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2022 Black Horse Year & Global Truth Celebration! - Bo Polny - Must Video

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By Greg Hunter’s 

Biblical cycle timing expert and geopolitical and financial analyst Bo Polny has been predicting a new era of time, and it’s now at our doorstep.  Polny is forecasting truth is coming to humanity, and the scales will be rebalanced in what Polny is calling a Black Horse year in 2022.  Polny explains, “Now we are at the point of ‘The Great,’ the Great exposure, the great removal, the great fall, the great overturning and the greatest movement of God’s Spirit in the history of the world.  This will directly relate to the great wealth transfer.  This is supposed to be eminent and as early as Christmas, or as early as the start of January 2022.   We are here now, and that is prophetic.”

Polny says this reflects the Third Seal of Revelation and goes on to explain, “There are two things that are written in that and that is a Black Horse, which is a representation of death and its scales, which is a rebalancing of the financial system.  My opinion here is you cannot stop the Black Horse.  So, I believe we are going to see death.  We will see a mass death of many of these evil ones that have this sick, sick agenda.”

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Polny admits the Black Horse might also mean death from the CV19 vaxed and boostered.

Polny’s Biblical timing is showing as much as an 80% stock market crash in 2022.  Polny says, “You’ve got the Black Horse event, and it tends to move with the stock market.  Every forty years, two things tend to happen:  a war and a huge crash.  If you look at 1942 and run a black line to 1982, we are looking at potentially an 80% stock market crash next year.  That would take the DOW down possibly to the 7,000 point range. . . .  Relating that to Bitcoin, that means it probably would crash too, and that would take Bitcoin down 80%.  That’s 80% off its high, and the high will be anywhere from $100,000 per unit to $300,000 per unit, but we have not seen the crazy yet.  We are going to see it go crazy because of the dollar event that is coming.”

The good news is evil will be fully exposed in what he calls a “global truth celebration.”  Polny predicts, “All these people fall.  All these shysters that have been running the world get exposed.  They not only get exposed, but they fall and lose all their wealth.  They lose everything and lose all their finances.  If the people running the market don’t get paid anymore, they are going to take their hand off the buy button, and the next thing you know, crash happens.  There are Seven Seals, and we have not seen the Third Seal, which is the great financial reset.  The financial reset comes with a Black Horse.  It’s truly historic, but it’s Biblical.  We are blessed to live in Biblical times.”

Polny says to protect your assets all you need is physical gold and silver, but number #1 is your relationship with God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ.

Join Greg Hunter of as he goes One-on-One with Biblical cycle expert and financial analyst Bo Polny, founder of 12.18.21.

(This write-up is only a small sample.  There is more in the over 1 hour 10 min. interview.)

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After the Interview: 

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    Total 6 comments
    • No time

      Once again, there’s more to this iniquitous agenda than just money, and this is written with a weeping heart: it’s called depopulation. The average human being is considered THEIR human capital that is in need of culling for their climate change agenda and purposes. After all, they say they are “creating a better world”, but it just happens NOT to include us! Object to the injections while you still can.

    • Morgana Le Fay

      The scales of the rider on the black horse doesn’t represent wealth redistribution, naive buffoon–at least not in the sense where it will benefit the average person. IT REPRESENTS FAMINE, and devaluation of wealth. In other words, your stupid @$$ will likely be starving, and you’ll be lucky if your paycheck will even afford you a loaf of bread.

    • Gordon

      Polny’s body language suggests that he is a little lost to understand what is going on. Its because he fails to see that the tribulation of revelations has commenced and Jesus has begun to open the seals; signalling judgment of mankind for his many evil works. Judgment also applies to the church which is terribly divided in her loyalties. At this time of great upheaval it is the mercy of God if He chastens the saints and refine them in the fire. We are about to enter the last leg of a 7000 year plan; and the hearts of the people need to get serious with God; rather than hope in more prosperity which at this point has more in common with idolatry.
      Watch out for the prophets that promote the later.

    • Archiebunker

      Blathering on and on about shitcoin and craptocurrency: I wouldn’t invest a nickel and either one or both of them. As for exposing all these bigwigs and corporate executives and the Brilliant Minds of Wall Street—- HUMBUG—- we know about Georgie sorry ass, the crass blob and others. Reports say they have been arrested, along with fauci, gates and that dumb bitch hillary, and the next day they’re right back in the news again! Ooooo ooh worry grief and doom,the stock market’s going to crash and burn, and wheelbarrows full of money won’t buy a slice of bread bla bla bla….NO SHIT SHERLOCK! It’s amazing we’ve lasted this long with all the stupid crap that’s been going on for decades and longer. The people that have money to buy gold have probably already done so, harping on it further ain’t worth 2/10 per cent of a rat’s ass! Trying to tie stories to biblical prophecy certainly will draw attention, No Doubt. But I think God will not be amused if you use the Bible for clickbait! I’ve spent enough time on this and I’m bored with it, bye.

    • LonePatriot3

      Reuters reporting Japan is at 1% of its COVID peak cases and falling. India is at 3% of its peak and falling. What did these countries do? Ditch vaccine mandates for ivermectin. Since April 28, India medical officials started providing hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin to its massive population. As India is the major pharmaceutical manufacturer in the world, they were ready for this massive drug distribution. MIRACULOUSLY!, COVID cases have plummeted quickly since then. Meanwhile, all “first world” countries in Europe are reporting a rise in cases. Get your ivermectin before it is too late!

    • Dr Richard Ruhling

      Hi John,
      I appreciate you and your witness for truth and I agree with the likelihood of many (maybe millions) dying from the shot in 2022.
      Actually it’s part of a “heads up” that Christ gave with 9-11 clues or links to Numbers 9:10,11 where contact with a dead body was a condition for observing Passover (time of judgment for Egypt, Christ and Jerusalem in 70 AD) a month later “as the days of Noah” when the Flood had Passover timing, but in the 2nd spring month because Noah had contact with a dead body–he was next of kin to Methuselah who died as a sign the Flood was coming–the name, Methuselah, meant “when he dies, it will come.” But for Christ to say it would be like that could mean we all have contact or no someone who died (from the shot).
      My study suggests that the black horse represents famine because is rations–”a measure of wheat for a penny (working man’s wage for a day) and three measures of barley for a penny…
      We are hearing hoofbeats of those approaching horses, but I don’t believe they start until 2023 and the signal they are about to start will be when Muslims siege Jerusalem as Zechariah 14:1,2 shows. The Muslims will be rejoicing over their Dome of the Rock Mosque that has an inscription, “Allah has no Son!” when suddenly “the Lord shall roar from Jerusalem…the heavens and earth will shake” Joel 3:16.
      That “roar” from the Liion of Judah Rev 5:5 is the thunder that John hears in Rev 6:1,2 for the white horse (BEFORE the red and black horse)

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