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Dispatches from Birtherstan - 30 November 2011

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And in today’s dispatches, we have the expected birther freakout about the Congressional Research Service report. Which very few of them seem to have actually read. The Pest and eFail publishes a piece from a “College Student” that would have gotten an “F” in an elementary school civics class.

Dr. Orly writes about her upcoming rejection in Georgia, while she is told by the State of Hawaii just how the cow ate the cabbage. Southern Poverty Law Center reports on Joe Arpaio’s birther whine. And Alabama is home to a new birther ballot challenge, complete with recycled lies and myths.

Boosting the signal Fellow blogger “StrangeAppar8us” over at Rumproast, is facing some serious expenses after suffering a severe injury on 3 November. If you wish to make a donation, please follow this link for more information.

29 November – And not surprisingly, the birthers are now trying to shoot down the latest CRS report. From Don Fredrick at Fake Black Army Captain Pam Barnett’s website.

“Our opponents have released another torrent of misinformation to protect their faux “President.” The misstatements and outright lies therein should make for some interesting battles.”

Translation – “Oh crap. We can’t afford to have judges taking OFFICIAL notice of this!”

“Maskell intentionally treats the terms citizenship at birth and natural born citizenship at birth as equivalent, when they are not. “

Funny how 200+ years of case law say otherwise.

“Predictably, Maskell misinterprets and misstates the Supreme Court cases United States v. Kim Wong Ark and Happersett v. Minor. “

By which they mean “stated both accurately, clearly, and correctly.”

“Further, Maskell ridicules those who rely on the use of the term natural born citizen in Emerich Vattel’s Law of Nations, arguing that an English translation of the book was not published until after the adoption if the U.S. Constitution. The Founding Fathers did, in fact, rely on Vattel but, unlike Maskell, they understood French. (Maskell apparently believes that history is relevant only if written in English.) [26859]“

Ah, so the writer ignored where Maskell not only pointed out that the French differs from the post-Constitution translation the birthers cling to, but differs from an EARLIER English translation as well.

Reading comprehension has never been a birther strong point.

“Obama’s birth in Hawaii, as provided in the official certification (or certificate) of live birth released by the Obama campaign in 2008 and attested to by Hawaii Department of Health officials, or the certified copy of the ‘long form’ birth certificate publicly shown and released on April 27, 2011.” Of course, evidence has been presented to the contrary, with more than a few document experts having shown that Obama’s birth certificates are fraudulent. “

You missed the “attested to by Hawaii Department of Health officials”, didn’t you? You know, the part that makes it a self-authenticating document according to the Full Faith and Credit clause of the US Constitution??

“That Maskell went to the significant trouble of preparing a 53-page document in defense clearly suggests that Obama and his close supporters are fearful that the issue of his eligibility is not going away.”

No, I think it means that people are getting tired of the conspiracy theory du jour being spouted by people too damn lazy to actually research the topic and find out the truth – assuming they actually cared about the truth to begin with.

29 November – At the Pest and eFail, “Chris Farrell, College Student”, needs to go back and retake classes in American government, civics, and the rule of law.

“How much more serious is the crime of fraudulently usurping the office of President of the United States of America and the military rank of Commander-in-Chief with false identification?

Abrogation is the only answer. To permit the criminal to resign or impeach the fraud, one would first need to recognize his legitimate occupation of the Oval Office which is not now and has never been the case. Everything Barry Soetoro and his illegitimate administration have accomplished while illegally occupying the White House has been accomplished while in the commission of a crime against the highest law of this land, the Constitution of the United States of America, and therefore, by definition, a high crime. He should be incarcerated in the same prison cell in Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas where Lt. Col. Lakin, surgeon in the 101st Airborne Infantry Division, was imprisoned. The 101st Airborne Division’s famous cadence called is “Pick-up your weapon and follow me; I am the Airborne Infantry!” and Lt. Col. Lakin can hear America’s response to those words loud and clear: ‘Standing by, Sir! At your command!’”

Gee, I didn’t know your college offered classes in “Military Coup 101″

“Obama’s minions will drag things out in the courts.”

Yeah, funny thing, but then the law and the Constitution is on Obama’s side…..

“Keep in mind that “After his election,…” “…Obama held a secret meeting with eight of the nine justices of the U.S. Supreme Court — from which no public information was released. The meeting was held even though there were legal challenges in which Obama was a defendant pending before the Supreme Court at the time. The attorneys for the plaintiffs never were told of the meeting or invited to participate in what critics have described as extrajudicial contact between the court and a defendant.” (‘What Did Congress Know About Natural-Born Citizen?’ 07/01/11; By Bob Unruh. WND.COM.)”

Ah yes, what a shock and amazement that the President-elect would actually want to meet with the judicial branch of the government he’s been elected to lead.

“Clearly, Gov. Abercrombie has been complicit in this, the greatest crime perpetrated against ‘We the People’ in American history. You may recall his broadcasting that he, and I paraphrase, ‘was going to get to the bottom of the birth certificate thing’; then he came out and reported that ‘his people’ were unable to locate the original long-form birth certificate.”

Some also needs to retake their history classes, since Linda Lingle was Hawaii’s governor when Obama was elected.

“All the while, Dr. Jerome Corsi had an undercover detective working in the very building where the birth certificate should have been.”


“Dr. Corsi’s mole was able to get into the very filing cabinet where, were there one, it should have been – with a cell phone in one hand and a camera in another, but no birth certificate. Then at a later date the same detective called Dr. Corsi with the drawer to the filing cabinet open in front of him and reported that he was looking at the birth certificate. I would imagine he took pictures. “

I would imagine that Corsi was lying though his teeth when he pulled his out of his pasty ass.

“Could this be anything but a conspiracy to contravene the Constitution? Gov. Abercrombie should be persecuted for treason. The hospital administrators in Hawaii and responsible administrators at Columbia, Occidental and Harvard Law School should too be prosecuted if it is found that Barry’s records show his higher education was financed by Islamic interests or if they have been aware all along that he was registered as a foreign student while attending their respective institutions.”

Wow. Someone wants on the front line of the anti-Obama jihad here.

“When Mr. Soetoro/Obama’s crime is legally recognized, would you then proceed as president – compliant to the oath you would necessarily take to defend the Constitution – with the retroactive ABROGATION through EXECUTIVE ORDER of the unconstitutional election of the fraud and all that the criminal’s illegitimate administration has accomplished while illegally occupying the Oval Office?”

Ah, the magic reset button strikes again.

“If Congress continues to neglect its duty to perform an investigation – as Dr. Charles Rice of Notre Dame School of Law said, and I paraphrase – ‘an investigation by a House Committee would be a proper exercise of Congress’ ‘informing function’ – and conduct forensic analysis for the purposes of authentication and validation of THE ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS that Barry has presented as evidence of his status as a natural-born Citizen, then American patriotic defenders of the Constitution must consider the possibility of resorting to actions not dissimilar in spirit to those of the patriots who conducted the original Boston Tea Party, a commando raid conducted by volunteer citizen militiamen who risked their lives and liberty for God and country.,”


“Another dimension of this travesty of justice is only now beginning to be discussed: If it is true that this imposter, Mr. Barack, or Barry, ‘King Hussein,’ Obama/Soetoro, who attended Muslim madras schools for 6-8 of his formative years in Indonesia – schools where students bow down in the direction of Mecca several times a day and pray to the Moon-god, Allah; schools with one book: the Koran; schools wherein young men are indoctrinated into the ideological beliefs of our enemy, the cult of Islam, has committed the most notorious crime in history, then America’s national security administrators must consider the probability that Barry’s deception was nothing less than a Muslim’s covert operation while walking in Islamic taqqiya. The ‘Manchurian’ Muslim from Mombassa cannot be set free, for he has availed himself of far too many state secrets, the release of which would imperil our national security.”

“….but we’re not racist, honest!!!”

29 November – Dr. Orly reports about her upcoming failure in Georgia. (malware and redirect warning)

Posted on | November 29, 2011 | 2 Comments
I was granted a right to represent clients at a trial regarding
Obama’s eligibility to be on the ballot in GA. This case is going to trial”

Actually it’s going to hearing first, and if the judge decides there’s enough evidence and proper standing, then it might go to trial.

“Lead plaintiff is David Farrar, retired employee of the court. Obama is represented by a private attorney Michael Jablonski. As a candidate he cannot use the department of justice to represent him. He has to pay private attorneys.”

Yeah, funny how that works. And it also means that they can ask for attorney fees for you wasting their time as well.

“I am experiencing problems, in that the pleadings are missing, were not provided to the judge, were not docketed. Amended motion is missing. after no sleep and a red eye flight I’ve been running aound between the Office of the chief elections officer, Fed Ex offices, looking for pleadings, court house. Not sure, what is going on, I don’t know, how pleadings could disappear.”

Well, I suspect it has something to do with the fact you’re a screaming incompetent with the organizational skills of a tub of bait.

And in comments:

“i know whats going on.. the legal system is screwing you again.. MAN i pray for this to end and see that usurper behind bars or dead.. preferably dead by firing squad ..

And today’s visit from the secret service goes to…..

29 November – Needless to say, the people at Birther Report are less than happy at the latest Congressional Research Service report.

“Anonymous said…
Jack Maskell is writing is own Constitution.

If this guy is in the Virginia Bar, please contact the Virginia Bar and have him brought up on ethics charges.

Any lawyer, in any state, just cannot make up laws that they are sworn to uphold.
November 29, 2011 8:00 PM

“Wahhh! How DARE he accurately and correctly cite case law and the US Constitution! It’s unethical of him to actually follow the law!”

“cfkerchner said…
The new Maskell CRS Memo is laced with false premises and disinformation just like his others on the NBC issue and Obama. For example a “Citizen” at Birth is not logically identically equal to a “natural born Citizen” at Birth. Adjectives mean something and the adjectives “natural born” before the word Citizen mean something very special but not rare. The vast majority of U.S. Citizens are natural born Citizens of the USA. The former legal term Citizen at Birth is created by manmade positive law such as statutes, amendments, treaties, etc., made by man. The latter, a natural born Citizen, is created by nature and the laws of nature, not man. Read my essay on the logical fallacy the Maskell is pushing on that one point. There are many more false premises in his memo including his equating Subject and Citizens. Unbelievable that we taxpayers have to pay to be bamboozled by lawyers like this fellow:


P.S. And of course Maskell does not address the identity fraud and election fraud of Obama in his use of false identity documents such as a forge BC, using s SSN legally not issued to him, and fraudulently back dating his draft registration filing with his helpers in the Chicago IL regional Selective Service office. He is conveniently silent on that.
November 29, 2011 8:27 PM

Shorter Charles Kerchner – “Mario said it, I believe it, that settles it. Don’t confuse me with the facts”

“Anonymous said…
If, what Jack Maskell writes is true, anyone “accidentally” or otherwise, born in this country by an illegal alien could be eligible to become the POTUS. That can’t be the case. God help us if it is.
November 30, 2011 5:30 AM

It actually is the case. Cope.

“Matt said…
The fact the they went to the trouble of making a 53 page report to counter the NBC issue speaks for itself. They are feeling the pressure and I would say worried.
November 30, 2011 5:48 AM

The fact that the birthers are bellowing like newly castrated bulls over this report tends to lead me to suspect they’re a bit on the nervous side. But then most of them have to know they’re following a pack of lies.

Also, it’s interesting to note how many of the birthers are claiming that the report doesn’t mention Minor v Happersett, or de Vattel, when there are several pages covering those topics. Almost like, oh, I dunno, they didn’t actually bother to READ any of it….

29 November – Southern Poverty Law Center reports that Joe Arpaio is upset that nobody except World Nut Daily is reporting on his cold case birther posse.

“Arpaio’s lust for publicity is all very odd, given that his office initially minimized the probe as nothing special. In September, Arpaio spokesman Sgt. Jesse Spurgin told Hatewatch that the department asked the sheriff’s all-volunteer “Cold Case Posse” to review claims Obama’s certificate was a fake, but only after a local Tea Party group requested. He went to great pains to characterize the review as nothing more than an “inquiry.”

Now, WND is touting thousands of pages of documents the investigation has allegedly uncovered, and a looming “Obama surprise.” WND has also reported that Arpaio is investigating whether Obama “is using a fraudulent Social Security number … as well as whether the birth certificate issued by the White House on April 27 is a forgery.”

Obama released his long-form birth certificate in April, but WND publisher Joseph Farah – who sponsored billboards with the text “Where’s the birth certificate?” – continued to indulge his obsession. To justify it, he claimed to be following the prompting of a “skeptical public” eager for someone to press Obama on his birthplace.

But as often happens with WND, it’s hard to gauge what is true and what is fantasy. Arpaio was in New Hampshire with Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s campaign staff on Tuesday and unavailable for comment. Spurgin, the department’s spokesman, also claimed to know nothing of the developments.”

29 November – And Alabama is next up on the ballot challenge parade, according to birther report

The comments are kinda fun, because guess who shows up?? None other than “One Pissed Off Vietnam Vet” himself, Thomas MacLeran.

“OPOVV said…
Anon 9:08 (aka OBOT)

What is unfortunate is that there are Obots in a country that they hate and so they will defend a Marxist that is hell bent on distorting the country.

Yes, I know that you hate American because my mother is an Obot and has always said she hates America. She is 92 years old and losing her mind. What is your excuse.

You can try to nitpick legal points, but the truth is still that you are defending a lie.

This case will move forward and you will have to change your under ware.
November 29, 2011 11:39 PM

Once again, we see the deep love for family running though many of the birthers.

As for the complaint itself, scribed link is here, filed by Dr. Orly’s favorite skip tracer, Al Hendershot. It’s six pages, and contains the SSN binky, Donofrio’s misquote of Minor v Happersett, the Indonesian adoption and loss of US citizenship myth, the Pakistan travel ban myth, and the foreign scholarship april fools joke.

Which reminds me, we’re seeing a lot of the “moldy oldies” being recycled of late. Having scraped the bottom of the barrel, are the birthers starting to rehash the old, long-since debunked claims in hopes that nobody will notice?? Or are they so desperate they’re picking up the dried birther turds to fling them again??

30 November – Reports from courtroom observers in Hawaii state that Dr. Orly’s hearing consisted of a 30 minute law lecture directed towards Dr. Orly. She has withdrew her motion pending amendment and resubmission.

Read more at Bad Fiction


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