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By John Rolls (Reporter)
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Dr. David Martin: Exposing The Coup D'Etat & The Plot to Steal America! - Must Video

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David is one of the best public speakers I’ve ever seen. I’m a professional in the area somewhat and have had lots of training on speaking. David Martin is seriously at the top of the best in the world.

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    Total 16 comments
    • HTLIII

      Dr. Martin for HEUU.

    • indeboy

      I SAY THIS THROUGH TEARS.. DAVID MARTIN IS A REAL MAN. I have known about that mass murderer and his Chapel Hill gain of function since day one. It was that knowledge that caused me never to give this crap a thought. This should spark the nation,
      I am not even an American, but a retired guy living in Asia.

    • Anonymous

      i wonder who side god was on when small pox wiped out half the worlds known population on three different times…plus who was god watching over when the plague wiped out up 70 percent cities population,in mountain communities with clean water and decent sewers only 10 percent fatal –nearly 90 percent of churches members were wiped out in cities because seeking relief from the disease they thought hanging out in the church would protect them…nope

      • Tedx

        Perhaps God decided those who did not carry the Delta-32 allele were usurping resources intended for those who did.

      • Tom Terrific

        You do greatly err neither knowing the scripture or the power thereof. YHVH is only concerned with those that obey him. Only 6 were saved from the flood and there well could have been 8 billion on the earth. Sorry to tell you but no-one that was drowned was innocent. At least one that was saved from the flood was not saved and I think it likely Noah’s wife may not have been. There is a reason why they say a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. There is a reason YHVH says Presumption is the great transgression and you presume much and you also don’t think YHVH should judge men but you presume to judge YHVH. Repent and get right if you can but if you left the path there is no more sacrifice for you. You may have gone too far presuming to teach and be under a harsher judgment and have been ordained to condemnation since before the foundation of the earth. If so maybe you can least lessen your punishment by stopping your evil. Basic Hell is bad enough so not to have it any worse is worth a lot.


      this must be shared far and wide :!:

    • 4Pureblood

      Dr. Robert Malone on posted irrefutable proof of the Ivermectin success story in India. Ivermectin needs to be allowed for medical use and for doctors to prescribe it immediately in United States. It is an act of criminal malfeasance to keep up the sham in the face of overwhelming proof and overwhelming harm to the people of this nation. If you want you can get it from

    • DeniMac

      He seems to be letting Trump off easy. Signing documents without ready them. Perhaps ALL presidents do this?

      Let’s not forget ‘warp speed’ on the ‘vaccine’ that’s killing people… is his baby.

      • Dtex

        Trump didn’t know the vaccines were going to kill people before the vaccines were even made. He got them rushed to us probably because he assumed Biden wouldn’t. And he assumed they were authentic vaccines just like all the rest of us did at first.

    • marko

      okay so this guy david martin sounds great, great speaker and he sounds like hes on our side but heres the problem my brothers and sisters, these vipers, the khazaian zionists that run and own everything including hollywood have mind controlled us for a very long time, they have ai and they have holly wood and they have trillions upon trillions of dollars , the military, media, science, acedemia, sports, religion, all politicians, world leader, law enforcement , lawyers, judges, etc to do whatever they want and what they want is to kill us followers of Christ.. your not gonna like what comes next but we need to face these realities , they have fooled us and played us like a pinao over and over .. david martin sounds great but just look at his website.. free masonary all over it.. we will know them by there fruits, he worships satan and not the God af abraham isaac and jacob.. same with trump.. blatantly obvious his hand signals to satan, all the executive orders he siigned, the 5g bills, operation warp speed, he approved mrna research in 2017 so all this evil could happen,hes worked with gates, musk, schwab, lieber and azar and even had lieber arrested so he could not talk about the illegal eua and the trillions they took for their vax program.. this guy lieber had 66 patents.. and now he cant talk about them.. perfect guy to arrest so none of this would come out.. trump said his bloood is the vaccine, trump keepos telling the story about the snake and says you knew i…

      • Mindblow


      • Tom Terrific

        Yep Marko things are bad and satanists by many different names have infiltrated and controlled almost everything of consequence. Do Know YHVH is in control and Satan can never go further than he allows. We are being punished for not obeying his word. This God wins sounds great but YHVH’s name was removed from the Bible 200 years before Christ and some of the accusations against Paul were for using the name the Synagogue of Satan declared Illegal to say. Some Satanist keeps saying YHVH is Satan. I hope he enjoys swimming in a lake of fire forever.
        Confess your sin and sins of our country people and fast and pray. That is what is called for. Live like the called out at Philadelphia in Re 3 as only they will be kept from the tribulation. The rapture does not take place until Christ cuts the second half of the 70th week short for the sake of the Elect who are still here because the Rapture has not yet occurred. I noticed David was justifying sodomy. He may be straight but act of such people is aq part of most if not all masonic initiations. By doing the initiate is given over to a reprobate mind by YHVH. I am not for what Fauci did to them but I will not say it is not a grave sin as YHVH says it is.
        BTW just refresh the page after submitting,see where your comment stopped go back and delete all that came before and submit again to get your whole comment shown in two comments.

      • indeboy

        I have searched high and low for Martins web site. Maybe you should of added it to you comment
        it would have made checking up on him a lot easier.
        Frankly I enjoyed the video and hope that it goes far enough to bring all this crap down.

        • Mindblow

          try, David

    • DD

      How is that piece of shit Fauci still walking around????

    • Mina

      Dr. Martin is well spoken and quite convincing. But blaming the current situation on this person or that person is misleading and completely misses the mark.

      We have an of control government, unbound by the dictates of our Constitution. It’s a government of practically unlimited assumed powers, financed by Legal Plunder and operating primarily in service to global corporations. That pathological beings, similar to that entity, having no empathy or morals and driven by insatiable lust for wealth and power, should find their way into elevated positions within this abomination should be expected. We shouldn’t blame these beings for the operating within a system that attracts and rewards them; that misses the mark. As filth does with flies and maggots, remove the filth and the flies and maggots will no longer be a problem.

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