The Plan to Save the World Goes into High Gear: Are You Ready -Trump We Are Coming for the Deep State
In this next video for those who have no idea who Q is is an amazing video from YoTube “channel the storm is upon us” which gives an overview of the plan to save the world. Remember when these things happen it’s not just because of men there is a spiritual war going on
God allowed the pendulum to swing to such an extent that the NWO globalists almost won. The people of the western world were oblivious and because of the MSM propaganda were actually calling for their own demise . As Alex Jones put it so eloquently
“We Are Coming” Takedown Of “Deep State” Begins Military Trials begin.
What and who is Q anon . I believe Q-Anon is a military intelligence source used to inform the American Public through the alternative media and uses both information and disinformation to confuse the enemy and inform the public.
Alex Jones and Jerome Corsi and Q Anon.
In the beginning Alex Jones and Corsi were both on the Q Anon side but what happened Q threw them over a cliff saying they were both Mossad agents and shills for Israel. Many who follow Q took this as Gospel without thinking for themselves or in what they called 3d or even 4D Chess.
Why I do not believe this is because Corsi knows Trump for 40 years. Alex Jones admits he was recruited by US military over 10 years ago. Trump was elected on the endorsement of Alex Jones whether you like it or not Alex Jones haters.
Rodger Stone another Trump friend of 40 years who also joined info wars with Corsi to get Trump elected and to inform the people and get Q Anon out there(Corsi is on record saying he believed without a doubt Q Anon is military intelligence.) Alex is without a doubt the Number one guy who has woken up lets be honest half the world to whats going on (if he is a shill he is not a very good one)
Now why is this relevant and why did Alex and Corsi and also by extension Rodger Stone and the whole infowars network get thrown under a bus by Q who is run by the US military and Trump himself.
When Q threw infowars under the bus it was to protect them , This was around the time when John McCain was executed. If you had Jones Corsi info-wars and Stone saying McCain was executed this would have undermined the Q plan and gone mainstream. Infowars would have been destroyed by the MSM and this may have been taken more seriously than a Q conspiracy.
Alex Jones is part of the bigger plan
“90% of modern warfare is information” ALEX JONES.
Alex Jones was banned from not just utube but basically the most important internet search engines and social Media. He is doing his job he is taking hits for the team. This banning along afterwards of thousands of conservative and liberarian accounts is just the ammunition Trump needs to destroy them. Job Done Alex and Co.
The resulting legislation has begun
Louie Gohmert
Gohmert Introduces Bill That Removes Liability Protections for Social MediaCompanies That Use Algorithms to Hide, Promote, or Filter User Content December 20, 2018 Rep. Louie Gohmert (TX-01) released the following statement regarding the introduction his bill, H.R.7363, that amends section 230 of the Communicatio…
Will Congress regulate social media?
Jeff Sessions who was attacked by Trump on twitter regularly was behind the scene rounding up pedophiles and allowing the Mueller investigation to go ahead unimpeded which has been the most incompetent investigation of all time or the best counter intelligence operation of all time.
The investigation Allowed the enemy to implode Trump and Q knowing they are criminals who will use illegal means aka give them enough rope and they will hang themselves. Which is what happened and almost entirely sank the Deep state ship .
This is a DEATH MATCH one side will win or be exterminated. The people in the west so brainwashed by propaganda that all warfare against the deep state needs to be done in such a way to make them realize what is going on it cant be overt though. How then ? through a collective conscience using subliminal messages in the media and constant overt repetition of certain terms and ideas.
The war is not just against wicked minions like Hillary Obama or career criminals but the bureaucrats in-bedded inside the government who have now 70% been neutered but still have operatives who need to be taken out and are very dangerous. It is against globalist bankers in the city of London Using military intelligence in other countries politicians cartels these people who run the worlds financial system are sex trafficking and control all the worlds monetary systems. You cannot destroy them all in a day or even in a year.
The war is on many many levels. So those of you who say Q threw Alex Jones under the bus must have missed the other thing he said at the same time
Q”THINK FOR YOURSELVES” Q uses disinfo sometimes to confuse the enemy.
AS OF JANUARY 03 2019 The military tribunals began and will probably last FOR YEARS as more and more people are rounded up over time.
Trump – GITMO – Military Tribunal – Trafficking – EO
Trump’s Executive Order for Military Tribunals …
Trump’s Executive Order for Military Tribunals. What does Trump’s new Executive Order published on March 1, 2018 mean? It gives new powers to the Department of Defense by allowing civilian courts and lawyers to be used to augment military staff during military tribunals.
Below is a picture of a prison barge heading to Gitmo with over 70,000 seal indictments now being reported that’s a lot of prisoners to transport and hold what better way than this.
2 Massive U.S. Prison Barges Enroute To Gitmo, Cuba
On the back of these Trials a Group coincidentally(remember q there are no coincidences) have threatened to release documents relating the 9-11 which will destroy the deep state.
The Dark Overlord, an international hacker group, have announced that they have stolen a trove of undisclosed information regarding the 9/11 attacks .
The group, infamously known for leaking, in 2017, episodes of the hit Netflix series Orange is the New Black, say that they have hacked an unnamed US-based law firm. When looking through the stolen cache of data, they found “hundreds of gigabytes of litigation-related documents”, including a total of 18,000 e-mails, non-disclosure agreements, expert witness testimonies, and communications with government officials.
The cyber thieves teased that the release of this data would outshine “both in volume and impact” Edward Snowden’s leak of documents on extensive internet and phone surveillance in the US. “We’ll guarantee to all our astute readers that the subsequent release of these materials will generate millions of news articles and result in the biggest and most significant data breach ever to have occurred.”
Blackwater Founder Erik Prince
reportedly served as an unofficial Trump campaign adviser is now being used to round up the traitors in the US government in 2019.
SOURCES IN THE US MILTARY have begun leaking information only to alternative media sources that the Gitmo Trials have already begun and they are happening behind the scenes as the sound and fury continues unabated on the MSM behind the scenes Trump and Q are taking down the enemy while using people who are flipped(Nanacy Pelosi) and Chuck Schumer come to mind both of whom career criminals ,Traitors and possible pedophiles.
Now that the old guard is being replaced and the trials we were told all along would be mostly in secret are happening who is the next target because Trump momentum is building . China? no China has caved and agreed to talk to Trump China controls Hollywood which means they have been neutered to an extent
who is actually going to “crash-and-burn” in 2019
Knowing that President Trump’s astonishing nationalist polices actually work to restore a country’s economic power, while at the same time lifting tens-of-millions out of poverty, the elite globalists have struck back hard against him in the only way they could—by their unleashing against Trump the most vile and sustained propaganda mainstream attack ever witnessed in modern history—and whose success of sees today the “Deep State” aligned US mainstream propaganda media joyfully predicting that Trump will not survive 2019 as “the downward trajectory of every aspect of his tenure indicates we are headed for a spectacular political crash-and-burn”.
Populists Have Elites On The Run & 2019 Might Deliver The Coup De Grace
Now President Trump has set loose Project overlord against the deep state the People of America will upon disclosure of who are the real criminals aka the deep state in the 9-11 attacks which changed Americas social fabric and led to 17 years of constant war in the middle east.
With President Trump knowing that endless and needless war is the exact recipe one would need to destroy a nation, as history has long proven, , standing in the wings to rebuild America once it collapses is the leftist Democrat Party—whose members of the US House of Representatives (that they now control),
With the US debt over 21 Trillion can never be repaved the house of cards will soon collapse the time for kicking the financial can down the road has ended. The reason for Trump renegotiation Americas trade deal is because of they go on a gold or silver Standard they will not loose all their gold and silver in one year due to unfair trade deficits.
The only way to go onto a Gold and silver backed currency would be to rid America of the US federal reserve.
This year Trump is going after the money The next BIG BIG TARGET WILL BE THE US FEDERAL RESERVE.
Macron Denounces Nationalism as Trump Listens
President Trump is attacking the globalists on all fronts from a political perspective thier media on social and philosophical grounds to breaking up worldwide pedophile networks .What the deep state didnt realize until it was to late there is now an attempt to rid the western world of all its deep state operatives.
This war has now hit the surface in France and Germany spreading all over Europe with the yellow vest protests and even several high ranking still serving French Generals writing a letter calling Macron the French President traitor . France is falling into a state of civil war
To show how serious a threat Makron takes these anti Globalist protests this is what he did in response France deploys 150,000 police amid yellow vest riot fears …
French riots? Here’s the reality MSM will not show you… and there’s good reason.
Anti-globalist yellow vests movement ‘conquers’ Europe and …
Trump’s War on the US Federal Reserve
President Trump has stepped up his criticism of the Federal Reserve, saying of its aggressive interest rate hikes that it has “gone crazy.” The same charge has been leveled against Trump, but there may be a method to his madness
October was a brutal month for the stock market. After the Fed’s eighth interest rate hike on September 26th, the Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped more than 2,000 points and the NASDAQ had its worst monthin nearly 10 years. After the Dow lost more than 800 points on October 10th and the S&P 500 suffered its first weeklong losing streak since Trump’s election, the president said,
“I think the Fed is making a mistake. They are so tight. I think the Fed has gone crazy.”
In a later interview on Fox News, he called the Fed’s rate hikes “loco.” And in a Wall Street Journal interview published on October 24th, Trump said he thought the biggest risk to the economy was the Federal Reserve, because “interest rates are being raised too quickly.” He also criticized the Fed and its chairman in July and August.
Trump goes to war with the Fed - POLITICO
Oct 11, 2018 · Trump launched his broadsides against the Fed despite private conversations in which both Kudlow and Mnuchin urged him to describe the declines as a natural market correction and to highlight the …
In the press they are saying that never before has a president treated the federal reserve so badly in his criticism.
Days before taking office, Trump, through a spokesman, described Jackson as “an amazing figure in American history—very unique so many ways.”
Look at this.
Here Is How Trump Will Build The Wall With Military Funds Out of the Omnibus Bill
President Trump has the money for the wall from the Omnibus Bill so why all the fighting over this years budget at the same time as the Trials have begun and congress is not operating aka the shutdown and they are saying this will and may be indefinite.
One wonders how many members of congress are now in Gitmo and Trump is using the shutdown to cover it up at the moment.
Military Trials begin in Jan. 2019
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original story
The Plan To Save The World goes into high gear are you ready -TRUMP WE ARE COMING FOR THE DEEP STATE
What a bunch of BULLSHETT. Drumpf is the Deep States Trojan Horse into the faQe alt right, and the Mossad-backed Jonestown and his zionist D.C. White House reporter, Jerome Qorsi is top stooge of CIA. The Drumpf idiot cucks are too stupid to grasp that the DEEP STATE are the jewish BANKERS, CEOs, AIPAC, LIKUD and zionist MEDIA pigs, not just SOROS.
Well lookee here!!!
Here is Al QIAduh Qorsi, working for Mossad and CIA- the epitome of deep state criminality. STILL pushing for Israel’s 911 Wars, in Iran
The comment above by Anonymous is SPOT ON!
Anyone wanting MORE PROOF that Donald Trump is 100% DEEP STATE will find plenty of it here:
Short version can be found here:
- /v3/new-world-order/2018/8235.html
How do you explain THIS? Trump couldnt find another nominee? No one sees how faQe all this “enemies” media circus is? Its all just distraction, while the REAL agenda (Syria defeat/partition) and conquest of M.E. for zionist paymasters is installed.
C’mon people. Quit the Q Qucks sQam and wtfu and demand America Back!
those prisons are meant for those who defy the NWO, not the fellow travelers like Hillary. They are meant for the likes of us
Deep State’s Trojan Horse Drumpf is one of THEM. The cattle must save themselves-
“Goes into High Gear” “We’re coming” “It’s over” “All on a plane to Gitmo”
On and on the charade goes while these criminals party on, laughing at the suckers who never notice that none of these actors are ever arrested, never.
Trump is the globalists’ Trojan Horse. He’s pushed thru more NWO agenda items than even Obummer could. Look at the FIRST law the AIPAC Congress traitors pushed in 2019- its all about ISRAEL’s interests, not America’s. Then when it was narrowly defeated? For the the first time in HISTORY, within 24 hrs, these crooked whores paid by AIPAC and endless jew money, have already set next date to REVOTE the bill on Fri. This revoting will continue until the bill to give 40 BILLION to Trump’s ziofunders in Israel is passed. Enough to pay for 10 Mex walls!
“Political puppets of the globalist agenda are not always obvious. They may at times even attack globalism and pretend to fight for nationalism or against climate change. We call these politicians “controlled opposition”.
The easiest way to determine if a politician is controlled is to identify the people they surround themselves with. Who do they associate with? Who is “advising” them? If they are surrounded by known globalists and banking elites on a regular basis, then they are a puppet, either knowingly or unknowingly. Their actions will only ever serve globalist interests, and when their careers are over it will be clear that their pro-sovereignty rhetoric sounded good while they were in office, but every policy they asserted pushed globalism forward or made anti-globalists appear absurd and dangerous.”
I like the plan, I certainly hope it is for real; because
DrDoggerel new about the NWO-cabal’s original plan:
The Very Rich Want Us to Die; uploaded june 7 2008
You liked the plan. Don’t you feel stupid now at being deceived?
-Nevertheless the Sunlight of God Cried From Heaven, 2017, As of Kingdom, Nation Building, But Your, It’s American Leaders, Is A Nuclear Fate, So Ironically, God Is Coming For Trump, It’s Weight Of Blood Guilt, Beware, Escape, Apb
Prophecy Links,
-And I saw War On US Soil, 1996, Enemies Arab and Asian, heard In my Hearing As Of War Drums US Soil, “it’s a hit, cities hit, Guam just did it! Wipe Canada From The Map, Separate Britain and America into Itty, Bitty Pieces, An Asian Invasion On US Soil, Yours Is A Nuclear Fate, The Eastern Seaboard Is Gone, though West Coast California, Canada, Went Off The Planet First!” Beware, Apb
-Error! Error! Error! Islam Are As Well Abraham’s Sons, Bearing Endtime Promises and Prophecies Of God, Those Like Dan 9, Rev 11 and Abbas’s Rev 13, 17, Mention Dec (2017), Eight Leads, Beware, Apb ,
-Amtv Chris, though I rather you pray for Pres Trump, see Ps. 51, Dan 9, just know as you all love on Trump, his administration during its 2016, campaign has been aligned to Ezekiel’s 38/39/ Gog and Magog. Designed a Rev 18, nuclear fate, whereas of Rev 6, 6th seal, there’s predicted a death toll it’s own soil of fifty million lives, just as of Bush’s and Obama’s, (1986/1975) 2003-2018, five administrations now. As well pending then US soil, is an islamic rule, an Asian invasion, a Nuclear fate and deaths tolls, these pending, erupting volcanic calderas; that’s as of California, New Mexico and Wyoming into such earth enders, world wide, again bringing death tolls in comparison to a world extinction event.
-Herein Pres Trump marching to war with any enemy now that America’s, West Rule weight of blood guilt has been as of Ezekiel 4, Daniel 5 and Rev 16, weighed, measured and She found worthy of deletion, until 190 months and 40 days be fulfilled, now a 40th, Nov 24/25 (2017), Matrix ten days countdown. Those world leaders like Trump, as the days of Jeremiah 37:8, 1998 into Rev 17/18 2017/18, have been given over to enemies Hussein/Hamath into Megiddo, come, Dan 2-9/12/Rev 1-22, Ancient beast reign. Surely making all US soil just as Apostle I am been predicting these 30 plus springs, there’s, yours is one blessed, simultaneous escape, southeast or skyward, designed by a merciful God as Noah’s Ark and Moses, exodus, inconceivably I know, on all US soil; knowing who, why, what, when and where to escape, get Jesus, get out! Beware, Apb, The RAM
cool story bro
Psychopaths in positions of political, financial and judicial power are criminals but I will believe that Trump and his “patriots” are saving America from them when the criminals are locked up or executed. Until then I conclude that this article and video is part of a propaganda program to fool and pacify patriots into thinking the end of the struggle is near when it isn’t.
Bottom line is that there has been NO change and Trump is either just as big a failure as all of his predecessors or just as dishonest.
Ready to take the deep state down if it doesn’t happen? If you aren’t I would be ashamed to call you an American.
spiritual war? SMH
no such thing, just sociopaths and psychopaths ruining it for the rest of us who just wanna live in peace
This kind of disinfo looks like criminal propaganda about now after the election.
This lie has now been time proven exposed. Countdown to zero time poster has now been added to the official Liar list.