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By Brock Townsend
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Indian medical student kicked out of college by racist white professors for questioning their SJW beliefs

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Kieran Ravi Bhattacharya was a medical student at the University of Virginia and he has been kicked out after having questioned his white college professor’s SJW beliefs.

Here is the audio of the lecture where he questioned his professor’s SJW beliefs:

He speaks from 28:45 to 34:00

Here is the audio of the suspension hearing:

Here is a picture of the people who were at the suspension hearing:

Notice how 14 out of the 16 people at that suspension hearing are white people. If this is not an act of racism against a sincere indian medical student, then I don’t know what is. Look at their smug arrogant faces as they kick him out for DARING to question their SJW beliefs.

His twitter handle is kieranravib if you want to ask him questions or set up an interview with him


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    Total 9 comments
    • The Watcher


    • Anonymous

      Noone believes in sincere, Indian, medical students. :neutral:

      I hope that this Rainbow Confederate b/s provides insight, as to how Communists shut down political movements and free speech, in general.

    • gumby

      those people who made the decision probably earned the right to be there in those positions. you have to earn the right to make decisions but obviously you believe that if these people are white it is a racist situation. the problem is that you believe if they are white they are the problem and of course you believe they are racist but you give no facts as to why you only run off at the mouth because if everything doesn’t go your way you whine and bitch like small children. white does not mean racist and everyone who disagrees with you children are not communist or fascist so grow and get a pair.

      • Anonymous

        g said, “those people who made the decision probably earned the right to be there…”

        The prevailing business model, in this country, is to collect subsidies on dweebs and wonks, using the bare minimum of materiel needed to create the illusion of useful labor in a turnkey position. I honestly question whether the administrators were drug addicts, literal bastards, or when they were institutionalized.

        Noone has earned the right to formal employment, in any too-big-fail, ever.

        • Rockledge

          Just as no power structure should have the right to slaves ( or, as they are known in the united states, “employees”).

    • zee7667

      Kieran Ravi Bhattacharya was a medical student at the University of Virginia and he has been kicked out after having questioned his white college professor’s SJW beliefs.

    • anon1776

      Here’s another article that has additional details, including the lengthy complaint that was filed against the student:

    • zee7667

      Kieran Ravi Bhattacharya was a medical student at the University of Virginia and he has been kicked out after having questioned his white college professor’s SJW beliefs.

    • Rockledge

      If he don’t like the way we do things here he can always take his little brown ass back to where he came from.

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