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Juan O Savin Live W/ Pryme Minister & Jennifer Eason! The Return Of Trump! - Must See This Video

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Juan O Savin Live W/ Pryme Minister & Jennifer Eason! The Return OF Trump! – Must See This Video



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    Total 39 comments
    • allendaves OR or THE TRINITY HERESY or Revelation The First Gospel of The Kingdom or  

      #3 There is a sharp contrast between THREE groups : (1) “PREDESTINED DAMNED” who were NEVER written in the book of life ………..Rev 17: 8 WHOSE NAMES WERE NOT WRITTEN IN THE BOOK OF LIFE FROM THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD, …as contrasted …EPH 1: 4. According as he hath CHOSEN US in him BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD 

      (2) “MANY CALLED”= ONLY and ALL SAINTS (those who come to Christ) are written in the book of life … Philippians 4:3… ……Rev 21:27; (Only saints are Called and elect; Rom 1:6-7 et al) This is THE CHURCH and ONLY these can have their names blotted out of the book of life ….….Heb 12:23 to the general assembly and CHURCH of the firstborn … WHICH ………are WRITTEN in heaven, 

      (3) THE FEW CHOSEN: Those saints who were alive in group #2 who are now physically dead. They died “faithful” these are the FEW that were chosen faithful…….Rev 3:5. ……; and I will not BLOT OUT HIS NAME OUT OF THE BOOK OF LIFE, (Ps 69:28) …. These are the FEW that are CHOSEN and now that they have died and are saved then “once saved THEY CAN NEVER BE LOST” Predestination….its true..its all true…download here Most true Christians go to hell

      • Ranger007

        You are deceived

      • Anonymous

        I hate it when Protestants suck Jewish pee pee and start spewing rubbish… Disgusting… Non-sense, and disgusting Protestant sucking Jews.

    • MyTwoCents

      According to General Flynn, who doesn’t hide his face, the military is NOT in control and Trump did NOT invoke the Insurrection Act. So who is this “Juan O Savin” who does interviews with every Tom, Dick and Harry on the internet?

      Gen. Flynn’s New Interview: “Don’t concede the bottle of wine!”

      • laughalot

        You must be stupid. You really think Gen Flynn can tell you what is going on? Wake up Retard

        • Zinja

          and you really think that these guys have high level sources?

      • Otto Martin

        Do you really think Flynn is going to stand there and tell you YES we have the military and a plan, here’s the plan! Trump has always said he would never tell what he was going to do it before he does it. Ya, lets tell the deep state our plans. Gee, wake up.

    • Sloughfoot

      iI listened with great interest to every word of Juan O Savin. I have felt for a long time that God has been pushing me to be closer to him,listen closer to him, spend more and more time in prayer. I have felt an urgency from God that this was not the time to dilly dally around and take it seriously. I have become more spiritual and have grown in my faith and understanding.My understanding has brought me to pray for the people who do not believe or do not understand what is really going on.

      • Albatross

        God’s Word is where you start. Start in John and read through the entire Bible, marking valuable verses as you go. In addition, read a Proverb chapter a day. Pray for wisdom. God has a chapter for each day of the month. Easy to stay on track.

    • jr7

      Suggestion >
      When receiving complaints of a link not working, test the link to confirm
      that it works, then setup an email response template with accurate link in the
      text of the email (be sure to set it as a link, not plain text).
      This way, you can one & done for the trolls…

      • 2QIK4U

        That’s never happening. It makes to much sense for here 😂

    • ReflectoMatic

      Sangre de Cristo – (The Blood of Christ)

      Juan is circling it, many are now, around and around and around, whipping the vortex at the Sangre de Cristo into a raging Firenado.

      Baca Grande at the Sangre de Cristo, Crestone Colorado, in the San Luis Valley, where Rockefeller met the devil.

      The raging firenado, a vortex, will pull in all forces who engaged with the around the “Ring Around the Baca”.

      • ReflectoMatic

        Oops! I may have thrown a hand grenade into the looking-glass by posting my version of reality. However, I must trudge on, MJ-12 knew back during the 70′s that at this time I would come out of hiding and tell it.

        So I just watched part 1 of this video and it has knocked the hell out of me. He won’t mention the location of the “natural” vortex, but I know he is talking about the San Luis Valley in Colorado.

        Enjoy, hope you survive looking directly into the eyes of god.

        As “Acid Trip Guide to the World Forum of 1982″ I say “Happy trails to you”, and if the world does not end it’s stubborn position of hiding the Maurice Strong side of the Klaus Schwab + Maurice Strong Road Shown then this world is doomed, it will be a bad trip. The vortex spirals inwards to the Baca or else!

        • ReflectoMatic

          Here is the “Trip Guide” who poisoned with LSD the Klaus Schwab + Maurice Strong emergency gathering in 1982 Vail Colorado, the World Forum of 300 they called it, they were handing down the plans created at the Baca over the previous 4 years, the plans we now see emerging to full bloom.

          This photo was composed by agents of MJ-12 around 1973, Allen J Funk was there and Robert R Custer was the photographer, the Monkeys and Rolling Stones know him, so do all the heartthrob teenyboppers of the 1960′s. Bob, Allen, and I were a very tight group all during the 70′s.

          Beware of Judith on my left, Russ on my right walks thru battle fields while ordnance fails to detonated in his presence. Do I look evil? I don’t believe that my intentions are evil.

    • USNVeteran1997

      BUYER BEWARE!!! Do not order this book. Why? I actually fell for the trap back in November and I have yet to receive it. I’m telling you now before you make the mistake I did. Luckily it wasn’t a lot of money but it’s the principle. At this point, my humble opinion is that Juan is a scammer. I heard he did a round table with Charlie Ward not long ago. Don’t get me started on that guy but guilty by association in my book. Only proves I’m more right about Juan based off of my research back in the day regarding Ole Charlie Ward.

      • Debbie

        Cliff High did an excellent video pointing out that Juan and Parkes and Ward are Grifters…con men, liars, enjoying their 15 minutes of internet fame as “insiders in the know”….such utter bullshit…I think if anyone is paying them its ClA and Ml6 for spreading dis information and trying to prove that Trump supporters are stupid and gullible …..for months now they have lead us on a wild goose chase …moving the goal post month after month……..the truth is the dirty, disgusting, deceitful, satan worshipping pedophiles of the DEMONRAT Party have pulled off a successful coup……..every agency in our government is crooked, corrupt and part of the Communist coup…our military is under the direction of communist UN…

        • larry4765

          Debbie, I think you make more sense than anyone on this post or article.

          • Zinja

            I agree :lol:

          • Debbie

            It breaks my heart to say it………but we were all living our lives, working our jobs, paying our taxes, trying to raise decent children, every psychopath, sociopath, greedy, self serving pig in the world was weakling their way into our government …rotting it to the core….and now, much to our horror we are forced to stand by and watch the communist Demonrat Party steal it all away….America is finished.

            • Fake News = The False Prophet

              “working our jobs, paying our taxes”

              That’s not living your lives, that’s paying them for enslaving us.

        • Fake News = The False Prophet

          I have listened to Cliff High for years. He hasn’t got a stellar record of being right either. But always an interesting listen. Last week he was talking about a huge population event around the 8th. Can’t say I noticed anything.

    • Razor

      More ZIONIST bullshit. Do they NOT understand they have been EXPOSED?……TRUMP was a ZIONIST, just like ALL your political politicians. Two sides of the SAME COIN!…..

    • 2QIK4U


    • laughalot

      Dude could not conduct a professional interview if he tried. All his mumbling and Praise God every 3 seconds is fake. The guy thinks he is a star. Hardly from it. Just repeats what he hears. Stupid

    • Sir Steve

      I want to believe Juan…but he has not been right about anything. When called out, he gets angry, probably because he has been exposed. This is just a different kind of fear porn and I am addicted to it. I am trying to stop, but watching/listening to people say outlandish BS gives hope…false hope, but it is still something to cling to. But eventually, it will evaporate into nothing.
      I want to see someone call out Juan and don’t let him off the hook like he is some kind of Royalty. Beat him up a little until he admits my dog knows exactly as much as he does about Q, Trump and everything else he goes on about.

      • Malani

        Scott McKay does the same thing. If you question anything he says, he gets angry and snaps about it for 30 min on his live streams and tells you to go watch CNN. Scott is a major grifter……spends 1/2 of his “shows” promoting his “streetfighter” T-shirts.

    • CDKinNoVA

      Juan O’Savin, show your face and credentials and stop with the fear porn.

    • GAN

      Tens of millions of Americans will always regard Joe the Joke Biden as a fake president because of the massive election fraud. The United States now has a fake criminal president who will go down in history as one of the worst presidents the United States ever had.

    • Fake News = The False Prophet

      Stick to politics. Your occult stuff is like a repetition of the most simplistic stuff found on tinternet. Which wouldn’t be so bad if you didn’t deliver it like you independently know what you are talking about.

      One of those interviews that makes me give this guy a questioning glance once again.

      These guys are all over the shop. Mind you, I’d probably sound insane were I to do an interview :grin:

      • Fake News = The False Prophet

        In Sane… not such a bad place perhaps.

    • alan479

      Congress seems to think that if they can impeach Trump, then the military will no longer back him. They want to formally strip him of being the Commander in Chief. They never thought they would have this much trouble with the military and that they could control the generals by just being high ranking D.C. lawmaking political civilians. This problem was totally overlooked by these egomaniac,out of control/total control pinheads. Impeaching Trump (forgone mandated conclusion) will have no lasting effect and neither will all their new legislation last any longer than 6 months. Their own corrupt illegal election has invalidated everything done afterwards.

    • Rickenbocher

      Patrick Bryne said Trump is not coming back. It’s over

    • Jen the pen

      Hi Jennifer Eason, my name is Sharpe Eason we might be cousins

      • Fake News = The False Prophet

        Forewarned is forearmed.

    • Moses Hightower

      Dude you are in need of some serious psychiatric therapy to cure you from your crazy psychotic delusions!

    • Dan Hammer

      Boring SOS, nothing new here

    • herb lady

      How do I order Juan’s book?

    • Paola

      Release ALL evidence NOW !

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