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Q Anon: Military Tribunals Are Coming!

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THE MILLENNIUM REPORT: Reporting the Most Important News in the World Today







Why They Are Absolutely Necessary


Because the barbarians are inside the gate!

Military tribunals are especially required to prosecute the Deep State criminals, rogue Intel & SS agents and Shadow Government perps who are conducting a soft
coup against the POTUS. But why military tribunals?

Because those traitors practically own and operate the
U.S. Criminal Justice System, that’s why!

VIDEO: Q Anon: Military Tribunals Are Coming!

State of the Nation

The political reality throughout the USA is that the legal profession is overwhelmingly populated by card-carrying Democrats, liberal lawyers, progressive corporate attorneys, radical activist judges and left-wing DAs.

All those fancy law degrees from Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford, Columbia, Georgetown, Cornell, etc. are conferred upon mostly left-leaning JDs.  The American Bar Association is literally a branch of the Democratic Party.  And it is specifically these BAR-registered attorneys who have always posed the greatest threat to the United States since its founding.  The Crown Temple: A History of the Bar Association and Who Really Owns the USA

Not only are BAR-certified lawyers a nakedly self-serving lot, a disproportionate majority will remain staunch Democrats their entire life.  Many will never leave their major metro area or deep blue state even a single time…except to fly to another metropolitan airport (e.g. NYC to LAX).  Barack Hussein Obama is a perfect example of one of these British agents who was financed by the Rothschild investment bankster –George Soros — specifically to undermine the American Republic.

Many of these self-proclaimed advocates get into the biz as a way of pushing their personal agendas, as they also promote an overarching and socially destructive liberal platform.  The notorious New York City attorneys and Philadelphia lawyers are, in actuality, the muscle employed by the NWO globalists and national leaders of cultural marxism.

Cultural Marxism Is Destroying America

By relentlessly undermining the nation’s system of law, the legal class (and particularly the  political class) has reduced the Republic to a mere shadow of its former glory.  The ultra-liberal lawyers and their subversive associations have literally laid waste to civil society.  Their political power is now so entrenched, and the implementation of their agenda so advanced, that only radical surgery can remove such a cancer from the body politic. How Lawyers Wrecked America and Ruined the World

The Courts

The U.S. Criminal Justice System is dominated by Democratic operatives at every level within most of the major urban jurisdictions.  The best and worst legal counselors among them know exactly how to manipulate the judicial machinery to advance the liberal agenda.  And they do so with a vengeance.

Ever since Trump has been POTUS, the nation has witnessed the many ways that the Courts have been used to shut down his various initiatives.  The Democrat-aligned attorneys routinely collude with the activist judiciary to terminate any presidential order or directive that can be overturned.

Because of this ever-worsening predicament, Trump has had his hands tied to a great degree. The resulting governmental paralysis has left the president with no choice but to apprehend the coup plotters who are guilty of outright sedition.  Most of these agents of Deep State are committing acts of treason simply because of their political ideology.  Other are coerced via bribery and blackmail by their Shadow Government masters (e.g. extortion via Pedogate crimes).

Military Tribunals

In view of President Trump’s plight, he has no choice but to prosecute the perpetraitors under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ).  Only in this way can the Commander-in-Chief of the U.S. Armed Forces be assured that justice will be administered, free from judicial sabotage, legal legerdemain and political interference.

Once the UCMJ legal framework has been adopted, military tribunals can be established to prosecute the numerous traitors throughout Deep State.  That they all be apprehended expeditiously and simultaneously is critical to the success of this strategy.  The longer they are free to make mischief, the more dangerous it becomes for the POTUS, his political allies and the leaders of patriot movement.


In light of the critical stage of this ongoing coup d’état, it’s especially imperative that the insurrectionists be incarcerated at Guantanamo Bay Detention Center—post haste!  In this way, they can be securely imprisoned at great distance from those who would aid their escape.  Most importantly, the insurgents can be efficiently moved through the military tribunal process so that justice can be served fairly and swiftly.

KEY POINT: The civilian criminal justice system would see these cases
intentionally tied up in the courts for years on end.  In this manner, justice
would be continually deferred or subverted altogether through liberal legal

The response to an attempted overthrow of a sitting president falls squarely within the domain of the U.S. Armed Forces.  For this and other significant reasons, military tribunals must be constituted with all deliberate speed.  The more quickly the criminal prosecutions can be conducted, the sooner the prodigious body of hard evidence proving guilt of treason and sedition can be made available to the concerned public.

Crimes must be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law

The American people deserve nothing less than a complete airing of the many serious crimes which have been committed by countless political leaders and government officials. In point of fact, the ongoing crime spree carried out to advance the soft coup against the POTUS represents only a fraction of the transgressions by the Deep State criminals, rogue Intel & SS agents and Shadow Government perps”.

The Rogue CIA, Deep State and Shadow Government: Who are they?

It’s important to note that this same cabal of career criminal politicians and government officials has a multi-decade rap sheet that will truly shock the country.  It includes an endless list of state-sponsored terrorism using false flag attacks, first degree felonies (especially VIP assassinations and other premeditated murders), outright genocide, war crimes against several nations, grand theft on a massive scale, crimes against humanity, child exploitation crime syndicates, etc.

What follows is an example of just one of the Illuminati’s most horrific criminal enterprises, which was then used to justify an unrelenting series of war crimes and genocidal campaigns known as the utterly fake War on TerrorThe Neocon Zionists Must Be Arrested And Put On Trial For False Flag 9/11 Terrorism

Because the U.S. Criminal Justice System is incapable of rendering a just and fair outcome to these direly needed court proceedings, the POTUS has no choice but to assign this task to U.S. Military Courts.  The stark reality is that the aforementioned crime wave is so immense that the civilian criminal courts would be overwhelmed, much more than they already are.  The ensuing tsunami of criminal cases and civil lawsuits would effectively incapacitate the entire justice system.

As for systematic prosecution under the UCMJ, applications for reversal can be heard by the United States Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces.  The Judge Advocate General’s Corps can be expanded accordingly to accommodate the expected appeals, as well as to handle the prosecutions and requests for defense.  JAG officers can be assigned to those Deep State defendants who have been stripped of their ill-gotten gains so as to afford them a fair trial.

In this fashion, the U.S. citizenry can be assured that many of the co-conspirators will be taken off the streets (e.g. K Street, Wall Street & Fleet Street), once and for all.  Furthermore, by serving out their life sentences at Gitmo, the most dangerous offenders will not be able exert their pernicious influences within these United States of America.  The most serious offenders, of course, will be subject to capital punishment as they should be.

Special Note: The single most powerful position in the U.S. Federal Government is not the POTUS (chief executive officer) or Speaker of the House (control’s the public purse); rather, it’s the U.S. Attorney General (A.G.).  As the nation’s chief lawyer and top law enforcement officer, the A.G. can take down any government official or corporate CEO with the stroke of a pen.  For this reason alone, it’s well understood throughout the political realm and criminal justice circles that the occupant of this position is always a trusted agent of Deep State.  The current order of utter lawlessness and profound criminality that reigns inside the Beltway is a glaring testament to this fact.  And the deliberate failure to drain the swamp by AG Jeff Sessions further validates that he is either a covert agent of Deep State or a completely controlled Shadow Government operative. (VIDEO: Jeff Sessions Is Not the Attorney General’ — Former Attorney & Law School Professor)


A vast litany of crimes has been committed by Deep State against the American people spanning many decades.  Egregious crimes have also been perpetrated against foreign nations in the name of the American people and with our tax dollars.  Were all the heinous wrongdoings to be made public, the body politic would go into the state of collective and incapacitating shock.

The United States of America has been ruled by a criminal cabal of incorrigible and clinically insane psychopaths (read: “Psychopathocracy”) over the course of several administrations.[1]  The nation can no longer tolerate the profound damage and extensive destruction inflicted on every sphere of life.  Because the USA has hit the proverbial wall, radical measures are now required.

PONERIZATION: How the American Republic was taken over by political cliques of criminally insane psychopaths

Whereas the fabric of society has been irreparably torn, a new national tapestry can be woven after a “Truth & Reconciliation Commission” is established.  This urgent process of reformation, however, begins with MILITARY TRIBUNALS.  And they ought to begin their proceedings sooner than later…while the circumstances still exist to form them.

Action Plan

Everyone can participate in this civic initiative by circulating the following flier.  The  content of this highly authoritative document is such that it effectively functions as a citizen’s indictment.  When a critical mass of We the People are correctly informed about these weighty criminal matters, the wheels of justice will begin to turn.

FLIER: The People’s response to the ongoing coup being run by rogue elements within the U.S. Intelligence Community: MILITARY TRIBUNALS

Lastly, there is now a massive body of hard evidence available on the Internet that proves pervasive criminal conduct at the highest echelons of the U.S. Federal Government. Likewise, the volume of circumstantial and anecdotal evidence in the public domain is so compelling that it demands an immediate response.  In other words, We the People (and especially the awakened populace) are obligated to act on this actionable evidence now that so many are aware of it.

It’s high time to constitute military tribunals to terminate this CIA-directed, FBI-protected coup.  And George Soros, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, John Podesta and Adam Schiff should be at the very top of the docket.[2]

State of the Nation
March 3, 2018

Editor’s Note

UPDATE: At the writing and posting of this article, SOTN was completely unaware of the following prophecy uttered by Mark Taylor.  We have since been made aware of it by so many great patriots who visit our Alt Media platforms.  And, we are quite gratified to have independently arrived at the very same conclusion about “Military Tribunals”.  Thanks to our numerous awakened readers!


[1] An Abridged History Of The United States Psychopathocracy

[2] ADAM SCHIFF: Dangerous Traitor, Reckless Warmonger and Criminal Politician

Recommended Reading

Trump has only ONE response to the ongoing soft coup being run by rogue elements within the U.S. Intelligence Community—A Military Response


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    Question   Razz  Sad   Evil  Exclaim  Smile  Redface  Biggrin  Surprised  Eek   Confused   Cool  LOL   Mad   Twisted  Rolleyes   Wink  Idea  Arrow  Neutral  Cry   Mr. Green

    Total 22 comments
    • Bob DD

      It’s getting late, get doing, now!

      • Anonymous

        Another useless vague garbage article by Millenium Disinfo. Dont you aholes ever quit getting scammed by the latest psyop “whistleblower” that comes along???
        Trojan Horse Trump has done NOTHING to change anything- just endless media brouha ha.
        27 TRILLION in debt
        Gun control
        Obamacare in place
        Google searches for sale to everyone
        Syria ISIS spreading worse than Obamanation’s time
        Russia declared our #1 enemy.
        Illegals flooding the borders.
        Hillary at large
        WTFU and get conscious people.

      • truther357

        This is really what is needed…but it will never happen. We will sink to the very bottom of this Democratic ‘Socialist Sewer’ before anything to save On nation, takes place. We will then be..’too far swim back out!’
        Will the DOJ investigate itself..NO Will the FBI investigate itself…NO Will NSA investigate itself..NO Will the new FBI director fire any of his treasonous criminal’s..NO Will Sessions ever allow anyone to prosecute any of these (Documented) ‘treasonous, killer, criminal’s…NO Will (uranium one ‘High Treason’ criminal’s ) Muller and Rosenstein ever stop this ‘Witch Hunt’ this year…NO
        In 2008 the Democratic Soros Marxist Mafia ‘quietly’ overthrew Our US Government .. placing a foreign national , criminal as POTUS. He and his ‘useful-idiot’ followers then infested every branch of Our government ( and the ‘left-stream’ Media ) with pro-communist ‘weasels!’.. to help foreign nation, War criminal George Soros continue his goal of destroying America…Some politically stupid ‘useful-idiot’ billionaires, Silicon Valley and Hollywood took the bait and fell right in line…They are weak in mind anyway!
        The revolt against President Trump and the American majority is growing leaps and bounds since no criminal’s have been tried or convicted with Our present ‘weak and bios’ court system…’Left-Wing’ organizations to overthrow Trump are growing in numbers and heavily financed by Marxist billionaires ( You know most) they are trying to hide their real destructive goals by using names like and to try to make them look pro-American.
        Yes..a Military tribunal is the only way We can stop this invasion of foreign control by the Deep State.. And Yes..the ‘treasonous’ criminal’s still controlling the MSM and government Barry Obama ‘holdovers’ still in contol at the TOP will never let this happen.
        Welcome aboard the Democratic ‘Socialist’ Titanic!

        • truther357
          • truther357

            Here’s another ( Documented ) High Treason Crime that you might not know about
            It has become obvious that Texas RINO G.Bush, his AG and the FBI wanted foreign national, criminal, Obama to become POTUS…This forensic, documented information about Barry’s forged BC ( produced by Daily Kos & Fact Check c/o G.Soros) was sent to the Bush Administration 5 months before the election.
            The election should have been shut down.. Obama and his conspirators jailed.
            Didn’t happen…so you see where We are today. In 2008 America went totally blind and stupid for 8 years..letting this criminal and his ‘useful-idiot’ follower’s take over the total government and help destroy it to the point where I don’t think that a great builder and leader like President Trump can ever repair.

            • truther357

              Sorry: Don’t know why atlasshrugs deleted these because they were well documented. She post articles on BIN … so maybe she will reply.
              She is a true patriot and has been posting the ‘TRUTH’ for years…and her life has been threatened many times because of posting the ‘truth!’
              Lefties ‘commies’ can’t stand the ‘TRUTH!’
              I also wish that BIN ( like other conspiracy website ) had EDIT!
              Would save a lot of time..and I could have deleted on the spot.. and find out what the problem was.
              Back to lunaticoutpost..that does edit!

    • harry

      Lots of talk – but not the walk. Something must happen soon – or face the doom.

    • Ideas Time

      Do it now before they do any more damage to America.

    • DangerWillRoberson

      when , when trump is out of office? there are no arrests or indictments as of today its all bull shit Q trump alex jones , jeff sessions? nothing has changed its all deception? and trump is talking about snatching the guns and not a word of google taking down our web sights ? its all a hoax, what will happen is civil war invasion and many us cities will get nuked cuz they earned it!

    • 2QIK4U


    • jdpent01

      Its very slow, but in slowness its methodical to catch all bad actors, but Mueller Special Council needs to be shut down first.

    • Anonymous

      I’ll believe it when I see it!



    • Josie

      Seeing is believing!!!

    • The Real Deal

      Military tribunals? Hahaha, what is this, Nuremberg? If only…
      I would laugh if this wasn’t so serious. I tried telling you that Q is a distraction, and Trump is not our savior. Trump is not draining the swamp because Trump IS the swamp! Trump answers to the Jews because that is who bailed his ass out when he was in dire financial straits. His daughter converted to Judaism, and every child of his is married to a Jew. I have preached for years that the Jews run America, and they are siphoning off our money to Israel. They are destroying America while they build up Israel. When are you going to wake up? I see many have, but it’s not nearly enough. While people are busy rubbing the sleep out of their eyes, or Alex Jones just pushing the snooze button on them, the Jews are turning America in to a third world shit hole. Multiculturalism is for you not the Jew; In fact, they are demanding that BLACK immigrants from Africa, leave Israel or risk being imprisoned. That’s right, Israel can be as racist as they want to, while the dual citizen Jews in the American government demand that you assimilate every ethnicity from here to Timbuktu in to your society whether legal or illegal. The Zionists main goal is to loot and plunder America while using it’s American dupes (or “stupid dumb animals” as Henry the Jew Kissinger refers to the U.S. military soldiers) to fight Israel’s wars for them.
      You will not see not see any arrests, nor you will not see any justice. There is a reason. I can’t understand why the left hate Trump so much, he’s practically done everything for them. He’s allowed Obamacare to continue, right wing voices are being silenced, and guns are going bye bye. WTF more could they want?

      • my2pesos

        Israeli Gun ~ Genius Liar……….(10) – Anagram Genius
        Israeli Gun Control Regulations Opposite ‘Of US’ – @ The Jerusalem Post
        Israel’s Gun Control Laws Can Make The US Safer Too – @ The New York Times
        I Carried a Gun in Israel Here’s What I Learned – @ The Wrap
        “The Jewish State of Israel Has some of the strictest gun-control laws in the world.”
        Genius Liar ~ Agile Ruins……….(10) – Anagram Genius
        Lair ~ Liar ~ Lira ~ Rail ~ Rial

      • Anonymous

        Brother Real Deal,

        Brilliant comment! The thing is that the Trumptards just don’t have quite enough grey matter to figure this stuff out for themselves. Trump is just a mirror of Crooked Hillary, they are two peas in a pod. The WH swamp got vacated and Drumpf filled it up with swamp critters so fast it was unbelievable. Trump may as well be a Liberal. :smile:

        • my2pesos

          Israel ~ Is Ra EL
          Israeli Guns ~ Genius Liars………..(11) – (AG +)
          Sir agile Sun ~ Seas I Ruling ~ Gales I Ruins ~ Realising Us
          Sigil an User ~ Sigil as Rune ~ Rises Lingua ~ Reisling USA
          Arisen I Slug ~ Ugliness Air ~ USSR in Agile ~ Signs AI Rule
          USSR IE Align ~ Gas ruins Lie ~ Sugar I Lines ~ Rains IE Slugs
          Ariel’s I Sung ~ Sins UAE Girl ~ Signal I Sure ~ Using I Laser

      • CeeLeeRose

        Well said TRD…..Pointing out a FACT that this country of ours is being driven into the ground & robbed blind, does not make one a “Racist”…

        “In the days of universal deceit, speaking the truth becomes a revolutionary act”

        Although it does make one such in the eyes of the perpetrators commanding the ship & carrying out the agendas-Its not all “Them” as there are many players & angles at work within the “Hidden Hand” But they sure do have a lengthy track record when it comes to infiltrating communities, power structures & destroying countries & nations from within? Either by using proxy forces or not…

        I ran afoul of the “Shot Callers” on this tiny PNW island & quickly found myself tossed within the ranks of what has come to be known as “Targeted Individuals”…..These people become your judge, jury & executioner w/a punishment that never fits the “crime” You get eliminated via “heart attacks-Cancer-disease-accidents” The disease aspect via exotic, military grade Directed Energy Weapons systems/kabbalist practices, you get ran over by a Mack truck, they get 98% plausible deniability & help from the local political power structure & FBI goons for hire. We had that Bob Mathews standoff out here in 1984-the FBI never left since then & has always had a presence out here, the FBI protecting “Something”-I had the daughter of 2 FBI agents sent my way as a “Honeypot” after getting my back broken in 4 places in a “Car accident”-No steering-no brakes-no airbag deployed in a 55 mph collision, on the Jewish holiday of Purim no less! Hey, at least the morning of Purim/car accident I was given a threat/promise via V2K-(voice to skull)-that it was their high ho-lee day of Purim & was to be my last day on the planet & that I “Fucked With The Wrong People Out Here”

        Guess so huh? The 1st “honeypot” sent my way during my early targeting was a Sephardic mother/daughter combo resulting in BS, contrived legal action. My list goes on n’ on n’ on, -no need to bore you with the details, aside from I was given a death sentence for telling the TRUTH on Zionist Island….

        The crime?…Calling out Fed/State/local corruption via my 1st LiveLeak blog….The mere act of writing about Pedophilia rings & how the Torah & Talmud encourage the practice of such actions….They use the local “Unitarian Church” out here on Whidbey Island as a secondary hidden Synagogue, they even have a workshop for kids called the “Owl” program. What is it?

        -Sex education.

        Starting @ the KINDERGARTEN through 12 grade levels!….Seems appropriate that 6 year olds start getting sex education right?….Ha! My God?!

        Keep it up TRD…Be well, & stay safe…

        For more info on this Island & my targeting experience go to “Corruptico-dot-com”

        ~The Warp & The Weft~ A Targeted Individuals Tale on Whidbey Island…LiveLeak UserName: “KrasnayaZvezda”

    • Zabwe`

      Who’s gonna break the news—toilet duck flushes the system——Far out cosmic blow out———-

    • Mina

      “Military Tribunals…Absolutely Necessary because the barbarians are inside the gate”

      This headline fits perfectly to a quote by William Pitt the Younger (1759…1806)
      “Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.”

      So be careful and reflect that this psyop being conducted by Q Anon and Trump might be an instance of controlled opposition meant to convince the people that our Constitution is deficient and needs to be surrendered, with its legal principles replaced by those of martial law, the law of the tyrant.

    • Man

      I am still waiting for that Purple Revolution that is never happening…

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