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The Coup: What Trump "Gets"

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TPATH Contributor

Joan Swirsky 


Only Donald Trump Can Counter the Coup D’état of 2008

May 17, 2016~TPATH~ Of the 16 “establishment” candidates the non-politician businessman Mr. Trump defeated to become the presumptive Republican presidential nominee of 2016, he, more than any of his former rivals, seems unabashedly patriotic, a man who appreciates, takes pride in, and feels deeply about America’s illustrious (and complicated) history. That history includes:

The Revolutionary War from 1775 to 1783, in which just a few brave souls broke from England in their successful quest for independence and freedom.

The Industrial Revolution from about 1760 to about 1840, which radically transformed America from primarily an agrarian culture to one driven by manufacturing and paving the way for our country’s wealth.

The Civil War from 1861 to 1865, in which our divided country was ultimately reunited and slavery abolished.

The women’s suffrage movement that began in 1840 and in 1920 resulted in the right of half our citizens to vote.

World War I (the Great War) from 1914 to 1918, which resulted in the collapse of the Russian Empire in 1917, the German and the Austro-Hungarian Empire in 1918, and the Ottoman Empire in 1922, and nearly 10 million deaths, including 116,516 Americans.

The Great Depression of 1929 that began in America after a fall in stock prices and metastasized into a worldwide catastrophe resulting in widespread welfare-relief programs and the rise of anti-capitalist, pro-Communist thinkers like Karl Marx.

World War II, 1939 to 1945, began in September 1939 when Germany, under Adolf Hitler and his Nazi regime, invaded Poland and France, pummeled England, and subsequently attacked and conquered Denmark, Norway, Belgium, the Netherlands, and France. The conflict involved the majority of the world’s nations and was marked by the Holocaust (in which 11-million perished, including six-million Jews), the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and 50-to-85-million fatalities––the deadliest conflict in human history. The Axis nations of Hitler’s Germany, Japan (under Emperor Hirohito and his Prime Ministers Tojo and Konoe), and Italy (under Mussolini) fought the Allied nations (England, the United Kingdom, the Soviet Union, and the United States of America, among others). The conflict concluded on September 2, 1945, with the official surrender of the last Axis nation, Japan.

The Korean War from 1950 to 1953 was between North and South Korea. A United Nations force, led by the United States, fought for the South, and China, assisted by the Soviet Union, fought for the North. The war ended in 1953, with the establishment of a Demilitarized Zone. But no peace treaty was ever signed so the two Koreas are technically still at war.

The Vietnam War from 1959 to 1975 pitted forces trying to unify the country under Communist control against the United States (aided by the South Vietnamese) trying to prevent the spread of Communism. While fought nobly for a noble cause, the war lost the support of the American public, and although U.S. and South Vietnamese forces won the Tet Offensive launched against them in 1968, President Johnson’s decision not to run again for president served to weaken U.S. resolve to win the war. His successor, President Nixon, started to withdraw U.S. troops in 1969, the last one leaving in 1973. The war ended in 1975 with Vietnam being unified under a single Communist government.

The War in Afghanistan from 2001 to 2014 was launched by President G.W. Bush in response to the attack on America on September 11, 2001. Its goal was to dismantle al Qaeda and the Taliban.
The Iraq War, 2003 to essentially the present, was also launched by Pres. G.W. Bush to rid the Mideast of weapons of mass destruction––which every intelligence agency in the world said existed––and to bring democracy to the Mideast. The conflict toppled dictator Saddam Hussein, but today Iraq is plagued by ongoing sectarian conflicts and the deadly presence of ISIS (the Islamic State of Syria).

All this is not to omit our country’s society-altering decade of the 1960s, in which the advent of The Pill, the Women’s Movement, the rise of the two-income family, men landing on the moon, the Black Power movement, the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Robert Kennedy––all transformed our country profoundly, including the beginning of what has today become the seemingly irreparable breach between the perpetually seething and “victimized” left and, today at least, the ineffectual and accommodating right.

I mention these momentous events because it reinforces the amazing fact that that after only 240 years, our embryonic Republic has achieved what thousands of years of the continents of Asia, Africa, South America, Antarctica and “enlightened” Europe and Australia only long and lust for––unprecedented freedom, unparalleled military strength, immense wealth, tremendous generosity, spectacular innovation, and a populace––save for a few in the professional victim class––who wake up every day and go to sleep every night praising God for being Americans!  


The coup d’état of 2008! Before that fateful year, America had experienced just about everything (see above) but not a coup. The term itself is defined as a sudden and often violent overthrow of an existing government by a small group. If you never heard or read about the Obama coup d’état, it is because this coup was anything but typical, and also because the leftwing media, which largely shills for every leftwing scheme, failed utterly to report the truth of this attempt to overthrow the America they loathe but most of the rest of us love and cherish.

Not convinced? See last week’s headlines about how the traitorous Ben Rhodes and his boss in the Oval Office purposely lied to the American public about the catastrophic deal with genocidal Iran, jihad capital of the world, and relied upon the craven media to perpetuate those lies, which they did.

Instead of being led by a small group of militaristic fanatics who, like Communists Fidel Castro and Che Guevara, violently seized power in Cuba in 1959, or the many other anarchists, nihilists, and political fanatics who followed the same template––Wikipedia spells out here in detail all the coups that have taken place since before the Common Era until today––the Obama coup had been precisely conceived, meticulously planned, and covertly financed for well over 75 years, and then seamlessly executed without a bullet being fired!

It is not that the term coup d’état has never been used in the modern political history of the United States of America. In 1992, Alan J. Weberman and Michael Canfield wrote a book entitled “Coup D’état in America: The CIA and the Assassination of John F. Kennedy.” No need to elaborate on this self-explanatory title.

But that was the last century. More recently, in 2013, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, American economist, journalist, blogger, and former United States Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy under President Reagan in 1981, wrote an explosive article, “The Unspoken Truth: Coup D’ état in America,” which stated: “The American people have suffered a coup d’ état, but they are hesitant to acknowledge it. The regime ruling in Washington today lacks constitutional and legal legitimacy. Americans are ruled by usurpers who claim that the executive branch is above the law and that the US Constitution is a mere ‘scrap of paper.’”

The same year, on June 7, 2013, conservative radio broadcaster, Rush Limbaugh, cited Herbert Meyer, who was “instrumental in establishing Reagan administration policies that brought down the Soviet Union,” and an article Meyer had written in The American Thinker in which he asserted that essentially what has taken place in America since 2008 is, indeed, a coup. “Not a violent coup…but nevertheless a takeover of a government, and it’s being done by the Obama administration.”

And this month, former Clinton insider Larry Nichols says he no longer supports either Bill or Hillary and reveals why he has switched his allegiance to Mr. Trump. “We are at the beginning of a velvet or silent coup,” Nichols says, “It’s been going on for years. There’s been a slow subtle takeover of our form of government…[but] if we don’t stop Hillary, it’s over.”


In campaigning for the presidency in 2007-08, then-Senator Obama exhibited a startling distaste for the nation he wanted to lead, expressing a sneering contempt for the country that had given him everything. And when his wife, Princeton and Harvard Law School graduate Michelle Obama, in her mid-forties at the time, said she was never proud of her country until her husband ran for the office, she displayed yet another rare and ugly form of ingratitude.

Only three months after his election, Barack Obama traveled to France, Prague, London, Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkey, and Mexico, seemingly for the express purpose of apologizing for America and reciting the sins he still believes our country is guilty of––trips which I detailed in an article entitled  The President Who Hates His Country.

More frightening was Mr. Obama’s apparently irresistible attraction to the criminal enterprise known as The Muslim Brotherhood (MB), an organization founded in 1928 and closely aligned and complicit with the genocidal Hitler regime during World War II, and, today, a virulently anti-Western and anti-Semitic group that actively supports terrorist organizations like Hamas, Hezbollah, et al.

The MB’s motto is: ““Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. Qur’an is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope.” Nice, right? Just like the U.S. Constitution which speaks about the right of people to enjoy freedom, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Frank Gaffney, former Reagan administration official and founder of the Center for Security Policy, spells out in chilling detail the far reach of the Muslim Brotherhood in America since Barack Obama took office. From the beginning of his tenure, MB leaders have had unfettered access to the Oval Office, and many members are now found in the highest reaches of our government, including Homeland Security, State, the Pentagon, Justice, et al. At all levels, MB members are creating and implementing both the domestic and foreign policies of our country.

Blogger Kevin Jackson of, lists here just a few of the MB agents who now occupy and make policy in the most sensitive positions of our government.

And the American Report offers this six-part series entitled The Betrayal Papers, which presents an in-depth and chilling picture of the following:

Part I: Under Obama, the US Captured by the Muslim Brotherhood
Part II: In Plain Sight – A National Security “Smoking Gun”
Part III: Obama’s Scandals and Assaults on Freedoms Explained
Part IV: A New Genocide
Supplemental Article: And the Press Says Nothing…
Part V: Who is Barack Hussein Obama?
Part VI: The Chicago Connection
It is relevant to mention that a central feature of the Muslim Brotherhood is Sharia Law, which believes in throwing gay people off roofs to their death and in “honor” killings for such unforgiveable sins as a daughter wanting to date a non-Muslim or a wife wanting to get a divorce––the list of 7th century dictates is as lengthy as it is primitive.

Just as horrifically sub-human is the strict enforcement of routine female genital mutilation (FGM), a practice that America’s “canary in the coal mine,” Pamela Geller, has described at length in an article entitled, “FBI Asks for Help Investigating Rampant Female Genital Mutilation.”

“The gruesome practice of female genital mutilation,” Geller writes, “is at record highs in America…,” putting a half-million U.S. girls at risk.

Steve Emerson, founder and executive director of the Investigative Project on Terrorism, and journalist John Rossomando point out that Barack Obama has given a red carpet to radicals in the White House.

“Let us first dispense with the pretense,” writes author and veteran Lawrence Sellin, Ph.D. “Every notion we in the West have adopted in terms of dealing with Muslims, both individually and collectively, is wrong. It is a policy based more on political correctness than on rational analysis, more on a misunderstanding of culture than religion. Muslims don’t assimilate, they infiltrate.”

Is it any surprise, with our infrastructure crumbling, and 94-million people unemployed––approximately one-third of our population––that the Obama State Department is sending $770-million overseas to refurbish mosques, or that, under Obama, the U.S. has kowtowed to Muslim Brotherhood demands that we not blacklist even one Islamic “charity”, even though all such charities are closely associated with terrorist organizations?

It has gotten so bad that one of the founders of the Department of Homeland Security, recently-retired Philip Haney, says the U.S. has completely capitulated to Muslim terrorism, a claim he expands on in his new book, “See Something, Say Nothing: A Homeland Security Officer Exposes the Government’s Submission to Jihad.”

Even worse is the dire information delivered to Congress this year by Admiral James A. Lyons–– the former Commander of the U.S. Pacific Fleet and “the father” of the Navy’s anti-terrorism units. “The transformation of America has been in full swing ever since 2008,” he said. “No question we’ve got a hell of a job ahead of us with the Muslim Brotherhood penetration in every one of our national security agencies, including all our intelligence agencies, and has been reported by some, our lead intelligence agency headed by a Muslim convert (a reference to CIA Director John Brennan, long rumored to have converted to Islam in the 1990’s in Baghdad). This is not going to be an easy task.”

“The threat is Islam,” the Admiral added. “Let’s make no mistake about it. There’s no such thing as radical Islam.”

This is a sentiment echoed by author and journalist Paul Williams, PH.d in an article, “Plotting Jihad in the Poconos,” about the metastasis of Gulen Islamist schools throughout the United States. “Gulen’s tentacles now extend into all the power centers of the U. S. government, including the Oval Office.” Over 150 Gulen schools have been established and they continue to open “at the monumental rate of eight to ten a year throughout the U.S. and leading politicians––both Democrats and Republicans––regularly appear at Gulen gatherings to offer their endorsement of the militant imam’s educational endeavors” (and, gleefully, to embrace the mountains of money they receive for their endorsements). All the schools receive full funding from US taxpayers.

All this is not to omit the hundreds of thousands––by now, perhaps millions––of undocumented, un-vetted illegal aliens that the Obama regime has allowed to enter our country from the ravaged, terrorist-ridden Middle East, and, just the other day across the Texas border,  4,000 Cubans.

In addition to seeding jihadists throughout our population, another motive is to swamp voting precincts all over America in November to insure a Democrat victory at any costs, the better to preserve and enlarge upon the “bring America to its knees” agenda of the left. The left has not worked for nearly a hundred years to see what they’ve accomplished so far––socialized medicine and education, fascistic IRS, State, and Justice Departments, increased reliance on the policies of that New York cesspool known as the United Nations, and an open-borders, one-world-order policy––be wiped out of existence, erased, debased, destroyed, undone, by a Trump victory just five-and-a-half months from now.

As political editor Charlotte B. from the West Coast explains: “Don’t be surprised if you see socialist-Marxist agitators creating chaos and mayhem at both the Democrat and Republican conventions, and bringing in battalions of rabble rousers, disrupters, and crowds of intimidators to frighten voters in preselected precincts from entering their designated voting locations––think the Black Panthers in Philadelphia in 2008, think Black Lives Matter, LULAC, and La RAZA––all of whom have already shown their ugly agendas at numerous Trump rallies.”


What “we,” the American public now “get” is that, yes, we’ve had a coup d’état designed first to convert our country into the kind of communist/socialist paradise that Barack Obama and his pie-in-the-sky acolytes actually believed would bring about “change you can believe in,” and second to usher in a de facto caliphate in which the dictates of Islam prevail. Here is a sample of a piece entitled All of a Sudden:

All of a sudden, Islam is taught in schools; Christianity and the Bible are banned.
…we must stop serving pork in prisons.
…Muslims are refusing to do their jobs if it conflicts with Sharia Law.
…Muslim training compounds are popping up throughout the USA.
…the Attorney General of the United States vows to prosecute anyone who engages in “anti-Muslim speech”.
…our troops are withdrawn from Iraq and the Middle East, giving rise to ISIS.
…a deal with Iran is made at any cost, with a pathway to nuclear weapons and hundreds of billions of dollars handed over to fund their nefarious goals.
…the American Navy is diminished to 1917 pre-World War I levels of only 300 ships, the Army is at pre-1940 levels…
…Obama won’t even say the words “Islamic Terrorism.”

Is it any wonder that sane and normal people have turned to Donald Trump, a wildly successful business mogul with a five-decade track record of getting things done? Such a no-brainer!

What we also “get” is the contrived reasons being perpetrated by Mr. Trump’s critics, who, in all of their self-righteous umbrage, try to fool the public by citing––inaccurately––the presumptive nominee’s lack of conservatism, as if the so-called authentic conservatives in Congress can point to one single accomplishment in the last almost-eight years.

Writer Dwight Kehoe explains what they’re really afraid of.  “From the lowest echelons to the highest positions of power in this bloated government, there exists the infestation of corruption, mismanagement, tax evasion, double dipping, regulatory extortion, payoffs, shakedowns, thievery and treachery. Donald Trump has promised that he will do everything in his extensive ability and tireless energy to clean out every fibrous tentacle, no matter how deeply they have spawned. That is what they fear.”

Author and journalist John McMurtry elaborates on that view, explaining that, “From his promise to halve the Pentagon’s budget to getting the Congress off corporate-donation payrolls, the public money that the big corporate lobbies stand to lose from a Trump presidency are off the charts. The takeaway promised by Trump’s policies threaten almost every big lobby now in
control of US government purse strings. Trump represents a threat to these gargantuan public-trough interests.” And the corporate media machines have failed at shutting him down. “That is the very big problem for the otherwise seamless political and media establishment who are all in on the fabulous payoffs of this corporate state game.”

Or as the inimitable radio host Michael Savage sums it up: “Ask yourself why Donald Trump is hated by the Republican establishment. It’s not that he can’t beat Hillary, as they are saying. It’s because they’ll be out of a job.”


Hopefully long before his inauguration, Mr. Trump will set in motion the monumental task of fumigating the entire White House and every department of government. Out with all the old––in with only his hand-picked representatives, executives, staff. As stated, the Muslim Brotherhood not only occupies the highest levels of government, but is making the policies by which Americans are increasingly being forced to live.

This will take not a mere broom, not even a gigantic vacuum cleaner, but instead the kind of ferocious resolve that took the former TV reality star from a fledgling candidate in June 2015 to the focus of the entire world a mere 10 months later. Quite a breathtaking feat!

Even before that––I put this in the Urgent category––he should choose former Speaker Newt Gingrich as his running mate. Forget about the politically correct choices––a woman, a Hispanic, an African American, et al. The most urgent choice is someone who has literally been there/done that, knows every facet of government and the Congress and how they work, and has actually brought about the kind of sea change that Mr. Trump has promised.

A number of assignments should follow. Mr. Trump’s suggestion of former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani to study the border problems and how, in addition to the fence, to solve them, is excellent.

Just as important is the attention that the Trump Team pay to the vote-rigging that Democrats are so famous for, including the resurrection of millions of dead voters who seem to appear quite magically in Democrat precincts. If billions are being spent, a large portion of that sum should be allocated to monitor every voting location throughout the country, and to have lawyers at the ready to insist on a recount for every fishy result.

In the meantime, it is important for Americans to remember that we are still in the throes of a genuine coup d’état, with things far worse than Barack Obama’s bathroom fetish planned for the coming months.

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    Total 15 comments
    • Just me

      To call Trump a non-establishment candidate is ridiculous. He’s a multi billionaire industrial elitist who has funded the last 3 presidents. He’s the very definition of establishment. Just because he’s telling you what you want to hear doesn’t mean he believes any of it. It just means he’s a shrewd businessman, liar and con man.

    • wolverine69

      Yes and its time someone put a round in his ugly head

    • No time

      :roll: America never went to the Moon. Google Masonic Moon Hoax.

    • jdpent01

      jdp…The sooner Trump can take the reigns from Obama’s helm and start to clean up this mess the better off we will be, but election seem to be in the way. Better prepare for the worst of Obama and Hillary at the polls to prevent voting corruption and coersion. Trump and his OrgGOP need to look at the electorial college now, don’t wait until later as clinton will try to have it rigged like her campaign. Be smart, take charge SOONER THAN LATER.

    • jdpent01

      jdp…Trump is not an insider, he says what he means to say, its stright off the heart, direct to the point, truth often hurts when its heard, truth protects once its really known, because the light of day has shined on the non truth. Obama is against his country, if it really is his country; He would not do half the stuff he has done and continues to do.

    • wiseoldlady

      Trump is a puppet…..owned by the Zionist, Sheldon Abramoff (I think that’s his last name) who has backed him with $100m and Wall Street. There were articles on several websites yesterday revealing Trump got LOANS for running in the primaries….because he did NOT have enough cash flow. He might be a billionaire on paper but not in cash. Plus he has loans on all his properties with the Wall Street banks. Pull your heads out of the ground and stop being so gullible people. He is not your savior but a narcissist, a big mouth, exaggerates, is a charlatan, a pathological liar, changes his mind every few hours about everything, is cousin to Hillary, is a Jesuit, has Illuminati blood. Yes he loves America but he cannot stop the NWO luciferian Zionist plans. He can expose them to the world and either be murdered or start wars and riots or revolutions. But Trump has too many of these Zionists as friends and the banks would call his loans and Donald would be impoverished. Wake UP!!!!
      Yes in 2008 the ugly pos in the WH did a coup. But didn’t the Zionists want him to do this….I think so.

      • b4

        if trump is puppet, your a dummy unwise ol bag and there is a ventrolquist who is telling what to write–he is inside your whacked out old skull–no brain there–dummys do not have brains–your proof–trump has loans of about 250 million on his properties–he (trump corporations) has over 500 million in cash–net worth of 9 billion–he does not have a cash flow problem–that 100 million he just was given from Adelman the zionists goes into his campaign–no liability there

        • Just me

          When will you learn? They are ALL either puppets or complicit with the New World Order globalists.

      • Anonymous

        Trump has said he cherishes Israel and his kids married Israelis or Jews. He is based in NYC. But he was endorsed by Putin and he is not one of the elected federal officials like Burnie and Hillary and that is a real plus.

        I do not think he can be trusted to put America first and not Israel.

        But the Prinveston and Northwestern University studies said that the USA is run by an oligarchy, so our votes do not really count. So I think maybe just write in Putin/Assad and spit in the faces of our non-representative government.

    • Chandler Arizona

      This is all for show. The nomination is going to be canceled. Just wait & sea… :wink:

      • b4

        you might be right–o bummer the new king–and i believe trump is a scottish rite mason–i know all you mason haters choke–all are founding fathers were masons but imperfect men-and chris christie a mason-and related by marriage to trump like 3/4th cousins–these guys and the people around trump are going to clean house-thats why all the insiders with fat deals hate him–yeah i believe they will do all they can to take trump.the loud mouth new yorker out-but hopefully god is on his/our side-all those bad articles on trump are hit pieces–they are not working

    • dennisR8

      When Donald Trump is elected to the presidency he will have to decide whether his AG will be directed to prosecuted Barack H Obama for treason. That assumes that the US military does not pursue Obama’s prosecution, conviction and punishment. What would be the correct solution after Obama’s conviction, execute him immediately or let him reside in a jail cell to see how he reacts to such incarceration. If some one tries to bail him out. If conflict happens in America over these events. I would like to know how Obummer reacts in his facial expressions, words, and threats of revenge. Evil rage, I believe, he will show. He does think he is king or god, according to some.

      • EruditeOne

        Barack H. Obama plans to exit the USA for Kenya as quickly as he can. As I understand it when Barack H. Obama is living in Kenya it won’t be possible to extradite him since US and Kenya don’t have an extradition treaty.

        • Josie

          That’s where the drones come in, you have to be creative. 😁

    • nomorelabels

      The coup went in full force after the murder of JFK.

      No one noticed. It was not since Obama took office, it all lead to
      Obama continuing the GW BUSH policies that no one questioned
      when Bush was playing the terror game.

      The country was hijacked after JFK murder, that is fact. What JFK warned us about
      came true, and no one noticed. Now there are those who are trying to capitalize
      on it as always. JFK was the only president who dared to discuss in public the
      facts about secret societies and how they were going to promote their agenda.

      They did and today it is fully in operation.

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