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New David Icke: There Is No Virus! The Latest Proof! - A Must Video

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There IS a virus. The virus is Communism. COVID – 19 is how it spreads.

Agree. There is no virus! It’s all made up since decades ago by the usual suspect, most notably the Rockefeller Foundation. That is why I say, until we escape from that narrative, we are still debating into the same narrative they present.

People going in hospital for other medical problems like diabetes foot complication. Testing them and end up dead. Had a friend go in for foot problem died because of covid supposedly Many people. His wife went in for other issues tested a d she died also. Which shouldn’t have died!

Keep The Spirit; – I’m sorry to hear that. What you’re telling is shocking. I belive they Are killing people. Like in Murdering people. I wan’t to wake people up where I live but it’s not an easy task. I hope that you find, or that you already know people that are Awake and Aware of these things. People that are Aware need a network to watch each others backs.

This scamdemic was for one reason only – to introduce global communism.

Wicked, wicked people, there is no trust left. Who is going to take the vaccine now? Crimes against humanity? There is no punishment harsh enough for them. Take over our country and our minds? Our very existence? Truly evil.

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    Total 15 comments
    • Fake News = The False Prophet

      I believe communism is what Trump means when he say “the Chy nah virus”.
      If so the vaccine is not what people believe it to be either.
      Rock on Thorin Oakenshield :grin:

      • 2QIK4U

        The Video isn’t on Bitchute ? What happened ? :cry:

    • Fake News = The False Prophet

      Kill him, cut his head off, chop off his arms and legs and then kill him some more.
      NO GLOATING !!!

    • Fake News = The False Prophet

      How can Big Tech’s ‘fact-checkers’ justify the censoring of this report signed on by these 22 scientists as fake news or misinformation?

      Their report confirms that PCR assays being used to diagnose SARS-Cov-2 are useless and are based on scientific fraud. They also stated that there was no isolated virus from an infected patient when these primers/probes were designed.

      All allegations of “cases” are meaningless in rational, scientific terms. This is the time for all doctors and scientists to get on board and expose the fraud.

      The first and major issue is that the novel Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (in the publication named 2019-nCoV and in February 2020 named SARS-CoV-2 by an international consortium of virus experts) is based on in silico (theoretical) sequences, supplied by a laboratory in China [1], because at the time neither control material of infectious (“live”) or inactivated SARS-CoV-2 nor isolated genomic RNA of the virus was available to the authors. To date no validation has been performed by the authorship based on isolated SARS-CoV-2 viruses or full length RNA thereof. According to Corman et al.:

    • nill

      what bs

    • Slimey

      IF the virus was so deadly as they say and 90% of US are NOT dead then the measly worthless paper diaper over your open nose and mouth with all the virus air going around it and THROUGH it shows it must have woiked alongside the precise dimension of 6 feet but nobody ever bothers measuring. :lol:

      But somehow it all WOIKED. Must just be DUMB LUCK nobody more than usual died. :lol:

      All hail the doughnut…. :lol:

    • 2QIK4U

      What is written it is True. NO VIDEO ?


      Talk to doctors who take care of COVID-19. Talk to pulmonologists. Do you think all these doctors are hallucinating. It is a real disease and has very unique features. There are fewer deaths in general because people are more careful, they are eating better, and doing less. It is not easy to go out and get junk food. There is less driving and less accidents. There is less drinking. There is less exposure to other infectious diseases.

      So David Icke has it wrong. His conclusion is knee jerk. He think that just because there is no increase in deaths generally, the disease is a hoax. He must understand and account for the DRAMATIC and sometimes DRACONIAN measures we have taken in response and these impact the death rate.

      • nikita

        Virus?, No virus? take your pick, toss a coin.
        Nefarious resultant activities either way.

        They have however managed to create a monster in 2020~

        ….& it’s certainly being well fed by the fear of the masses.

      • Fake News = The False Prophet

        Doctors are seeing what they are told they are seeing. Until there is isolation and proof of contagion, something that has never happened for any so called virus, it’s made up… obviously. We also know for an absolute fact that some doctors are lying. Wouldn’t trust any of them. Brought up on BS and BS is what they mostly do. You also fail to take into account the increase in deaths due to lockdown eg suicide, masks, outright murder. David Icke has an impressive track record of getting it right long before others even look up.

        • All the COVID-19 infection rates and number of cases by locale and nation are fabricated • All mortality rates by city, state and nation are falsified, most COVID-19 classified deaths are other causes of death • All coronavirus hospital admissions are either confusingly misrepresented, deliberately inflated or grossly exaggerated • All COVID-19 statistics officially issued by virtually every government within the world community of nations are either highly inaccurate, purposefully distorted or patently false • Geriatric genocide is the primary cause of death especially in the United States, Italy, Great Britain, Spain, France and Germany

    • patann

      Prophecy Links Fulfilling

      Seen to be seeing, (Sept 3, 4,{ 2020}), the Rev 12, birthing womb crowning a head; (July 6, {2020}), arriving in time to see,Rev 12, newborn snatched off the planet; seeing (Jan,20, {2019}), Rev 12, Angels battling a star wars in the heavens, hearing,” Michael is setting his all around!” Apb

      Two large earthquakes with tsunami warnings Hit Near Alaska, 53 minutes ago, Dec,1, 2020,

      The Back Turn Throne Of God!!! “Then take of them again, and cast them into the midst of the fire, and burn them in the fire; for thereof shall a fire come forth into all the house of Israel/US States of Barbecue, see Jer 37/8/Eze 5, God’s Fury At Procrastinators, Apb

      All, all, all, Seismic to Tectonic, volcanic apocalypse pending, beginning with US/Canada W. Pacific states, Hawaii/Alaska and California, with a predicted 101 Yellowstones. Though don’t fret, I was told, shown even, blessed escape is for as far away as US Georgia’s Savannah, coast Crossover into Africa’s Southwest Atlantic.

      I know, No further delays, literally, said Rev 10, Mighty Angel (Jan 22-29, ({2018}). Plus ({Nov 10 2020}), I woke to another oddity of escaping Memphians from an Hawaiian volcanic event, that’s to leave into Memphis organs. Here come to the rescue from evils, this spiritual warfare, brand new, sparkling, red, Monster/Munster Trucks, so a monstrous undertaking? I know, it just, slow motion exodus gone viral to commanded Hemingway exodus US soil, Just keep getting weirder and weirder, but Psalms 2, Holy Father did promise, His Mockery, Beware, Apb, see here,, how it’s ALL ending prophetically, Apb

    • nomdeplume

      The best part is how “they” got every form of government around the world to treat the virus like it’s legit. From dictators to democracies, every country pretends to be infected so that the (pick one: lizard people, commies, Soros, Gates…) can enslave the world so they can ….? What’s the end game, I’m never told what that is.

      • nikita

        “Now I will tell you the answer to my question. It is this. The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power, pure power. What pure power means you will understand presently. We are different from the oligarchies of the past in that we know what we are doing. All the others, even those who resembled ourselves, were cowards and hypocrites. The German Nazis and the Russian Communists came very close to us in their methods, but they never had the courage to recognize their own motives. They pretended, perhaps they even believed, that they had seized power unwillingly and for a limited time, and that just around the corner there lay a paradise where human beings would be free and equal. We are not like that. We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it. Power is not a means; it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship. The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now you begin to understand me.”
        ― George Orwell, 1984

    • Alex Carson

      Trump will be president until January 2025. Pence will be president from 2025 until 2033 and Pence’s VP will be president from January 2033 until January 2041. The next Democrat will be in office in the 2040s or later.

      Trump 2017-2021
      Trump 2021-2025
      Pence 2025-2029
      Pence 2029-2033
      Pence VP 2033-2041
      Pence VP 2041-2045

      I do believe that in 2046, a Democrat will be elected to the office of the President of the United States until at least 2051 or later depending on future elections or the political climate at the time.

      Icke is a gatekeeper

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