion of currency and it NOT lead to Inflation is done . So this is whats happening , Google the words OVERPOPULATION and EARTHS HUMAN CARRYING CAPACITY , and you will see the debate in the Technocratic circles of society thats being had .

Richard Gephardt: Advisor. He is also an active consultant for Goldman Sachs.
Michael Granoff: a money man, and contributed lots of bucks as a “mega donor” to the Obama campaign.  He is is also one of the 19 members of the Goldman Sachs-Robert Rubin funded Hamilton Project. Seeing the Population Control Agenda through the realm of financial control we the people can start to see the connection of how they crafted the method of actions to accomplish the goal of the Agenda , and this is why we cannot see a clear distinction between the 2 parties today , they all are part of this agenda , and the only way to break it is to take back control of the Money Creation POLICY that is within the confinements of the Federal Reserve , because they ( the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve  are made up of these same Ideologues) , look within the conversations of the opposition and you will see the same conversations going on inside their ranks as is in the others  ;
Obama’s “Smoking Gun”: His Hamilton Project Speech shows his links to Goldman, Entitlement Cuts (Part 1)

William C. Dudley: became the 10th president and chief executive officer of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York on January 27, 2009. Mr. Dudley was a partner and managing director at Goldman, Sachs & Company and was the firm’s chief U.S. economist for a decade.

Blair W. Effron: a bundler for the 2008 Obama campaign.  Effron is also on the Advisory Council of the Goldman Sachs/Robert Rubin funded Hamilton Project.

Michael Froman: deputy assistant to the president and deputy national security adviser for international economic affairs, a position to be held jointly at the National Security Council and the National Economic Council. His responsibilities will include serving as the White House liaison to the G7, G8 and G20 summits of economic powers.   Before moving to the Obama administration, Froman most recently was a managing director of Citigroup’s Citi Alternative Investments Institutional Clients Group, where he was head of infrastructure and sustainable development. He also served on 12-member advisory board of the Obama campaign’s transition team. Frohman, who was Mr. Goldman Sach’s former Chief of Staff, as an “informal adviser” to Obama.       Bilderberg to set population controls at 8 billion worldwide     Cap and Trade summit says Population controls Key to agreements .

But before we swallow the little red pill thats prescribed by the Medicare Panel maybe we should debate the truth about fertility in the world,       , what countries are REALLY Needing a reality Check about population sustainability before we forfeit our right to FREEDOM of Choice , FREEDOM period , just because of the Agenda that seems to be lacking in evidence that America is over populating the world !!!! From my view of this chart it seems if you extract Illegal Immigration the USA is a sustainable Population and in fact going negative in the near future with the baby-boomer era coming on . So who is B.Sing Who here and Why , when America is already a working Model for sustainable growth , all we need is some hope for risk takers and a recapitalization of the funding of a Renewable set of resources  ???   


THE U.S.A. IS DOOMED IF THIS COLLUSION OF INTERNATIONALISM AND THE FEDERAL RESERVE CONTROLLING THE MONEY AND THE DISTRIBUTION OF THESE FUNDING ALLOCATIONS IS NOT DIVIDED . The Federal reserves Independent status has been compromised with these overpopulation technocrats and bueracrats , and they all are working together to bring a goal of population control to the world in a New World Order .  UN Agenda 21
the blending of the world to create the NEW World Order

Pay Attention to this New World Order trying to gain Control of the USA resources Water being the main resource ,

USA will be so vulnerable too the economic coup that could transform the USA from its state of World Resource Dependency  into a State heavily dependent on UN Rationing rules Under the Law of the Sea Convention with our Water use , see here ;  OBAMA pursuing Sec.2 Policy(B-iii) accession 2 Law of Sea Convention gives away our Great lakes to the UN , WHY ?   

 And really only one clear way to stop this trend is to take back control of the Money / Monetary Policy and let WE the People make choices in how we Put Our people back to work . HR 833 is a Must ,         , and fund these state banks though the commerce clause ,              , reindustrializing and developing our needs .  END the FEDERAL RESERVE act with Nullification in 2011 added into the HR 833 bill ,   

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