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By John Rolls (Reporter)
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This Is Scary Information! Dark Winter About To Become Reality! Major Blackouts Coming! - Must Video

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This is probably the scariest video you will ever watch, especially with the knowledge you now possess of what the Elites are doing to humanity.

Everyone should be preparing and stocking up on food for 6 months.

The Blackout will be just one of 3 Major Events to take place.

Part of the process is that we all have to face our fears and send love and forgiveness to the perpetrators, no matter how horrific their deeds. If this helps people identify their fears and clear them, it can be used for good. The ‘elites’ are desperate and powerless to prevent Christ Consciousness. Withdraw any attention and any consent you have ever given to their matrix and stand as a being of light in the Divine Jurisdiction. They have no authority over you other than what you give them.

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    Total 21 comments
    • Jango

      The Book of Revelation also explains the events of the End Times. They are not in agreement with your video. Therefore, I believe the Book of Revelation is the right version. More at

      • Anonymous

        Culturally and in the era it was written? Revelation events occur CYCLICALLY, not in tandem or sequential order we think of in the West in modern times. The asteroid component is 100% manufactured and FAKE, some new particle or DEW weapon will be used.

        • Anonymous

          the video omiits third temple and antichrist reign. and there is no way illuminati will be caught/ killed in their bunkers.
          2021 when Christ reached adulthood, and the inverse of 2012, has passed w/out a ‘big event’ and that is a major fail for the Elite

    • LonePatriot3

      Ivermectin help reduce the severity of vaccine adverse reactions. If someone is suffering from a post vaccine syndrome, FLCCC clinicians and a growing network of colleagues have reported significant clinical responses to ivermectin. Because Ivermectin has 5 different mechanisms of action against coronaviruses, the medication is also effective with the different variants of the virus. Get your Ivermectin while you still can!

      • Anonymous

        Take your ads and shove em. this is NOT a commercial sales site.

    • Debbie

      Send “love and forgiveness to the perpetrators”? No….it’s way past time to send massive lead injections to the perpetrators …I really doubt God wants or expects to forgive these Satanists behind the deaths of millions…

      Trump – proud father of – WARP SPEED GENOCIDE…and still pushing the lethal shots for the conjob-19 Fauci/Gates/Obama GAIN OF FUNCTION virus…..release the virus – get the media to talk it up to scare people and drive them to take the actual bioweapon which is the shot….

      IS TRUMP A 33 DEGREEE SATANIC MURDERING FREEMASON totally part of the entire plannedemic from the very start ?

      Did Trump decide to just take a dive in the 2020 election steal and allow Biden to come in to destroy America for the CCP and British Crown?

      Worst Judges on the Supreme Court after stupid lesbian Sotomayer are the two Trump put on – Kavanaugh and Barrett…..

      Trump hired two worst Attorney Generals from the SES swamp pool – Sessions and Barr….was he just too fukking stupid or was it the plans?

      Trump pardons a. bunch of filthy thieving Jews but not Assange who’s only crime was putting the truth out there…

      Why didn’t Trump finish the border wall before the end of his term? Why didn’t he fire American terrorist Chris Wray from heading up the filthy FBI? Why did he go to the CIA to tell what a good a job they were doing when the CIA is clearly and anti-America terrorist group working for the British Crown and Rothschilds?

      Why didn’t Trump designate the Mexican Cartels as terrorists group which would have made them much easier to defeat?

      Why did Trump run again with PedoPence? Yeah, Mike Pence is a well known satanist and pedophile.

      • Apollo is the A/C

        Debbie………………all great points……………& u my friend are completely correct. Just when I feel I am alone in noticing all these things, someone like you comes along & restores my faith in Humanity. It will take people the likes of YOU (and me) to keep the flame of TRUTH burning!!!! You just made my day!!!!!! :grin:

      • smoking gun

        spot on …couldnt have said it bettter

      • SnakeEyes40

        Let’s see some actual PROOF that Trump is a Freemason, Debbie. As far as your armchair quarterbacking every single decision he made during his Presidency, I’m sure YOU could’ve done a better job, and of course you’re in possession of more top secret intelligence than the President of The United States. The fact is, you have no idea what’s going on any more than anyone else, and these people patting you on the back for your copied and pasted anti-Trump rant (that you’ve used 10 million times now) are just as clueless as you are. As a Leftist, you are part of the PROBLEM.

        • Anonymous

          piss off you gullible Dunce. learn some critical thinking skills. Anyone- esp a pedophile like Dump- who wishes sex blackmail handler GHISLAINE MAXWELL “best of luck” on her arrest??? If anyone else said the stuff Trojan Horse Trump does? a dumb cuck like you would be screaming bloody murder. wtfu or stfu

      • Wellingtondeb

        Nice to see all common sense has not been “educated” out of folks….Those Trump folks do not have the ability to put 2 + 2 together…they don’t bother to study history…and they sure don’t have any understanding about how this old world works…Good questions that only have one answer….Frump is working for the opposition of mankind…period. Sold his soul in one of his bankruptcies or might just be doing it for the love of Satan. Either way…he managed to fool a lot of folks that refuse to wake up to the fact they have been duped.

    • No time

      The century old NWO plan to depopulate the world was fast-tracked with the roll out of the mRNA experimental gene therapy shots, but the plan is so evil and obvious now that millions of sheep are beginning to wake up – and those sheep are transforming into wolves.

    • Will

      The best laid plans of mice and the evil of men. have little to do with the Glory of God . and the redemption that comes from Jesus Christ.

    • SnakeEyes40

      I’ll send them love and forgiveness, alright. In a rifle barrel.

    • HfjNUlYZ

      Your intelligence agencies need to research flat earth. Our realm is flat and stationary with the firmament above as stated in scripture. Asteroids do not exist, space does not exist, and the spinning ball earth heliocentric model is false. Your depicting a great flood in which cities will be underwater but God promised to never flood the earth again.
      Sure, some of the horrific events could happen in the future but you lost me at “an Asteroid hitting the earth”!
      I believe the “white hats” / military is in control as the evil cabal is being dismantled and we’re witnessing the fall of the Old Guard. The evil cabal “controllers” have deceived the masses through NASA since the 50′s and have indocrinated us to believe the utter nonsense of a spinning ball earth in an endless vacuum of space.
      “We live in an enclosed system, the controllers have lied to us about everything, including our history.”
      We need to get our cosmology straight and understand that space does not exist and that this flat earth realm is intelligently designed by God. We are at the center of creation, not the Sun!
      Asteroids are pure fiction and only exist in movies. The evil cabal controllers have used asteroids to instill fear in people and is one of the ways they control people….by fear.
      What’s next, the alien invasion??

      • D.Christian

        Yes, they are going to try and fool as many as they can about an alien invasion in order to ‘unite’ the ‘globe’ against a common enemy. All I needed to convince me of a flat earth was time-lapse video footage of the skies/’stars’ at night – with the ‘north star’ always at center. The sun, moon and stars are all light sources and placed there by God. Atheists worship their science and satanists hate that we are all living in God’s plan(et)… plain(et)… You would think people would ask why the ‘solar system’ consisted of plain(ets) and not ‘globes’…no debates and everyone needs to be aware of the real enemy led by satan who (like his followers) hates this world and anything of God.

    • Tedx

      Why would US and Russian intelligence agencies give classified information to a Spanish academic?

      There’s a succer born every day and two to take them.

      • Jimmy

        This sounds like nothing but Illuminati’s Predictive Programming,… Wishlist of Last Resort,… for where everything else fails,… & they need to cut humanity’s Jugular vein,… in the most vile, inhumane, disgusting, vulgar, evil & nefarious play,… anyone could envision,… This message is not to save anyone,… but to implant into their brains the most vile & destructive thoughts ever possible,…

    • @OratorBlog Information Warrior



      Do you need a proven prescription “Ivermectin” that doctors will not write because they will lose their license to practice??? Where can we get this without a prescription???

      Omicron equals Moronic…same letters…they are playing us…WAKEUP AMERICA!!!

    • lightquest

      Who are you, sir? Why don’t you give us your name. What is your background?
      Why would these top authorities call you?
      Personally, I don’t trust you!

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