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COVID-19 P(L)andemic + 4th Generation Warfare; Demo(nic-hypo)cracy; Deceptive Monetary Policy; Economic Destruction & Financial Big Picture; Systems of Karma, Divine Justice, Triumph of Truth

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COVID-19 P(L)andemic + 4th Generation Warfare

This deliberate pandemic by big pharma and the medical mafia is part of an asymmetric decentralized sustained urban hybrid 4th generation warfare and information warfare, which is fought by unleashing massive fake news using corporate for-profit lying agenda driven fearmongering warmongering mainstream media (weapon of mass deception) to steer the nation in a preplanned predetermined direction, cause systematic monetary financial and economic destruction, and divide the populace on race religious class and political axis, and now dividing further using medical misinformation/disinformation, along with imploding the state from within by bringing the branches of govt (executive, congressional, judicial) and govt agencies and departments at war with each other.   

Prerequisite to successfully unleashing 4th generation warfare is to privatize the central bank of a country with which the owners of this private central bank (pharaohs) takeover the mainstream news delivery outlets + monetary, economic, financial, trade, military, and foreign policy of a nation.   

This pandemic is part of a greater strategy of pharaohs’ dream of ruling the world unchallenged by bringing down superpowers on their knees and installing pharaohs’ loyalists over China and Russia, while still trying to take back the US executive branch.   

Call it divine intervention or an error on the pharaohs’ side, the virus recovery rate (99.5%) turned out to be much greater than what was anticipated.  Ask yourself, who shuts down the world because of a virus with 99.5% recovery rate? Cost of shutdown is trillion per day (economic, medical and psychological terrorism), why pharaohs and govts letting all that go to waste? This is because it’s a war in the higher chambers of govts around the world against an existential threat posed by the globalists / pharaohs / deep-states within each country; and these deep-states collaborate together on a global level to achieve pharaohs’ greater objectives of monetary financial trade economic dominance over the globe via their multinational mega corporate empires.   

Russia, China and US nationalists / patriots understand that only way to reclaim their national sovereignty is by removing this existential threat imposed by international monetary economic trade and financial systems, which was initially designed with specific agenda to facilitate the new world order of the 21st century.  While waging struggle against the pharaonic parasite, each of these countries want to secure/negotiate/impose their national interests to whatever degree they are able to do so.   

Let’s look at the previous viruses that showed up during US presidential and congressional election years. Can there be this many coincidence, and all of this in the 21st century, just within 20 years? 

2004 SARS 

2008 Avian Flu 

2010 Swine Flu 

2012 MERS 

2014 Ebola 

2016 Ebola 

2018 Zika Virus 

After swine flu caused over 12000 deaths in the US, and 5 months after WHO declared it a pandemic is when the state of emergency was imposed in the US, but still no shutdown/lockdown.  Average annual deaths via seasonal flu in the US alone is over 20k, and total cases this flu season was over 220k.   

Flawed Covid-19 testing was introduced with false-positive results to create even more panic and chaos, but luckily was caught early.  In Tanzania a goat and a fruit tested positive to Covid-19, really!  Inconceivable amount of deception is at play here.  When initially, panic was spreading in South Korea, 96% of those tested with symptoms thought to be of Covid-19 turned out to be negative.   

Japan didn’t go in to lockdown and with 126 million population, reported 916 deaths to date.  Sweden also didn’t lockdown, went the herd immunity way and with 10 million people reports 4.5k deaths.   

Desperate attempts are well known around the world to classify as many unrelated deaths as Covid-19 to prop up the numbers for fearmongering purposes.  Some of the non-related deaths classified as Covid-19 include drug overdosage, suicides, along with anyone who received a ventilator prior to passing away.  Also, worth noting that hospitals receive greater amount of public funds as an incentive for deaths that were from Covid-19. 

This time it seems, that the Al-Mighty Creator has allowed this manufactured pandemic to be used against the forces of evil.  Global shutdown certainly helped stop the spread of chaos to a degree, and less crowded areas give deep-state actors less targets to create more chaos via their false flag mass shootings and other such horrible events, while the globe goes through massive uprooting of the deep-state assets by the patriots of many countries.   

This pandemic hopefully jolted the global consciousness to come out of the crazy consumer spending frenzy (in G20 countries) of items they don’t need, using borrowed funds on credit cards.  Hopefully it gave majority humans time to sit back and ponder about existence and look at the world differently.    

Always a tragedy and extremely sad to see anyone of any color race or national origin die at the hands of police, or anyone else.  Facts point to the recent police brutality incident being deliberately orchestrated and carefully calculated at this time in 2020..  Then look at the legitimate peaceful protests conveniently hijacked by rioters, anarchists, looters, thugs, professional agitators, occupiers such as Seattle’s self declared state within a state, along with other no go zones around the US (remember many states released large number of inmates from prisons the past few months claiming to be a precaution due to Covid-19); this is exactly how rebellion started in Syria where protest movements were hijacked by insurrection forces.  Really bad things happened in Syria afterwards, and it was extremely difficult to tell which side (political govt, rebels, media, intl media, media of neighboring countries, social media etc) was telling lies or truth; reality is that no official channel was telling the truth.  Deep-state actors were heavily involved in creating chaos, false flag attacks from all sides, along with manufacturing propaganda, arming and supporting death squads, gangs, paid mercenaries. and terrorists; all sides were guilty of heinous crimes against humanity.  

Same deep-state forces today from within the US have plotted against the US to either bring it back under full deep-state control by winning back 2020 election after 2016 loss of the executive branch, or have threatened to implode the state from within.  US executive branch and US military along with any/all patriot movements and personnel in intel agencies must take this as an existential standing threat.  

Yugoslavia was a big country in Europe; when this 4th generation war doctrine was launched against it in the 90s, didn’t last for 3 years and broke apart in several pieces; hundreds of thousands lost their lives in civil war.  Deep-state has extremely evil plans from here onwards until November election, and even after that as long as media giants are allowed to spit venom via fake news, and Wall Street continues to financially empower deep-state white collar criminals, and foreign policy is dictated by lobbyists, corporate and globalist driven council on foreign relations, and other special interest groups who are absolutely anti-US and are not so hidden enemies roaming freely within. Just another 4 year term of a patriot executive admin is not enough, unrigging the entire financial economic trade security system along with rooting out deep-state elements from all govt branches and departments is needed.  Way to get there is way of truth.  Truth must be told at all cost about deep-state corruption and their methodology exposed.  High profile seditious treasonous officials exposed to the nation; can only happen if media’s license to lie, spread half truths, spin or hide the truth, their ability to subvert the facts and misdirect the nation via false talking points is first revoked.  Center of gravity to take down the deep-state lies in exposing 9/11 truth, ask all to question the fact how World Trade Center building 7 came down demolition style when no plane ever hit it, and how wide winged plane went through circular round hole of the Pentagon.  When truth will be told to the nation, there’s a chance all incumbents will be voted out of Congress, and country as a nation can have a chance to reboot itself.  

US military has a huge role to play in saving these united states from a parasitic deep-state operating for decades rotting the monetary financial economic trade systems from deep within.  Military must overtly/covertly do all it takes to first stop following deep-state foreign policy and war policy, close up all false war fronts, and back the patriots against this existential threat posed by deep-state and their full blown attempt to soften the US by systematic economic financial destruction for over 50 years and now expedited the process via deliberate pandemic and shutdown/lockdown of the nation, and then by further dividing the country on race / religious / political / class axis to create anarchy chaos and breakdown of law and order.  


Mass Collective Human Consciousness 

Truth shall prevail one day; it requires mass collective human consciousness to first realign with truth.  Hopefully this Covid-19 shutdown will help many to wake up as it gave them time to take a break from everything.  And certainly, there’s much more going on behind the scenes in the civil war (between deep-states of the world and patriots) in the upper echelons of govts around the world.  

Collective mass human consciousness has been on the path of falsehood for decades, where it taught man that debt is wealth, same sex marriage is progress, 3 person babies are smarter, false wars are needed for peace, political correctness is not suppression of truth; taught man to trust the mainstream media, politicians and History Channel blindly, freedom to lie is freedom of speech, gender change and gender neutrality is human evolution. 

Coming out of false indoctrination of this age requires massive events (cataclysms; or truth simply be told to the world – unlikely) to jolt the collective mass human consciousness.  9/11 false flag was intended to hijack global human mass consciousness and put it on a path of extreme falsehood, wars, unlimited credit creation, and then pharaohs wanted at the right time take down the US, while taking over Russian and Chinese central banks at the same time.  



Democracy was originally invented to give people a choice between 2 or more good things; it turns in to demonic-hypocrisy soon as you allow people to choose between evil and good (i.e Congress obliged / blackmailed to serve foreign lobbyists who are working against the state + special interest groups for Wall Street, big-banks, big-oil, big-pharma, big-tobacco + corporate fake news media + legalized prostitution, satanism, abortion, gambling, cancerous tobacco soda and fast(not)food + privatized central banking system and fraudulent currency and credit creation + transhumanism, gender neutrality and so many more ills in the society).   

Show me one country in the world where demo(nic-hypo)cracy has brought anything good; it has only facilitated deep-state agendas to carry out their infiltration of the monetary financial economic trade military education banking institutions and foreign policy, and have hijacked and then sold the country to the highest bidder.   

Communism, definitely evil and corrupt, but so is demo(nic-hypo)cracy which is glorified by last many generations raised on fake/false news/media.  This cancer has spread so deep that now majority countries of the world had to be shutdown/lockdown to uproot this global deep-state tumor, which is facilitated, spread, and strengthened via demo(nic-hypo)cracy.   

In 21st century we’ve seen how demo(nic-hypo)cracy helped communism and socialism be perceived as good, and exported out entire US industrial base to build up China and others; along with helping form EU dictatorship with intention to eventually replace the US on the world stage.  Deep-state’s plan was to bring down the US at this exact time in history which we are in now during Covid-19 shutdown.   

China certainly has its own deep-state for many decades, and now is struggling to keep the situation under control during this civil war in the upper echelons within their govt.  Along with creating number of tyrannical totalitarian states around the world, another purpose of Covid-19 bioweapon/method by the pharaohs was to obviously reduce world population, starting with China first.  

Communism practicing Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is an elementary student of Dems/GOP practicing demo(nic-hypo)cracy.  CCP has long ways to catch up with neocons with their hands bloodied with 9/11 false flag and subsequent wars which killed over 10 million humans and displaced 100 million humans making them refugees within their own countries.  Then look back a 100 years, this demo(nic-hypo)cracy first financed the Germans/Nazis and then took them on in two world wars, killing over a 100 million humans in a very short period of time; ending world war 2 with a finale detonating 2 atomic bombs, subjugating the mass collective human consciousness, and still was perceived as benevolent and liberators.   

Then this demo(nic-hypo)cracy went on to shape the entire world’s financial system backed by absolutely nothing, along with global news outlets with absolute fake/false news/media (Weapon of Mass Deception) the like of which the world has never seen before.  CCP is jealous of this demo(nic-hypo)cracy indeed.  The greatest victim of this demo(nic-hypo)cracy are the future generations of the world which need to be saved, because last many generations have slept behind the wheel swallowing lies, and many became content with the system of falsehood, or simply just turned a blind eye due to cognitive dissonance.    When rigorous checks are not placed in a democratic system, it will always be hijacked by the forces of evil via deception sooner or later, and average humans are not equipped with enough knowledge to make a wise choice; i.e. avg educated human is not even able to look at 9/11 facts, and figure out its a false flag and an inside job.   

So, for now the world has only seen demonic-hypocrisy with crony capitalism vs communism and socialism with dictatorships.  There has to be another way of life, a system which filters out the filth and only allows honest, qualified, competent patriots to reach public offices and bureaucratic positions; and never allows evil/falsehood to be a choice against good/truth.  

 If a system of truth is not created, this struggle waged since 2016 against deep-state has the potential to go to waste by evil/filth rising to the top via deception one more time.   

Those who think living in demo(nic-hypo)cracy allows them freedom of speech should now look at the censorship of truth on mainstream and social media platforms.  Only reason truth channels on certain platforms have been tolerated on air and the internet for last few decades is because architects of this demo(nic-hypo)cracy knew majority will still be asleep when they flip the switch and turn the system over to draconian Orwellian tyrannical dictatorship of modern digital and economic slavery in majority of the countries, and the truth channels would have helped them identify those who needed to be rounded up first.  This takeover was supposed to commence during the p(L)andemic of Covid-19; luckily deep state lost 2016 US election, hence truth channels continue to exist, and silent war rages on.   

Trump Admin – anti Deep-State Swamp, anti Federal Reserve, anti Fake News, anti Globalist 

Just like JFK who was a Democrat and said everything needed to get elected in this rigged demo(nic-hypo)cracy system, and then went after the mafia and Federal Reserve and Military Industrial Complex, but sadly was taken out.  Perhaps he had a change of heart after becoming president, or perhaps he saw the world from a different view which he was not privy to before, and decided to take on the criminal banking syndicate rather than becoming a slave to this cabal. I believe something like this happened with Trump.  At minimum he’s a bull in china shop, a disrupter of deep-state plans and their web of control.  What’s more important is to see what politicians actually do, rather than what they say.  This evil system, and swamp is so vast and deep that only way to drain it is from within, that is if mankind wants to avoid great cataclysms which will shift collective mass human consciousness to align with truth.   

Fighting against the devil requires to not befriend his henchmen or hope anything good from them.  President Trump going out of the way to befriend mass murderer Modi, who represents the deep-state within India, the big hugger, resembling a demon firmly grabbing hold of one’s soul; also by placing hopes with pharaoh’s servants in France, Macron, and in Japan, Abe was a mistake (no good came out of that).  Legitimizing occupation of Jerusalem by moving embassy there strengthened the forces of evil in the spiritual realm, and other deception specialists and antichrist’s henchmen further.  As long as Jerusalem is in the hands of those who believe not that true Messiah is Jesus son of Virgin Mary, and truly submit to the Creator-God of Abraham, deception will spread by forces of antichrist.  Those who understand not spiritual dimensions + significance of Jerusalem will become victim to antichrist forces.  Jerusalem is more than just a city, its a gateway to other realms, if controlled by the good side, peace + prosperity will spread; when controlled by oppressors, deception + war + suffering + injustices + evil becomes uncontrollable, because evil disembodied beings of greater strengths (initiated by human sacrifice by the occultists) make their way through the gateway in to our world to influence minds and hearts with extreme evil inclinations and misguidance; and blinds the average man from simple clear visible truths in plain sight, its a great invasion.  Ever wonder why now in this era evil has tilted the balance against good on a global scale so much, the like of which has never been seen in history ever before.  So, trying to clean up this physical world from wrongs but allowing evil in from spiritual realms is counterproductive.  Its like cleaning dirty pool without first stopping dirty water from coming in, so you see why so much resistance exist against truth

Taking down deep state would have been easier if the US patriot movement started to take down GOP deep-state henchmen first, while simultaneously indicting deep-state Dems.  This would have avoided deep-state’s ability to create a wider political/racial/class rift among the populace.     

Whole world is awash with global deep-state actors/leaders/servants, and any pro-human good-hearted leader has no choice but to deal with these heads of states when conducting state business, but going out of the way to befriend and place hopes of any good to come from known loyal servants of the devil is a mistake.  Mid-East and Far East royals and African leaders are also slaves to central bankers/pharaohs and will switch sides to whoever holds the power.    

After having said that, need to mention that great things have also been done by the current US admin to undo/derail the deep-state agenda in motion for over a century for a totalitarian state that was to be finally created via this pandemic, and via the financial economic trade and supply chain collapse that was in the planning to reduce the nation down to a hunger game society.  However, working against evil requires to fight evil around the world and not collude with it for any/all personal, national, short-term, and long-term interests, because evil is connected at some level all across the world.  Also, by strengthening evil in one place of the world creates self-inflicting karma at home.   

No man is perfect, and all have made mistakes, including those who may mean well for their country.  So, let’s see the track record of Trump against the deep-state, he has undone way too much of their evil design while being surrounded by many swamp creatures; i.e. undid unfair/unjust/predatory trade deals TTIP, TPP and NAFTA + bogus Climate Treaty, went after Obamacare, Syria false war wrapping up and not expanding, Afghan false war wrapping up + opium production way down, no new false war has started with Iran, North Korea or Venezuela, helped BREXIT,  bogus deep-state paid mercenaries caliphate rolled back, tariffs on China + others + desperate effort to bring back industry in the US, securing borders, initiated massive anti-narcotic ops, he is anti-NATO and EU dictatorship, anti-globalization, brought the Federal Reserve on its knees (dream of JFK, gave his life trying), allied with Russia, China and others with common interests to uproot deep-state elements in all these countries which took the entire world to be shutdown to minimize deep-state false flag ops and black ops, and reduced the movement of high-profile criminals – look at the 37k troops in Europe “exercising” during the shutdown, sent by 18 countries (30k by US alone).   Biggest of all, Trump took on the greatest weapon of the deep-state – the fake false lying forked tongue poisonous mainstream media.   

Then look at the arrests being made of gang members, and pedophile networks, and the executive orders signed against these criminal syndicates.  War against deep-state is real; look at the big earthquakes in Utah and Idaho recently, then look at their seismographs, it represents an underground nuclear-level blast and not a typical graph of an earthquake; underground vast compounds of deep-state and banker cabal (pharaohs) are known to exist in that region.  Look at the video/eyewitness destruction caused by “wildfires”, and ask yourself how can wildfires burn trees/houses/communities from inside out and cause cars to pile up on top of each other, and cause so many more anomalies.  If this struggle against deep-state is all that Trump will ever do, I think he’s done more good than any leader of any country around the world, but there’s a lot more to do in order to avoid being slaves to the central banker elite and to win this war against deep-state. 

One way to know deep-state cancer is on its last leg and on its way out is when you start to hear truth come out of mainstream media; still ways to go. 

High level view of the world if US is completely taken back by the deep-state, or dismantled; China and Russia would be next; darkness would envelope the whole world

Chinese and Russian nationalists/patriots must never align their interests with Chinese and Russian deep-state interest and objective of bringing down the US or restore complete US-deep-state rule over US, as it was up until 2016.  Global deep-state has imposed 4th generation warfare upon the US (which will move in to higher intensity 5th generation war if proper steps not taken now) to dissolve the union if the executive branch is not taken back by the pharaohs (private central bankers who control US deep-state) in 2020.  If US goes down or taken back by the deep-state, no one in the world can stop dissection of China and Russia.  

Let me tell you how, listen carefully.  Pharaohs global deep-state will create war in East of China, destabilization of Koreas and launch insurrection forces to penetrate China from the then lawless North Korea.  War in West of China by re-intensifying Afghan conflict + destabilization of Xinjiang province and Tibet, along with war on southern border of China between nuclear armed India and Pakistan.  All industrial raw material deliveries destined for China will be blocked in South China Sea and/or at their points of origin.  At the end either China will break in to 6 pieces or handover Peoples Bank of China (PBOC, central bank) to the pharaohs, means economic financial and monetary slavery forever.  

NATO stands ready to justify its illegitimate existence and will create mischief + a made up heightened threat and encroach from Western side of Russia.  EU army will be erected very quickly to join hands with NATO, millions of undocumented migrants will be given a choice to join the military to become documented permanent-residents/citizens and be used as cannon fodder + Black sea naval blockade of Russia at the Bosphorus strait.  Turkey (NATO member) would reverse its position against Russia overnight, just as Turkey aligned with Russia swiftly post attempted coup in 2016 (sponsored by NATO + pharaohs).  Ukraine (Russian gas pipeline hub to EU) will be exploited against Russia over Crimea like no one has ever seen before.  False flag attack on Russian forces/bases in Syria, and war there will intensify quickly like before and many neighboring countries will be drawn in, which will decimate entire Middle East again.  Terrorist gangs will be launched and bogus mercenary state created; this time wouldn’t be a religious state, but a secular one by unifying selected ethnicities + sects + subgroups to deceive populace further from a different angle this time, and acquire sympathy of all sides for a false common cause.  Pharaohs deep-state politicians along with terrorist-mouthpiece fake mainstream media will make the case to give this terrorist mercenary state political recognition by the UN.  A false flag attack on Saudi holy places blamed at Iran will start global Sunni Shia civil war and will decimate the entire region (Gulf states + Iran included) few more times over.  Then in this lawlessness these terror outfits will be provided advance weaponry, led by foreign covert agencies, and will be told by pharaohs to turn northward and encroach Russia from its entire southern belly, and will be given safe passage via ex-soviet states.  This is in addition to Russia having 4th generation war imposed upon it to soften the state from within.  Dont forget Russian patriots recently ousted entire treasonous govt beginning of 2020, which was infiltrated by foreign interest groups and was collaborating with pharaohs, and was ready to handover Russian central bank and remove nationalist elements within the Presidential administration in exchange for rule over Russian Federation forever as pharaohs servants.  Any skeptics must never forget USSR was the largest country on earth with 5000+ nukes, but when 4th generation war was imposed upon it, and just with one false war front in Afghanistan caused it to break in to 10 pieces.  This time pharaohs will make sure its broken in 10 additional pieces.   

All of the above + deadly viruses, and greater restrictions on human movement + false medical advice, along with lockdowns/shutdowns to meet pharaohs goals of population reduction.  Imagine the crime rate, especially with mandatory mask requirements.  Pharaohs will watch the world burn from EU and Antarctica on their favorite fake news channels.  All of this will be done on an expedited pace, because pharaohs are already 4 years behind schedule.  Rest of the world is no match against pharaohs, and top leadership of too many nations are servants of pharaohs, or extremely incompetent, along with their economic monetary financial trade systems just a flip of the switch away from collapse.  Extreme darkness would takeover all countries, peoples, and continents.   Never think God wouldn’t allow man to be enslaved by pharaohs when majority including their top leadership become content with corrupted-truth=falsehood.  Children of Israel were in enslavement for 600 years because earlier generations strayed from the path of truth brought to them by Prophet Abraham, Issac, Jacob, and Joseph (peace be upon them); and after 600 years if that one generation didn’t follow Moses (pbuh), then God knows how long more they would have been enslaved further.  Time to embrace truth and undo plans of antichrist worshipping pharaohs and their deep-states is now.  


Assessment of 4th generation war imposed upon the US

What US admin + patriots + military need to understand is when someone is firing cannonballs, you dont go start a legal proceeding and investigation against them, must defend yourself.  In this 4th generation war, long legal procedures to bring in well known traitors with a track record of lifetime activity against national interests + deep-state assets + out in the open enemies of the state treasonous fake news and social media giants proudly dismantling the state, performing the role of 5th column of the enemy with all sides including DOJ absolutely numbed is how a country disappears from the map.  Due process may take 100 years to gather evidence against these big media giants, foreign lobbyists and special interest groups + hidden/open dual citizens in political establishment not because its hard to gather proofs against them, but because their list of criminal involvement is very long and complex; however, by then there may not be a country left to prosecute them.  Can you imagine how far man has traveled away from truth, and how deadly is this weapon of fake mainstream media, where in order to communicate with his nation, President of the US is dependent upon his account on a corporate social media entity well known for its subversion and censorship of truth. 

In Syria during its 4th – 5th generation war, population was unarmed, but insurrection forces gangs terrorists mercenaries were provided weapons, look at the level of destruction there, then Russia came in and the tide turned.  In the US  population has more firearms than even the military, rightly so, but the 4th – 5th generation war will look very different from Syria, much more bloodshed chaos and destruction with no one to come from outside to save the day.  

Winning re-election is just a milestone, road to bring nation out of iron clutches of deep-state is long.  Monetary economic financial and trade systems with declining world reserve currency and petrodollar status, all have to be redone along with entire domestic policy and budget allocations + re-industrialization + national debt control, along with current anti-US foreign policy and military policy needs complete overhauling, struggle doesn’t end day after the election.  

This 4th generation war is inching towards greater intensity 5th generation war in selected parts of the country, which targets critical infrastructure – power grids, gas lines, communications networks, dams and levees + orchestrated mass shootings + violent false flag ambush style attacks on opposing political / racial groups and on law enforcement, then counter strike false flag attacks to ignite a chain reaction + fake news plays down severity of incidents, and highlights preselected news to inflame hatred and division further, and subtly redirects public anger and emotions using neurolinguistic programming techniques to encourage greater violence + train derailments, and moving vehicles use as weapons, high profile false flag assassinations including pharaohs’ own servants, and much more.  This cannot be fought and won by using civil laws against traitors and enemies of the state imbedded deep within – the 5th column.  Defend the nation by dismantling deadliest weapon of pharaohs fake mainstream media (which misguided Seniors and Baby-boomers) and truth censoring fake social media (which misguided Milennials and Generation X,Y,Z) + counter attack with propagation of uncensored truth to bring people out of compartmentalized reality, and unite them all.

Deceptive Monetary Policy = Crime against Humanity  

Behind producing real money (gold + silver + commodities) there’s human work; man creates value for the time he spends working on things; real money (gold + silver, real assets) was used to store this value inside of it; storing it in fiat paper = crime against humanity. 

Money is supposed to have intrinsic value inside the money, commonly available, easy to exchange for goods + services; besides gold + silver long shelf life items like rice, barley, dry dates, salt, oil was used as money because value of it resides inside it; where does value of fiat paper reside? it’s with the satanic pharaohs of today, in their printed unbacked inked paper.   

Man today has been taken on a ride so far away from truth via deception that he fell for crypto currencies, which is even worse, whose value reside in ether/emptiness, absolutely nothing; and infinite number of cryptos can be created by anyone; not to be confused by blockchain technology which is simply a secure method of keeping a real time register, but easily compromised via quantum computing.   

I am not sure where you stand on usury (regardless of the % rate of interest), I mean as in if you believe that a system should be created in which there’s no lending on even small percentage of interest.  Hidden tools facilitating grand theft by usurious monetary system goes beyond the interest rate, it hides behind systematic gradual currency inflation, fractional reserve-based credit creation, ability to print unlimited unbacked fiat currency, which then facilitates takeover of natural resources by chosen entities / banks / corporations.  The Creator has told us that usury is the root of great financial destruction.  It’s a mechanism for wealth transfer from 99% to the 1%, along with facilitator of monumental corruption in the society, hence, God declared war upon usury.   

Business investments and all other investments in which profit and loss are shared proportionally is what is encouraged; this is what keeps the wealth from accumulating in few hands.  After saying that, there is no limit on how much one can earn and can still be super wealthy.  When usury systems were not prevalent, some people had greater real wealth than what billionaires of today boast with their fictitious fiat paper-based assets, and/or real assets with huge mortgages which sit with the criminal banking elite as a hedge against their loyalty to the cabal.  The role of banks can simply be for all to conduct daily personal and business transactions securely for a fee, storage of real wealth (or asset backed paper wealth), insured and protected by the federal govt.   


Economic Destruction & Financial Big Picture 

Below is the most important big picture for any analyst to keep in mind when looking at the world.   
$26T US debt + $1.5T fiscal deficit/yr + $500B trade deficit/yr + $50T credited to banks post 2008 market crash + $100T social security and Medicare liability + $1.5 Quadrillion in derivatives (financial WMD) + $21T missing by 2 defense agencies + $75T printed money in circulation + Trillions and trillions printed dollars in circulation in 3rd world countries (+ by criminal syndicates) used as black currency + fiat un-backed US Treasuries (UST) are used as bank reserves around the world, and for international trade payment settlements + commodities are traded in UST, and to purchase crude oil (petrodollar); nation after nation holds UST in FOREX reserves to buy oil and commodities due to IMF blackmail; let’s not forget the $25T corporate debt + $14T consumer debt + $6T housing debt + $1.4T outstanding car loans + black holes of Fannie / Freddie / Sallie Mae; imagine the real value of this paper currency changing hands every day around the world (not zero, but way down in the negative); we have been living in a dream thinking this can continue until the day of judgement.  

On top of all that, entire industrial platform was exported out of the country and rat  / traitor / criminal infestation of all important departments of the govt, top leadership, and critical command positions for decades.  It was supposed to be the perfect plan by the pharaohs via their deep-state to bring down the US in a very short period of time at this time in history.  Plan included to bring down China and Russia by removing their nationalist govts with absolute loyalists of the pharaohs.  In other words, servant leaders who will hand over the central banks of Russia and China to these private bankers (pharaohs).   

A well thought out dismantlement plan for the Federal Reserve is what is needed in order to slow down the exchange of this fiat paper based Federal Reserve dollar around the world, and put a halt on new credit creation and end the fractional reserve lending practice; otherwise this currency will be dumped across the globe overnight and will try to find its way home, and that’s the greatest national security threat a nation has ever faced in the history of mankind; just imagine the worst hyperinflation and mad max scenarios.  Yes, other countries have similar fiat paper-based currencies, but their problems are not as big as the US.  It seems that President Trump has cut some kind of a deal with China, Russia, Japan, South Korea and with others holding large sums in UST; many like Mid-East and Far-East Royals and African nations will simply do as told by whoever holds the baton.    

Tightening of economic belt is what was the natural outcome of such monumental looming financial crisis.  What’s really needed is a plan to stop dependencies on foreign nations especially for food security and re-industrialize the country once again, along with creating an asset backed currency.  This requires patriotic leadership; hence it seems the push to kick this can down the road via the 2020 stimulus bill is to first get the president re-elected. 

Reality is that this mirage of having had a great economy is finally disappearing.  We just have to look at all the consumer spending numbers, and then look at the numbers from VISA, MasterCard, AMEX and you’ll find a close correlation, which mean massive illegal fraudulent phony credit is created by the Federal Reserve, and spent by people buying items they don’t need using their credit cards + look at the corporate debt, car loans, student loans + all budget deficits.  Then look at the Wall Street fraud (over $100 Trillion using Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation); there is no basis for the DOW-J market hype to have gone up to $25k in the first place with fraudulently created value to the stocks; then look at the plunge protection teams in place (to halt a sudden market crash) for so long to keep this deception going.  Need I mention the FOREX, Bond, UST, commodities, derivative markets false/fraudulent activity for so long.  This Ponzi scheme monetary and economic policy has been misleading the world for decades.   

Solution to the matter is to restore sense in the economic activity by removing the fractional reserve-based lending practices, and by creating a new real wealth based economic model, and asset backed monetary platform with a strong industrial base to then transfer the economy over to it. This deep-state manufactured virus has given the world govts a perfect chance to nationalize central banks and bring back industry, and encourage localized production and consumption + re-engineer all the global “just in time” supply chains to undo the deep-state pharaonic design of absolute control over all aspects of human life.   

There is massive amount of wealth in the ground, and much in the central bankers’ coffers, must be confiscated and brought out to create a real wealth based middle class; also become self-sufficient with food production – must be looked at as a national security initiative. 

Systems of Karma, Divine Justice, and Triumph of Truth 

There really are layers of systems overlapping each other in this main reality of ours which we wake up to every day and in which you are reading this article.  For example, a system of karma sits over the reality matrix, system of divine justice is also there, and system which eventually allows the triumph of truth, regardless of the amount of evil present, also exists   

Ancient perished nations had systems of evil, and it was in the open and majority of mankind was either their subjects or among those who were content with the tyrants of their time.  Simple example is tyrannical Egyptian pharaohs and content Egyptian citizens, and on the other side it was the enslaved Israelite.  However, what we are witnessing in our era is unprecedented level of corruption and inconceivable global deception which has never existed prior to this time.   

Those who wage struggle against evil must be all in to get the divine protection.  Only when one goes outside of that protection (lured by deception or lack of understanding) can harm touch him / her; however, along the way there are certain hurdles / problems / choices that come as a test to see the resolve of the individual.  Being generally discontent with deception, evil and injustices surrounding the awakened people is what led these truth seekers on this journey to wage struggle against the evil; banking cabal is at the root of all organized crime around the world.  While we go through this struggle, God allows us to purify ourselves of our own ills within, for example false national / ethnic / racial / color / class / political pride, jealousy, hatred, and our own vested interests in this system of falsehood prevalent around us.    

Man fails to see that he didn’t create himself.  Creator placed some in the most destitute of households and placed some in mansions, and many all over the economic spectrum.  Those given intellect from all walks of life must use this intellect not only for analyzing geopolitics, finance, economics and what not, but existence itself.  Why are we the way we are, and where’s all this heading, and why was this life and reality matrix created in the first place, where did it all start and what is the ultimate purpose of creation and existence of mankind on this planet.   

Go travel to the known world, and you’ll see that so many people you deal with are wolves rather than sheep, ready to rip any one off; and majority are content with the wolves who lead them. Just look how many people know that politicians they go vote for are corrupt, but still vote for them. When majority people (poor or rich) usurp against each other and harbor jealousy, hatred, selfishness, arrogance, ungratefulness, discontentment, injustices and/or simply become content with falsehood is why refined filth among them reaches to the top level, and rules them; because low level people with diseased hearts are happy that they can get away with their false and corrupt ways of life.  In the West, refined filth has been ruling the people via deception, appearing to be the best role models of humanity.   

A child who is born in to a family didn’t have a choice to be elsewhere, and is there for a particular reason, part of the greater divine design.  Anyone who categorizes a religious / ethnic / tribal / national / racial group to be superior or subhuman is insulting their Maker, Creator, Designer, God Al-Mighty; system of karma will turn against them.  One also must never respect or pay homage to criminals of any sort, race, color, political or religious affiliation.  Contemplating upon why God allowed all this to take place is what will bring understanding and true wisdom, and understanding about existence, purpose of life, and where all events of history and present are heading.   

All those who are on the path of truth, and wage struggle against evil will certainly be tested with their wealth, health and families.  This stands as a proof on day of judgement that even under dire circumstances truth seekers / lovers / propagators never wavered in their commitment.   


Key Fundamentals – Prerequisite 

Key fundamental changes are a prerequisite for truth to triumph around the world.   

  • No good can come to humans as long as the value created by human work is stored inside hollow unbacked fiat paper currency.   


  • Patriotic competent, awakened, uncorrupted, unpurchasable top leadership, which is the prerequisite for any/all good to be allowed to prime the nation, can never come until strict criteria/method is imposed in selection of candidates before their election. 


  • Dismantlement of fake news and revoking of the licenses of all global news outlets first is the only way peace, equality, prosperity, and true freedom can have a chance to flourish. 



Rectifying & Reconciling: White Hats + Patriots vs Pharaohs (central bankers) + Deep-State, Inauguration 2021, Absolute Truth is the only way forward


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    Total 2 comments
    • tonyw

      may as well have been a war..the only thing we did not experience was the physical destruction of property ..everything else is proving to be just as destructive

    • Slimey

      If you are talking about COVID choco bar. I already got a case. Yes, it’s made in America unlike the Wuhan Virus. :wink:

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