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By Mort Amsel (Reporter)
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Update: Egypt Closes Suez Canal To All US Military Ships Citing Defence Pact With Syria

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The first thing Abdel Fattah al-Sisi Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces, not to enter any US military chartered a tanker to the Suez Canal to hit Syria, stressing Egypt’s commitment to joint defence agreement between Egypt and Syria.
If true, and there is no confirming this as of yet, as say bravo to Gen. al-Sisi.   Granted the guy has slaughtered hundreds of his own countrymen the last couple weeks but at least he has the balls to standup to us and islamic extremism.  -Mort
UPDATE: Egypt’s Tamarud, the group of ‘rebels’ who toppled Muslim Brotherhood President Mohammed Morsi from power on July 3rd, campaign spokesperson, said in a statement that “it is a national duty to support the Syrian army” and denounced “people who betray their country.”

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    Total 20 comments
    • Endthisnow!

      According to this article, it has not been closed yet:

      “Tamarod urges closing Suez Canal to vessels supporting strike on Syria”

    • NobleHead

      Way to go ‘Abdel Fattah al-Sisi Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces’ stop those idiots, don’t let them in.
      Conservative Americans are depending on you.

    • suezcanalagency

      Fm: SeaBird-Marine Egypt
      Re: Suez Canal Is Working Regularly

      Seabird-Marine Assure for our Beloved customers that the
      Suez Canal working Normal
      Although the last Revolution and Mubarek Ousted
      But every thing more than normal and we
      Guarantee smooth transit for your vessels without any delay

      Seabird provides a range of shipping and logistics services in Egypt, including Suez Canal transits.
      Seabird Egypt was set up in 2002 in preparation for the privatisation of shipping agency services in the country, which came into effect two years later. We are now a trusted provider of a range of shipping and logistics services, including specialised expert assistance for vessels transiting the Suez Canal.
      From now on no additional charges will be issued
      Because the Egyptian army now has toke over the Suez Canal authority

      Plus Providing Anti Piracy Preventive Measures
      Visit our below link for more details

      Whenever You Have Any Vessel Calling Any of Egypt’s Ports Or
      Transiting the Suez Canal

      Skype: mohammadkhalifa

    • ichabodcrane

      The US military is just going to go in and rape and kill they won’t be saving anyone!

    • Anonymous

      Ever wonder why Egypt was destabilized in the vary first place?? This can all be traced back to those Wahhabi Sunni Saudi’s. It was Saudi back Al-Qaida who over threw Qaddafi, once they got there hands on his vast warehouses full of arms they destabilized Egypt in order to attack and invade Syria. With Egypt preoccupied with Muslim Brotherhood non-sense they had a free hand in taking on Assad and his Shiia dominated government. It is the Saudi’s who are keeping Iraq in a total state of chaos with AL-Qaida setting off bombs all over the country. Open your eyes people there wold be no Al-Qaida if it wasn’t for Saudi Arabian financial backing.

    • VirusGuard

      But the USA pays the army in Egypt billions of $US each year to keep them in a job so I cannot see them biting that hand that feed them can you.

      If we really did have all these terrorists running around in the middle east then the canal would make the best target in the world to attack and we know a man living in a cave can attack the twin tower with four planes and hit home four out of four times so blowing something up on home turf should be a walk in the park to these guys.

      Could be that the world is not quite like what CNN wants you to think it is, don’t question, soak it up.

    • Jaydog

      Can Obama send his thug friends over to Egypt and drop couple chemical weapons then accuse Al-sisi of the crime and bomb Egypt also? why not? he is doing it to Syria! It’s funny how Obama knows everything that is going on in Syria 5 days after the chemical attack but he is clueless about Benghazi, IRS scandals, NSA spying, fox news spying, AP spying, and the fast & furious scandal. lol oh yeah 6 years later, Obama still don’t have a budget! Does Obama has any relatives in Syria? This piece of crap is bringing out country to hell in a hand basket!

    • HO2

      Egypt helping Syria .. bible prophecy being fulfilled

    • Anonymous

      Yeah, I just got off the phone with a few people in the Navy and Air-force I know, the canal is still open, and no one has heard any threats from Egypt military/government about closing the canal or restricting traffic. While this is an option for them, they do not want to loose U.S. or Europe aid right now.

      • Jaydog

        Yeah, I just got off the phone with my friend in the Navy also, he said the canal was wide open, but then again, he was with a hooker, so I am not what he was referring too! :)

    • hongryhawg

      That last sentence looks like a stab at the pretender.

    • iamamerican

      Just do it Egypt! Don’t talk about it, don’t even give a thought, just close it!

    • survivor727

      Too bad Obongo helped the Muslim Brotherhood overthrow Hosni Mubarek. Egypt USED to be our friend. Seems to me Egypt was a very stable nation and ally and helped keep the peace in so far as there is ever peace in the Middle East.

      Of course the community organizer knows better. Speaking of Egypt and all of the left wing buffoons who were drunk with joy over the “Arab Spring” which turned out to be an “Arab Winter,” didn’t Obongo, our Kenyan King learn his lessons? Egypt blew up in his face. Libya blew up in his face.

      Now Syria? Yep…..nothing like pissing away a few dozen missile at $1.5 million a copy! After all, it’s only taxpayer money right? Obongo needs to be impeached and removed.

      • Gojiroiscoming

        So support a dictator and stomp out a democratic uprising of the people of Egypt. That’s really American.

        You really dont think about what you actually say, do you?

        Go back to cheap insults and 1 dimensional thinking.

        • robobbob

          so which is one dimensional thinking: the attempted handing over a major regional power to radical terrorists who want to kill americans and start a world empire, or sticking with the bought and paid for dictator whos’ main goal was to keep order and keep those checks coming?
          clue to you. that uprising had nothing to do with democracy, other then as useful idiots. years prior to the event, many of the leaders of this spontaneous uprising had been coming to the US to attend training on community organizing as well as out and out intelligence front groups. internet tin foil? does NYT count as “real”?

    • TruthSeeker

      Close it!

    • AndreyE

      Absolutely can’t be true, because he is a pocket general, so please refrain from writing anything at all in future due to lack of sufficient knowledge of how the things work in the world. :cool:

    • jdo79

      I am an a Conservative American! I do not support Obama and neither do many other Americans. We know much of what has taken place in Syria, but not all. Many of us know that the Rebels, are the very people we have been at war with for the last 12 years but are now supported by our insane Presidents in his ambitions to attack Syria and her defenseless innocent people. We support Eqypt and Morsi’s oust as Egypt of all would know what is good for Egypt. We do not want conformity! We do not believe conforming to the ways of the United States is what is best for any nation as we all have our own culture and religious beliefs which keep us who we are to create diversity amongst us. We want justice, tolerance and freedom for all.

      I hope that our military leaders are of sound mind and integral enough to defy a direct order from the commander in chief that would be considered a criminal act of war. In fact the oath for Officers and Enlisted men and women is different but of the same. Military members are required to obey their COC but it also requires the obedience of LAWFUL orders. An order which is unlawful not only does not need to be obeyed, but obeying such an order can result in criminal prosecution of the one who obeys it. Military courts have long held that military members are accountable for their actions even while following orders if the order was illegal.

      Their duty is to protect and defend the constitution of the United States, the United States of America and her people. The duty of our military is to support our COC but if he/she is not of sound mind, and the consequences are not in the best interest for the US, or the country for whom they are protecting. Their job is to defy continue to protect and defend against unlawful orders and hold the person giving orders accountable if they are deemed criminal in fact.

      So our military leaders do not have to obey orders given by Obama if they do not see it as lawful, which this in the eyes of the American people isn’t lawful.


      1 75 1
      or LEO IN USA (Obama is a Leo)
      ONCE [after ] PURE TYRANNIES
      8 99 4
      AGREES RARE RAY: ARES (means manslaughter & in Leo)
      2 4 4 Que par Barbares pillé soit et vollee
      Oppose quarrels – be little variable……………….
      SEES BARB (Turkey? Or Mongol)
      (Barb is Khazar – the modern day banksters )
      RAE PERILS SPILL (C.M.E.? or Slayer ray

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