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By John Rolls (Reporter)
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The Deep State - 1967 Recording Reveals Everything! - Must See Video!

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End Times Productions



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John F Kennedy was right all along “For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies on covert means for expanding it’s sphere of influence on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choices, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations”- John F Kennedy

This may be their plan, but God is in control!

I heard this man’s whole speach awhile back… ITS SCARY how accurate he is even back then…. Somewhere deep in my soul I want to believe that there are people on the inside fighting for America… You know like the White hats…. And you see that with Q and other things today that will make you think there are patriots on the inside… But honestly even could be an illusion.

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    Total 7 comments
    • Kingfish Stevens

      …and we saw the result of telling the truth.

      • Equalizer

        No…you think the truth is all the BS media industrial complex that is broadcast by CNN, MSNBC, NBC etc. you have be programmed to believe all of the modern NAZI propaganda is the truth. It is the BS of the illuminati and satan the maggot. You are brainwashed.

        • Equalizer

          My apologies…allow me to clarify…”You have been programmed to believe all of the BS modern NAZI, socialist/communist satanic maggot agenda”. Don’t be a maggot, life on this brief physical plane is much too short and worthless. Your spirit is forever and eternal, know the difference, you eternal soul depends on it.

          • AJ

            Keep clapping idiot!(:

      • 2QIK4U


    • Counter Analysis

      Sometimes the biggest and boldest lies are the hardest ones for the public to not believe, since it would seem crazy and outlandish to consider that such lies and conspiracies would ever be told by nearly all respectable members of govt or favored faction of govt. It’s also easier to believe what you want to believe, or barring that, it’s easier to make excuses for and trust who you want to trust rather than face disappointment. One of the most difficult deceptions to overcome is the one that seemingly robs you of all hope as the price for opening your eyes. But that is an illusion, as there is always hope, first and foremost in Jesus.

    • kinganu

      The thing one should always question the most, is ones most dearest held beliefs.

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