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By Brock Townsend
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Racially Incorrect Facts on Slavery: African Slave Traders

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Via David

Ask yourself this: In all of the gazillions of lectures and tirades (there have, as to date, been no genuine conversations) on slavery, have you ever heard of the names of John Currantee and Ephraim Robin John?

Such names—and there are many, many more—belong to a racially incorrect history of slavery, an historical account that threatens to rip asunder the ideological foundations of the Racism-Industrial-Complex (RIC), or Big Racism.

For centuries and centuries, courtesy of both Arabs and its indigenous peoples, slavery was endemic throughout the continent of Africa. Contrary to what contemporary mythical portraits like Roots would have us think, when Europeans began enslaving Africans in the 16th century, they—unlike Arabs—would not invade villages to obtain slaves. Rather, they would have to trade with the African flesh peddlers.

John Currantee, of the Fante people, was one such “caboceer” or trader. Ephraim Robin John, who the Europeans called “King George,” was another.  The latter was the leader of the Efik people.  Both had reputations for being particularly “canny and ruthless dealers” of human beings.  Both were representative of African slave traders in two respects: They could communicate in several European and African languages, and they exploited the divisions between the Dutch, the English, and the French to maximize their profits.

These African traders invariably hailed from the most powerful tribes, tribes that would prey upon and conquer weaker peoples—who they would then sell off across the Atlantic.  About 50 percent of all such enslaved Africans were prisoners of war.  Roughly 30 percent were criminals or in debt.  The 20 remaining percent consisted of those who African slave traders would kidnap.

Yet the enslavers exerted as well considerable power over their European partners, for in addition to getting the price that they wanted for the product that they were peddling, these black merchants of black bodies would also compel Europeans to pay “gifts” or “customs fees” (“dashee”).

In The Fante and the Transatlantic Slave TradeRebecca Shumway writes that “in the very territory where the majority of fortified European castles were built, giving the appearance of European control, the Africans residing under those structures were actually exercising greater control over trade than was typical for coastal West Africa in this period.”  The Fante, as one reviewer aptly put it, “maintain[ed] the upper hand in their dealings with Europeans.”

As an indication of just how wide of the mark is the popular notion that whites “stole” Africans from their homes, it is worth noting that the British government, in order to strengthen their trading partnerships with Africans, eveninvited the sons of African slave traders to come to England so as to study English! Moreover, friendships developed between some European and African dealers.

The enslavement of Africans by Europeans was made possible by the fact that Africans first enslaved—and then sold—Africans to these Europeans.  Nor is it the case, as Big Racism would like for us to believe, that Europeans were uniquely cruel to their captives.  In point of fact, African slave traders not infrequently subjected those who they kidnapped to treatment that had few peers anywhere as far as mercilessness and savagery are concerned.

Dr. Alexander Falconbridge was a European who served as a surgeon aboard multiple slave ships that sailed from West Africa to the Caribbean during the last quarter of the 18th century.  He would eventually become an abolitionist.  In 1788, he supplied the world with an all too rare account of the African participation in the slave trade.

Since “the black traders” take “extreme care” “to prevent the Europeans from gaining any intelligence” regarding the logistics involved in capturing slaves, Falconbridge drew his impressions—namely, that many, if not most, of the latter were abducted—from what he did observe directly as well as from the testimony of those Africans who had been captured.

One black captive, a man, told Falconbridge that he had been invited to drink with traders. As he proceeded to walk away, they seized him.  He broke free, but only to be hunted down by a “large dog” that “compelled him to submit.”  Dogs were used with regularity by African slave catchers.  As the man struggled in vain against the animal, his abductors, “being trained to the inhuman sport,” appeared to delight in his suffering.

A pregnant woman explained that she was returning home one evening from visiting with neighbors when traders seized upon her.  Since those Africans involved in slave trading increasingly traveled further and further into the interior to find human beings, this woman, like so many others, “had passed through the hands of several purchasers before she reached the ship.”

Falconbridge tells of a father and his son who, while tending to crops, were attacked, captured, and dragged off to be sold.  Another unsuspecting black man was invited by his companion to behold the gigantic European ships that were parked along the coast. Intrigued, he accepted the invitation.  Yet before he could realize that he had been manipulated, the soon-to-be slave was ambushed and taken on board the vessel.

It would be a mistake to think that the Africans didn’t have a sophisticated operation.  Falconbridge reports that traders would sail “up country” to “the fairs” in 20-30 canoes “capable of containing thirty or forty Negroes each” to purchase slaves. The canoes would be packed with “such goods” as were necessary for this purpose.  As the traders embarked, Falconbridge could see “colors flying” and “music playing;” it was a festive affair.

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    Total 13 comments
    • winston smith

      Very similar to the way the modern political party will purchase the african votes today

      The new slave traders, jesse jackson and al sharpton etc deliver the african votes to democrats for some worthless trinkets baubles and promises.

      They new africans get to live on the new plantation, the welfare state

      The democrats will use the africans for photo ops where they get to grin and dance for their master at election time

      as soon as the election is over, it is back to the plantation for four more years of failed promises

      four years later the cycle repeats

      it just shows that the more things change, the more they stay the same

    • Pink Slime

      THESE people (Arabs and Negroes) get away with it because they are not whites and given a pass. So who is the real racist?

    • AnotherTuskegee

      So..does any of this excuse the barbarism that was chattel slavery? The raping of men, women & children? The medical experimentation that was done on slaves against their will as chronicled in the book, Medical Apartheid? The forcing of blacks onto breeding farms, the casual killing act that made it perfectly legal and acceptable for the ‘accidental’ killing of blacks if a slave owner was ‘correcting a slave? I could go on but psychological cripples will always make excuses for the need to denigrate & brutalize others in order to make themselves feel better about their own moral failings–which are many & well documented. Slavery as it existed PRIOR to chattel slavery was not the same. It did not consign perpetual slavery to prisoners of war and their progeny. So if this delusion of not being ‘responsible’ for the kidnapping (which by the way was such a feature in medieval england that the word was created to describe the stealing of children) and enslavement of human beings for a quarter of a millenia to build this amerikan empire helps you deal with documented crimes against humanity, then so be it. But you need to get more convincing Storm Front talking points to do it.

      • YourNumbr1Fan

        You are a prime example of ed-JEW-cation. Enough said.

    • deano

      The ENTERPRIZE…….the 1st SS Ship with that name was a JESUIT SLAVE SHIP……

      Jesuits used slaves on their missions & plantations. The native Indians were wiped out by European Diseases….so they brought the stronger negroes from Africa that could toil in the heat & CO$T of Labour reduced….

      Your founding “Fathers”, Jesuit Carroll, Chase, & Franklin were wealthy land-owners that owned slaves……

      The “Irish Catholic Confederates” fled Ireland to become “New World” landowners with “Free Labour Slaves” instead of poor Irish fuedal farmers(serfs).

      • The Real Deal

        A Jesuit slave ship? STFU! Yeah, it’s all the Jesuits. Idiot.

      • DK

        Just to correct your point, at this time America the continent was split between 4 colonial powers, Spain, Dutch French and English. The 13 English colonies only had indentured British Isles subjects(slavery itself being illegal in England) and transported ‘criminals’ therefore every last ‘slave’ was white up until long past the war of independence. In French and Dutch areas black slavery was rife and the Dutch were known for particular brutality because Americans and English complain about what they used to see.

        When those states belonging to the Netherlands, France and eventually Spain were brought into the Union, their laws, practices and population(along with their black slaves) came in with them during which time slavery being an industry, corporations, churches and individuals had invested in plantation ownership in the Southern United states importing slaves from the Spanish colonies and an entire class of patrician slaves owners who were English Catholics originating from English Civil war exiles who migrated into the Southern states from Caribbean Islands – an actual flood in 1830 their plantations in British territories were under Abolition and they had oodles of slush money from the British taxpayer as compensation, so they started again with news slaves in the Colonies with every intention of never having their influence and wealth endangered again.

        At this point you should notice several things.

        a) The majority of the slaves in the English Colonies were white, Irish/Scott West Country English and the majority of Americans are therefore descended from these slaves.
        b) Ownership of a Slave for life was considered illegal in all the original states, you were permitted an indentured servant for a period of time(Contract employee) or a state could use criminals for hard labour both practices still exist.
        c) The majority of the practice of black slavery was imported into the colonies from French, Dutch and Spanish
        d) The English Corporation slave plantations were equal opportunity and did not care about your colour, just your price.
        e) The white people descended from the British Isles in the United States of America have take the blame for Old Aristocracy’s greed, corporate investment trusts, European banks, Church funds from the likes of the Quakers who all run and owned plantations. Yet the majority of white people in the Americas originated from freed white slaves.

    • The Real Deal

      Do I have to educate you imbeciles again? The Jews ran the slave ships that brought the damn slaves over here. Wake up, and stop spreading lies!

      Google: Eli Faber who wrote the book, “Jews, Slaves, and the Slave Trade: Setting the Record Straight”

      • YourNumbr1Fan

        Your user-name is apt. Because, once again, you’ve cut to the center of the REAL deal.
        It’s a damned shame that so many people are still in the dark concerning this subject. Especially in this “age of information”.

        The African slave-trade was 100% a JEWISH-led enterprise. All anyone needs to do is seriously research it. But it seems that the Alex Jones Kool Aid is strong with the vast majority of “truthers”…

        • maxwell

          …The people you guys are calling “Jews”, were Kenites, calling themselves Jews. New testament calls them the Synagogue of Satan…In the long run, we could find their progeny, Genetic and spiritual, at the heart of nearly all profit motivated crime…worldwide, for most of our history.

      • DK

        They used to until out-competed by the English slave ship/ cotton ship which in the 17th C took white slaves from Ireland/Scotland and England to the Colonies and 100 years later made a much larger trip to Africa bankrupting the Venetian and Lisbon owned fleets in the one way package transportation industry, then again Spain and Portugal by this time were spent. Largely based in Liverpool for the triangular trade.

    • Anonymous

      We have the facts as to who ran the slave trade, its the same people that run it today, But they call themselves the chosen people and so you will not recognize this in hopes you won’t offend them and go to heaven. Your a slave to them today, and you don’t even know it, How pathetic you are to be so blind and ignorant. Wake up you fools and deliver yourself from them and be free. They are the children of Satan, and it is he who leads them as the slave master.

    • VirusGuard

      When the jews had a holly holiday the slave markets closed because they would had been empty because nearly all the slave traders where jewish and whites did not hunt the slaves down in the jungle, blacks did that for us and laws were in place to stop whites from hunting for slaves.

      Now we are just debt slaves for the international bankers (Jewish) and the IMF adds strings to any loans that force our government to have open borders because the bankers want more immigrant slaves let in to push wages down on the plantation so that there corporations can turn a nice profit.

      That mud under your feet needed to build a home on is yours if you fight to take it from the bankers but if not then your only option is to become a bigger debt slave and for 25 years and agree to the terms of the bankers and even then you only get to rent the land and have to pay taxes on it each year.

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