Jade Helm - See I Told you so
As I said way back on April 25th – The Jade Helm fear Mongers – were as I said – full of crap. Big Brother doesn’t telegraph when he is coming to get you. As I said – These Charlatans – Patriots for profit loonies are the reason I walked away from 200 radio stations in 2004. Nobody ever holds these fear peddlers accountable… I guess folks are just STUPID? I heard some of them walking it back… saying that maybe it was 60/40 then 50/50 – But they made fortunes selling the lies. I am going still on GCNlive.com under Homeland security Radio if you want truth and no more lies and hyped up BS…. tune in! –Roger Fredinburg
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You didn’t tell me anything …. You are the dummie that is full of it ! Haven’t you got enough sense to … never-mind ….. All of the equipment has been rolled into place … the stage is set … the electronics were tested … our pulse was taken …. your contribution to the pulse was nil …. take this article and hang it on your ego wall …. see how long it takes for all to come tumbling down………………..idiot !
That’s pretty rich considering you often hassle other commentators for ignoring the topic and personally attacking the writer. Have you decided to reveal your hypocrisy or are you only now figuring out what B4IN is all about? If so then there’s a few people you owe apologies to.
“mike” is most likely that fat idiot Dave Hodges using a pseudonym.
He’s always trolling whoever says that Fatty hodges is full of, well, Hodges.
Now he’s here to defend his moneymaker of the Summer.
Last year Ebola, this year Jade Helm. Can’t wait for that fat used feminine hygiene product comes up with to separate idiots from their money.
Yeah “mike” probably is Dave Hogs. No matter how obvious the things are that are right in his face he refuses to accept them. His agenda is obvious. Such a sad existence he must have to spend his time defending disinformation shills.
MAYHEM – SQUIRREL – CLUCKHEAD – ET AL : Your purpose for existence as dis-information agents is about over now … a matter of days. Who will be the first to break away from the troll-brotherhood to the light and to the truth and to reality ? Mayhem is my guess.
Please hold your breath while you wait for that to happen.
I’ll check in on you in a few days.
Whatcha gonna do brother, when the Ultimate Clucker and Squirrelmania run wild, on You?
“Please hold your breath while you wait for that to happen.
I’ll check in on you in a few days.”
“Whatcha gonna do brother, when the Ultimate Clucker and Squirrelmania run wild, on You?”
I’ll tell you what he’s gonna do…
fold like a b*tch and get taken out by the leg drop of doom.
You’ll come a gutser nine times out of ten, mike, when you second guess me.
What truth and reality are you on about? Please tell me it’s about the FEMA guillotines.
still in denial….sad.
That’s a river in Egypt isn’t it? Well i’m nowhere near there and what’s to deny? Jade Helm is just about over and the round-up to extermination hasn’t happened. I’ll tell you something that’s undeniable, you’re stupid.
Let’s sort this one out … Mayhem says Nuts is undeniably stupid, but Mayhem does not know that Nuts was referring to me… therefore according to Mayhem himself … Mayhem must be truly undeniably stupid to stupidly call someone else stupid who was not stupid…. does that make sense , or is all stupidity deniable ?
Anyway … you can’t fix it … now, that’s undeniable !
Oh deary me did i make a boo boo? To be fair when i wrote that comment it did look like Y.P.A.N was talking to me but regardless i’ll take that one on the chin. My bad!
Cowardice, complacency, apathy and stupidity are the real threat… Bet you have never been to a City Counsel School Board or County Board meeting… THAT IS THE PROBLEM… want to fix it… get off your ass and get involved – The enemies never miss a meeting
Jade Helm was an ilegal exercise, and they got away with pulling it off, showing that they can do what they like with no fear of the public and the exercise has not ended, I’ve not heard any horror storys yet, but theirs still plenty of time, so we DUMMIES still have reason to fear the worlds most deadly terrorists, THE AMERICAN GOVERNMENT.
Don’t pat yourself on the back just yet, their a twist coming.
Morgawr agreed, illegal, agreed not over. But the purpose they advertised, “extraction,” (snatch missions, death squad stuff) was a cover story.
We have soldiers “blending in” and foreign troops and military equipment deployed for a reason. The government expects a cataclysmic natural disaster.
As I’ve said before, the government wasn’t planning for WW3, because that would begin with a decapitation strike, a sneak attack. It would not be telegraphed in advance by troop deployments.
The government wasn’t planning for an economic crash, because they don’t want everyone to realize that such things are planned.
The government wasn’t planning for a Yellowstone eruption, because they moved some offices closer instead of further away.
The twist is, Planet X will get within range and its charge will repel Earth’s charge and flip our planet. For the first time in around 12,000 years.
True …. If Dave Hodges really wanted to scare us he would say that Jade Helm is a cover to set up martial law to protect us from ourselves as the effects of Planet X become obvious. The government does lots of planning with the knowledge that they have withheld from us.
Mike you are a gay loser. I bet Mike look like guy on Quaker Oat canister.
Smart …. jump in there with anti-gay and anti-Quaker rhetoric … TROLL ALERT DISRUPTION …
Did you expect something else from this schmuck? Another one-note band, offering SFA to the conversation.
You “wallked away” and, yet, you keep reading the information these alleged ‘stupid’ people publish. There’s goes your credibility, eraser head.
Of course nothing was going to happen. Age old tactics. Divide and conquer is one. Getting your enemy to lower their guard by giving them a false sense of security is another. I’ve always liked the way Raptors were portrayed in Jurassic Park. The attack doesn’t come from the Raptor in front of you, but from the side by the 2 you don’t even know were present. I would be willing to bet the enormous movement of equipment all over the U.S in recent months hasn’t been for a training exercise. What they are really up too, I have no clue. My guess is that every major country in the world is preparing for a potential large scale war. Don’t have to be a rocket scientist to see the writing on the wall. The statistical probability is the highest it has been in my lifetime since I was a kid back in the early 80′s. There is no question an instability exists right now that is like a powder keg. Like a lot of people, I just have a strange gut instinct telling me something. I really cannot pinpoint it but have never felt it before. Not like this and it has been building over the last 5 or 6 years now. Perhaps the gmo food has finally screwed me up real good like. lol
U said- “Nobody ever holds these fear peddlers accountable”
And when the fear-mongers are held to account they say ….
well …u can guess the answer
That is like crying about the National Enquirer, but all the kids here probably aren’t old enough to even know what that was.
You are somewhat correct. Most information posted on alternative news sites must be viewed with heavy suspicion. Occasionally you will come across a gem amongst the rocks. This is why I like to scan the various news sites from the alternative and main stream. You have to research any topic that you want to put weight into. Now Jade Helm, no one ever said it was a government take over. I read dozens of articles discussing how this is a training exercise for civil war in internal conflict. Only a fool would deny that. But of course it wasn’t a take over. I Ben Obama is not that stupid.
@tattiio – I agree with you. Everything we read or hear in the news, not just on BIN, need to be viewed with heavy suspicion. But with Jade Helm, the degree of suspicion is even greater because we have a president that no American can trust. I doubt that military personal and excercises are designed for our own homeland security purposes and for the protection of the American citizen. If that is actually the case, then what are we preparing for? In Obama’s mind, we the American people are his greatest threat. So to everyone else that is in denial in regards to JH15 or FEMA camps etc., this is why most of us are so skeptical of anything to do with our military on our own homeland, questions need to be answered and if they are not, then this leads to all the speculation that we are seeing. America can be defeated by a traitor from the inside, especially when most of the American people aren’t aware of that fact right now.
They said we would be rounded up and put in camps or secret Wal Mart underground jails? NUTZSO Inc.
lmao BIN stays amusing.
oh my god… are you all really that stupid ?
Jade Helm isnt over.. it was called a DRILL
it was used to put all the manpower and supplies in place… the drill is over..
now the real fun begins… the clock is ticking…
Dummies are those that think the military needlessly ,at great expense , were moving massive assets around the USA for no reason .
You under estimate how good they are at wasting the tax dollars in their annual budget.
They have to justify their budget, for next year. It’s not as though they’re fighting multiple wars, this year. Gotta keep them boys busy.
I like reading Fat Hodges articles. That way, you know exactly what isn’t going to happen. Like Comet Ison, like Ebola, like FEMA camps during Jade Helm. I know Dave used to work in the bakery of the Glendale Wal-Mart. Maybe he should return there.
Planet X – Ebola – fema camps – and Jade Helm are all still in place. Wake up !
Let me REPEAT – All of you loonie tuners were saying that they were going to round us up – Wal-Mart’s were being converted into internment centers – Plastic coffins were being staged – and by Sept 15, we were going to be toast… Let me say again… YOU WERE WRONG – Now get your lazy asses down to those School board, City Counsel, and County board meetings – stop being whiner… GO TAKE YOUR COUNTRY BACK and stop the Kooky tin foil hat crap… PLEASE!
WOW! DO YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO ONCE THE COLLAPSE STARTS? LEARN… Here is a snipet of a story linked below. You tell me, this isn’t the best real world story on what to do….
THE Federal Government GAVE LOCAL POLICE STATIONS Military High Powered War Grade WEAPONS BECAUSE THEY KNOW THIS IS THE ONLY WAY U.S. CITIZENS CAN PHYSICALLY TAKE OUR NATION BACK BY FORCE, AND KICK THE GOV OUT OF OUR CITIES! NO Law Enforcers WITH Weapons=NO Forcible Gov LAWS-RIGHT? THIS IS THEIR VERY WEAKNESS U.S. CITIZENS WERE NOT SUPPOSE TO KNOW! Think for a moment. (Do you really think they gave these war weapons to hold for the Army or Military? No-Used Against You!)
If your Local Police are already Gathered in force, here are some Very Simple steps YOU can take to Corner and Control THEM; vs THEM Controlling you. Remember, For Citizens Freedom and Victory, YOU HAVE TO CONTROL THEM! If you can “Contain” them inside their very own Buildings, they can do NO harm to you! READ THE BELOW COMMENTS FOR MORE LIFE SAVING REAL WORLD TACTICS WHAT TO DO IN YOUR VERY OWN CITY! Little Small town USA like yours is the Real Ground Zero for Freedom!
-Stop ALL police vehicles from leaving their parking lots (no movement anywhere) (Abandening vehicles close to each other so they can not drive around/thru them to “Spread” their criminal actions against anyone. But remember to remove the keys so they can not move them easily);
-Block their police vehicles from refueling at gas stations (no gas no control) (Abanden 10+ cars all around the hose/nossels; no access to refuel (Remember take the keys);
-Disable their vehicles so they can not be driven to harm anyone (flat tires,etc…);
-Stop their electric power to their station so they have no Lights/Computers/Heat/Air;
-Remove Outside Communication Wires/Antennas (no way to talk/plan harm against us);
-Stop food from going into Resupplying them (starve them into submission);
-Stop/Cut Off their Water Supply from entering their Location (no water=no life for long);
-Stop everyone from entering/leaving Location so they GET NO SLEEP/Fresh Personnel (they can not last long w/o sleep);
And read more… IT WORKS IN ANYTOWN USA! Knowing once something starts, its too late for you LEARN HOW TO EASILY STOP THEM…
Bless you and your family and “We The People” regain our Freedom from the Criminal US Gov…
With all due respect for level-headedness,
in respect to…
ubiquitous cameras
smart meters
the 29 Palms questionnaire
…what change have you effected, at the grassroots level, Mr. Fredinburg.
Imagine giving civilians this same advice, under notorious, historical, or foreign administrations.
I broke the news on 29 Palms in 1993 – 1st host out with the story – folks like Art Bell, Bill O’Reilly and even Joyce Riley and many others got their start on my show.. I put 5 Statewide initiatives on the Ballot in Oregon and fought for Land Use freedom and won a Supreme Court decision against the FDIC – what did you do?
If something like “Jade Helm” and “Ebola” explodes into Alternative News, you can be sure that they are doing it on purpose to test your reactions to the news. People like Hodges and the ladies on top at BIN are paid by them to create fear and observe the alternative community reaction. They are gathering information for their final move. If they simply wanted you dead or rounded up in Wal-Marts you would be by now.
We are marching on like sheeple to the slaughter of the New World Order. Just blindly following our government and the world; not asking questions and relying on our cellphones; our iPods; our reality TV; our sports teams. Relying on EVERYTHING OTHER than the one who craves relationship with us…..
God created you to know him personally. Psalm 139:13-14 “You created every part of me and put me together in my mother’s womb.”
John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son so that whosoever would believe in him would not perish but have everlasting life.”
Jesus Christ is God’s only solution for our Sin.. For the wages of sin is death. He died in our place
Romans 5:8 “But God showed hsi great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while were still yet sinners.”
He rose from the dead:
1 Corinthians 15: 3-6 “Christ died for our sins.. he was buried, and he was raised from the dead on the third day…He was seen by Peter and then by the twelve apostles.. After that he was seen by more than five hundred”
Through Jesus alone we can know God personally and experience God’s love.
John 4: 6 “Jesus said to them, ‘ I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
We must believe in and receive Christ.
John 1:12 “to all who received him, he gave the right to become children of God. All they had to do was to trust and believe in Jesus to be saved.”
We receive Christ by FAITH
God promised eternal life to all who receive Christ
1 John 5: 12-13 “Whoever has God’s Son has life; whoever does not have His Son, does not have life. I have written this to you who believe in the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life.”
Analyze your fecal matter
Eat More GMO
Eat More GMO
Chick-fil-a for dinner tonight!!!
Hi Scanner …. I got a burn on BIN today for allowing the top article about the Pope with no documentation … a deliberately false article … You were largely right about BIN. Anyway …. check out the following Youtube video as I believe it is our first view of the incoming Nemesis … ” Indonesian sky on Sept 13 th 2015 Nibiru midday great footage ” talk about hell-fire from above ………….
Right- on …. non-adjectivally speaking………………
SPOT ON, MIKE…the turkey above is a shill for the regime…he is trying to bring disgrace and humiliation on the patriots/truthers, etc. …this is a planned psyop…to discredit we the people…
Ignore him…he will go away… L.
No very christian of you to be name calling people.
Also, if you are such a patriot, why aren’t you living in the US?
Jesus Christ called the ‘religious pharisees, etc.’ which you are, squirrely guy, > ‘vipers’, ‘hypocrites’, ‘demons’…you are perverted, pathetic soul in need of a savior, how’s that…better?…As to me living in the U.S. – you don’t have to live in the U.S. to be a PATRIOT, pAL…THAT JUST SHOWS YOU, YOU DON’T HAVE A CLUE WHAT THAT WORD MEANS!…;) l.
Patriots defend their countries from within.
Having a bunch of killers as ancestors does not make one a Patriot.
I don’t think that word means what you think it does.
Living in the US may not be a requirement, but it sure helps, if you hope to actually earn the title of “Patriot”. Otherwise, you’re just a loudmouth, yelling from a distance.
Do you ever stop feeding on your own feet, Layna?
from here, again, the upvotes for true patriots, are being blocked, on here…I have tested it…my vote up for you Mike, became a downvote…you people who do this kind of thing, God will deal with you…Alex is right…you are scum…and you can only do this, becuz, you haven’t got an honest bone in your bodies…and no pots to piss in…well, does Alex say about you…when he quotes ‘first they ignore you, then, they mock you, then, they attack you, then, you win!…we are winning and they are losing it!!!… L.
ugh….. do you really have to go on a drunken diatribe once again?
You were much nicer when you were playing in that Mask movie with Cher
You and Charlie Sheen both, Layna…
… winning
She went from zero to twatwaffle, in three comments. I think we have a record…..
Thanks Layna …. in this forum, down votes are a badge of honor and you are getting your share … keep up the good comments. Only one vote matters …. and it ain’t the one the 69-ing squirrel is casting.
Want to learn what Jade Helm is leading up to? https://youtu.be/DBwdSNEt5Ro
I may not agree with some points but I certainly and absolutely agree with the major overarching point of it is time that we get back involved in our civic duties to right this ship of state.
That is why the founders constituted this nation the way they did.
Praise God!
Long Live the Republic1
Long Live what republic?
True it dosn’t SEEM there is nothing going further with Jade Helm..maybe because as mike said ..the stage is set……places everyone..the curtains about to open.
Even after the fact no one realizes that JADE meant Just Another Damn Exercise.