U.S. Air Force General Names The Traitors & Plot To Destroy America! - SGT Report Must Video
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It is very obvious to see what is going on. I just can’t believe that no group of good warriors have done anything to stop it, even while the children are being murdered and maimed by their stupid parents.
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All talk, no actions, all in it together!
If this bloke named Traitors then JOHN ROLLS must have also been mentioned… Since he is the Stooge posting FAKE NEWS 24/7 SINCE AMERICA FELL
The TRAITORS have been out in the open since 9/11 Don’t see any of you so called Patriot’s and Vets standing Armed at your local Military Bases Demanding them to act now ! If you all stopped listening to these Fuktards and THOUGHT WHAT WOULD RAMBO DO YOU MAY SAVE AMERICA BEFORE IT’S TO LATE ! As another Ambulance goes past me at 2AM… THE GENOCIDE PROGRAM IS IN EFFECT
Is this where I get hopium I need a fix 💉
I’m getting my humanitarian pipedreams in order, ready to spend my dongs and zim once the RV and Gesra/Nesara happens.
A general that does not understand that leadership is necessary to an armed resistance. you know you are taught in school that the British at Concord were foolish not to take to the bushes but had they would have been destroyed. A cohesive force is stronger than everyone doing their own thing. Auto fire weapons so firing in volleys with the front ranks kneeling so the next rank could fire over their heads made for a daunting array of fire power. I had a friend that was a B-25 Pilot flying the hump in WWII. He said the first time they were attacked he broke formation and went low and he got reamed out for it. I explain the idea of the formation was to present a nearly impenetrable wall of bullets to the fighter but breaking off left him far more vulnerable. Safe to say that was the first time someone explain that to him.
Watch “Zulu” or at least the Battle portion. Being Hollywood it is not completely accurate to the real event but illustrative of my point. The battle of Rorke’s Drift in 1879 pitted 150 not battle ready British troops against 4500 Brave Zulu warriors fresh from a victory over !700 troops. this small band should have been easy pickings especially if they had know the officer in charge was an engineer with no battle experience . But a keen mind and understand of how make his troops work as a cohesive unit was the decisive factor. Read the history and watch the movie. truly a great event and movie.
Now back to the General do you think a hodge podge of…
We were also taught in school to BEWARE the “Trustworthy” friendly Drug dealers remember but seems that goes out the window when it’s the TV Telling you to line up for a LIE ! 😇💉💀💀💀💀💀💀💀😭😡
Precisely. But the war that is fixing to occur in America will be a Guerilla War. Millions of hit and run fire teams that will make Vietnam and Afghanistan look like a Church Social. No organized Military has ever been able to defeat an Army they can’t see or detect. Every Convoy will be relentlessly hit 24/7 by a hidden force. Operations will be sabotaged day and night. Not a good place to be if you are in a Military supporting a Marxist Regime that is hated by an overwhelming majority of its victim State. When a populous discovers they have nothing left to lose and are armed to the teeth , the Politicians and Military leaders will have no place to run or hide from them. Because they won’t be able to trust their own COMRADES. It always ends that way.
No Military with smart officers that were allowed to make decisions and fight was ever defeated by Guerilla Warfare. You need to understand those conflict were meant to be on going Many people make gobs of money and government have more power while they go on. It is pretty hard to fight with no food and supplies. As I tried to point out Red Dawn made a good movie but was not realistic, I am not saying you have to lay down and take it. Die with your boots on, but realize that guy knows real winning military pursues and cleans our Guerillas. or moves on to other targets and collapse the country. Go look at what the foolish officers did Verses the like of Douglas MacArthur and Patton. They were taking huge losses taking those south Pacific islands and Douglas MacArthur came in and took them losing on 2-3 men. Some that posed no threat he just went around. Same with Patton. He was an aggressive smart fighter. I would say good like just keep up with him to Guerillas and then settle your affairs before attacking. Too many ideas these days are base on movies. maybe I should tell you in real life cars rarely go flying and spinning in the air or blow up or even catch fire when crashing.
Put your trust in YHVH and not only the prayers of the righteous get heard, so learn the command of YHVH and Christ and obey them. Despite being dismissed by false preachers the Beatitudes are like Christ’s “Ten Commandments” and bad news you really need to understand the Old Statesman to understand what he is saying Study obey and study more.
Wait until the Marxist starve out the population and start raiding their private property to seize their guns? Then get back to me if you are still breathing. And all of that is coming as sure as I am typing this reply.
I am familiar with the way they always do things. Waiting for Trump to come “tomorrow” is false hope. There is an old son “Tomorrow Never Comes”. I could write book of DJT deceptions.
If you read with a clear mind my problem is with saying people will win without leadership and coordination. You wait for the military and UN, Chinese and whose ever troops with more than puny “assault rifle” that are not even assault rifles and die with your boots on. I would rather have fought to the death at Bataan and Corregidor and many survivors 50 year later still said they would rather have gone down fighting. Just know as far as winning, it is very unlikely.
I have suggest putting wanted dead or alive warrants and bounties of a Million dollars on these criminals and cut the head off the snake. Look how out matched Ukraine soldiers are against better trained and armed Russians who are fight with one hand tied behind their back and trying not to hurt civilians. Have you ever seen a Warthog in action? You live in a dream world.
I do not put my confidence in man or machine but the one True and all powerful Elohiym. He is my rock and protection in all evil. If he choose to Martyr me, I won’t enjoy the pain but the greater glory I enter into the Kingdom with will last forever. If you want his protection Come to Christ with and broken and contrite spirit and repent and ask forgiveness and do not justify any of your sins. Then learn and obey his word and learn some more and obey…
I am fa what you learn til death. The USA has brought judgment on itself with sodomite acceptance. abortion, acceptance of false religion. incest. hook up culture and more. These times call for repentance , prayer and fasting but I know that is not as sexy as fighting in your own strength for you. You talk to me each Sabbath through eternity at the end of the day when YHVH make me look upon you in the Lake of Fire. Oh wait you won’t see me as you will be in total darkness. There are bigger things than the physical. we are in a spiritual battle and few troops are trained and have the armor of YHVH to join that battle.
All the enemy’s weapon pose no challenge to just a word spoken by YHVH
Secret Mysteries of America’s Beginning
individuals would be like the British or the Zulu going against trained soldiers? They say in battle at least in previous wars only one in five will fire their weapons. Honestly most that own weapons do not get proficient with them. See how Ukrainians fare against better trained Russians. There needs to be a plan and leadership for this to work, otherwise it is suicide. Wolverine style resistance could harass but not defeat the enemy. Enjoy “Red Dawn” but don’t believe it is realistic.
I can see the General is in no shape for the trenches but he could build a pool of leaders. At least put out some instruction on how to survive and win a fire fight. That is if he is not controlled opposition.
arrest obama and hang him. george bush, his son george, clinton, obama through acquaintance grabbe our constitution. all we have to do is demand it back with our guns. it’s like to people. one is drinking coffee. he sets his cup down. the other picks it up and starts drinking. if the first person says nothing he is acquaintly giving up his cup of coffee. but if he salys you give me back my coffee he has to do it.
I understand, General, that it is important that the public realizes that we have been taken over by the demonic elite. Letting things play out seems to have helped convert many clueless Dems. However, being a conservative in a Dem City (Iowa is a red state but Des Moines are all in love with Obama), I can tell you many still are asleep and will never wake up. I have never had a vaccine as an adult, I did not wear a mask or social distance — I left my church which required this and the churches are silent or completely clueless. I have and will continue to rebel and not comply. We in the middle class are spending all our time protecting our children, working to feed our families and hunkering down for upcoming famine and the dollar crash. Unless we take arms, how can we fight back when the legal system, healthcare, etc are all corrupt and would throw us in jail or fine us to infinity. I suggest that the National Guard in each state be deployed to protest and protect the armed citizens and then we could come out in mass to demand the arrest and trials for these demons (local & national). This would also help wake-up those sleeping, including the silent churches. We must demand that pastors, priests, etc hit the streets with the people and fight against the pedophile and corruption. Our cry would be: “DO NOT COMPLY, IT IS A LIE”.
Father God, we come before You, asking for Divine Intervention, bc with You, Nothing is Impossible….. We see the evil, it is so ugly, and we believe You are in control On Your Throne…. doesn’t appear to be any ‘human’ way to stop this satanic onslaught, we thank You for pouring out Your Spirit upon us, so that we continue to warfare in the heavenlies, we thank You and we Praise You for what You’re doing, we are so grateful, help us to wait on You, direct our steps, order our thoughts, in this battle , through Your Son’s Name we pray. Amen.
Human’s started it. Humans CAN stop it… I hope they rise up because everyone is A DECADE LATE 😐
Be on the look out for DARK GYNO 95
Will the real Slim Shady please stand up?
I said…
Who’s SLIM SHADY 38?
SLIM SHADY 110… jiggy jiggy u know wat and who said wat… jiggy jiggy
Now join me as we head torda… new world orda
This should wake up everyone!
if we come out in force the left will either sick antifa on them. or the police on them or national guard. or the un and or nato. i think that is the onlly reason biden did not sent troops to ukraine is to have them stand by take down the patriots.
the CONSTITUTIONAL SHERIFFS should ACT… AND IF LOCAL 2A PEOPLE APPROACH THE OTHER SHERIFFS THEY [[BY NOW]] SHOULD BE READY TO BLOCK ANY MOVES BY FEDS OR UN.. when they see the local people are not going to tolerate more lawless lockdowns and hysteria-generating fake public health..
Print out the doctor’s pages of the TREATMENTS FOR EACH OF THE THREAT-DISEASES so it’s immediately clear that the emergency is a fake.
The sheriffs are NOT SUBJUGATED TO ANY FORCE OTHER THAN THE CONSTITUTION. unlike the current USMarshalls
I agree with pa paw. Taking over America would be a cluster fuck nightmare for anyone attempting it. When you can’t tell the populous from the guerilla fighters ( like in Nam) it’s hard to know who to shoot. Imagine being asked to enter a country that has violence on a massive scale every single weekend in the cities, rural country folk armed to the teeth and wary of strangers, more guns per citizen than any country on earth and people fighting for their very existence in land only they are familiar with and you are tasked with disarming them. Plan on casualties.
Have you ever seen combat video of night visio helicopters miles away pick off men that cannot hear or see them. Can you make a 500 yards shot under fire? Not likely. Can they make a miles long shot? Yes. Do they use a .223 or a .308? No they may well use a 20mm that can penetrate most cover you might have. Can they use the aresol bombs and suck the breath out of your lus in yopur basement or foxhole. Yes. Do they robots that are armed? Yes!Do they have chain guns that can turn a concrete block wall to powder in seconds? Yes. and this is before we speak of mortars rockets and missiles. Do you have 3rd gen night vision? No? They do. Remember the geurillas Paw spike of all were being supplied by other Gov’ts or CIA. You can’t go far on what you can carry. Obey Christ and trust in him and YHVH and not arms and men. If you do so you can watch a thpusand fall to your left and ten thousand fall on your right and be ok. Few are saved. Very few. Worry about that first.
truly I am not trying to put you down but make you see reality. Watch this and realize we may be taking over soon. I think if it must be hope it is the Russians.
So, we hear, “the American people need to wake up.” What are they/we supposed to do? We can vote but not until November, if we are going to be allowed to. That leaves us with…… what, exactly. Do not misunderstand me. I am not fearful. However, what do people normally do to stop an armed robber (these folks are). It sounds like to me that a counter insurrection is called for. The first insurrection was the stealing of the election in 2020. To combat that, an insurrection to break the first insurrection is needed. Do you not agree? How far are you willing to go??
Let’s be honest … The 2% Jew population owns the media, the politicians, American foreign policy, big tech, Facebook, Hollywood, the publishing companies, the banking system and Wall Street. Jews are pushing BLM, Critical Race Theory, equity, the culture of victimhood, multiculturalism, censorship, feminism, etc. on us Gentiles. Everything rotten in America has Jews as the main cause of it.