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Amazing Polly: Honest Experts Are Trying to Warn You! Vaccines, Lockdowns, Masks & More! - Must Video

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Thousands of experts are putting their careers, incomes, reputations and their very lives at risk to speak out against the COVID / Corona Hoax – especially against the experimental vaccine technology which is being rolled out worldwide. (CLiCK on “MORE” in the bottom right corner to see the rest of this message & get references.)
In this video I feature many of them (but by far not all) and I give my commentary as the video goes along. I hope this will help people wake up before it is too late.


“It has consistently proven that those promoting censorship and who respond using ad hominem tactics in place of evidence, most typically hold positions that are absent of the truth.”

Ok, look- I’m seeing ALOT of ppl saying all sorts of things, some real, some theory, and alotta bs. The real question is WHY? WHY NOW? WHY 2020? WHY FOR A “VIRUS” W/A 99.9% SURVIVAL RATE? What is their end-game as far as this WHOLE PUSH? NOTHING IS WHAT IT SEEMS ANYMORE. Nothing. Why are they making this SUCH an issue that science is being turned upside-down? And folks- just a question, but one that NEEDS to be asked: HOW WOULD YOU EASILY GET RID OF ALL YOUR DISSIDENTS?!?Think about it. Suddenly humanity is starting to see through their bs, and suddenly the man has decided to declare war on freedom AND our right to even exist. WHY?!? IT’S THE OPPOSITE WAY THEY SHOULDA HANDLED IT. THEY KNOW IT, AND THEY KNOW WE KNOW IT. So what if the vax is a REAL one they OBVIOUSLY had all along(no vax can be invented this fast except in the movies…) for something YET TO BE RELEASED?!? GUYS, WE’VE GONE THROUGH THE LOOKING-GLASS. And our adversary is WAY smarter than ALL OF US PUT TOGETHER. Just think about it. Our lives depend on it…. I’m worried. 

Fauci , Gates , Birz , Tedros and the people who took part in Event 201 all need to go direct to GITMO!

Experts say it is not worse than the “common flue”. What is not worse than the ” common flu” ? The ” common flu” itself? When you acknowledge there is “something out there” you are basically playing their game and giving them the upper hand so they can say you are just to stupid to understand. So fuck those “experts”. Name the names and keep writing them down. If you/we get the opportunity the world should be rid of them all. No mercy. 

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    Total 10 comments
    • kinganu

      Soooo……I wonder just what those who take the jab will be spreading around to those who know better?

      The biggest out breaks of disease always seem to be where they vaccinate the most.

      So does this mean those who refuse the toxins have to avoid those who took it in order to stay healthy?

      What if those who take the jab become the main transmitters of who knows what they have turned loose on us this time.

      The number of man made modified diseases that they have turned loose on the population in the last half a dozen decades or more numbers in the hundreds.

      If you want to know about the reality of what they have done watch the documentary “In Lies We Trust” by Dr Horowitz. This documentary is still to date what I think is the best piece ever produced about bio-warfare on the population for profit and control of the masses.

      If this documentary was to ever make it on to any of the MSM stations it would absolutely end the entire vaccine debate as well as to expose the psychotic criminality of modern “medicine” if you can still call it that.

    • Anonymous

      Sure but warp speed Comey, Brennan. Bill and the Hillary and Biden first, then we wait 2 weeks an give it to them again. Then we will see!!!!!!

      • The Watcher

        Need REAL humans, not CLONES, as guinea pigs :!: :wink: Pelosi, maybe :?:

    • Sallie Ann

      Murder all the useless eaters is the ultimate goal….the old, frail, ill people are the first to go…. They got away with the culling with the ventilator murders and now they are escalating this with elderly people to get rid of them permanently. If you are in a nursing home and get this poison in your system….it will be over for you. Have your loved ones take you out of that facility immediately and live at home as long as you can so no one can push this into your system and MURDER you. But kids these days are too selfish to take mom or pop into their homes and care for them as it would disrupt their selfish lifestyle…..

    • Tom.E

      Hey Polly, like all foreverTrumpers you give Trump a pass on his part in the covid scam. Trump is the biggest promoter of the warp speed jab and he constantly does infomercials for the evil big pharmas. He even calls the vax a “miracle drug.”Trump could end this whole covid scam by simply rescinding his “national emergency” and would if he were not part of the scam.

    • The Watcher

      Polly and I need to merge before she gets the virus :!: :wink: (for the survival of the human race)

    • James Robert Calvert

      Getting the entire world’s population vaccinated seems to be the universal goal, and president Trump seems to be a part of that goal. So Trump is no savior. IMO, he’s just another hypocrite. Why can’t people see this?

    • Debamboozler

      Polly reminds me of those reality challenge shows where the contestant almost makes it, but then at the last moment falls woefully short. Drumpf, Biteone and all the rest in the comic capital of DC are working together towards one goal….the Great Goodbye for the gullible.

    • ciwarrior1

      Is there a possibility that I can get this video on another platform other than you tube. I was taken off of you tube platform so I can’t send any videos to the people I know. I want to send the amazing Polly videos to some people I know. Could I get Amazing Polly on Bit Chute. There I can send her videos.

    • Black Humor

      Take a poll and see what people around the world think about this plandemic.

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