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By John Rolls (Reporter)
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White House Warns Tech Giants to Stop Censoring - Video

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The Alex Jones Channel

Published on Mar 8, 2018


Alex Jones joins Owen Shroyer live via Skype to lay out how President Trump’s White House has fired the first shots across the bows of the tech giants: Facebook, Twitter, and especially Google. Help us spread the word about the liberty movement, we’re reaching millions help us reach millions more. Share the free live video feed link with your friends & family:

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    Total 7 comments
    • Anonymous

      You sure put a nuclear bug up my ass. I am in a rage, ready to march on Washington. Something needs to be done about this. Every dumbass should be able to force newspapers to print their radically delusional lies and shit, too. Their web services need to be forced to feature videos from somebody in a fit of apoplexy, bouncing around in his chair, while scratching his balls and reporting on black helicopters on his front lawn alien technology makes invisible. He should be paid, just for being a dumb shit, on the lunatic fringe of pathological narcissism. Trump also needs to see that peoples’ accounts are automatically debited and sent some shitty water filter, at a cost ten times what it’s really worth.

      Everybody knows the Constitution guarantees a free soapbox for all half cocked, ranting morons, and a 401K. I’ll be sure to pass on your urgent press release Trump needs to see, to all my friends and business associates, should I decide to become a recluse.

      BeforeItsNews, don’t assume Trump has your back, or your sides, or your rear. I sure as hell pity the day you realize you’ve never had a President, a dog catcher, or even a normal, mentally competent audience. If you have a dictionary of phrases, lookup “lying horse’s ass” and you will find “Alex Jones” in the synonyms list. Not only should he not have a platform, he is an argument for abortion rights. They always use the argument some Beethoven got aborted. Two sides to every coin.

      • FringeStuff

        Hahahah….How much do you get paid to sound so stupid?

        • Anonymous

          He is the smartest commenter in BIN. I would buy him a beer, no I’d buy him several if I knew his name. His comments are always right on the money but you have to at least have minimal critical thinking skills before you realize this.

          Which BIN readers don’t. :smile:

    • dandelion231

      Alex jones needs to stop the bs. He knows we are boycotting youtube bc of the purge yet he keeps saying oh watch my youtube video where i fight them- NO i will return to youtube when the people who were purged are brought back and not until then, I will not return to watch you fight them will on them while making you money while making youtube money- HOW STUPID DO YOU THINK WE ARE ALEX??? stop being a shill-

      • Anonymous

        They are only cleaning out *** FAKE NEWS ***. I haven’t seen youtube take down one credible person yet. Or do you like seeing articles about Wal-Mart FEMA camps, Nibiroobooboo hiding behind the Sun, the Gulf getting to blow up from a YUGE pocket of methane or alien cities on the dark side of the Moon.

        Why would you have a problem with this? :smile:

        • wiseoldlady

          Wrong….the Health Ranger is credible. They are removing conservative sites and KEEPING fake news.

          • wiseoldlady

            I haven’t looked but is the flat earth fake news and the Jesus was black fake news still on there????!!!!!!!!!!! Or the fake news that climate change is real……

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