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Pro-life blog buzz 6-13-14

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by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli

We welcome your suggestions for additions to our Top Blogs (see tab on right side of home page)! Email [email protected].At Priests for Life, Fr. Frank Pavone calls for civil disobedience in response to the recently passed New Hampshire “bubble zone” law that bans pro-lifers from coming within 25 feet of an abortion facility: 

This is an unjust law, not only from the perspective of free speech, the regulation of which must be content-neutral in order to be Constitutional, but also from a perspective that is antecedent to the Constitution…. This law attempts to stop those who are trying to save human lives, and therefore violates natural justice.Because of its injustice, and because of the teaching of the Church that calls for conscientious objection to such laws, this law has no claim on conscience and should be directly disobeyed and violated.”

The Passionate Pro-Lifer says Oprah Winfrey has joined the list of billionaire philanthropists who are contributing to population control and family planning efforts worldwide through the Global Health Initiative (or “Obamacare on steroids”): Why Oprah Winfrey wants to stand shoulder to shoulder with people who… “support GHI projects, fund China’s brutal population control, but also engages in forced sterilization, coercion, bribery, and eugenics throughout the developing world” is a question she should be encouraged to answer.

At National Review, Michael J. New points out that Guttmacher’s latest numbers show a reduction in teen pregnancy rates. But predictably, they credit this reduction to increases in contraceptive use with no mention of the decrease in teen sexual activity rates. Among the factors that have likely contributed to the teen pregnancy decline are an increase in abstinence and an increase in the enactment of parental involvement laws. has a thought provoking post entitled, “10 Ways the Pill Kills Marriages”, which states that “divorce rates skyrocketed over 300% within three decades of the Pill being introduced”.
CEC for Life discusses the lies being told about pro-lifers by Alabama abortionists who hope to convince a judge that the real reason their clinics can’t seem to stay open isn’t because of unethical practices – it’s because of those “pesky (pro-life) protesters.”
ProWomanProLife wonders why Quebec just legalized euthanasia, linking to an article by Margaret Sommerville, in which she states:

I predict history will see each society’s decision about euthanasia as its turning-point values decision of the 21st century.

PWPL responds, “[I]s not legalizing killing of elderly and infirm on their choice a logical outcome of a society that has had legalized killing of babies for decades?”
Real Choice says there is no comparison – pregnancy resource centers are much safer for women than abortion clinics:

No woman has ended up with a hysterectomy or a colostomy because she visited a CPC. No woman has ended up with her life in a tailspin because she visited a CPC. No woman has ended up in her grave because she trusted a CPC. Many have been helped, a few have been irritated. And that’s it.

Secular Pro-Life and The Vine both discuss the new People of Choice website, which draws attention to the vulgarity found in the pro-choice movement. Warning: not suitable for children.
Pro-Life Wisconsin shares their commercials produced through their educational True to Life Media campaign.
Pro-Life Action League launches a new video series featuring “eight former abortion workers [who] tell the stories of why they left the abortion industry and became advocates for life”:


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